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03-07-2010, 03:15 PM
So, I'm still thinking about BFG, and I've come up with a thousand point Chaos fleet that I think I'd like to try. This is using the Traitor Fleets (http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1280009_BFG_Traitor_Fleets.pdf_)list.

50: Lord, extra re-roll
190: Devastation
190: Devastation
190: Devastation
190: Devastation
190: Devastation

It's 1000 points on the nose and puts 20 small craft in the air at a time, in addition to having 10 60cm lances. I figure I'll play them as a single squadron, since they'll pretty routinely be on the same special order, and since re-loading those attack craft is important enough that I want them all to be able to benefit from the Lord's leadership bonus. Plus, being in a squadron allows the other cruisers to easily protect the Lord's cruiser.

I think it could be a fun fleet. If you have any suggestions, comments, or criticisms, let me know.

10-31-2010, 11:41 AM
Heavy fleet but I imagine if an opponent could get something like a battle ship into the middle of that squadron it would be messy for you!

One squadron means one target and your opponent knowns exactly where to aim.

2 squadrons and one could be attacking your opponents ships in the rear where they have no weaponry and often weaker armour while the other one runs away spewing out bommers behind them!


11-03-2010, 01:23 PM
Hey! Thanks for the reply.

Since posting this list, I've realized that it's actually illegal, and I'd need to use the Ships of the Gothic Sector (http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1280005_BFG_Ships_of_the_Gothic_Sector.pdf) list using that Chaos Lord instead. Apparently, the Lord in the Traitor Fleets list can't actually lead a fleet.

Still, very similar

As for the Battleship, it's true that battleships (anything with piles of turrets, really) are pretty hard on the bomber-reliant list. Still, at the range at which any battleship is really looking at getting into the middle of that squadron, the bomber waves are getting to it unimpeded. Four fighters and sixteen bombers swinging at a 4 turret battleship take about twelve swings for four hits. Add in five hits from lances and another four hits from weapons batteries, and that squadron actually comes pretty close to one-shotting a battleship before the battleship can realistically expect to bring more than one arc to bear against the squadron.


Actually, four squadrons, each composed of four fighters and and a bomber take an average of 18 swings for an expected return of six hits.

11-27-2010, 06:09 PM
I have found that mixed torps n' bombers is effective.
I had an ordnance heavy Pirate Fleet a couple years back (still do, just don't know anyone who plays!)

11-27-2010, 10:07 PM
That does make sense, but torps are not likely to be a feature I use: the Chaos Fleet doesn't really do torps (I can only think of three Chaos ships that have them, and one's a battleship and one's a grand cruiser) and I really dislike the aesthetic of torpedoes in space.

If I were playing Imperials, I'd consider the torps, but that's basically the last fleet I'm likely to build.

If I were playing Tau (GW Tau, not FW Tau) I'd basically have to play torps, and I do like the Tau fleet, but I'm not really likely to play that, either.

You're in town, aren't you? I don't actually own a fleet, yet, but I'd proxy one up and play you, sometime, if you're interested in a game.