View Full Version : Eighth Edition For Life!

07-13-2015, 03:13 PM
Eighth Edition For Life!

The REAL Warhammer Forum is dedicated to the 8th edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battles. While GW has launched a new era for Warhammer with the Age of Sigmar, this forum is for those in our hobby community who wish to continue playing WFB 8th edition – either exclusively or along side the new Age of Sigmar.

In addition to various 8th edition Warhammer discussions, from rules questions to army list building to painting projects and so on, the EEFL (Eighth Edition For Life) community on this forum also seeks to create new army books and expansions, such as the Indy GT Dwarfs of Chaos army book and the Warhammer: GROM End Times expansion.

Join us at: http://www.eefl.freeforums.net