View Full Version : Please help me make my marines into a list

Catriona Townsend
07-07-2015, 03:07 AM
Im fairly new to 40k ive just kind of buying models i like and im looking for help to put them into a coherent list.The only stipulation i have is that they must be imperial fist with salamanders allies or vice versa.

Ive only painted a few models a salamanders dreadnaught and imperial fist devastator squad and scout squad.

This is what i have unpainted

Land raider Crusader
Ironclad Dreadnought
8 Terminators (bolters,Power fist)
1 Captain
7 Sniper Scouts
10 Scouts bolters or CC
10 Marines With heavy weapons or Flamers,heavy flamer,plasma gun
10 Marines with jumppacks,(Can make these Command Squad sans jump packs,Assault Squad or Veterans)

I know its a big ask but if anyone could help me that would be great.Thanks

07-08-2015, 05:07 AM
10 Marines With heavy weapons or Flamers,heavy flamer,plasma gun
is that all ten with special/heavy weapons, or a squad of ten with one heavy and one special? if it's the former, it's nigh on useless without more bolters...

what's the wargear on the Captain? that kind of influences his points cost...

I'd strongly advise getting a DropPod for your Ironclad - more or less the only way to make those things good...

Other than that, pending the missing info, you've got a pretty decently balanced 1750pts force there...

Lord Manton
07-08-2015, 08:44 PM
The first question is: How new are you to 40k? Do you have the rule book or the Space Marine Codex?
If the answer is 'no' to either of those, then that's the first step. I would say the codex is more important because you can play with people who can guide you through games.

I do t have the Marine book, but to field a "battle forged list" that will give your troops Objective Secured, you need 1 HQ and 2 Troops choices. You've got that in your captain and your scouts. If you put a jump pack on your captain, your Assault Marines can be taken as Troops as well (AFAIK). However that's not very Imperial fisty or salamanderish. I would agree with the above, get yourself a drop pod.

It's also worth looking at the Space Marine Codex and the Imperial Fists supplement (Sentinels of Terra). These will have all sorts of tasty formations that will give you special rules for taking certain units. If you can find one or more formations you like, you can give yourself some structure as to what to buy next and how to kit it out.