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03-08-2010, 11:39 AM
As an example-- this was done in a thread on the IGMB a while back, but I figured it'd be fun to have this transferred over here. I tried to format it the best I could, given this forum's lack of tables.

Captain Melissa Taylor, Commander of the Umaran Remnants

Cost: 75
<table border="1"><tr><td>WS</td><td>BS</td><td>S</td><td>T</td><td>W</td><td>I</td><td>A</td><td>LD</td><td>SV</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>5</td><td>3(5)</td><td>3</td><td>3</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>10</td><td>4+(4++)</td></tr></table>

Type: Independant Character, Infantry
Equipment: Carapace Armor, Orc-Cleaver, Bolt Pistol
Rules: Aura of Courage, The Emperor's Own Luck
Orders: May issue 1 order per turn with a 12" command radius.
Order List: First rank: FIRE! Second rank: FIRE!, Incoming!, Move! Move! Move!, and "Alpha Strike"

Retinue: Captain Melissa Taylor always comes with an Imperial Guard Veteran Squad as retinue. Points cost is for this squad is not included in Melissa Taylor's points cost above. They cannot purchase the Demolitions or Forward Sentries doctrines, but come with the Grenadiers doctrine.


Orc-Cleaver: Two-handed power weapon which increases strength by 2. Strikes at normal initiative. Against units from Codex: Orks, it always strikes first.

Aura of Courage: All friendly units with a model within 18" of Captain Melissa Taylor are stubborn. Furthermore, Captain Melissa Taylor may use her order to automatically regroup all squads that have voxcasters.

The Emperor's Own Luck: Grants a 4+ invulnerable save and the Eternal Warrior universal special rule.

Alpha Strike: Designate a target within 12" of Captain Melissa Taylor. All units that fire at that target this turn do so at +1 to their BS score, at a maximum of BS5. Captain Melissa Taylor may not move or shoot that turn except to initiate an assault.

Master Bryss
03-08-2010, 11:59 AM
Actually, we do have tables now, and ironically, it was your idea! Here you go:

<table border="1"><tr><td>WS</td><td>BS</td><td>S</td><td>T</td><td>W</td><td>I</td><td>A</td><td>LD</td><td>SV</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>5</td><td>3(5)</td><td>3</td><td>3</td><td>4</td><td>3(4)</td><td>10</td><td>4+(4++)</td></tr></table>

03-08-2010, 12:04 PM
Damn, I didn't know that! That's awesome!

/me goes over to try it out and format her C:AS5E project

03-08-2010, 03:13 PM
See below. I'm not sure on cost, but it's on-par with the BoLS special characters.

Arbitor Faultie, Marshal Primus of the Precinct Charon Patrol Fleet

Cost: 130
<table border="1"><tr><td>WS</td><td>BS</td><td>S</td><td>T</td><td>W</td><td>I</td><td>A</td><td>LD</td><td>SV</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>3</td><td>3</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>3</td><td>10</td><td>4+</td></tr></table>

Type: Independant Character, Infantry
Equipment: Carapace Armor, Maul of Justice, Grenade Pistol, Suppression Shield, Frag Grenades, Riot Grenades, Breaching Charge, Book of the Law
Rules: Independent Character, Stubborn, Riot Tactics, Units Inbound, Hand of the Law, Punisher's Assault, Marshal of the Fleet

Retinue: Arbitor Faultie may select one of the following units as a retinue, purchased normally. This unit does not take up a Force Org slot.

Shock Team - If chosen, Arbitor Faultie's base WS is 5
Storm Team - If chosen, Arbitor Faultie's base BS is 5

Maul of Justice: The Maul of Justice is a Power Maul. All successful saves against wounds inflicted in close combat by this model must be rerolled.
Grenade Pistol: A Grenade Pistol counts as an Arbites Grenade Launcher with the following changes: Range 12, Pistol. It may fire Krak grenades in addition to Gas and Lockdown grenades.
Punisher's Assault: Any unit that may take a Rhino transport may take a Drop Pod instead.
Marshal of the Fleet: Arbitor Faultie and any unit he leads may Deepstrike, and may reroll the scatter dice. Alternatively, Arbitor Faultie and any unit he leads may take one vehicle from the following list as a dedicated transport, purchased normally. This vehicle does not take up a Force Org slot.

Valkyrie Assault Transport
Eagle Heavy Assault Shuttle (counts as Stormraven)
Aquila Lander
Arvus Lighter

03-08-2010, 08:24 PM
I feel like ork special characters are a little tricky, because Ghazghkull Thraka sets a comparatively low "do not exceed" bar, but if I were going to do special rules for Skraga Blitzkrag, here's what I would do:

Skraga Blitzkrag da Pashunt, Warlord of Da Circus Rukkus
<table border="1"><tr><td>WS</td><td>BS</td><td>S</td><td>T</td><td>W</td><td>I</td><td>A</td><td>LD</td><td>SV</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2</td><td>5(10)</td><td>5</td><td>3</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>9</td><td>4+/5++</td></tr></table>

Type: Infantry (Bike)
Equipment: Killy Bitz, shoota, 'eavy armour
Special Rules: Independent Character, Furious Charge, Mob Rule, Waaagh!, Da Big Boss, Patched Up, I Callz 'Im ... Tim!
May replace shoota with kombi-skorcha for +5 points
May take Tim for +__ points
May take Margaret for +__ points

Killy Bitz: Dok Grozkor's proudest accomplishment is Blitzkrag's left arm, which has been replaced with a fully functional deff dread power saw nearly as big as the warlord himself. The saw's powerful hydraulics allow Blitzkrag to wield the enormous contraption with surprising speed. Blitzkrag's Killy Bitz count as a power klaw, except that attacks made with the Killy Bitz strike after Initiative 2, but before Initiative 1.

Patched Up: Blitzkrag has been shot, sawn, chopped, dismembered, and exploded so many times that he has lost count. Each time, Dok Grozkor manages to patch the boss back together with a mixture of steel, adamantium, and organic parts whose origin is best left unexplored. Still, as the warlord sees it, what doesn't kill him permanently can only make him tuffer. Blitzkrag has a 5+ invulnerable save. In addition, Instant Death reduces Blitzkrag to one wound rather than killing him. This effect is applied after all regular unsaved wounds have been accounted for.

I Callz 'Im ... Tim!: Even before his unfortunate dismemberment during the War of Dakka, Blitzkrag was famed as a trainer of attack squigs. His current pet, Tim, makes up in ferocity what he lacks in size. Tim provides the benefits of a regular attack squig, in addition to reducing by one the Initiative of a single model in base to base contact with Blitzkrag during an assault as the tenacious squig clamps onto an opponent's limb and hangs on, chewing enthusiastically.

Margaret: Named for the carnifex head mounted between its handlebars, Blitzkrag's beloved warbike is a half-ton monstrosity that is nearly the size of an APC and as much armored machine gun nest as conveyance. Margaret is an ork warbike. In addition to the normal benefits of an ork warbike, Margaret increases Blitzkrag's Toughness to 6, even for purposes of Instant Death.

Sir Biscuit
03-08-2010, 09:49 PM
What in the hell people? We're all posting characters from personal stories and fiction, but not including any of the stories or fiction? I DEMAND STOWWY TIME.

Some comments:

Melissa: Why is her attacks 3(4)? Is Ork-Cleaver two handed or not? Can her veteran squad purchase a transport? I would assume yes, but you may want to clarify.

Faultie: I5 is awfully high for a normal human, though I do not know the specifics of his backstory/augmentation/etc. Also, you may want to clarify wheter or not the transport he and his squad can purchase is a dedicated transport, and whether or not it uses up a slot on the Force Organization Chart. Also hard to put a points value on this unit when a lot of his abilities are unlisted. Link to the codex you are using/making?

Nabterayl: Giving him Eternal Warrior instead of a roundabout immune to instant death and true toughness six does effectively the same thing in less words and confusion. I can't cost him effectively as I don't know Orks at all. :P

Fun characters though, all 'round. Get mine up soon.

03-08-2010, 10:01 PM
What in the hell people? We're all posting characters from personal stories and fiction, but not including any of the stories or fiction? I DEMAND STOWWY TIME.

Nabterayl: Giving him Eternal Warrior instead of a roundabout immune to instant death and true toughness six does effectively the same thing in less words and confusion. I can't cost him effectively as I don't know Orks at all. :P
I don't actually run Blitzkrag as a special character at all, and this is one of the reasons why. I don't feel like he should be bigger than Ghazghkull ("Nobody's bigger than Ghazghkull, you ignorant git!" ;)), who is T5 W4 and immune to Instant Death. A regular warboss can be T5(6) W3, though, and Blitzkrag is supposed to be bigger than that. I felt that T5(6) and Eternal Warrior was too close to being bigger than Ghazghkull, and yet I wanted Margaret to be special, so I didn't want to just stick with T5(6), either.

So I came up with T6 and Eternal Warrior Lite. While T6 is almost the same as Eternal Warrior, it isn't quite - it protects you from S10, but not against weapons that simply inflict Instant Death, such as force weapons or other exotic nasties. So for instance:
If Ghazghkull is wounded by a Demolisher cannon, he loses one wound.
If Blitzkrag is wounded by a Demolisher cannon on foot, he loses [up to] two wounds.
If Blitzkrag is wounded by a Demolisher cannon on bike, he loses one wound.
If a regular warboss is wounded by a Demolisher cannon on foot or on bike, he is killed.
If Ghazghkull is wounded by a turbo-laser, he loses one wound.
If Blitzkrag is wounded by a turbo-laser on foot or on bike, he loses [up to] two wounds.
If a regular warboss is wounded by a turbo-laser on foot or on bike, he is killed.
I felt like that was a reasonable gradient of tuffness - tuffer than a regular warboss, and yet not as tuff as Ghazghkull.

As for stories, where do you want 'em? ;)

EDIT: I suppose, since we're engaging in the exercise, I could just make him T5(6) W3 Eternal Warrior, which is easier to bring down than Ghazghkull, since there can be an awfully big difference between W3 and W4.

Sir Biscuit
03-08-2010, 10:34 PM
It's true that Ghazghkull is one mean motha', but Abbadon may have words about who is truly the Biggest and the strongest... ;) Fair 'nuff on EW light.

I was going to say use [spoiler], but of course this forum doesn't have that mod. Goddammit. Well, would it really be so bad to put the fluff here, as it is kind of the point of the thread? (Or a link to someplace else that has it... or just a summary... or SOMETHING.)

03-08-2010, 11:03 PM
Pfff, Abaddon doesn't even try to be green. And he needed ancient technology just to get to S4 T4. Totally not even in the running for biggest ;)

Anyway, don't want to hijack Mel's thread, so here's the start of it. (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?p=60594#post60594)

03-09-2010, 08:13 AM
What in the hell people? We're all posting characters from personal stories and fiction, but not including any of the stories or fiction? I DEMAND STOWWY TIME.Well, then. I'll have to go pull up my backstory stuff and get it to you!

Faultie: I5 is awfully high for a normal human, though I do not know the specifics of his backstory/augmentation/etc. Also, you may want to clarify wheter or not the transport he and his squad can purchase is a dedicated transport, and whether or not it uses up a slot on the Force Organization Chart. Also hard to put a points value on this unit when a lot of his abilities are unlisted. Link to the codex you are using/making?
1. I5 is taken from the special character from the BoLS Arbites minidex. I'm assuming he's just a good human (I4) with some prosthetics (thanks to his line of work as the Marshal of a patrol fleet). He's the only model in the army that high, aside from the other 130pt special character. Plus, you can get other non-Marine humans that high (Inquisitors, for example), so I figure this isn't completely outrageous.
2. The transport is a dedicated transport, and thus does not use up a FOC slot. Thanks for catching that, I'll change it.
3. The codex can be found here (http://theflylordsofterra.blogspot.com/2009/09/40k-mini-dex-logo-sheet-archive.html). It is the Arbites minidex.

Thanks! Story soon to follow.

03-09-2010, 10:29 AM
What in the hell people? We're all posting characters from personal stories and fiction, but not including any of the stories or fiction? I DEMAND STOWWY TIME.
Melissa Taylor's fluff, version 1 (http://commissar.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=one&action=display&thread=7156)
Melissa Taylor's fluff, version 2. (http://commissar.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=one&thread=10121)

It has not been entirely written down. The second version is a work in progress; I was unhappy with the first and wanted to rewrite it in a darker and more in depth form.

Some comments:

Melissa: Why is her attacks 3(4)? Is Ork-Cleaver two handed or not? Can her veteran squad purchase a transport? I would assume yes, but you may want to clarify.
Right, that was a transfer error. It should just be 4. Orc-Cleaver (with a c not a k, even though yes I know Ork is spelled with a k) is two-handed. The squad may purchase anything except what is restricted, including shotguns, special weapons, sergeant upgrades, or transport.

03-09-2010, 11:42 AM
The many stages of Captain West:

Sergeant Jula West, Rainbow Warriors 5th Co.

Cost: +70 (Tactical Squad upgrade)
<table border="1"><tr><td>WS</td><td>BS</td><td>S</td><td>T</td><td>W</td><td>I</td><td>A</td><td>LD</td><td>SV</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>2</td><td>4</td><td>2</td><td>9</td><td>3+</td></tr></table>

Type: Infantry
Equipment: Power Armour, Bolt Gun, Bolt Pistol, Power Sword, Melta Bombs, Frag/Krak Grenades
Rules: Sergeant West and her squad are Relentless.
Sergeant West can be chosen to upgrade a single Tactical Squad, so long as the squad is 10 strong.

Lieutenant Jula West, Rainbow Warriors 5th Co.

Cost: 120
<table border="1"><tr><td>WS</td><td>BS</td><td>S</td><td>T</td><td>W</td><td>I</td><td>A</td><td>LD</td><td>SV</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>2</td><td>4</td><td>3</td><td>10</td><td>2+ / 4++</td></tr></table>

Type: Independant Character, Infantry
Equipment: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Power Sword, Iron Halo, Frag/Krak Grenades
Rules: No Retreat, No Remorse!;

May exchange Bolt Pistol for Storm Bolter at +3pts, or Plasma Pistol for +15 pts.


No Retreat, No Remorse!: All friendly Space Marine units that can draw LoS (ignoring intervening models, but not terrain) to Captain West may use her leadership and re-roll any LD or Morale test. They may also attempt to rally if enemy units are within 6".
Captain West must be on foot, not embarked aboard a vehicle.

Captain Jula West, Rainbow Warriors 5th Co.

Cost: 200
<table border="1"><tr><td>WS</td><td>BS</td><td>S</td><td>T</td><td>W</td><td>I</td><td>A</td><td>LD</td><td>SV</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>5</td><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>3</td><td>4</td><td>3</td><td>10</td><td>2+ / 4++</td></tr></table>

Type: Independant Character, Infantry
Equipment: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Master Crafted Relic Blade, Iron Halo, Frag/Krak Grenades
Rules: No Retreat, No Remorse!; Die Standing!; Feel No Pain (bionics)

May exchange Bolt Pistol for Storm Bolter at +3pts, or Plasma Pistol for +15 pts.


No Retreat, No Remorse!: See Lieutenant entry.

Die Standing!: All Space Marine units exchange Combat Tactics for Stubborn.

For part of her background go here: http://collegiatitanica.blogspot.com/2009/08/rainbow-warriors-background-archive.html, down the bottom of the page.

03-14-2010, 06:14 PM
Admittedly I've always been one to think that only men becoming Space Marines is biologically retarded with medical technology having 20k years to improve, but what is the specific way in which your Rainbow Warriors manage the feat? I'm asking out of curiosity more than anything else, as a cursory glance at your blog didn;t immediately inform me :P

03-15-2010, 08:45 AM
Prettymuch the first line of your post - science! The subject is alluded to in my post about the Chapter's variances, but I'm never going to fully explain how it came about as if people have a big issue with it I really don't care ;)

03-15-2010, 08:56 AM
Admittedly I've always been one to think that only men becoming Space Marines is biologically retarded with medical technology having 20k years to improve, but what is the specific way in which your Rainbow Warriors manage the feat? I'm asking out of curiosity more than anything else, as a cursory glance at your blog didn;t immediately inform me :P

Prettymuch the first line of your post - science! The subject is alluded to in my post about the Chapter's variances, but I'm never going to fully explain how it came about as if people have a big issue with it I really don't care ;)

How did he get female marines? This is how!

Herald of Nurgle
03-16-2010, 02:08 PM
Duke Caelaphus, the Herald of Nurgle- 225pts
The man once known as Duke Caelaphus of Chyman was a cunning fellow, who tried to defy death and survive forever in control of a great galactic empire. His experiments and tests soon meant that he was the first victim of a virulent plague which swept through his throneworld. However, he survived with the help of his new patron, and brings the word of Chaos to yet more subjects.
<TABLE border=1><TBODY><TR><TD>WS</TD><TD>BS</TD><TD>S</TD><TD>T</TD><TD>W</TD><TD>I</TD><TD>A</TD><TD>LD</TD><TD>SV</TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>4++</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

The Duke may be purchased as a HQ choice, as one of the army's Aspiring Champions, in any Lost and the Damned army, or as a Heavy Support choice in any Chaos Daemons army.

Unit Type: Monstrous Creature (Unique)
Special Rules:
Daemonic (see Codex: Chaos Daemons), Slow and Purposeful, Feel No Pain, Counter Attack
Send in the Pawns: While the Duke is not an Independent Character, he will count as joining any friendly unit which he is within 3" of for the purposes of wound allocation.
Toxic Shrouding: The Duke, quite simply, stinks. Really badly. At the end of every Shooting and Assault Phase, each enemy model which is within 7" of the Duke must take a Toughness Test against their basic toughness - this includes models within transports.
Blessing of Nurgle: Each turn, the Duke must use either Aura of Decay or Nurgle's Rot.

Wargear/Daemonic Gifts:
Chaos Icon, Noxious Touch, Aura of Decay, Iron Hide, Nurgle's Rot (only affects enemies) Mark of Nurgle (included in profile)
Tomb of Daedalus: The tomb is a great structure which holds the Duke's remains, much like an Astartes within a Dreadnought. While the front is exposed - giving full view of the Duke's corpse - it is very difficult to get a decent target on him. For the purposes of rolling to wound, double the Duke's toughness. In addition, the Tomb gives the Duke +d3 attacks each turn. However, these extra attacks are reduced by 1 for each wound the Duke has already taken.

04-25-2010, 12:48 PM
Podpolkovnik Krasnov - 240 pts.
The Podpolkovnik of the little-known Coy. A, 1st Concordian Armored Regiment became famous when his Vanquisher destroyed an Ork Gargant while in support of the "Lucky 13's." His armored company specializes in the destruction of enemy armor, and as such has a higher proportion of veteran anti-armor units than most.

<TABLE border=1><TBODY><TR><TD>Type</TD><TD>Front Armor</TD><TD>Side Armor</TD><TD>Rear Armor </TD><TD>BS</TD></TR><TR><TD>Tank</TD><TD>14</TD><TD>13</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>4(5)</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Podpolkovnik Kransnov may be purchased as a HQ choice, as a replacement for a Leman Russ Tank in any Leman Russ Tank Squadron, as a separate Heavy Support choice in any Imperial Guard army.

Unit Type: Vanquisher Tank (Unique)

Special Rules:
Tank Hunters, Lumbering Behemoth (See Codex: Imperial Guard)

Enemy Armor Sighted!: When Krasnov's tank shoots at an enemy unit with an armor value, successful cover saves against the shot must be re-rolled. (But not more than once!)

SABOT rounds: Any Vanquisher tank in a force led by Podpolkovnik Krasnov replaces the standard Vanquisher cannon profile with the following: (This includes Krasnov himself.)
Range: 72" STR: 8 AP:1 Ordnance, Melta
This means they roll 3d6 and discard the lowest die for armor penetration.

Hand-picked gunners: Any tank in a force led by Krasnov may hand pick their gunners for +20 points. This increases the tank's BS to 4.

Vanquisher Battle Cannon, Lascannon, Searchlight, Smoke Launchers

Infra-red targeter: When using the night-fight rules, Krasnov may re-roll the dice determining range-of-sight. The second result must be accepted, even if it is lower.

Archaeotech fire-control system: This increases the BS of the tank to 5 and is included in the profile above.

05-10-2010, 10:05 AM
An alternate version of Taylor, from my Dark Heresy: Ascension campaign.

Primaris Psyker Melissa Taylor, Alpha Level Psyker

Cost: 150
<table border="1"><tr><td>WS</td><td>BS</td><td>S</td><td>T</td><td>W</td><td>I</td><td>A</td><td>LD</td><td>SV</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>4</td><td>3</td><td>3</td><td>4</td><td>3</td><td>3</td><td>10</td><td>4+/5++</td></tr></table>

Type: Independent Character, Infantry, Psyker
Equipment: Carapace Armor, Gungnir, Refractor Shield
Rules: Stubborn, Lucky, Primaris Warding, Psychic Precision
Psychic Powers: May use one psychic power per turn, and may activate her Force Weapon even if she used a psychic power.
Power List: Telekinetic Barrage, Telekinetic Blast, Telekinetic Crush, Telekinetic Shield

Two-handed Master-crafted power weapon which always hits on a 2+ and wounds on a 4+. Counts as a force weapon. If using the force weapon's power, this causes 3+2d6 penetration against vehicles.

Taylor may re-roll all failed armor or invulnerable saves.

Primaris Warding:
Instead of rolling for Perils of the Warp, roll D3. On a 1, Taylor takes a wound and the power fails. On a 2, Taylor takes a wound but the power still activates. On a 3, the power activates with no penalty. This wound does not add to combat resolution.

Psychic Precision:
Taylor may re-roll failed to-hit rolls on psychic shooting attacks, or scatter die. She must accept the second roll.

Telekinetic Barrage:
R24", S5 AP5, Assault 2d6

Telekinetic Blast
R24", S4 AP6, Assault 1, Large Blast, Ignores Cover Saves

Telekinetic Crush:
R24", S10 AP2, Ordnance 1

Telekinetic Shield:
Grants a 3++ invulnerable save to Taylor. If Taylor is joined to a squad, it also grants a 5++ invulnerable save to that squad.