View Full Version : Loving the new rules but one thing im not sure about and that is points values?

07-04-2015, 01:25 AM
As the title where are the points values because without them unbalanced gameplay will happen also where is the force org chart?

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
07-04-2015, 01:56 AM
So far, it looks like there aren't any.

07-04-2015, 02:22 AM
At the moment the only balance I can justify to the game if you look at the bottom of the warscroll it said hero/monster in its key words so restrict games to a number of types I guess for a example of a games restrictions would go as following.

Monster 1 per army
Hero 1 per 3 units
6 warscrolls

So for monster and hero slot would be taken by my great unclean one.
3 units of plague bearers/plague drones/beast/nurglings

This would leave me with 1 hero and unit of plague bearers/plague drones/beast/nurglings or 2 units of plague bearers/plague drones/beast/nurglings.

So that's how I could see some what balance what's everyone else's take on this?