View Full Version : I can now have that naval battle i always wanted with AOS :D

07-12-2015, 10:40 AM
Boats on each side that carry as much models as you can fit on the boat with a warscroll for the boat type but they don't have bravery also boats are counted as terrain so everyone on board gets +1 to all saves but if your boat sinks everyone dies.

Transport Ship = 3" movement 20 wounds +5 saves
Single barrelled cannon = front arc 7"-14" 1 attack +4 to hit +3 to wound 0 rend d3 damage

Combat Ship = 5" movement 14 wounds +4 saves
Triple barrelled cannon = front arc 7"-14" 3 attack +5 to hit +3 to wound 2 rend d3 damage
Two Single barrelled cannon = left arc 7"-14" 2 attack +4 to hit +3 to wound 0 rend d3 damage
Two Single barrelled cannon = right arc 7"-14" 2 attack +4 to hit +3 to wound 0 rend d3 damage

Flag Ship = 2" movement 20 wounds +4 saves
Two Triple barrelled cannon = front arc 7"-14" 6 attack +5 to hit +3 to wound 2 rend d3 damage
Two Single barrelled cannon = left arc 7"-14" 2 attack +4 to hit +3 to wound 0 rend d3 damage
Two Single barrelled cannon = right arc 7"-14" 2 attack +4 to hit +3 to wound 0 rend d3 damage
Single barrelled cannon = rear arc 7"-14" 1 attack +4 to hit +3 to wound 0 rend d3 damage

Core ability's
Full speed follow rules for running but roll 2d6 rather then the normal amount.
Ramming speed if the charge is made with the front arc getting in charge range deals d6 mortal wounds to the ship
Boarding if the charge is ending up side to side with the boarding point both ships are locked together till one side beats the other

Movement phase but boats work with the rules like in 40k with air units that can turn 90 degree arcs because there boats.
Shooting phase units that are near cannons can fire the cannons.
Charge phase if a boat ends up on the side of a enemy boat 1" from its boarding point planks are put across and then boarding can happen.

I just came up with the idea because we don't use rank and file and its all loose seeing a naval battle is possible more then ever.

Mr Mystery
07-12-2015, 10:43 AM

Can also be readily adapted to Siege.

07-12-2015, 10:47 AM
yeah do that any rules or tweaks are welcomed lets make our own content shale we :D also don't forget the odd pirate music.

07-12-2015, 10:58 AM
For land to sea battle on a sort of invading force mission have walls and land areas with the following cannons.

Models that interact from both sides can use Siege placements provided no enemy is within 3" and your unit is within 1"

Siege placement 6 wounds +5 save
Single barrelled cannon = 12"-20" 1 attack +4 to hit +3 to wound 0 rend d3 damage

Siege placement 6 wounds +5 save
Triple barrelled cannon = 12"-20" 3 attack +5 to hit +3 to wound 2 rend d3 damage

Apply small transport ships from the combat and flag ship
Land party boat 6 wounds +3 save
ability can land on land from any point it comes in contact with land.

Realistically no big boat would be able to get near land due to simple reasons so landing party boats are necessary but the transport ship can make landfall due to its design.

Anthrax ion pusscabe
07-13-2015, 12:52 AM
One thing is different races have different tech levels, some don't have black powder weapons, and would then use bolt throwers, or naval catapults

07-13-2015, 05:15 PM
I have seen a patten on what they do with customize options with the new models they get two types of weapon and it swaps a value around the shield guys on the force of order for there warhammers they get +4 to hit but +3 to wound with there secondary weapon they get +3 to hit but +4 to wound so we could also implement the same thing with cannon balls vs. ballista arrows

Siege placement 6 wounds +5 save
Single barrelled cannon = 12"-20" 1 attack +4 to hit +3 to wound 0 rend d3 damage
Single ballista = 17" 1 attack +3 to hit +4 to wound 1 rend 2 damage

Siege placement 6 wounds +5 save
Triple barrelled cannon = 12"-20" 3 attack +5 to hit +3 to wound 2 rend d3 damage
Repeater ballista = 17" 3 attacks +4 to hit 4+ to wound 2 rend 2 damage

For ships that use ballista's
Single ballista = 10" 1 attack +3 to hit +4 to wound 1 rend 2 damage
Repeater ballista = 10" 3 attack +4 to hit +4 to wound 2 rend 2 damage

The reason ballista don't have a min range is because they don't explode and could cause harm to the ship also they do flat damage because being impaled will always result in the same result also the hit value would be much better due to targeting and less recoil then the cannon counterpart also rend is high because they impale

Anthrax ion pusscabe
07-14-2015, 10:28 PM
Realistically no big boat would be able to get near land due to simple reasons so landing party boats are necessary but the transport ship can make landfall due to its design.
My undead will just jump off the side of the big boats and walk to shore across the bottom, because breathing is unnecessary

Tristan Verolme
07-14-2015, 11:05 PM
Nicely done :)
I have always liked the idea, but in 8th, I don't think it worked that well.