View Full Version : 800 point marines tac

07-15-2015, 04:49 AM
Adeptus Astartes- Space Marines Codex 2015
Combined Arms Detachment
HQ- level 2 librarian- force stave-90
Troops- Tactical squad-10 marines ML Plasma gun
Razorback- TL-assault cannon-245
Tactical squad-10 marines ML Plasma gun
Heavy Support-
Thunderfire Cannon-100
Dreadnought- 2*TL-Auto-cannons- 120
Only problem I can see are Super-heavies and flyers, and we ask before bringing those at the club. We have several marine players, a daemon player, 2 nid players and 2 tau players.
One Alternative would be to give the dread a ML and Assualt cannon. What do people think?
Edit: chapter tactics iron hands or imperial fists. Maybe Ultramarines.

07-17-2015, 01:47 AM
The Razorbacks can only hold 6 space marines, so I assume the two tanks break off from the tactical squads and go hunting on their own, or you're going to combat squad into 5 man groups. If you switch the Razorbacks to Rhinos you could be on the move firing Missiles and Plasma as you go.

You've got good ranged firepower. I think this could do well against opponents who lack range, like nids. This list would mop the floor with Necrons.

What is the role of the Librarian? What powers do you want?

07-17-2015, 02:22 AM
Sorry, I forgot to mention they were combat squading. The librarian would stick back with the ML combat squads in a piece of cover with the TF cannon, techmarine gunner buffs cover. The librarian would either roll on telepathy for shrouding and invisibility or divination for prescience and invulns.

07-17-2015, 02:55 AM
Marines combat squad. Librarian and the 2 combat squads with MLs and the Thunderfire stay in some terrain buffed by the Techmarine gunner. The librarian will roll telepathy for shrouding or invisibility or divination for prescience and invulns. I sometimes lend my Necrons to friends so I'lol use this list against them. If I use rhinos I have 80 points extra. Scout snipers, tactical, upgrades or something else, what do you recon? Thanks for the feedback so far.

07-17-2015, 09:57 AM
Seems solid. I'd suggest splitting them into combat squads only if the scenario you are playing is objective based. Don't forget that because they're dedicated transports of a Troop Choice, those Razorbacks are also ObjSec, meaning that you have a potential 4-6 scoring units.

07-20-2015, 07:08 PM
If you pick up an extra 80pts I'd suggest adding in some sort of speed bump.

Your opponent might be barreling towards your ranged threats and an infiltrating unit might take some of the attention away from them... if only to die.

Scouts are good. I'd suggest bolter scout or close combat scouts because they can fire on the move. If you really want to keep up your theme of awesomely ranged units; Sniper Scouts could be good, infiltrated into a lonely corner of the board, but it's hard to get much work done with their riffles.

Scout Bikers could be good. Annoying mosquitos, buzzing around, begging to be swatted. For 79 points you could take three, with a veteran sergeant and all three armed with astartes grenade launchers (24" Str 3 AP 6 Rapid Fire Blast or Str 6 AP 4 Rapid fire).