View Full Version : Anyone else close to having a new army?

Mr Mystery
07-13-2015, 03:12 AM
How do?

So had a mini-clear out at the weekend, and flogged off some 40k Orks that have just been sitting there.

And I came across the VC battalion I bought a couple of years back, with the intention of following it up with the Blood of Sigmar campaign, which would slowly grow the force into a decent sized VC army (and with hindsight, that campaign was the beginning of the end for The Old World).

With the advent of AoS, that battalion has of course just become an army in it's own right. At least it will be once I've bought a character to lead them (or unless I still have that original Vlad and Isabella...somewhere!)

It got me thinking - as nerds, I'm fairly sure most of us will have had past projects that didn't get beyond the initial purchase stage. Whether it's some boxes of models gathering dust, a half built regiment wondering if it will ever see the tender ministrations of the holy plastic glue once more, or even one bit more fleshed out.

So yeah - this isn't so much about 'AoS has made me want an entirely new army', but the golden egg for gamers (and arguably GW, as it gets people gaming again), it's about the 'hey....if I....then I...and a bit of sparkles....' armies.

Think of it as Gaming 'Bubble'n'Squeak', a tasty, new wholesome bit of home cooking derived from last night's Sunday lunch.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-13-2015, 06:14 AM
I have two intro sets worth of Stormcasts and 2 Liberator boxes plus the on foot Lord Celestant on pre-order. Woop woop.

Captain Bubonicus
07-13-2015, 06:44 AM
I just moved (and am getting ready to move again, sigh) and found box after box of unopened, unassembled miniatures. I forgot how many boxes I squirreled away after buying them at the FLGS big annual sales over the years...

I have still in boxes:

A huge 2nd edition Imperial Guard army
A large WHFB Dwarf army
A decent-sized WHFB/40K Daemon army

Plus lots and lots of "fill-in" boxes for my existing armies.

Boy, do I have some work to do. My PS4 is gonna feel neglected for a while.

Mr Mystery
07-13-2015, 07:03 AM
Just remembered...I've also kind of got a Nurgle army....

I've got The Glottkin, one of the Maggoth Riders, and 10 Putrid Blightkings.

Reckon I can add some odds and sods to that, (rancid) flesh it out with some Marauders etc, perhaps a skanksome Chariot?

07-13-2015, 07:19 AM
I am literally always on the verge of a new army.
Last time I had the urge I bought a load of Bangles, the time before a load of dwarf slayers, the time before that a nids...

Now I keep looking at elysians and tanks... and more dwarves

Mr Mystery
07-13-2015, 07:23 AM
Get some Stunties!

Also....I think Papa Nurgle is holding my idea of fleshing out my Nurgle force, because something has just been vomited into my brain....

The Garden of Nurgle......manked up Dryads standing in for Plaguebearers. Manked up Treekin, standing in for (god awful) Beast of Nurgle models, and a Treeman, you guess it, manked up, to stand in for a Great Unclean One....

This idea is hereby copyrighted by me under the authority of absolutely nobody. But I'm going to do it!

Hey, my local GW even has that big box set left....might pick it up on Payday.

07-13-2015, 07:32 AM
Idk, I'm rather tempted by the idea of finally joining the airbrush painting master race...

Captain Bubonicus
07-13-2015, 07:43 AM
Idk, I'm rather tempted by the idea of finally joining the airbrush painting master race...

Spend the extra money to get a good one - a cheap one is often more trouble than it's worth.

07-13-2015, 07:45 AM
Oh I would if I do. I probably won't though as I'm lazy and unorganised.

Erik Setzer
07-13-2015, 07:47 AM
Well, I had a bunch of Dwarfs in my closet that really couldn't form an army before, but will now. My mom bought my dad a Dwarf army box (literal army box, complete with the army book), and he'd added some other stuff along the way. But there were things like single boxes of Slayers and Ironbreakers, and that doesn't make a unit in WFB (though would in KoW, I suppose). So I took them down out of the closet and started assembling them on round bases, 25mm for the basic guys and 32mm for the characters.

I also have a LOT of Orcs and Goblins still around, despite having a pretty good sized army painted already, so I've taken some of them and based them up. I've got a few Boar Boyz that didn't fit either of the units I have painted, so I might transfer them to round cavalry bases, just to keep the look the same.

My Ogres were meant to work with the Orcs and Goblins anyway, I bought them right before ET:Archaon's release, and I might rebase them (thankfully haven't started painting yet) to match up with the above guys, giving me the combined army I was expecting to get in ET:A (but which sadly didn't happen).

Given that there's also a local shop with used figures (and even some classic Citadel/Marauder figures) pretty cheap, I might grab some to mess with something else, like a small Bretonnian force.

Captain Bubonicus
07-13-2015, 08:08 AM
Oh I would if I do. I probably won't though as I'm lazy and unorganised.

If you're a 40K/30K gamer, they're wonderful for painting vehicles. My buddy has a nice one and he can blow through vehicles in no time at all. No brush strokes to cover up, either!

07-13-2015, 08:28 AM
Yeah it's the time saving for stuff like that that's the temptation.

07-13-2015, 05:50 PM
I returned to the hobby around 2010-11. Initially I planned a Tomb King army, partly because I had loads of old Skellies still and thought they would be easy to paint, but after buying some more and reading up about them (and their lacklustre book) I decided to switch allegiance to WoC. Over the last 6-12 months, I'd been planning on Dark Elves as a second army - I've collected up a fair few bits but had only assembled/painted a couple of test models while waiting for the new rules. So, right now I could go ahead an build those Dark Elves, but in fact I'm finding myself more tempted to resurrect my Tomb Kings. I don't know whether that counts as a new army or not...

Anthrax ion pusscabe
07-13-2015, 08:41 PM
Well I'm working on a death army designed to use tactics I've read about the roman legions using a mix of tomb kings and vampire counts models (bulk TK skeletons with tomb shields for shield walls, skeleton chariots filing a obvious part of the legions, horsemen for threat response, and skeleton Giants and varghulfs and terrorghast filing the less common role of war elephants) I've ordered the start of the army from the nearest stockist of GW stuff (which is still a bit away, though they offer discounts luckily) but I'll get to make a good old shieldwall of skeleton spearmen I plan to pose in a shield walled formation

Mr Mystery
07-14-2015, 01:49 AM
I returned to the hobby around 2010-11. Initially I planned a Tomb King army, partly because I had loads of old Skellies still and thought they would be easy to paint, but after buying some more and reading up about them (and their lacklustre book) I decided to switch allegiance to WoC. Over the last 6-12 months, I'd been planning on Dark Elves as a second army - I've collected up a fair few bits but had only assembled/painted a couple of test models while waiting for the new rules. So, right now I could go ahead an build those Dark Elves, but in fact I'm finding myself more tempted to resurrect my Tomb Kings. I don't know whether that counts as a new army or not...

That's pretty much where my nascent VC army has come from - long abandoned project.

Garden of Nurgle is a bit more recent, and going to be done first :)

07-14-2015, 01:32 PM
I am starting my own Khorne warband using daemons of Khorne :D

Mr Mystery
07-21-2015, 01:25 PM
It's very nearly payday!

Time to dig out the Nurgle stuff and ready it for the Garden!

07-21-2015, 01:37 PM
Nurgly stuff is always awesome. Now that my I can transfer all the 40k Daemons over to AoS all I need to do is paint up some Blight Knights and the Glottkin.

Mr Mystery
07-22-2015, 05:36 AM
True that!

I'm not bothering with rebasing either. Given they don't matter at all in AoS, I just can't see the point, especially when square bases will allow me to switch back to 8th Ed whenever the fancy takes me.

07-22-2015, 10:54 AM
Huge skaven army... All I need is stormfiends... New thanquol... Screaming Bell... Almost done! Now just give me some bravery... Please

07-22-2015, 11:33 AM
With Age of Sigmar I've now picked up a couple boxes of units that I've always liked (gors :P actually I got a box of gors and the beatmen battalion) but never liked the idea of struggling against other armies with their 'weaker' codex (I'm not a huge fan of chariots) and as such I never picked them up.

Now I have! Their rules are good and competitive with other options, I love the models and they are fun to use in game! Win/win for me :)

07-22-2015, 12:21 PM
Beatman! That like your gouge-horn? Your champion... :-P

Mr Mystery
07-23-2015, 11:55 AM
Gone for it.

Procured Guardians of the Deepwood boxed set, another box of Putrid Blightkings, and a box of Nurglings.

Let the Garden of Nurgle blossom!

07-23-2015, 01:10 PM
Wood Elves Battalion Box that I bought new in 2010... never even undid the shrink wrap. Kept waiting on the new book while I built my 40k army. New book came out, and I wasn't thrilled about the edition.

Now it just sits there... collecting dust, waiting for me to get inspired

07-23-2015, 03:24 PM
I have a small Bretonnian force, would be 1,000 points in old money. never got round to building half of it, too indecisive about painting. could never decide if I wanted them all a unified colour, or every knight individual. they both can look great. want to get them done properly at some point.

planned to do a glade rider army in the past with warhawk riders as well. now the glade riders are awesome, I may have to.

07-23-2015, 04:11 PM
I'm currently half-way through the Eisenhorn trilogy, which I am thoroughly enjoying, having never read it before. It is heavily inspiring me to pick up on doing an Inquisition force again (a project which has never really got going in the past for me, mainly because I feel the codex is too limited). I may be unable to resist though if the book series continues being so enthralling. It is even making me consider a Hereticus Inquisitor rather than my previously firm favourite, the Ordo Xenos, as all the cult hunting is very interesting. On the other hand, I had a great idea for a radical Xenos Inquisitor with a warband including lots of xenos species for the different roles.... hmm...

07-31-2015, 09:49 PM
I have a ton of lizardmen waiting to get done and chaos and vampire counts... a little bit of everything and now they are all legit armies in their own right thanks to AoS. It's a great time for fantasy force building. Grabbing a battalion box of anything will pretty much get you a sizable force.