View Full Version : Does 'Doom' even matter anymore...

03-07-2010, 02:56 PM
Now that we have heard more concrete rumors of the Blood Angels...

Does 'Spirit Leech' really bother anyone anymore?

Seriously... Dreadnoughts that cause tank shock by dragging enemy tanks toward them...

Jump Packs that only scatter d6 inches (or Dante, not at all!)

Tycho is a beast!

Hand Flamers

Hand Meltas

12" 2 shots str4 ap 4 wrist mounted guns!

Squads that can be in Terminator armor and grant Feel No Pain to everyone in a radius...

Transports that carry a Dreadnought and a Jump Pack Squad that can get out even if the transport moves 24".

Flamestorm Fast moving tanks...

Seriously---- Does the Doom of Malan'tai mean anything any more, or will this 'Spirit Leech' discussion disappear....

The other guy
03-07-2010, 03:07 PM
Doom will still matter to the tyranid players, and those that play nids regularly.

What the blood angels will mean is that we will yet again have threads about codex creep.

It seems to me doom matters because it is the only really broken thing in the codex. Everyone wants codex creep to affect their own codex and nobody else's! If there wasn't a Doom issue, the nid players would have nothing to talk about!

03-07-2010, 03:11 PM
I really wouldn't put Doom in the broken category.

More like 'One Hit Wonder'. You pod it in- it does its thing- then Dies a horrible death.

Yes, Doom will matter to Tyranid players (like myself), but I am more talking about Forums. Will the spirit leech discussion even have any weight!

03-07-2010, 04:54 PM
The Spirit Leech discussion will always be around as long as there is no, sigh, FAQ on the subject.

Will it be as, um, prevailing? I don't think so. Every time a codex comes out , the previous one is all but forgotten....

I am still waiting for Vendettas and Jaws to break the game in my area....

03-08-2010, 12:22 AM
The Spirit Leech discussion will always be around as long as there is no, sigh, FAQ on the subject.

Will it be as, um, prevailing? I don't think so. Every time a codex comes out , the previous one is all but forgotten....

I am still waiting for Vendettas and Jaws to break the game in my area....

Remember when DA "double wing" was "OMGZ brokensauce! CREEP CREEP CREEP!"?

03-08-2010, 12:50 AM
Yeah, that's what I thought.

Most the stuff on the internet forums is just that- stuff.

Over hyped- and when the dust settles, everyone realizes it wasn't the way they 'theorized' it to be.

Remember how Sarah Palin was suggested for VP? Through Internet Forums. Boy, we all know how that turned out- doesn't matter what side of the coin you picked- over hyped. Granted, she has landed herself a job on FOX entertainment.

03-09-2010, 03:06 PM
Yeah, that's what I thought.

Most the stuff on the internet forums is just that- stuff.

Over hyped- and when the dust settles, everyone realizes it wasn't the way they 'theorized' it to be.

Remember how Sarah Palin was suggested for VP? Through Internet Forums. Boy, we all know how that turned out- doesn't matter what side of the coin you picked- over hyped. Granted, she has landed herself a job on FOX entertainment.

The webernets is not solid truth! Oh noesss!

I have to agree. Its honestly one of the things I like about 40k right now, no matter how broken something MAY seem, once people figure it out, it just gets added to the metagame (right next to nob bikers and dual lash).

03-09-2010, 05:36 PM
Psychic choir anyone? Valkyrie squadrons anyone? Deathstrike? Manticores?

All old news, just like the BA codex will be in six months time. Yes, new armies will always have nasty stuff in it and people will play them because they seem nastier than the last but the true players will stick with their army and just figure out how to handle the latest codex just like they've done with all the others that have gone before it.

Lord Azaghul
03-10-2010, 07:28 AM
Psychic choir anyone? Valkyrie squadrons anyone? Deathstrike? Manticores?

All old news, just like the BA codex will be in six months time. Yes, new armies will always have nasty stuff in it and people will play them because they seem nastier than the last but the true players will stick with their army and just figure out how to handle the latest codex just like they've done with all the others that have gone before it.

Ha zah!


03-11-2010, 05:50 PM
Too true! People will be whinning (even blood angel players) as soon as the next codex comes out. Seriously, how many wolf/ tyranid players are whinning now? Its all part of the circle of life.


03-12-2010, 10:14 AM
I dunno if the Doom of Malan'tai is still good, but mah Eldar Doom still rocks the house ; P

03-12-2010, 11:22 PM
With codex creep as it is, it makes me wonder what the Sisters codex will be like...

03-13-2010, 04:23 AM
It'll probably still suck just so you get to complain about GW discriminating against women.

03-13-2010, 06:51 AM
Just how, pray tell, are these blood angels chaps supposed to help my Guard against tyranid powers? Or my berzerkers, or even my occasional eldar?


03-13-2010, 10:41 AM
It'll probably still suck just so you get to complain about GW discriminating against women.

You make it sound like he NEEDS a reason to complain.... :p

03-29-2010, 05:48 PM
Too true! People will be whinning (even blood angel players) as soon as the next codex comes out. Seriously, how many wolf/ tyranid players are whinning now? Its all part of the circle of life.


Actually, it's the Circle of Complaints ;)
I bet the man who coined Brokensauce is a rich man by now.