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View Full Version : A Reminder About Mars Miniatures Painting Service ($2 a figure!)

07-24-2015, 11:03 AM
Hey guys, Mars Miniatures here! http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/

I want to (re)introduce my painting commission services and my new pricing guide.

Not only is this blog about my Dwarves in Moria, but I do provide a painting service for fantasy, sci-fi and historical miniatures.

I know its a shameless plug, but please help support the Moria Reclamation Project.

Dwarves need your help to retake their homeland.

Remember a happy Dwarf is a well provisioned Dwarf!

If you need miniatures painted, look no further...

Cheap, but good painting service from yours truly here in the USA.

$2 per rank and file, $6 per character

Fantasy, Sci-Fi, even Historicals! I can paint them. Read on...



for rank and file miniatures: (minis that are best painted in mass assembly, like historicals, but also warhammer regimented units)

$2 per mini to paint (add .25 to assemble, add .25 to base and flock)

$4 for cavalry (add .50 to assemble, add .50 to base and flock)


for fantasy one off figures: (characterful models that are unique, each mini is painted differently, mostly rpg type figures)

$6 per mini to paint (add .25 to assemble, add .25 to base and flock)

$12 for cavalry or large monsters (add .50 to assemble, add .50 to base and flock)

These are a rough estimate, for exact cost email me with the details of your project: [email protected]


Some bullet points about me:

* I am Mar, of Mars Miniatures http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/

* I am a speed painter, not a pro-painter. Affordable prices, fast turn around, and paint that is great!

* I am based in the USA, but my prices can compete with the 3rd world painters. Why? Because Americans need to work too. (Me in particular!)

* I am a gamer, so I know and care about the minis I am painting.

* I am a fantasy and sci-fi gamer, but I can also recite the deployment of commanders at Waterloo, off the top of my head.

* I am looking to make long term relationships with my customers. (Bring on your tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to be painted)

* I am (relatively) precise with a brush because I am "one" with the universe. Fear is the mind-killer.

* I am a strange musician. 9 hours of it, on Youtube! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bU15C0zpEo


Now for some pics of fantasy, sci-fi, and historical minis that Ive painted recently and from long ago...

Recently painted fantasy mini.

Oh and look at that barbarian...

why is he skulking around Moria?

Those dirty pesky humans are making a move into the neighborhood!

Some custom Rogue Trader conversions I made. These are part of 10 space explorers that are going up on eBay soon.

Some Nappy cavalry, photo taken back before I had a good camera. But Ive painted French nappies, Austrians, Prussians, Russians. For colonials, I painted Zulus, Sudanese and Brits. Ive painted Vietnam for moderns as well. I have a full Osprey library, so I can do any period really.