View Full Version : a little light hearted fun game with the new warscrolls

07-07-2015, 06:27 AM
Okay I've been thinking about the actions of how each model plays out in a sort of cinematic and I've come up with a fun thing with the inspiration of others so here it go's.

Great unclean one

Hero phase (Plague wind spell and his general ability)
The area started to smell rotten and decay was rampit wile he mumbled nurgles sacred number to his fellow kin.

Movement phase
His hulking stature moving forward in a cheerful motive humming a very unpleasant tone

Shooting phase (Noxious bile)
His gaping maw open spewing filth and pestilence to all those around him as his kin start to cheer and laugh at his glory those who did not believe succumbed to the toxic falling lifeless to the ground.

Charge phase
Encouraged by his kin as all the nurglings start to cheer and shout he runs headlong into the battle with a giant grin on his face.

Combat phase
Seeing one of his kin being beaten by his foe enrages the great unclean one directing his attention to those who harm his children.

Plague flail
Swinging his mighty flail nocking them into others like bowling pins hearing there bones crack and body's fall to the ground in droves.

Massive Bile sword
then taking up and swinging his giant plagued sword cleaving and cutting all those in his wake with even the littleist of scratch could be deadly because who dare hurt his children

Battle shock phase
After the display of such a sight he lets off a bellowing laugh that would make any foe quiver in fear at the might that is nurgle.