View Full Version : 1750pts Khorne Daemonkin

Jared van Kell
07-26-2015, 10:58 AM
A list a came up with today when I added a unit of Khorne Bereskers and a second Forgefiend to my Black Legion army. It pretty much covers all of the bases with a good mixture of dedicated shooting and assault units as well as a few units that can fulfill both roles. The plan is simple really, the Bloodthirster, Bloodletters and Khorne Berzerkers will head out across the battlefield looking to get to grips with the enemy. The Chaos Spacemarines will move on the objectives whilst the Helldrake and Forgefiends will target enemy vehicles and flyers. Overall it is a fun army that should perform well.

The Dark Hunt


Harakoth the Warmonger

Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury - Axe of Khorne, Lash of Khorne, Warp-forged armour. 250


Squad Cyphis

Aspiring Champion - Mark of Khorne, Combi-bolter, Chain-axe, Power armour, Frag and Krak grenades.
9 Chaos Spacemarines - Boltguns, Bolt pistols, 2 Meltaguns, Close combat weapons, 2 Meltaguns, Power armour, Frag and Krak grenades.
Chaos Rhino - Combi-bolter, Searchlight, Smoke launcher. 244

Squad Vengal

Aspiring Champion - Mark of Khorne, Combi-bolter, Chain-axe, Power armour, Frag and Krak grenades.
9 Chaos Spacemarines - Boltguns, Bolt pistols, 2 Meltaguns, Close combat weapons, Power armour, Frag and Krak grenades.
Chaos Rhino - Combi-bolter, Searchlight, Smoke launcher. 244

Arkul's Brotherhood

Berzerker Champion - Mark of Khorne, Bolt pistol. Powerfist, Power armour, Frag and Krak grenades.
9 Khorne Berserkers - Mark of Khorne, Bolt pistols. Close combat weapons, Power armour, Frag and Krak grenades.
Chaos Rhino - Combi-bolter, Searchlight, Smoke launcher. 265

The Children of Death

16 Bloodletters - Hellblades. 160

Fast Attack


Heldrake - Hades Autocannon, Daemonic possession. 170

Heavy Support

The Dark Song

Forgefiend - 2 Hades Autocannons, Ectoplasm cannon, Daemonic possession. 205

The Iron Rage

Forgefiend - 2 Hades Autocannons, Ectoplasm cannon, Daemonic possession. 205

Total - 1748

Let me know what you think.

JvK :cool: