View Full Version : AoS into Warhammer Quest...

Mr Mystery
07-04-2015, 10:02 AM
Afternoon all.

As I hide my pasty, burn prone Scottish skin from the merciless sun, I've been perusing the various Warscrolls and rules of AoS.

And you know (and you probably do given the thread title) it reminds me of Warhammer Quest....

Characters are fairly rock, but infantry are dangerous in large numbers, due to the volume of attacks - just like Warhammer Quest....

To hit and to wound are pretty much set, barring the odd situational modifier - akin to Warhammer Quest......

Way I see it, all I really need to do is procure some suitable dungeon tiles of some description, and I'm off!

Anyone else?

07-04-2015, 02:31 PM
I've been rebuilding WHQ over the last 18 months with modern models, and I'm actually in a good place for AoS because I have several smaller collections of monsters that make good starting armies.

Could be onto something Mr Mystery. I was looking to adapt WHQ to have less scaling (level 10 dungeons involved fighting numerous Greater daemons, dragons of various sizes, Nagash style Liche kings and vampire lord necromancers).

I like the idea of Warhammer Quest because I also have pasty, burn prone Scottish skin and the idea of going miles underground into a cold, dark, damp dungeon sounds much more preferable to going overground where the sun is. There's melanoma up there.

Mr Mystery
07-04-2015, 04:11 PM
Other than writing your adventure, and coming up with some advances and equipment for the adventurers, the rest is all there.

Simply switch range from inches to squares, and you're good to go :)