View Full Version : Does Kharn get 'hit' by Winds of Chaos?

03-08-2010, 11:16 PM
I noticed this in one of my tournie games on Saturday. I had Kharn in a unit of Beserkers and my opponent had a Chaos sorcerer with Winds of Chaos. He cast the power and placed the template on my unit and hit 4 Beserkers and Kharn.

My question is this:
1) Is it 4 hits or 5? Kharn is immune to all psychic powers so even if he's in the squad does he cancel a single hit if the template touches him? Or is it still 5 hits because the combined models are counted as one unit for the purposes of shooting? :confused:

1a) Could I just assign one of the wounds to Kharn to cancel the wound? Could I do this in conjunction with the above?*

What do you all think?

FYI, in the game I just went with the 5 hits and counted them all on the 'Zerkers. This is pure curiosity for future reference.

* Personally, I think that's pretty douchey, but I'm trying to cover all the bases here.

Herald of Nurgle
03-08-2010, 11:23 PM
NEVER EVER include Kharn for Psychic Power's effects. Nuff Said.

03-08-2010, 11:25 PM
EDIT: Forget what I wrote earlier; I was way off base. Winds of Chaos says it follows the normal rules for a template weapon, which means you can assign the wounds caused by the template weapon to any model in the unit. So what I'd say is this:

The rules are not actually clear here. That said, either 1) or 1a) must be true. I would ask your opponent up front, and point out that of the two possible right answers, it's most advantageous for your opponent if Kharn simply doesn't count as under the template (i.e., answer 1)). If they don't like that, feel free to take 1a) :p

Which is a long-winded way of saying what Herald of Nurgle did.

03-08-2010, 11:37 PM
Thanks for the quick response. So just one less hit or wound. I was curious about this particular interaction. So the same for any other psychic template (destructor, etc)?

03-09-2010, 12:56 AM
If the psychic power would require me to allocate wounds to the unit, I'd do it including Kharn, and then applicate Kharn immunity by disregarding the hits on him.

Winds of chaos works on per-model basis, so I'd ignore Kharn completely as if he wasn't under the template.

03-09-2010, 09:08 AM
Kharn cannot be affected by the power, but the rules for templates mean he is hit. So you have 5 hits, one of which can be assigned to Kharn (and ignored).

Not letting the template hit him and discarding a wound on him would be doubling the benefit of his immunity, and thus not kosher.

03-09-2010, 09:13 AM
Hm, being hit is kinda being affected as I see it, but I agree that since he's not affected (not hit) you shouldn't allocate wounds to him. My interpretation differers only slightly from Jwolf, but in most cases it will be effectively the same result.

03-09-2010, 09:54 AM
Being hit is being hit. There is no effect for being hit, unless the target is wounded. If any model that was hit by Winds of Chaos acted as if in difficult terrain the next turn, then Kharn would be immune to that as well. You can hit Kharn with any psychic power you want to - he has no immunity from being hit, only from the effects of psychic powers.

Being immune to the effects instead of being hit is better for Kharn's unit, as that gives them a free shrug of the first hit.