View Full Version : The Anti Meta 1850 Marine List

07-06-2015, 03:53 PM
Im posting a lot of lists lately, but they all revolve around the similar core of models and are alternatives to play as and when i feel like a change etc.

Still definitely a list id take to a tournament!

Clan Raukaan

CAD - Chapter Tactics - Iron Hands
- Captain - Bike, Gorgons Chain, PowerFist/Lightning Claw, Artificer Armor, Auspex - 220
- Veterans - Apothecary, Grav Gun x4, Storm Shield x4, Bikes - 240
- Ironclad Dreadnaught - Heavy Flamer x2, Drop Pod - 180
- Ironclad Dreadnaught - Heavy Flamer x2, Drop Pod - 180
- Scouts x5 - Land Speeder Storm, Multi Melta - 105
- Scouts x5 - Land Speeder Storm, Multi Melta - 105
- Drop Pod - 35
- Vindicator x3 - Siege Shields, Extra Armor - 420
- Stalker x3 - 225

Allied Detachment
- Culexus Assassin - 140

Total = 1850

So this list, in my opinion, counters alot of the current problem lists. The Speeder Storms, offer some opportunity to interfere with Skyhammers and the mobile nature of the list means they arent TOO much of a problem barring them screwing up my tanks. The Vindicators Deny Armor/Cover (and usually FNP) to huge areas of the battlefield, while the Dreadnaughts drop in turn 1 to provide more AV13 targets than the opponent knows how to deal with. If they show up with a Council/Conclave or other Psyker based list then the Culexus comes in and does his thing instead of one of the Dreads. Finally the Stalkers hold the back line providing Anti-Air and Anti-Skimmer support, as well as ignoring those pesky jink saves while they stay alive.

Admittedly, Vehicle flyers aren't a huge problem in my area (though Skimmers can be and theres a few FMC lists) and i was tweaking a variant of this that ran 6 Vindicators at 2k instead of the Stalkers (plus a couple of changes elsewhere in the list) for extra OTT blasts!

07-06-2015, 11:39 PM
How do you deal with knight lists?

07-07-2015, 12:23 AM
Uh... with two multi-meltas, four grav guns, three demolisher cannon, two seismic hammers and a power fist?

07-07-2015, 01:05 PM
Pretty much yeah. Im hoping theres enough heavy firepower in the list that Knights can be taken down before they cause TOO much damage. I know its not really designed to nuke them in one round without focussing a majority of the force on them, or take a bit of a hit first, but at least Pure Knight armies arent common.

07-07-2015, 05:59 PM
Uh... with two multi-meltas, four grav guns, three demolisher cannon, two seismic hammers and a power fist?

This is not going to stop 5 knights

07-08-2015, 12:36 AM
This is not going to stop 5 knights

No it won't, but very few lists are set up to handle 5 Super Heavies. Short of switching out my Vindicates for the Tank Hunter variants there's not really much I can do.

Thankfully those lists aren't that common and ill have to put it down as a bad match up. I could run Storm talons over the Stalkers I suppose but that's a local meta choice. Crimson Death is more common than 5 Knights.

07-09-2015, 04:28 AM
The best way to break a given meta is to think about the reasons why the meta did establish itself in the first place.
Your list is fighting symptomes but you have to find the cause and create a list that is completely different but still strong.

07-09-2015, 06:32 AM
The best way to break a given meta is to think about the reasons why the meta did establish itself in the first place.
Your list is fighting symptomes but you have to find the cause and create a list that is completely different but still strong.

I think you're taking this meta thing a little too literally. I'm not trying to create a perfect list to counter the current tournament meta, it's nowhere near, but it does (at least in my opinion) seem to have answers to many (but not all) of the more common lists out there, without taking many (ok may be the Command Squad/Captain with boosted FNP) of the standard Tournament Marine tricks like Skyhammer, Conclave and Demi Companies.

Maybe calling it Anti - Meta was incorrect, but I wouldn't really look at anything across the table from me (barring 5 knights) and panic that this list couldn't handle it.

07-12-2015, 07:31 PM
Is there a delivery system for the Assassin?

If your opponent goes first they can pump a ton of shots into the limited amount of units you have on the board. If they have flyers, they can focus all their firepower on the Stalkers.

07-13-2015, 01:44 AM
Is there a delivery system for the Assassin?

If your opponent goes first they can pump a ton of shots into the limited amount of units you have on the board. If they have flyers, they can focus all their firepower on the Stalkers.

The Drop Pod in the CAD is for the Assassin. As for limited, I'm only leaving the Dreads and Assassin off the board and 2 of those will be in on turn 1. I wouldn't call what's left 'limited firepower'.

I understand this could potentially fall apart vs units that are built to deal with armor but from what ive seen theres not that much long range anti armor about atm (couple of lances, with most preferring Melta or other short range options like D etc) and hopefully there's enough target choice to stop an opponent focussing me too hard before I hit them.

07-13-2015, 06:37 PM
I misjudged a lot of aspects, that now, re-reading I am catching. Sorry.

I thought the landspeeders had to deepstrike, but they must have infiltrate. I didn't realize the captain and command squad were on bikes, I thought they were taking the drop pod.

It's a great list. Have you thought about which Warlord Tables you'd want to roll on?

07-18-2015, 11:54 AM
Id stick to the Clan Raukaan Warlord Traits.

If i manage to roll the FNP ability he gets to be able to split off into combats and still keep his 3+ FNP, if he becomes a Techmarine, no biggie, he can fix my tanks etc.