View Full Version : Space Wolves vs. Eldar 1250p TEXT Batrep

Lost Vyper
07-15-2015, 03:23 AM
Okay, let´s just say, that i have NEVER seen Wraithknight wiffing, like he did today... :mad:


Opponent had a Formation from the Fenris -supplement, Wolfguard Thunderstrike (Liby (lvl 3), Arjac,Termies, Wolfguard in a pod) and Scouts and a Razorback (lascannon) with 5 Wolf Guards inside and Long Fangs.


I had this list :

Autarch (Wings...cos i have the model, that´s why, Fusion Gun) WARLORD

5 x Rangers
5 x Rangers
3 x Jetbike (3 x Scatter)
3 x Jetbike (3 x Scatter)

5 x Swooping Hawks + Exarch (Hawks Talon) Autarch goes here
5 x Warp Spiders

3 x War Walker (BL+Scatter)
3 x Vaul´s Wrath Battery + Warlock (SS)

Wraithknight (Ghostglaive, 2 x Starcannon)


Mission was Purge the Alien, Dawn of War deployment...


TURN 1. Eldar

I seized the initiative!
I held the Boss + Winged freaks, Warp Spiders in the DS reserve. Both Bikes in reserves and the Walkers Outflanked (of course). I blasted the Scouts (who Infiltrated) in the middle with all my might, giving me the First Blood and a KP, holding the Missile (see the rules from my Hobby post) , some Rangers took shots at the Long Fangs, but they prevailed (his MVP unit...you will see).

TURN 1. Space Wolves

His rest of the army came in, right in my zone. DP scattered whopping 11 inches in middle and his Bossman+Terminators hit the target besides the WK in the ruins. Psychic phase failed and EVERYBODY shot the WK (except the WG from the Razorback, killed one Ranger in my DZ), causing 3 wounds (i REALLY sucked rolling saves today and CC, more on that later).

TURN 2. Eldar

All reserves came in. Boss and the wingmen took out the Razorback, blowing it up, a KP, killing a Wolf Guard besides it. WK jumped closer the Termies and shot them and the Wolf Guard. Artillery killed whole lotta WG with the help of the Rangers and one bike unit, morale failed for the two remaining guys. Other Rangers shot the LF, failing to do anything. WS scattered 10 inches and went for the LF, again nothing...other bikes killed one of the Razorback WG´s, morale held. WW´s killed only the Assault Cannon Terminator...WK went for the glory and assaulted the Termies...1,1,2,2,2...those were the throws. Mastercrafted re-roll hit, D-weapon wounding roll...1...AND i wiffed ALL saves and ALL FNP´s...KP for him...

TURN 2. Space Wolves

Termies grabbed the Tripod Lascannon (again, check my New weapons for the battlefield -post) and head for the WW´s. Two remaining WG ran behind the building. Psychic phase was a dud again . Other two manning the Dual Lascannon (same post again) shot two targets (it has Splitfire) and killed a bike, morale held (for once!). LF´s killed two bikes from the other unit, morale held (twice now, woah!). Termies failed an 8 inch charge against the WW´s, rolled snake eyes.

TURN 3. Eldar

Boss+Winged fury ULTRA WIFFED the shooting. Only killed one, they broke and ran 5 inches. Artillery shot the Termies, one Wound of the Librarian. Both Rangers shot the LF, they lost ONE. WS went for the LF, losing one guy due to double one´s...failed the shooting too...WW´s thought thay had a easy prey on the two WG´s. Wrong. Wiffed the shooting, again, only two armor saves to make, he made them.I had to assault with the Boss+guys, NORMAL Swooping Hawk killed him with the FINAL save he had to make, a KP. Walkers had an 8 inch charge and rolled 10 and WIFFED the CC COMPLETELY! Locked in combat they were left after he took a HP of a Walker.

TURN 3. Space Wolves

Librarian separated and he went in to the building (on top, were the Rangers) and casted the "Gets Hot" on the Bikes, with perils and rolled a four, another Wound. Termies charged in to the WW -cc and the LF´s shot the bikes behind the building, made the coversaves. As expected, were no more, a KP and the WG consolitaded towards the buildings door (same building, where the Librarian went in to) and the Termies started their march towards my DZ.

TURN 4. Eldar

Jumped Boss+Wings in to Ongoing Reserves, WS jumped behind the LF´s. Both Rangers went for the LF´s too. They all together killed just one, morale held...Artillery wiffed on them too...horrible turn

TURN 4. Space Wolves

Librarian came on to the battlements and decimated the Rangers, a KP. Last two WG went inside the building (a wise move!). Termies took a Tripod Lascannon shot at the Bikes through ruins, made the save.

TURN 5. Eldar

Boss+Wings came back and once again with the help of the last three remaining WS, AND two units of bikes (one and two left) AND the Rangers killed only ONE of the LF´s (see...MVP´s...). Artillery wiffed on the Termies, who are holding the Line Breaker. Had to charge in with the WS´s and JUST killed the last LF in cc, a KP...

TURN 5. Space Wolves
He really had no solid targets, moved the Termies deeper in to my DZ.

Score was :
Eldar = FB + Razorback + WG + Scouts + Long Fangs + Last Laugh+ Line Breaker = 7
Space Wolves = Wraithknight + Rangers + War Walkers + Line Breaker = 4

Game went in to turn 6, but he conceded, cos i was hiding my bikes and was going for the Drop Pod with EVERYTHING. I played the Artillery wrong in the first turn and told my friend that i will give up the First Blood if he wanted to continue, but he still gave up.

Me seizing, was the key element. If he had gone first, the Missile would have blown something up! Plus the Alpha Strike would have killed a unit, BUT...he went for the big guy, mistake! He should have gone for the Rangers with his Nova power and loads of shots. Sure, they have 2+ Shrouded, but LD8 and T3...he admitted, that he just wanted to kill that Wraithknight, and that he did, morale victory?

We still had fun, i thought i had it in a bag and was telling him : " Now you can see how the D-weapon works " and feeling sorry already, oh,how wrong i was...

Well, next time, no Wraithknights, maybe a Farseer with Eldritch Storm? :D

- Lost Vyper