View Full Version : Bogey Knights - FW New releases.

Mr Mystery
07-17-2015, 01:47 AM
First up, Cor'bax Utterblight, Daemon Prince of the Ruinstorm (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/New_Stuff/CORBAX.html) - £70.00 (seven is Nurgle's number if I recall?)

http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Images/Product/DefaultFW/xlarge/99560102228_CorbaxUtterblightDaemonPrinceoftheRuin storm01.jpg

Called forth by the dark rites of the traitorous Word Bearers Legion, the Ruinstorm unleashed a vast horde of the malevolent denizens of the Warp upon the Imperium. Most deadly amongst them were those that came to be known as the Daemon Princes of the Ruinstorm, and counted amongst their number was the vile, pestilent and ever-hungry Cor’bax Utterblight.

Those who have witnessed this loathsome disciple of Nurgle in action tell of a tidal wave of rot and disease which spills before Cor’bax as he enters the battlefield. Life corrupts at his touch, and any mortals unfortunate enough to survive are snapped up whole within his gaping maw to slowly perish and fuel the gifts of Nurgle Cor’bax will generously bestow upon the next world he attacks.

Cor’bax Utterblight, Daemon Prince of the Ruinstorm, is part of Forge World’s Horus Heresy Character Series. He stands more than twice the height of a man and his body is festooned with tentacles, spikes and the remains of those he has devoured, whilst a bloated tongue protrudes from his tooth-filled maw. A trio of Nurglings are also included for you to position on Cor’bax Utterblight or over his 120mm oval base.

Rules for using Cor’bax Utterblight in Horus Heresy games or standard games of Warhammer 40,000 can be found HERE.

This is a complete, multi-part resin kit.

Cor’bax Utterblight, Daemon Prince of the Ruinstorm, is available to pre-order today for despatch from Friday 24th July.

Looks a bit like Chet from 'Weird Science'

[url=http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/New_Stuff/CHAOS_KNIGHT.html[/url] - £110 to you, Squire.


Cruel, self-serving and revelling in the slaughter and destruction of the battlefield, Chaos Knights are the antithesis of their loyal kin of the noble Imperial Houses. Allied to the Ruinous Powers, these Knights Paladin, armed with rapid-fire battle cannon, and Knights Errant, mounted with armour- melting thermal cannon, now bear the blasphemous panoply of their new masters, the vestiges of their previous allegiances having been unceremoniously ripped from their blood-stained carapaces.

These vile engines of destruction will have had many gifts bestowed upon them in return for their devotion to the dark gods. Some Chaos Knights may be refitted with powerful and tainted weaponry, augmenting their already fearsome strength in close combat with foe-reaper chainswords, barbarous corruptions of reaper chainswords adapted to gouge and eviscerate all who get within their reach. Whilst those who have given themselves over fully to one of the Chaos gods receive malevolent powers, granting them unnatural and terrifying abilities that few can match and defend against.

This kit, which stands at over 17cm tall, includes all of the parts needed to build either a Chaos Knight Paladin or Chaos Knight Errant. Its carapace, weapons and armour plates are adorned with the markings displaying their devotion to the powers of Chaos, and the kit also includes a foe-reaper chainsword and desecrated optional heraldic plates.

Rules for using the Chaos Knight in games of Warhammer 40,000 can be found HERE.

This is a multi-part resin and plastic kit with multiple options. It includes a 170mm oval base.

The Chaos Knight is available to pre-order today for despatch from Friday 24th July.


07-18-2015, 07:15 AM

Mr Mystery
07-18-2015, 08:20 AM
Proper word for 'booger' as I believe they're called in the colonies :p

07-18-2015, 08:44 AM
Those British Virgin Islanders are a strange bunch.

07-19-2015, 02:26 PM
For some reason I find the chaos knight very underwhelming, I feel like he's just a normal knight with a skin condition. That Cor’bax Utterblight model is super nice though!

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-19-2015, 03:43 PM
I like the nurgle monster, looks a bit more "chaotic" and weirder than most nurgle stuff. The knight is a bit plain/predictable but I guess it's meant for all chaos factions so can't be too specifically themed (?)