View Full Version : [1500] Air Cav Space Marines

07-12-2015, 04:20 PM
Hello - I wanted to take a crack at making an air cav list for Space Marines.

Techmarine - 90
- servo harness

Dreadnought - 120
- twin linked autocannon
- twin linked autocannon

Ironclad Dreadnought - 135

Tactical Squad - 165
- melta gun
- sergeant w/ powersword

Tactical Squad - 165
- melta gun
- sergeant w/ powersword

Stormraven Gunship - 200
- twin linked multi-melta
- twin linked lascannon
*carries the Ironclad*

Stormraven Gunship - 200
- twin linked multi-melta
- twin linked lascannon
*carries the Dreadnought + tac squad*

Chapter Tactics - Iron Hands

Storm Wing Formation (includes the following stormraven + 2 stormtalons)

Stormraven Gunship - 200
*carries a tac squad + techmarine

Stormtalon Gunship - 110

Stormtalon Gunship - 110

Total 1495

Definitely looking for advice here. Really unsure about my elite choices and my HQ choice. Could easily swap out the two dreads for an additional squad. Thoughts?

07-12-2015, 07:13 PM
This looks really freaking GREAT!... but one problem... nothing starts on the board!

You're going to be waiting on reserve rolls with nothing to ensure greater odds of getting your stuff on the board. You can be totally cavalier about it, and hope for a deadly Alpha/Beta strike, but if your opponent has tons of models and mobility, then that opponent can dictate where you're units will deploy by clogging the board.

Perhaps drop one Stormraven. Transport the Tac Squad and Ironclad the remaining Raven and deploy it on a 'Ready for Takeoff' Skyshield. The Autocannon dreadnought can also sit on top of the skyshield and wave as they fly away. Maybe pick up a transport for the Tactical squad that lost a Raven and add a scout squad if there are extra points (just for some more board presence).

07-13-2015, 07:52 PM
Don't you think that if I just have one or two squads out there in the first turn that they'll be shot to death? I think it might be better to have them all start coming on turn 2. Luckily I can fly over any enemy units and I think if I have a threatening unit in my stormravens they won't want to crawl all over my table edge. I've totally changed the list so it has fewer models but they're really punchy.

Formation - 1st Company Task Force

6 Assault Terminators - 230
- 2 Thunder hammer storm shield

6 Terminators - 200
- Cyclone Missile Launcher

6 Vanguard Veterans - 197
- jump packs
- 1 vet with pair of lightning claws
- 1 vet with pair of thunder hammers (just for fun)
- veteran sergeant /w relic blade

Formation Storm Wing

Stormraven Gunship - 200
- TL Multi-melta
- TL Lascannon

Stormtalon Gunship - 115
- Skyhammer Missile Launcher

Stormtalon Gunship - 115
- Skyhammer Missile Launcher

Formation Storm Wing

Stormraven Gunship - 200
- TL Heavy Bolter
- TL Assault Cannon

Stormtalon Gunship - 115
- Skyhammer Missile Launcher

Stormtalon Gunship - 115
- Skyhammer Missile Launcher

Total - 1487

2 Stormravens
4 stormtalons
12 terminators
6 jump pack vets

6 vehicles
18 infantry

Kinda crazy small but really punchy! Can drop off the shooty terminators on a home objective if need be. The other two assaulty units are in storm ravens and beat up many many units.