View Full Version : Painting Rotting Trees

Mr Mystery
07-13-2015, 04:11 PM
How do?

So I've struck upon an idea to flesh (well, wood) out my Nurgle collection into a fairly unique army, by using the Wood Elf Forest Spirit models as 'counts as' Nurgle Daemons.

Mostly, this will be done with the paint job, and judicious application of 'Nurgles Rot' to get a suitably slimey look to them.

I've had a look online at pictures of rotting trees, so I know I'm looking at contrasting light and dark colours from an otherwise neutral palette. I'm also tempted to play with 'Lustrian Undergrowth' to get some patches of sickly looking moss to help convey that these Trees are sick (mostly on the Treeman/Great Unclean One)

Can anyone give me tips or suggestions for colours? I prefer to use GW paints, as with the local store 5 minutes up the road I can get my hands on them quite readily, and I don't trust the UK postal system not to burst any sent by mail order!

Oh, and if anyone can point me in the direction of sites that sell random scale fungi, I'd be grateful!

07-13-2015, 11:40 PM
How do!

This may or may not be the kind of response you're looking for, but here goes..

I'ld suggest grey/black bark, maybe some some chaos black (or whatever the new version is) if you want some charred effect, and a muted yellow with bleached bone for the wood. Wash with red or purple or sepia as you like.
You can get some cool effects with bark if you experiment with whatever GW's version of crackle paint is - Agrellan Earth? - your first layer will show up underneath and you can add color to the crackle too.

You'll definitely want to experiment with something else first. The thickness of the crackle paint will determine how much detail it'll cover up, as well as the size of the cracks.

If you want to try your hand sculpting mushrooms, try:

It looks pretty straightforward.

And if you want to try get more aggresive with texturing, try:

Best of luck!

Mr Mystery
07-23-2015, 12:04 PM
Cheers dude :)

Kits now acquired. Next step is to get them built and manked up some.

Torn between using liquid greenstuff to cover over the swirls on the Treemen, or just using texture paints.