View Full Version : Adepta Sororitas Imperial Knight

07-26-2015, 08:51 AM
This is my first post just showing a project I'm working on at the moment.
This will be be my Imperial Knight Warden addition to my sisters of battle army.


Still a bit of tidying up to do with some greenstuff and some work on the shoulder pads.

07-26-2015, 05:33 PM
Nice! And an interesting notion as well. I have Knight (yet to be built, of course) that I obtained to use as an Allied Detachment for my Sisters. Are you going to make up some fluff to go along with your Sororitas Knight?

07-27-2015, 10:20 AM
It pains me to say this, but you do know infantry and vehicles are a different scale... Sorry! But otherwise I think it will look nice when painted

07-27-2015, 02:02 PM
Yes, was thinking of some fluff.

The story will basically be that on an newly reclaimed imperial world a dig turned up an ancient tomb containing the knight and some ecclesiastical relics. The newly created church, on that world, immediately forced the archeologists to turn over the knight and relics to the church. The ecclisiarch then, with a bit of persuasion to the local mechanicus, had it converted to be the figurehead of his holy reclamation of that planets populous along with a force of Adepta Sororitas.

07-31-2015, 07:32 AM
Oooo! Paint! Paint! Paint! Paint!

Nice work =P

08-01-2015, 03:54 PM
Very Cool! Can't wait to see it finished.

08-03-2015, 08:15 AM
Very nice! I'd love to see the final paint job.

Wolf of Winter
08-05-2015, 02:20 PM
Bonkers. Truly bonkers. LOVE IT!! Very much looking forward to seeing this in full glorious Technicolor! Well done!