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07-21-2015, 01:39 PM
Since Kirsten and me had some very fun games of World of Warships together today, I thought why not start a thread to see who else among us BOLSters might be playing and wanting to team up for a bit of joint sinking...
We're on the EU servers, but I'm sure there's also plenty of people on the other side of the pond - so let's use this thread to find each other, and maybe discuss some naval strategy when the fancy strikes us...

I can be found under the nickname Tyrendian89, and Kirsten is KirstenR (very imaginative names I know, but all the easier for you to remember! :P).

07-21-2015, 01:46 PM
I sunk a thing with another thing

07-21-2015, 01:47 PM
Quick question- what's the lowest specs for PC that can realistically play this game? I was looking at the recommended specs on their site and my machine falls well short of that, but is it one of those "the game won't look pretty if you don't have this much horsepower on tap" or is it "the game will take 10 minutes to load in, and you will already be dead by the time it does" type of situation?

07-21-2015, 02:05 PM
Quick question- what's the lowest specs for PC that can realistically play this game? I was looking at the recommended specs on their site and my machine falls well short of that, but is it one of those "the game won't look pretty if you don't have this much horsepower on tap" or is it "the game will take 10 minutes to load in, and you will already be dead by the time it does" type of situation?

not sure about that, but since it's completely free to play you might as well give it a whirl... it's not even such a huge download...

07-21-2015, 04:05 PM
it is awesome when it goes well :D

07-22-2015, 01:33 AM
Fine, I've downloaded it, and signed up, I'll keep an eye for when I get a chance to actually play it.

07-22-2015, 05:04 AM
join ussssss

07-22-2015, 05:23 AM

07-22-2015, 05:34 AM

07-22-2015, 06:52 AM
for the greater good

07-22-2015, 07:54 AM
I looked at World of Warships as I am quite into World of Tanks. I spent quite some time looking at the videos etc on Youtube. It occured to me that after a while, the tactics would always be the same irrespective of map.

This is because whereas world of tanks has a 3 dimensional combat space (because of hills) - clearly by sea it is 2D. Therefore the same old thing should work - send your carrier here, rush battlehsips there - every time. Yes I understand there are islands but most ship combat involves indirect fire anyway.

Or so it looked.

Have I missed a trick here?

07-22-2015, 11:41 AM
the "trick" you have overlooked is that the islands aren't flat - in fact, they're often ridiculously steep and tall mountains. So they don't just impact your movement, but also lines of fire - and much more importantly, line of sight. This is what makes Destroyers so incredibly fun to play sometimes - sneaking up behind an island, waiting for the enemy to sail around said island without an inkling you're there and then pretty much going "BOOO!" with your torpedoes.
Not having played World of Tanks, I don't see how tactics there would be more complex than in WoWS... especially since I assume the Tanks are much more maneuverable than the Ships, which adds another, extremely important layer to your decisionmaking since you can't just go into reverse on short notice, and once you've pointed your Battleship a certain way it will go that way for quite some time whether you want it to or not (same with turrets, but that applies to Tanks as well...).
That's not meant to belittle WoT in any way whatsoever - it's just a matter of being immersed in a game to see the deeper layers of it (which with WoT I don't)

07-23-2015, 01:39 AM
Ok so initial impressions from a couple of hours last night.

You can play a more tactical game sneaking round the flanks and trying to pick off individual ships (my best is three sinkings).
But more often than not it ends up a close range slogging match at close range, and the result depends on the enemies aim and numbers(or ship classes).

I seem to be having more success with the Japanese starter boat than the US one.

07-23-2015, 02:26 AM
are you against bots? I like sneaking around against an eight ship bot team, but PvP is 12 a side, map is much fuller, and often you find every ship on both sides tries to go round the edges and ends up head to head.

07-23-2015, 02:32 AM
I think I was against people. Everyone had a internet online type of name, and was sneaking round the edge. One of my most successful games had me sneak bang through the middle to the capture point :D

Having some nasty graphics bugs though as well. like a translucent mesh in the sky box and round ships occasionally.

07-23-2015, 03:31 AM
going on your own through the middle can be fun, the downside is that with such long ranges, enemies on both edges can fire in to the middle and hit you if they are paying attention.

07-23-2015, 05:11 AM
Having some nasty graphics bugs though as well. like a translucent mesh in the sky box and round ships occasionally.

huh... haven't had any bad bugs myself so far, which is nice for a rather early beta... Also, things become a lot more tactical later, when a) the players are better and b) the ships do more than just have four 10km guns apiece...

07-23-2015, 05:36 AM
I seem to be have been fighting a lot of tier 3 things. Probably the lowest battleships, or some sort of cruisers. Plus two games with aircraft carriers in. I think it was torpedo bombers that got me the first time I saw one.

07-23-2015, 06:15 AM
I had that problem last night with a carrier that just torpedoed and bombed me into oblivion without me firing a shot, didn't have the speed, turn circle, or AA defence to do anything about it.

07-23-2015, 06:34 AM
So are there like training matches you can play against bots or is it straight into pvp?

07-23-2015, 06:44 AM
there is a tutorial level somewhere apparently. I never found it but the survey asked me if I had done it :p

you can choose to do PvP or against bots, it is up to you. I prefer the bots in many ways, fewer ships allows more manoeuvrability and chance for sneak attacks etc.

07-23-2015, 06:53 AM
yeah, and the bots aren't even half bad to boot - great way to learn the game, though with less XP and credit rewards. The jump from them to human opponents isn't that big either because you'll almost always face ships of at least a similar tier, and thus opponents of often similar experience. The hard limit is two tiers up I think, and the teams tend to be balanced out in terms of raw tier numbers - only real exception is when two people play in a premade division together and the higher-tier guy drags his friend up into his weight class, but that's entirely your own fault then...

07-23-2015, 07:10 AM
Neat, might give it a shot then.:)

07-23-2015, 07:21 AM
or eight 155mm shots...

07-23-2015, 07:53 AM
bah... try HMS Warspite with its eight 456mm! ;) (and yes, the Royal Navy will later be included fully - just not yet, Warspite is the only Brit on the High Seas so far...)

07-23-2015, 07:57 AM
I really like the look of the Atlanta, but not for £23...

looking forward to British ships coming in. and German ships too, they need to do a Bismark scenario...

07-23-2015, 07:59 AM
No Royal Navy? Boo.

07-23-2015, 08:00 AM
there will be. just do what I do and learn how to play on the silly US ships, then when the real ones come out you know what you are doing ;)

07-23-2015, 08:13 AM
A compelling argument.

so is it WWII period stuff again or a broader time period?

07-23-2015, 08:19 AM
WW1 starters I think form the background text.

07-23-2015, 08:21 AM
first half of the 20th century pretty much, the earliest ship is something like 1903

1906 to 1953 the wiki tells me

07-23-2015, 08:26 AM
Neat, could have a Russo-Japanese War scenario.

07-23-2015, 08:32 AM
yup. Russian navy is the third race to be released, basically because there are masses of Russian players, so it is a business decision, even though their navy utterly sucked :p

07-23-2015, 08:46 AM
Accurate lol.

07-23-2015, 09:04 AM
and also because the Devs are Russians :) not sure they will be a full-fledged faction though - might stay with a large selection of Premium ships (they've got three already, and good-looking ones too, though very similar loadout-wise to the American ships of the same tier from what I saw of them)

by the way, do share your ingame names! :)

07-24-2015, 03:24 AM
My World of Warships career was very short lived. Installed it last night, tried to login with WoT details, wouldn't recognise password, went to reset password, wouldn't recognise email, decided maybe they deleted account for inactivity or Warships uses different account, went to sign up again but couldn't 'cos email already on record. Spent 20 minutes trying to fix it and gave up and uninstalled it:rolleyes:

07-24-2015, 03:28 AM
aww too bad...

07-24-2015, 03:30 AM
Yup had started to look forward to it too.

07-24-2015, 03:46 AM
don't give up then :)

07-24-2015, 04:05 PM
whelp that was one epic game... 225 hits, 110.000 damage, four kills, Confederate badge (for dealing heavy damage to 6 opponents), and rammed an enemy battleship to death in the end just because :D

07-24-2015, 04:07 PM
very nice indeed. I was on earlier in the evening, got my Phoenix fully upgraded, and not too far away from the hull upgrade on the Wyoming. no amazing matches, no terrible ones either, I'll take that.

07-26-2015, 07:42 AM
My six year old cousin is able to play WoWS with her WoT account, so I used it a bit to play. I did pretty well against bots.:p Only in an erie and just unlocked the chester after 3 matches or something. Got obliterfried in my first and only match against players lol, obviously not as good with the erie as bots led me to believe. My ickle cousin is much better than me.

07-26-2015, 08:41 AM
keep it up, we all started out looking for Penguins on every island in sight and hitting more fishies than boats with our shells :) Interesting six-year-old by the way, but we've noticed that from your stories before :D

07-26-2015, 03:47 PM
well that was one of the games where everything goes right... there I was, driving my Isokaze (Tier 4 Japanese destroyer), and what do you know... the enemy kept driving straight into all my torpedoes... end of the story was six kills via 14 torpedo hits (one destroyer, two cruisers and three battleships if memory serves), First Blood, Confederate and High Caliber, 130.000 damage (the Isokaze has 13k health...), 200k Credits and 4800XP.
What a way to end a day on the high seas that was until that point rather meh.

07-27-2015, 04:11 AM
I'm thinking about switching to Japanese cruisers when I play again, apparently they have longer ranged dakka which might suit me more.

07-27-2015, 04:15 AM
it is definitely worth planning in advance, you don't want to spend a lot of hours working on a tech tree for a country you don't end up liking. I went for the US ships purely for aesthetic reasons, will go British because they are British... I would like a Bismark though, and my brother really wants a Yamato...

07-27-2015, 10:48 AM
I'm thinking about switching to Japanese cruisers when I play again, apparently they have longer ranged dakka which might suit me more.

speaking as a distinct non-expert, my impressions are:
the Japanese cruisers are actually less shooty than their USN counterparts for the most part, and less armoured, but have better Torpedoes (which, in later Tiers, means any at all, and very scary ones too, so they are better against Battleships). An exception is the IJN T7 Myoko, which beats the snot out of every other cruiser until Tier10 pretty much, while the USN T7, the Pensacola, is arguably worse than the T6 Cleveland.
just to continue that comparison, since it might help...
On the Destroyer front, the Japanese ones are much better at their main offensive job because they have the stealth capabilities to get in, launch Torps and get out unseen if you do it right, which can be incredibly fun to try and pull off against good opponents. USN Destroyers have worse torpedoes and much worse stealth (7-8km detection radius vs. 6km, with Torpedo ranges of 5,5km vs. 7km for earlier Tiers), but have the advantage of actually having more than pea shooters for guns, which is a huge advantage in a Destroyer duel. And they can still wreck unwary opponents they get the drop on, it's just much harder to sneak in.
As for battleships, the first outings (T3) for both nations are frankly equally terrible, but after that both have very solid ships, with the IJN tending to have less but bigger and longer ranged guns and being much much faster. I feel like a straight brawl usually goes to the USN, but considering the IJNs other advantages that's only fair.
Carrier wise there's a distinct split in what they do best - US Carriers have better fighters while Japan has way more strike capability. Neither of those is strictly more useful, but if left alone a Japanese carrier will do more damage than a US one, while a Carrier duel often goes to the latter.

07-27-2015, 12:46 PM
don't know how much I will be on this week, World of Tanks is being updated as we speak for Xbox One release tomorrow, so I might be playing a lot of that. on the other hand, I couldn't get the open beta to work, and that was only a few weeks ago. so if it doesn't I will be back in warships.

07-28-2015, 01:32 AM
Had an hour last night, couple of good games - managed to sink four ships in one battle, but a couple of nasty ones as well when I got ambushed by torpedoes and sunk almost immediately.

07-28-2015, 02:27 AM
yeah that happens sometimes

07-28-2015, 02:34 AM
Second time it happened I was holed below the water line, so was lucky enough to kill the destroyer that launched them before I sunk, still annoying though

07-28-2015, 02:52 AM
it is yeah, seems to happen to me at least once every time I play. sometimes I misjudge the strategy, sometimes I am very clever about their approach, but they launch them wildly all over the place and it somehow works. especially if you are in a destroyer and a single torpedo can sink you.

07-28-2015, 03:08 AM
I was impressed with myself when I managed to turn into them and slip between a salvo on my most successful game last night :D
But was disappointed to not get the kill on the aircraft carrier.

07-28-2015, 03:13 AM
yeah I had that with my lumbering battleship the other day, full torpedo spread against me, full starboard rudder, convinced I am going to sink, somehow weave between them Matrix like and avoided every single one. I bet the opponent was as surprised as I was. Sinking carriers is my favourite thing in the world.

07-28-2015, 04:00 AM
ohhh yes, those epic dodges :) less fun when it's the enemy battleship doing it to your torpedo bomber strike though... xD
Also, do remember you can not only repair damaged modules with the repair kit, but also fire and flooding (I've seen Battleship captains that apparently didn't know that sink to my torpedoes several minutes after the hits...). When you know/suspect there's a Destroyer near you (or Torp Bomber strike incoming, for that matter) it's often worth it to hang on to the ability until you've seen their torpedoes, since flooding does a lot of damage - don't use the repair too early!

07-28-2015, 04:29 AM
I'd already used it to put out the fire from guns :(

07-30-2015, 12:50 AM
Played another match last night, it was kind of hilariously bad but I did ok. Came second in my teams rankings, also the second last ship to sink and that was only because I was closer to the bulk of the opposition than the last ship to sink. Got absolutely slaughtered lol sunk 3 of their ships in total, with me doing most of the damage to one of them. I think I am enjoying the Japanese cruiser more though I've only played a few matches so whatever.

07-30-2015, 02:09 AM
Awesome :)

07-31-2015, 05:59 AM
Had a fun match last night. Using my new tier 2 cruiser maneuvered past a few islands and got up behind a couple of enemy cruisers and a destroyer, sunk a cruiser, crippled another and had outmaneuvered the destroyer so they were behind another island unable to launch torpedoes at me and was about to sink the second cruiser when some ****wit on my own side launched torpedoes in my path headed NW when the ship they were aiming at was heading SW and was already out of the firing arc and no ships except me were sailing into it. got sunk by the idiot before I could sink the second ship. ><

07-31-2015, 06:01 AM
such a pain when they do stuff like that, launching torpedoes willy nilly that have no chance at all of hitting any enemy

07-31-2015, 06:13 AM
Yup, was rather grumpifying and it threw me off my game, sailed into a group of like 6 enemy ships and got obliterfried in my next match lol.

07-31-2015, 06:18 AM
yup, I do that too, get pissed off and then die several more times early on

08-01-2015, 05:20 PM
man I love my Omaha... alone against four other cruisers (all of them Tier 3 admittedly), blew them all up without losing more than 25% health... those guns just know where I want the shells to go...

08-01-2015, 05:28 PM
pew pew pew

08-10-2015, 10:35 AM
I have been playing this beta now, some thoughts:

The good:

Looks gorgeous.

Gameplay is immensely satisfying. Destroyers particularly.

The bad:

still buggy (yes I know its a beta but when my 'lower speed' key drops its mapping and I plow into an Island full tilt its tedious)

needs more sound effects

needs the RN!

The ugly:

I must at this time concede my earlier comments about tactical complexity compared to WoT - may have been premature. However...

Camper's paradise. I have already come across numpties who are broadside on against the map boundaries acting as floating gun platforms. To some extent you are rewarded by being inactive and sitting tight - especially in random battles where most people dont co-ordinate the whole team.

Repair mechanism. I am not convinced. I think the recharge time is abitrary and slow - and if you get set on fire immediately after putting it out, you get punished disporportionately.

Tier Balance. I think, with the excellent science the guys put into rendering ballistic effects into a computer model, means actually, realism will significantly skew tier balance if they go for a 2-tier gap like tanks. Quite simply put, heavy artillery on cruisers/battleships is so far away from the lower tier stuff - unlike WoT where you may upgarde to a new barrel (Firefly) or get in the rear. On ships i think they need only 1 tier separation or it becomes bonkers for anything without torpedoes.

Looking forward to full version though.

08-10-2015, 02:30 PM
I'll just add my 0,02$ to that...

The good:

looks fantastic
all classes useful if played well, none straight "better" than any other
all classes reward skill a lot, and in different ways (bad battleship can be sunk by good anything, good battleship can dodge bad carrier for a while etc)
skill more important than Tier in many cases - the main exception being Carriers where the power jump of the planes is sometimes ridiculously huge...
progression speed seems decent, at least until T6/7
the extant nations feel pretty varied on all ship classes, will probably get even better with RN and KM
feels very polished - only two or three serious bugs encountered in 500 battles, and when it happens it tends to be hilarious (had an invisible battleship recently... I couldn't see him and he couldn't see me for a while...)

The bad:

needs the Kriegsmarine :P (not really bad, beta and all that)
more varied sounds would definitely be neat, if only appropriate crew reports

The ugly:
matchmaking sometimes spits out the weirdest matchups for no apparent reason (like no divisions present and one team gets two T6 carriers while the other gets two T4, but that's a rare extreme case... whining about the matchmaking is worse than matchmaking itself...)
RNGsus on shell trajectories can sometimes be such a b...aaaad guy

The so-so:
Considering it's MMO, the community is generally a positive surprise to me, sometimes a match just devolves into a flame war but it feels like that's much more rare than in other games (looking at you LoL...)

08-10-2015, 03:46 PM
The so-so:
Considering it's MMO, the community is generally a positive surprise to me, sometimes a match just devolves into a flame war but it feels like that's much more rare than in other games (looking at you LoL...)

Why look at me - did you see me unleashing some harsh invective the other day??? :)

08-14-2015, 05:23 PM
oh by the way, for an online game Warships is actually quite moddable - I heartily recommend Aslain's Modpack (http://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/2020-0406-aslains-wows-modpack-installer-wpicture-preview-v049-13082015/), it's got some really sweet UI improvements, including some silly MLP stuff for those who want it but also several more helpful things like clearer ship icons or the ability to show ship names on the minimap.

08-17-2015, 03:21 AM
I'm still having major graphics glitches, and can't get the MLP mods to work :(

I did have a good game where I was the last ship left, against four killed three of them as they were strung out across the map and was on to finish the fourth and win when a bloody island ran out in front of me, and killed me when it crashed into me :mad:

08-17-2015, 03:35 AM
damn those islands :p

08-17-2015, 03:50 AM
I know right?

08-17-2015, 03:52 AM
saboteurs they are

08-17-2015, 03:55 AM
I mean I'd never even shot it or anything.

08-17-2015, 03:56 AM
they are vindictive opportunists.

08-17-2015, 03:56 PM
Further feedback. I got my first battleships - the earliest tier Japanese and US ones.

The secondary weapons seem random. The big guns are out ranged by cruisers which get off around 3 salvoes to 1 of yours. Not sure they got the balance correct.

08-17-2015, 05:13 PM
whelp that's what I think is called a Win That Should Not Be... with around thirty seconds left on the clock our Carrier managed to detonate a full HP battleship with one torpedo hit to the magazine, and with literally half a second left on the clock my final salvo, fired pretty much blindly at something like 15km range, managed to hit three of six shells on a Destroyer, killing the last remaining enemy. Talk about clutch... and blind freaking luck too...

08-18-2015, 02:08 AM
good times

08-18-2015, 05:31 PM
Getting more annoyed with peeps just sitting on the map boundary camping away.

08-19-2015, 03:27 AM
Getting more annoyed with peeps just sitting on the map boundary camping away.

oh yeah... or people sailing straight by the base in a slow-as-a-slug battleship chasing a light cruiser because they're too dumb to realize actually winning the game would have given them more XP than the few hits they were going to land... but hey people will always be people

also, got myself a shiny new Pensacola class heavy cruiser finally... grinding those 70k XP with the Cleveland dragged, although the Cleve certainly is a darn fine ship herself - couldn't bring myself to part ways with her, so now she sits in port alongside her bigger sister Penny and little Omaha :)

09-06-2015, 04:42 PM
oh dear matchmaking was seriously drunk earlier today... so I was peacefully driving my USN T6 Battleship New Mexico, look around, and what do I see? A whopping NINE Tirpitzes! NINE premium Tier 8 battleships, in the same game, along with three more T8 Amagis... boy oh boy was I a scared NewMex...

09-07-2015, 02:12 AM

09-07-2015, 02:31 AM
I'm not sure I'll ever put the hours in to reach that level tbh. Last couple of games I had were starting to feel repetitive.

09-07-2015, 03:18 AM
I'm not sure I'll ever put the hours in to reach that level tbh. Last couple of games I had were starting to feel repetitive.

I can kinda see why, but I'm still having tons of fun with it. Not entirely sure why myself - it's just one of those games that work for me. And the sheer satisfaction of one-shotting that silly cruiser that thought broadsiding my battleship at short range was a good idea is priceless :)

09-07-2015, 03:21 AM
I suppose if I had a battleship I might enjoy that too :D

09-07-2015, 03:31 AM
yeah I tend to get to around tier 5 and lose steam

09-07-2015, 05:00 AM
yeah I tend to get to around tier 5 and lose steam

for me in Warships, T4-5 was where I really got into the fun, because that's where the ships actually get good, depending on nation and class (take battleships - both the South Carolina and the Kawachi are pretty bad due to being slow and short ranged, both the Wyoming and the Myogi are huge upgrades in different respects, New York and Kongo are both really great ships)

09-07-2015, 05:05 AM
it just takes too many games to get anywhere though. I find the same in World of Tanks, there is a big leap in the XP required to level up again, and I lose interest.

09-23-2015, 02:08 PM
happy little me is hopping around on his brand new Tier VIII USN Battleship... man was the Colorado (a.k.a. Failorado or Swimming Shotgun) a chore to play sometimes... dead slow and inaccurate at longer ranges don't make for a very good combination... let's see how well I'll do with the North Carolina now :) first game was promising at least

09-23-2015, 03:58 PM
is the game any different now with the full release?

09-23-2015, 04:07 PM
the "release" didn't actually do much of anything - weirdly, it's even still on version 0.5.0... the only feature that came with the release were Ranked battles (8v8 for T6&7 only with tighter matchmaking constraints and you earn ranks kind of like in Hearthstone, which I never really liked). But the patch before that was quite nice - some very good balance changes (Furutaka went from pretty bad to amazing now that its 8" guns (at Tier5) actually turn, Carriers get forced balance in matchmaking meaning no more 1v2s or tier advantages for one side which were no fun for the carrier that got the short stick, and a few others). And Russian Destroyers and Kriegsmarine cruisers are promised for October, so yay for finally expanding the roster. The game itself is still the same though, and the grind is still real, but I'm still having fun so that's good :D

10-19-2015, 07:48 AM
liking the sound of the German Cruisers 'long range precision bombardment'

will have to download the update

10-19-2015, 09:36 AM
oh yes those are a ton of fun to play - at least the one available as a preview, the Tier 5 Königsberg. They're generally kinda fragile (bad armour but decent hit points), long gun range, good against other cruisers but weaker against battleships, and when things get too close they've got some very good torpedo launchers. I'll definitely play the hell outta that line :)

€dit: I just noticed now that they did a bit of a rebalance before releasing the ships - now the German Cruisers have crazy good armour piercing shells (20% better than the competition), while their high explosive shells (useful against things that your AP will either go straight through (=Destroyers) or bounce off of (=Battleships' belt armour)) are worse than their USN or IJN counterparts. So they're very much skill-based sniper ships (since with AP it matters a great deal where on the target your shell lands while HE will mostly just explode anyway)! Love it!

10-19-2015, 11:22 AM
downloading my free copy of Pro Evo 16 tonight, but I will update WoW tomorrow and take to the seas again this week, maybe try the Russians too

10-20-2015, 01:49 PM
now that I've played them a bit, the early German ships are anything but snipers - any Ork would be very proud of the amount of Dakka they put out though, with their numerous, fast-firing small caliber guns they make sure you'll always have something to fire, which is certainly fun even if the damage per salvo is accordingly meh.

10-21-2015, 07:03 AM
sounds fun

02-19-2016, 04:07 AM
aaaand a bit of a thread necro, because at long long last there's actually interesting news in World of Warships: Team Battles are now a thing. Organized 7v7, with functions to fill in if your group of friends doesn't have enough people online. Hella fun when you've got a good group of captains, especially when coordinating everything via Teamspeak.

02-19-2016, 04:19 AM
I should really come back to this, but so many other things...

02-19-2016, 04:42 AM
I do need to play this again.

02-19-2016, 06:47 AM
also, they just announced Russian Cruisers as the next new line. Yeah. That's right! The mighty and powerful Russian/Soviet navy, famous for all its successful combat operations, gets expanded before there's more than one Royal Navy ship (although I'll admit HMS Warspite is quite the beast), and before German Battleships which reportedly will come with Gamescom in August. *sigh* oh well Wargaming are Russians after all, and so is a good part of their market. As long as those things aren't as OP as some of the Russian Premium ships...

02-19-2016, 07:20 AM
I mainly just want German and British navies

02-19-2016, 07:35 AM
me too, really... getting pretty annoyed at how long it's taking the devs... although I've heard the delay with the RN is mainly due to a lack of cooperation from the relevant archival authorities

03-11-2016, 10:44 AM
I am currently having fun competing for the Arpeggio ships in the missions - anyone else?

03-11-2016, 03:22 PM
Still haven't been back. Really should.

03-12-2016, 05:04 AM
yeah, it's not like you can avoid getting them if you're playing at the appropriate tiers :P

03-12-2016, 05:55 PM
Don't be a naysayer do you know how long it took me to get 2m damage!?!

03-12-2016, 07:04 PM
Don't be a naysayer do you know how long it took me to get 2m damage!?!

yeah... true, I'm getting spoiled in that regard by playing a lot of T8-10 where the numbers are naturally higher (and the main battery hits are also maybe easier since there are a few ships that specialize in that)... just started to work on the 10 million damage one for Captain Extraction stage 2, now THAT's gonna take a while...

03-13-2016, 03:30 AM
currently downloading armoured warfare on my new PC, then might have to download warships next.

03-13-2016, 04:46 AM
yeah... true, I'm getting spoiled in that regard by playing a lot of T8-10 where the numbers are naturally higher (and the main battery hits are also maybe easier since there are a few ships that specialize in that)... just started to work on the 10 million damage one for Captain Extraction stage 2, now THAT's gonna take a while...

Wow - my highest ships are T6 - I need to get a 7 so I can play ranked again.

@Kirsten - the only thing about these is the amount of hobby time they eat...

03-13-2016, 06:00 AM
yeah well I've been playing it more or less consistently since the start of open beta, so I've got to the mighty Yamato, am close to the German T10 cruiser Hindenburg, bit further away from the IJN T10 cruiser Zao but getting there and working my way up to the USN T9 DD Fletcher. And I've got a few semi-retired ships in port, like my very first T9 the mighty Iowa, that I don't really feel like grinding at the moment. Got a total of 26 ships sitting in port, so I've always got a ship I feel like playing :)

03-13-2016, 07:54 AM
I found early BBs very hard work- as soon as I got carriers I got rid of them. That may change when the Royal Navy is finally released...

03-13-2016, 12:00 PM
I found early BBs very hard work- as soon as I got carriers I got rid of them. That may change when the Royal Navy is finally released...

yeah the early Battleships we have so far aren't brilliant... Wyoming isn't bad, but those lines really start coming into their own from Tier 5 onwards and pretty much only get better from there on, especially compared to cruisers (mainly, their Cruiser-deleting powers increase substantially, with growing player skill playing a big part in that)

03-13-2016, 12:08 PM
had a quick spin this afternoon. I am not really a fan of the Wyoming, though it does look quite cool with the hull upgrade. just too inaccurate really. St Louis is still my favourite.

03-13-2016, 05:33 PM
St Louis - +1...

03-13-2016, 06:44 PM
well that was one FUN evening... Triple Yamato division with two guys from the WoWS forums... that power level was definitely greater than 8999...

03-17-2016, 11:23 AM
St Patricks Day event with x3 XP for first win of the day - good time to get back into the game! ;)

03-30-2016, 06:50 AM
Right, serious question now. If you are in a Cruiser or a BB, you are detected at 10k+ range. You fire and fight back at that range.

In that case is there any reason at all why you wouldn't go and sit your fat bottomed ship in an objective, getting 2+ while you're in it, stopping the enemy getting points, and hopefully securing it for your team?

I see so many big ships going round in circles, doing their thang, and I think FFS actually do something toward your mission objective.

Am I missing something here?

03-30-2016, 06:56 AM
People being more interested in their K/D ratio than pursuing the objective?

03-30-2016, 10:40 AM
yeah people will always be people... although, since the caps are usually kinda open, you might want to stay in cover sometimes, or you think you can't get a good angle to fire while being in the cap. Also depends a lot on the tier you're playing - the higher you go the more harshly your positioning mistakes are punished, especially in a cruiser that exposes himself to fire from multiple Yamatos/Montanas.

03-30-2016, 01:26 PM
I see about the objs being open - but if you are in combat, you might as well fight from the objective - if its not already yours. The amount of times I am looking at the score, we are 850-750 up, but they have 2 objs and then kill a ship - boom - a win stat, and more XP for the enemy. It drives me nuts beyond everything including getting team killed by an eejit spraying torps at targets beyond their range.

Its like 40K - play the mission!!!

03-30-2016, 02:20 PM
I see about the objs being open - but if you are in combat, you might as well fight from the objective - if its not already yours. The amount of times I am looking at the score, we are 850-750 up, but they have 2 objs and then kill a ship - boom - a win stat, and more XP for the enemy. It drives me nuts beyond everything including getting team killed by an eejit spraying torps at targets beyond their range.

Its like 40K - play the mission!!!

yeah no kidding, sometimes it's way too frustrating... although while you are actually in combat you will not cap it ever because the progress will constantly get reset. So while you are involved serious fighting (as in being constantly shot at) you're often better off a bit farther back where you can dodge better, and cap when the fight is won. An exception being when the enemy already has that cap and you can deny them the ticking points, but that's pretty risky play for the few points of difference it usually makes.

03-31-2016, 06:29 AM
My favourite thing at the moment? My Tier IV US DD - Clemson. I had a CV player I just sunk try and accuse me of cheating because of torp reload speed. Actually I kept the earlier mod torps at 1.7 per minute - the rate of fire for me was better than the increased damage the next mod would bring.

Just ground out a tier VII Mahan as well - although I like my Minekaze with 7km torp range and 6km spotting distance.

What we really need though, is the Royal Navy - and mebbe some Italians so we can do Taranto.