View Full Version : What do you guys think about this comp?

07-07-2015, 02:06 PM
I wrote it yesterday:

The ideas behind it is really simple. There are no points, so why try? Instead, we work to limit the amount of certain models being present on the battlefield proportional to game size.

Let me know if you find any holes, all feedback is welcome.

07-08-2015, 04:54 AM
falls down for Ogres, Brettonians (or any other knight army) as taking units of Goblar/Men at arms as compulsory units is neither fitting nor particularly fun. equally no all armies have anything for rare and elite, and its not clear where warmachine units belong.

I doubt Age of Sigmar can be balanced on wound count 2 goblins=/=2 Phoenix guard=/=1 chaos chosen

07-08-2015, 05:14 AM
My first inclination over the weekend was to do wound count comp, but after playing all weekend I saw that that won't work. I mean as a very loose structure it could work between friends but really in a public environment there are units that are just obviously way better than others in that regard.

07-08-2015, 08:16 AM
My first inclination over the weekend was to do wound count comp, but after playing all weekend I saw that that won't work. I mean as a very loose structure it could work between friends but really in a public environment there are units that are just obviously way better than others in that regard.

Wound total seems to be how most groups I've encountered are doing it. 100 wounds total each side on the table.

07-08-2015, 08:21 AM
Wound total seems to be how most groups I've encountered are doing it. 100 wounds total each side on the table.

They are indeed because that is what GW is supposedly doing - that still doesn't mean it works well. I've seen holes you can drive two monster trucks side by side through with that system.

That does not address:

One unit that's 1 wound a model with 10 guys has 10 melee attacks, another unit that's 1 wound a model with 10 guys has 20 melee attacks and 10 shooting attacks. (for ex: orcs and savage orcs). Both have 10 wounds each total.

By the wound comp score that treats both of those the same. Just using attack dice, one unit has 3x the offensive dice as the other. If I'm powergaming and exploiting holes, the choice here is obvious. (and *again* for friendly games with buddies this won't be an issue but for open games this is a huge issue)

It does not address summoning and how busted summoning is either. (i've posted my experience with summoning in another thread)

07-09-2015, 02:05 AM
Me and my friends have found a 'fairly' reliable system in putting the real world $,£,€, cost of a unit to build our armies with. Pitting the street value of Chosen or Bloodknights vs zombies or clanrats makes for plenty of fun workouts when army building.
What do you think?

Mr Mystery
07-09-2015, 03:10 AM
Sounds like a laugh to me!

Then you get Ogres....we is ded cheep!