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View Full Version : Eldar ARE the best psykers

03-09-2010, 12:15 PM
Has any1 noticed how low in number the eldar psychic powers are in comparrison to other armies. It is unjust in the 40k universe(blame gav thorpe) So I have updated the eldar psyhic list with some new powers and changes to previous ones. I have decided powers will come in space marine format e.g. ppick 2 from following list. Farseer shall be able to pick 4 and Warlocks 2. Well here they are. btw (___) is when power is used

Doom(start of turn)- Same effect

Guide(start of turn)- Same effect

Mind War(shooting phase)- Same effect

Eldritch Storm(shooting phase)- 12" S5 Ap5 Rending, Large Blast If any wound is made morale check must be made Fall back if failed.

Fortune- All friendly units within 6" gets 3+ cover saves till start of next eldar turn.

Predict(end of turn)- Any friendly unit coming in from reserve gets +1 to resrve roll and can re-roll the dice till end of next eldar turn

Webway Walk(movement phase)- Gives farseer deep strike. Once a turn farseer may be taken off table and be replaced anywhere within 24". No deep strike rules needed(they are eldar after all). Can't move or run or assault if used but can shoot normally.

Khaine's wrath(start of eldar turn)- Gives farsees WS8, S6 & I6 till start of next eldar turn

Relentless(shooting phase)- 12" S4 Ap4 pinning assault10

Oblivion(start of eldar turn before any moves are made)- Target unit farseer has line of sight of(vehicle or non-vehicle) farseer cannot move shoot or assault for rest of turn. If the farseer isn't wounded before the beginning of the next eldar turn then the unit is destroyed. This counts as 2 powers.


Conceal(start of turn)- Warlocks squad can re-roll failed saves till start of next eldar turn.

Destructor(shooting phase)- Template, S5 Ap3 Assault1

Embolden(start of eldar turn)- same effect

Enhance(start of eldar turn)- squads WS, I and A increased by 1

Mind shot(shooting phase)- Pick any non-vehicle unit. Hit with an 18" S3 Ap1 rending attack. Wounds allocated by eldar player.

Well hope you all enjoy using these powers in future games. You might want to increase the initial points value of farseers and warlocks to compensate the fact that powers cost nothing. But please feel free to post you own powers on this thread. So that we may take down all annoying 'Jaws of the world wolf' players!!!!

Master Bryss
03-09-2010, 12:20 PM
Press the enter key in between powers and and make the names of the powers bold. This way, my sensei will not 'lecture' you on how presentation is key.

EDIT: Don't forget Warlocks! Here's a suggestion for a new power for them:

Enrage: This is a psychic shooting attack with range 24" that hits any unit automatically. That unit gains the Rage special rule until the start of your next turn.

03-10-2010, 05:22 PM
Oblivion, Webway Walk and Fortune. Hells no.

Oblivion: Lol! I'm in a unit of 20 guardians with Fortune up! Say goodbye to a unit a turn! Nothing should ever eradicate a unit with no protection opportunities whatsoever.

Webway Walk: Just make it normal Deepstrike, with rerollable scatter. Perfect positioning is a no-no.

Fortune: Everything about this is a no. Totally fine with it if its the unit the Farseer is attached to, but not every unit within 6".

03-10-2010, 05:53 PM
Yeaaaah.... uh.... farseers are not offense-oriented psykers. They are seers, fortune tellers, etc, of the highest power. They look into the future, they don't cast entire armies down into oblivion.

03-10-2010, 06:08 PM
Yeaaaah.... uh.... farseers are not offense-oriented psykers. They are seers, fortune tellers, etc, of the highest power. They look into the future, they don't cast entire armies down into oblivion.

Well, to be fair, Farseers are some of the singular most powerful psychic bastions in existence. They are millennium old combat veterans with psychic might honed by a race older than any of the other races in existence (barring Necrons, Orks, and maybe Tyranids). Offensive power-sets aren't my complaint, blatantly overpowered abilities are.

Personally, I think Farseers need a bunch of mind-screw powers. Deceiver-esque redeployment, callidus assassin/marbo type unit reveals, morale lowering effects, and general abilities to let them win a fight without firing a shot.

03-10-2010, 06:58 PM
Warlocks are and should have more powerful attack spells than Farseers. Because that's the purpose of a warlock. A Farseer is there to lead, guide, and so on; they are powerful psykers but that does not necessarily mean they throw the most powerful fireballs.

Maybe something like automatically pass a reserves roll if you pass the psychic test, for example.

03-10-2010, 08:58 PM
. . . with psychic might honed by a race older than any of the other races in existence (barring Necrons, Orks, and maybe Tyranids).So, older than the Humans and the Tau then? :p

03-11-2010, 04:47 AM
So, older than the Humans and the Tau then? :p

Pretty much :P Doesn't help that almost half the armies are human does it?

And @Melissia, I would by and large agree that they may not necessarily be the ones chucking the largest fireballs, merely that they surely possess the ability to do so if desired. Just because they don't doesn't necessarily mean they can't. My logic is skimming the myriad future possibilities is a rather draining task, far more mentally tiring than merely igniting a unit in flames.

03-11-2010, 10:43 AM
And yet, that is their ability. Just because you are a psyker does not mean you can do all psychic tasks equally. A warlock would be better at throwing fireballs than a farseer, just as a human pyrokinetic would be better at it than a human diviner.

03-11-2010, 02:12 PM
Now I know that some powers may seem overkill like oblivion but what I'm really trying to say is that eldar should have better psychic powers. I mean all 5th ed. armies get free powers but eldar have to pay for every single one. As for the power they give off, they have access to the black library. Of course they're going to blow up entire units. If they looked hard enough I bet they could find a way to use exterminatus every turn. Of coure I do agree that it may have a degree of overkill. But who doesn't like a little of that?

03-11-2010, 02:59 PM
Your opponents, whom you have to convince to let you use these houserules.

03-11-2010, 03:01 PM
I think there's a difference between eldar powers being too costly (what in the eldar codex isn't too costly, by 5th edition standards?), and eldar powers being too weak. I definitely agree with Mel that a farseer, at least, should not consume the English with fireballs from her eyes, or bolts of lightning from her arse, or suck entire units into oblivion. I actually really like the fact that the current farseer powers are mostly not all about pwnage. Doom, Guide, and Fortune are in my opinion exactly the sorts of things that farseers should be doing. I like Mind War, too - a farseer may not have shaped her skills to obliterate entire armies, but getting into a direct contest of wills with one should be deadly.

It might help to remember how eldar psyker paths are structured. Farseers are those eldar who have excelled in the Path of the Seer, which is only one of the witch paths just like the howling banshee aspect is only one of the warrior paths. In other words, farseers are not the eldar's psyker specialists - they're the eldar's divination specialists.

There are other witch paths, as well, such as the path of the warlock. Remember that, although the codex does not currently have a warlock HQ option, warlocks are not junior farseers. They're ex-aspect warriors who have dual-specced, if you will, into the path of the warlock. There's no reason that you couldn't have a warlock who is just as powerful a psyker as a farseer (although it would probably be hard, since warlocks need to be former aspect warriors first).

Perhaps, if you have a desire to have really badass destructive eldar psyker powers, you need to create a senior warlock HQ unit as well? Having badass destructive eldar psyker powers, in itself, does not seem weird to me - but giving them to a farseer is like complaining that striking scorpions don't have power swords. Different paths, different specialties.

03-12-2010, 12:33 PM
Alright thats a good idea. I will try to combine an autarch with a warlock stat-wise to make this HQ I will probably post the finished unit on this thread when it's done. Im still using oblivion when playing in m own house thouqh. Hey my 30man ork unit suddenly looks a LOT smaller now...

Master Bryss
03-12-2010, 12:47 PM
Some proposed edits:

Farseer[/B]- A Farseer has three psychic powers from the list below.

Doom(start of turn)- Same effect

Guide(start of turn)- Same effect

Mind War(shooting phase)- Same effect

Eldritch Storm(shooting phase)- 18" S5 Ap5 , Large Blast. If any wound is made pinning check must be made.

Fortune- One friendly unit within 6" gets 3+ cover saves till start of next eldar turn.

Predict(end of turn)- The Eldar player may request that his opponent re-rolls any Reserves he is called to roll for.

Fate- Psychic shooting attack that affects a single Independent Character within 12" of the Farseer, inlcuding the Farseer himself. That turn, the Eldar player may request that the character's To Hit rolls, To Wound rolls, Armour and Invulnerable saves are re-rolled

[B]Warlocks- A Warlock has one psychic power from this list:

Conceal(start of turn)- Same effect

Destructor(shooting phase)- Template, S5 Ap3 Assault1

Embolden(start of eldar turn)- same effect

Enhance(start of eldar turn)- Same effect

Mind shot(shooting phase)- Pick any non-vehicle unit. Hit with an 18" S3 Ap1 rending attack. Wounds allocated by eldar player.

Enrage: This is a psychic shooting attack with range 24" that hits any unit automatically. That unit gains the Rage special rule until the start of your next turn.

Herald of Nurgle
03-12-2010, 02:51 PM
I have to admit that a number of the powers seem like they should be Warlock ones. Sure the warlocks are more destructive in mind, but things such as Doom, Guide, or Eldritch Storm should really become Warlock Powers even if they're partially nerfed.
(I should note that i'm thinking about Warlocks being Guardians only still)

Warlock Powers:
- Conceal: This may be used at the start of the Eldar Movement Phase, and lasts until the end of the Opponent's next turn. The unit which the Warlock is with may count their armour save as a 4+ Invulnerable save. If the unit embarks upon a vehicle, then the vehicle itself gains a 4+ Cover Save or +1 to any existing cover save.
- Embolden: This may be used at the start of any game turn, and lasts for the whole game turn. The Warlock and their unit counts as Stubborn for the purposes of falling back, and gains the Counter Attack rule.
- Enhance: This may be used at the start of the Eldar Movement Phase, and lasts until the end of that player turn. The unit the Warlock is with gains the Move Through Cover rule, as well as Furious Charge. They are also armed with Assault Grenades.
- Khaine's Fury: This may be used during the Eldar Shooting Phase, and has a range of 18". Place a small blast marker anywhere within this power's range, and then roll to hit. If a successful hit is rolled, the blast will not scatter, but if the Warlock misses then the blast scatters as usual. Each model underneath the blast will take a Strength 7, AP 3 hit with the Poisoned Attacks (4+) and Pinning special rules. These wounds may not be allocated as usual, but Independent Characters may not be targetted unless they are alone or those under the blast are the majority of the unit.
- Vaul's Lightning: This may be used during the Eldar Shooting Phase. It's Destructor with Assault d3, dogs!

03-13-2010, 08:31 AM
Ok here is the Arch-Warlock. Please note this is just a temporary name till I come up with sumtihn better.
WS6 BS5 S3 T3 W3 I6 A2 Ld10 Sv5+(plus 4+ invulnerable)

He can have 2 powers but also has access to several pieces of aspect warrior equipment.
This is a basic idea. Feel free to expand on him.

Herald of Nurgle
03-14-2010, 02:41 PM
How about something ironic...

03-14-2010, 06:11 PM
HoN, I think you have it :) Definitely a cool name for an Eldar Seer dedicated to battle (although how exactly that overlaps with the Warlocks, who do the same thing, is debatable :P).

There is, however, one thing that most people in this thread seem to be consecutively forgetting however - namely calling the Farseer a Path of the Seer. Quite to the contrary, a Farseer is much like an Exarch; namely in that a Farseer is a former Warlock (or other as of yet unnamed Seer Aspects) who has become lost on the Path of the Seer, much like the Exarchs who have become lost on the Path of the Warrior.

It is not unreasonable to give a Farseer an arsenal of incredibly destructive abilities, but it is also highly against the incredible mental prowess and fortitude these individuals posses. Their abilities should be based upon the supernatural ability to predict the future before it occurs, rather than on such simple tricks as consuming a unit in flames.

Herald of Nurgle
03-15-2010, 02:43 AM
You obviously haven't heard the story of how Eldrad left a battle cannon shell on a battlefield, and then a load of years later there was a war between Guard and Orks... and a Baneblade was destroyed by the shell being ruptured by a stray bullet.

The ability to predict the future both allows for abilities such as Guide or Doom AND other ones which are more destructive in mind.

Regardless, I guess other names:
- Wyrlock (Almost Wyrd lol)?
- Something with Ur in?
- Psyarch?
Because Warlocks are former seers who have gone on the path of the Warrior, -arch, -lock, and -war could be used in a name.

06-01-2010, 05:20 AM
I agree Eldar need to return to the forefront just a few things;

Farseers should remain support pyskers not attack pyskers, like the idea of a battle-mage type person

But your changes to conceal and fortune are awful. Fortune is the best pyshic power in the Eldar arsenal already. Bar none. The ability to re-roll all invulnerables has let my seer council of doom shrug off an entire Warlord titans firepower for 3 turns, losing only 1 Warlock. Changing that for a 3 up cover save? Thats pointless!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
06-01-2010, 06:10 AM
I like the idea of a Battle-seer, maybe call it the Doomseer? I like Warseer as well. Or maybe Doomlock? Na that one was rubbish.