View Full Version : Advice on Building a Chaos Lord

07-19-2015, 10:39 AM
I have the Chaos Terminator Lord kit. My CSMs were originally intended to be an Allied Detachment to a Daemon Army I was working on but that has not yet reached fruition. However it will get there. I am about finished with a CSM Squad of Iron Warriors. I will do a few squads of those. I need to build my Lord and can't figure out how to equip him. What are your thoughts?

BTW, my Daemons and CSMs will all follow Tzeentch as my group plays somewhat toward Fluff and we decided that we each would follow a different God and I took Tzeentch.

Another option is to make this guy a Sorcerer. Is that a good idea? If so, how should he be fitted out.

I am thinking of getting Ahriman in the future and doing some Thousand Sons, just because I like them

07-19-2015, 04:53 PM
With a Chaos Lord (Tzeentch marked), usually the best way to kit him out is Power fist/Lightning Claw Combo - for flexability, or give him a Burning Brand of Skalathrax (a cheap lord with this can quickly gain his points back) (must create your own Burning Brand...) for Torrent flamer goodness. (for Khorne-Marked, Axe of Blind fury and Burning Brand is one of the best). dont forget if marked Tzeentch then give a sigil of corruption for a 3+ Invulnerable save.

With a Chaos Sorcerer, the best thing you can do is NOT give him a Mark as the Codex powers are awful compared to the main ones. if running CSM (no suppliment) then equip with Burning Brand to give him somthing to do in the shooting phase, and a spell familiar - re-roll those psychic tests. if running Crimson Slaughter there are two options, give him Balestar of Mannon - acess to divination and re-rolling psychic tests, or Prophet of the Voices (possibly add a bodyguard of posessed), the model counts as a Daemon (therefore fluff-wise it matches) - therefore when rolling on Malific Daeonology you only perils on double 6! add in a Spell familiar to this and you are good to go.

07-20-2015, 06:57 AM
With a Chaos Lord (Tzeentch marked), usually the best way to kit him out is Power fist/Lightning Claw Combo - for flexability, or give him a Burning Brand of Skalathrax (a cheap lord with this can quickly gain his points back) (must create your own Burning Brand...) for Torrent flamer goodness. (for Khorne-Marked, Axe of Blind fury and Burning Brand is one of the best). dont forget if marked Tzeentch then give a sigil of corruption for a 3+ Invulnerable save.

Thanks for your advice.

So you think that the Lord should be for Assault by giving him the Power fist/Lightning Claw Combo? You don't think he should get the Combi-bolter and then a good close combat weapon?

07-20-2015, 07:14 AM
Oh, and please excuse my ignorance, but to give a model, say the Mark of Tzeentch, do you have to actually paint or decal the mark on the model?

- - - Updated - - -

Another question, is The Black Mace worth the extra cost or is it just best to go with the Power Fist, Lightning Claw Combo?

07-20-2015, 11:04 AM
the black mace is an upgraded power maul - AP4, if your opponant has weak saves (4+ or less then Black Mace rocks, or put it on a Daemon Prince - MC overrides this to AP2!) but since the majority of armies have power armour or equivelent - not so good on a melee lord. also has a chance of not doing anything and your lord will get expensive fast.

the power fist/Lightning claw combo allows a lord that is generally maximised for melee anyway to take on vuirtually any foe and win, the powerfist for tanks, 2+ save infantry, etc, and the lightning claw for all else - both are speciallist weapons so you gain +1A (whereas a combi-bolter is not - you will never get +1 attack with it).

as to colour/paint/decal question, I generally try to get close, e.g. for Tzeentch i go for Blue/Purple armour, White/bone (Cloth), or Deep Red(Heresy Era armour). and i would never put bright red, greens, pinks etc, on a Tzeentch model. or if going for a Black Legion style (mostly Balck Armour) then i would still have some indication of alligence (e.g. a shoulderpad). but this is not necessary, as long as you pay the points it doesnt matter how you paint the models according to GW. decals are not necessary at all just looks cooler.

07-20-2015, 11:50 AM
the power fist/Lightning claw combo allows a lord that is generally maximised for melee anyway to take on vuirtually any foe and win, the powerfist for tanks, 2+ save infantry, etc, and the lightning claw for all else - both are speciallist weapons so you gain +1A (whereas a combi-bolter is not - you will never get +1 attack with it).

The more I thought about it, I like the Lightening Claw/Power Fist combo and will probably go with that.

as to colour/paint/decal question, I generally try to get close, e.g. for Tzeentch i go for Blue/Purple armour, White/bone (Cloth), or Deep Red(Heresy Era armour). and i would never put bright red, greens, pinks etc, on a Tzeentch model. or if going for a Black Legion style (mostly Balck Armour) then i would still have some indication of alligence (e.g. a shoulderpad).

I was thinking of a worn black and maybe even do the yellow/black stripes on the left pauldron to go with my Iron Warriors. But a dark silver-purplish armor might be cool too.