View Full Version : Salamanders bikes

Ben Overmyer
07-22-2015, 12:25 PM
Since, in reading the codex, it seems that only two flamers can be taken per squad of bikes... is it a safe bet for Salamanders to exclusively field squads of three, to get as many flamer-bikes out as possible?

07-22-2015, 03:19 PM
The danger is that they are only squads of 3 so they are quite vulnerable.

07-22-2015, 04:43 PM
Don't forget the combi-flamer on the Sergeant.

Why not get a Command Squad who can take 4 with an Apothecary to boot.

07-22-2015, 10:00 PM
Since, in reading the codex, it seems that only two flamers can be taken per squad of bikes... is it a safe bet for Salamanders to exclusively field squads of three, to get as many flamer-bikes out as possible?

I've never been a fan of arming an entire unit with heavy/special weapons as you lose one per model.
Always need some bullet absorption

Lord Krungharr
08-11-2015, 06:24 PM
What about some big biker squads and combat squadding them? I'm new to the Space Marines (Iron Hands for me), but I think bikers can do that right? Then the non-special weapons models can provide some cover for the flamers, and they won't have to Jink.

Why not some melta guns though, and run Vulkan He'stan? The attack-bikes would be pretty fearsome then, and you could put those in the non-flamer groups for pop'n'fry. Or are the meltas better done with drop pods, and maybe Ironclads?

08-12-2015, 12:51 AM
The danger is that they are only squads of 3 so they are quite vulnerable.

In fact 2 squads of 3 are less vulnerable than 1 squad of 6.

1) they can field more special weapons
2) they are easier to hide
3) if they come under heavy fire (lets say grav centurions for example) only 3 will die instead of 6
4) you can grab 2 objectives instead of 1