View Full Version : 1500 point allied CSM/Daemonkin test

Lord Krungharr
07-07-2015, 08:14 AM
I've been trying to figure out a good way to get some Chaos Marines working with Daemonkin and here's what I came up with after thinking about it for 10 minutes or so:


2x 10 Cultists
Spartan/ceramite/dirgecaster/Screams of Lugganath legacy of ruin (for 12" dirge)

Daemonkin allies:

20 Bloodletters
20 Flesh Hounds

also a Void Shield Generator w 3 shields

Would this just absolutely suck in most cases? I think it could be pretty fun, fast and certainly furious if they get anywhere. I think invis and the voids and maybe shrouding if possible would really help things out a bit. Not great for objective games though, just plunging into the lines really.

Arkhan Land
07-08-2015, 12:16 AM
the void sheild might not be very useful since all of those inits are going to be on the go. if you end up playing longways (24 deployments and center) you could end up with more of the places you need to go further away, khorne is and should always be a mobile army. maybe invest the points of the generator into some other units that will either work with that or provide some sort of backfield holding power, maybe some straight bolter CSM and or some Spawn.