View Full Version : Legal base sizes

Capn Stoogey
03-11-2010, 06:27 AM
Does anyone know the hard and fast ruling for legal base sizes?

I have heard two different takes:

1. You can only base a mini on the base that it is supplied with.

2. You can base a mini on it's supplied base or a larger base, but not smaller.

I am wanting to know because I have Captain Sicarius on one of the 40mm (ish) bases that comes in the 40k basing kit, and really don't want to have to take it off...

Any help is appreciated, cheers.

03-11-2010, 06:33 AM
"Citadel miniatures are normally supplied with a plastic base. If so, they must be glued onto their bases before they can be used in the game."
Use the supplied base, as a general rule.
"Some players like to mount their models on impressive scenic bases. As mounting your models on different-sized bases might affect the way they interact with the rules, make sure before the game that your opponent does not mind this."
If your opponent is okay with an alternate base, it's fine. Generally, if it looks awesome, most people won't mind seeing it across the table.

03-11-2010, 07:03 AM
Faultie has it correct. Just like you said in 1) The base that came with it is legal. So this way if you bought a mini along time ago, say a Terminator, and it was on a smaller base than the current 40mm ones, it is still legal even though the base is smaller.

So technically you can use the Space Hulk minitures without any round bases since they were not supplied with round bases and you are using the original square base that is attached to them.

03-11-2010, 09:16 AM
Yep, agree with above. Though be careful, there are some people out there who will argue that you have to use them with the currently supplied base size. The prime example is of Terminators, the old plastic & metal terminators are slightly smaller and are supplied on the small round base, some people will argue that these should be re-based using the currently supplied larger 40mm bases, this is wrong as the model was not supplied with the larger base and damn it GW won't give it you for free if you try that arguement.

Interesting point with regard to the Space Hulk, arguably they aren't 40k models in the strictest sense as they were built for the stand alone Space Hulk game rather than WH40K, in the same way you can't use modesl from the Inquisitor games. Though I would say the SH termies/stealers are so cool that it would be terrible not to allow them to be fielded.

03-11-2010, 10:16 AM
Also if you go to tournaments most of them will have a ruling , such as all terminators must be on 40mm bases.

Of course most people will let you tape a 40mm to the bottom of your 25 mm for older terminator models.

This issue is worse for models that don't exist.

thunder wolf calvary

Capn Stoogey
03-12-2010, 07:06 AM
Cool, Cheers for your help all.

03-22-2010, 07:25 AM
I put my characters on the correct base and put a magnet under it. then put a magnet on the larger base for my custom bases and when the game starts I can just pop it off and then put it back on. It actual looks great for my Vulkan, it looks like the lava is spilling over the smaller one on to the bigger one.