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View Full Version : Skyfall Protocol! 2k Marine Tournament List.

07-01-2015, 08:23 PM
Ok, we all know the Skyhammer is being overused but it has its weakness, its possible to play around it and isnt as OP as most people cried to begin with...

...so lets make that Alpha strike a little bit nastier!

CAD Chapter Tactics: - Iron Hands
- Captain - Bike, Gorgons Chain, Lightning Claw, Power Fist Artificer Armor - 215
- Command Squad - Apothecary, Grav Gun x4, Storm Shield x4, Bikes - 240
- Bike Squad x3 - Melta x2 - 83
- Bike Squad x3 - Melta x2 - 83
- Ironclad Dreadnaught - Heavy Flamer x2, Assault Launchers, Drop Pod - 190
- Ironclad Dreadnaught - Heavy Flamer x2, Assault Launchers, Drop Pod - 190
- Scout Bikes - Locator Beacon, Cluster Mines - 84
- Drop Pod - 35

Skyhammer Annihilation Force - Chapter Tactics: Ultramarines
- Assault Marines x5 - Flamer x2 - 95
- Assault Marines x5 - Flamer x2 - 95
- Devastator Marines x10 - Multi Melta x2, Combi-Grav, Grav x2, Drop Pod - 275 (Combat Squad on Arrival)
- Devastator Marines x10 - Multi Melta x2, Combi-Grav, Grav x2, Drop Pod - 275 (Combat Squad on Arrival)

Allied Detachment
- Culexus Assassin - 140

Total = 2000

So, initial strike of Skyhammer and 2 Ironclads. The Ironclads step out to use their flamers on turn 1 and should be tough enough with good positioning for the following turns assault. Devastators Combat Squad and pick their targets and the Assault teams tie up the best options. On my opponents turn they have to choose either counter assaulting the Assault Marines, leaving the Dreads free (6 attacks is nothing to sniff at on the charge), tie-ing up the Devi's or even paying any attention to the Bikes moving up the field.

Second turn the Bikes should be in range to help mop up and hopefully the Culexus drops in to make its presence felt. If my opponent is playing something particularly Psyker Heavy (Conclaves/Councils/Synapse Creatures etc) then he may come down Turn 1 and a Dreadnaught can wait for its turn.


07-02-2015, 09:44 PM
Ive also been asked how id slim this down to 1850 and honestly im not sure.

Easiest way is to drop the Skyhammer Devi's down to 5 man each and find 10 extra points somewhere (drop the Scout Mines, etc). Removing any of the podding element kinda throws off the tactic, the scouts arent enough to remove on their own and anything else is more or less essential to the build/formations etc.