View Full Version : Is Age of Sigmar in BETA testing?

07-24-2015, 05:07 PM
Something struck me today, Age of Sigmar seem like it's in BETA testing phase. The rules were released for free, the game is very bare bones and is lacking a lot in the way of balance. Things like missing point costs, measuring from the model, proximity issues, and cover issues just to start are going to require an errata that is as big, if not bigger, than the currently released rules. So I can't help but ponder if this isn't a BETA version. GW has never shied away from making money, they slap their name on other people's products and add a huge markup. So the idea that GW would release rules for free is absurd, some claim 'it's a new model' but that was quickly dashed as the new supliment book is out and it's $49.99. So I wonder if GW will release a more complete version of the rules in the coming months. Any thoughts?

07-24-2015, 08:25 PM
They're quite clear that Age of Sigmar will always have free rules, everything rule wise needed to play Age of Sigmar will be available for free.

Also I'd like you to reference where exactly they've slapped their name on other people's products and added a huge markup :)

Beyond that the people who feed us accurate rumors have said that age of sigmar has been play tested far more than any recent release (take that to mean what you will) and on top of that I would argue that 40k is even more unbalanced than age of sigmar :)

07-24-2015, 09:52 PM
Um...like paints, files, hobby knives, clippers....most of these were/are 3rd party gear with GW branding

07-25-2015, 12:04 AM
Paints have been made by them for a long time, they were made in China for a bit but it was GWs factory. I can't say for sure for the present but in 2002 the only thing they outsourced was printing, which I believe they still do.

I think Ravingbantha is right though, I think we'll see AoS develop over time, quite sensible really see how the market takes it and adjust accordingly. Free and short rules makes this very easy to do and add to via supplements. It is pretty much what they did with rogue trader, all be it with longer basic rules

07-25-2015, 02:45 AM
Because a game fills in-complete to you does not make it a beta its called a format of design what if I told you instead of all the rule being in 1 big book its spread out over 3 category's

4 page = core rules every army follows
warscrolls = rules for each unit
Campagin book = Rules for each mission type and rules for the realm

Since when has point values ever been a means for balance last I heard and please correct me if I am wrong the first editions of warhammer did not have point values and they added them later on if I recall to prevent spam lists or people just being a dick in general apparently the community still hasn't grown up and cant think of a way to establish games with there brains.

Measuring from a model is to prevent people gaining added distance from movement because if the model is placed you have a bubble of distance around you looking from above a model can turn on all sides within the bubble but at no point can any part of the model exceed that bubble of distance if you do it from base because combat is done by models measure the base say 5" distance but the model is overlapping ahead of the base getting into combat would give you that added distance when you charge also last I recall anything on the base when it comes to design of the base is technically part of the model too the base as in the round black thing is what there referring to as the base.

Deployment is the balance in this game not points value's you can bring your hole collection you don't have to use all the models you bring but it gives you a great option of what to deploy also you have risks deploying too much in the form of sudden deaths and who go's first also take into consideration that deployment is done in a take turn fusion to encourage you to counter the enemy model in a game of bluffing.

People need to wake up and start thinking rather then having rules play the game for you.

07-25-2015, 04:48 AM
The good thing for GW is that they can always say they were BETA testing later, if/when they find the new system tanking. The current situation leaves them plenty of wiggle room. In short, they would like this approach to work, but I have no doubt when it doesn't they will begrudgingly introduce more rules.

Mr Mystery
07-25-2015, 04:54 AM
Let's look at the history of GW....

7 Editions of 40k.

4 Editions of Epic

4 (I think) Editions of Bloodbowl

9 Editions of Warhammer

2 Editions of Necromunda

3 Editions of Space Hulk.

Everything is in 'beta testing' all the time. Some are slight tweaks, other larger overhauls. I see little reason why Age of Sigmar would be any different.

Erik Setzer
07-25-2015, 10:19 AM
They're quite clear that Age of Sigmar will always have free rules, everything rule wise needed to play Age of Sigmar will be available for free.

Eh... I'm not seeing the scenarios online for free. Those are rules. They also make for a much better game than just "pile up in the middle and roll dice until someone runs out of models," so they're kind of necessary. Especially if you're marketing the game on the ability to do interesting stories with the matches.

Filthy Casual
07-25-2015, 11:11 AM
Eh... I'm not seeing the scenarios online for free. Those are rules. They also make for a much better game than just "pile up in the middle and roll dice until someone runs out of models," so they're kind of necessary. Especially if you're marketing the game on the ability to do interesting stories with the matches.

Write your own.

No one ever said all the rules would be free.

Erik Setzer
07-25-2015, 11:32 AM
Write your own.

No one ever said all the rules would be free.

Except that's what was said above, in this very topic, that I was replying to.

Do try to keep up, okay?

Filthy Casual
07-25-2015, 01:05 PM
Except that's what was said above, in this very topic, that I was replying to.

Do try to keep up, okay?

Wow, no one claimed all the rules would be free. They said that all you'd need to play is free, which it is.

Well done for only writing two sentences to say that though.

Erik Setzer
07-25-2015, 05:35 PM
Wow, no one claimed all the rules would be free. They said that all you'd need to play is free, which it is.

Well done for only writing two sentences to say that though.

"They're quite clear that Age of Sigmar will always have free rules,"

So, yeah.

And if you're trying to get technical... you're still wrong.

The game needs scenarios to make it more interesting than "just pile up in the middle." They made some, sure, but you currently have to buy a $74 book for them (or $130 if you got the version I did).

I suppose technically you're right. All that's necessary to play a boring, repetitive game with no depth is free. If you're happy with that, well, I guess more power to you. That's not going to attract, much less keep the attention of, many new players. Especially when they see that while the rules for this get-in-the-middle-and-roll-dice-until-someone-wins-fest are free, the models are certainly not, and starting even a small Sigmarite army will cost in the range of $200-$300 for just 20-25 models.

But hey, you probably want the game to fail, so yeah, you totally don't want them putting scenarios for people to use online, right?

Well done for being a consistent troll. But you're hitting the three marks of stupid, dishonest, and boring. The first two I forgave for a while thinking you might become interesting, but nah, you're just boring. Toodles.

Mr Mystery
07-25-2015, 06:04 PM
Hey guys, instead of measuring your thingies, why not contribute to the discussions?

I mean, some dishy guy has started a thread about the mortal realms and what they might be. Go. Join in. Put your thingy away and your tape measure down.

Erik - you've already made a good contribution, so post not aimed at you.

Captain Bubonicus
07-25-2015, 06:50 PM
"They're quite clear that Age of Sigmar will always have free rules,"

So, yeah.

And if you're trying to get technical... you're still wrong.

The game needs scenarios to make it more interesting than "just pile up in the middle." They made some, sure, but you currently have to buy a $74 book for them (or $130 if you got the version I did).

I suppose technically you're right. All that's necessary to play a boring, repetitive game with no depth is free. If you're happy with that, well, I guess more power to you. That's not going to attract, much less keep the attention of, many new players. Especially when they see that while the rules for this get-in-the-middle-and-roll-dice-until-someone-wins-fest are free, the models are certainly not, and starting even a small Sigmarite army will cost in the range of $200-$300 for just 20-25 models.

But hey, you probably want the game to fail, so yeah, you totally don't want them putting scenarios for people to use online, right?

Hmmm...maybe they're using "freemium" sales tactics?

07-26-2015, 06:46 PM
Last I recall they said the core rules and warscrolls are free that is correct but they never said anything about rules that come with campaign books as free they are content for the campaign books not to the core rules think of them as a extension to add flavour to your games after all you can still play the game without them.

People need to stop grasping at "OH THEY SAID THIS" and claim that they are in the right just because a mention of something is free to the core ideal's of the game does not mean every information that comes out in other books should be deemed free as well.

To be honest I think customers are becoming more and more arrogant and stupid as time go's past because I deal with these sort of customers at the place I work where our competitor says something is free or some deal as such and they come to us arguing that we lied about a deal that had nothing to do with us saying crap about suing due to false advertising people need to read the fine print instead of jumping to allegations over stuff.

07-28-2015, 10:02 AM
All that's necessary to play a boring, repetitive game with no depth is free. If you're happy with that, well, I guess more power to you. That's not going to attract, much less keep the attention of, many new players. Especially when they see that while the rules for this get-in-the-middle-and-roll-dice-until-someone-wins-fest

Um, I take it you don't really have a strategic mind do you? If you truly believe there is no depth, strategy or tactics then I feel sorry for you and your gaming club. Clearly nobody there is trying to use tactics because a big ball of dudes down the middle of the table gets absolutely wrecked and doesn't stand a chance of winning around here.

Al Shut
07-28-2015, 10:12 AM
Nah, they don't use tactics because they don't want to be accused of trying to win. It's not meant to be played that way.

07-28-2015, 03:49 PM
My tactics are pretty simple... I dare you to cross that line up there... Ranged, ranged, and more ranged until you get to my stormvermin... :-)

07-31-2015, 10:29 PM
I'm inclined to think of AoS as a freemium game too. I mean the rules (most of them) are free but there are different and possibly better formations in the book, that you can choose to buy. Those formations are in the app too, but are locked until you purchase the book online. So do you need them? No. But they would make for a more exciting game. I loved the old campaign sets and really like Sigmar's Blood, which kicked off endtimes. So if I don't need to buy any codexs but maybe the occasional campign/lore book, then I'm cool with that. The new big book is pretty nice.

08-04-2015, 08:08 AM
My tactics are pretty simple... I dare you to cross that line up there... Ranged, ranged, and more ranged until you get to my stormvermin... :-)

We try to comp shooting, if one side has much more shooting than the other we find that the games don't end up being very even or fun

08-04-2015, 09:59 AM
the thing is that sort of stuff has happened since the beginning of warhammer its called deathstar if you field units and someone use's a death start your going to have a bad time.