View Full Version : If 40k was real what army/faction would you join?

06-27-2015, 04:22 AM
If 40k was real what army/faction would you join?

Keep it somewhat realistic. By that I mean do you really want to join the chaos or the tyranids? Do you really want to go through the genetic augmentation of the Adeptus Astartes, or the cybernetic augmentation of the Adeptus Mechanicus?

What role would you want to serve in your army/faction? A Blood Angels Sanguinary Priest? A Imperial Guard Sniper? an Inquisition War Acolyte? A Tau Gue'vesa? A Skitarii Ranger? A Iron Hands Forge Father? Something evil?

I would probably go with either an Adeptus Mechanicus Enginseer assigned to the Imperial Guard, or either an Imperial Guard or Imperial Navy officer stationed on Mars working with the Adeptus Mechanicus sort of as a liaison officer.

What about you all?

Mr Mystery
06-27-2015, 04:27 AM
Pretty sure I'd be a corpse in pretty short order!

06-27-2015, 04:45 AM
I'd go with Craftworld Eldar. Provided your waystone doesn't get lost or destroyed you've got long life, high standard of living, ect.

Of course there's a real risk of getting your soul eaten by a dark god, but to be fair that's true of everyone.

Option number 2 would be Orks. After all, the Orks have it all pretty much worked out. Just be one of the Boyz.

06-27-2015, 06:23 AM
Either an Imperial Guard Lord General or an Iron Warriors Warsmith.

06-27-2015, 06:51 AM
Do you really want to go through the genetic augmentation of the Adeptus Astartes, or the cybernetic augmentation of the Adeptus Mechanicus?

Uh, yeah. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BluntYes)

I doubt I'd survive the process of becoming an Astartes, as I'm both too old and not an exceptional specimen, but augmetics are right up my street.

Thing is, what's all this about me having a choice?

I suspect I'd end up in the Imperial Navy. Not as an officer, or even a rating, but one of the thousands upon thousands of deck slaves who stoke the reactors, load the guns, and generally have short and horrible lives.

I'd go with Craftworld Eldar. Provided your waystone doesn't get lost or destroyed you've got long life, high standard of living, ect.

Of course there's a real risk of getting your soul eaten by a dark god, but to be fair that's true of everyone.

Option number 2 would be Orks. After all, the Orks have it all pretty much worked out. Just be one of the Boyz.

I think you're meant to assume you are you, and therefore human.

06-27-2015, 07:09 AM
I think you're meant to assume you are you, and therefore human.

Given that the OP listed 'Nids as an option, I'm assuming that race is not preset.

Otherwise we can all expect to end up as PDF if we're lucky.

06-27-2015, 07:41 AM
There's a difference between join the 'nids and become the 'nids.

Hence the exhortation "be realistic, do you really want to"? Because you will be eat.

Asymmetrical Xeno
06-27-2015, 08:16 AM

I wouldn't have to process my vocals when I'm making industrial music.

I wouldn't need stage costumes for when I do live gigs.

I wouldn't have to buy cyberpunk clothes as id be in a cyberpunk body.

Wouldn't have to rely on public transport as I'd have my own Catacomb Command Barge.

Neon green is my fave colour.

06-27-2015, 09:59 AM
As a human, I'd be conscripted into the Astra Militarum, spend eight months "training" on an impossibly vast spaceship, then probably get shot in the head by, like, a grot in my first 20 minutes of combat.

06-27-2015, 02:10 PM
I'd be an Inquisitional Interrogator. Helping to bring the light of the Emperor to those who have forsaken him.

See, even in the 41st Millennium, there are people helping people.

06-27-2015, 02:10 PM
Assuming I was conscious of the opportunity to be anything else? No idea. They're all awful beyond words.

However, assuming I'm indoctrinated enough to be all YAY THE IMPERIUM LET ME SALUTE THAT FLAG BEING A SOLDIER SURE IS GREAT I CAN'T IMAGINE A BETTER LIFE THAN THIS NO SIREE, I'd go Inquisition, hope they don't lobotomise me on the way, hope that I live long enough to hide safely somewhere.

Or maybe be a Rogue Trader. Work anonymously on a ship somewhere - create no waves, run at the first sign of trouble.

06-27-2015, 02:30 PM
Craftworld Eldar Ranger/Eldar Corsair

Not exactly a fan of strict life rules and authority - I rather trust in my own, flawed-as-it-may-be judgement - and I do like to travel; sadly not artistic enough to be a Harlequin ;)

06-27-2015, 02:55 PM
There's a difference between join the 'nids and become the 'nids.

Hence the exhortation "be realistic, do you really want to"? Because you will be eat.

Yes, I meant for you to pick who you would want to be if it was you in that world. I mentioned the tyranids meaning unless you feel like getting eaten I don't recommend them.

06-27-2015, 03:43 PM
if we can somewhat choose our rank (which, given Astartes are an option, it seems we can) I'd like to be something not-insignificant on an Imperial Navy warship. Doesn't need to be a battleship, doesn't need to be Commanding Officer, but some member of the bridge crew would be neat. Because space ships are coooool.

06-27-2015, 03:52 PM
I'd probably be some low level menial slaving away in some data-stack somewhere, 18 hours of data entry before two hours of worship then back to my hab for some slab and a bit of sleep, before doing it all over again.

That or a servo skull by now.

06-27-2015, 04:44 PM
High Lord of Terra. Regardless of Adminstratum that would rock.

06-27-2015, 07:09 PM
Well, I figured I might be a hair dresser or something. Maybe something artistic. I never wanted to be a Guardsman. But what I really wanted to be was...


Leaping from tree to tree as they float down the mighty rivers of Catachan. With my best buddy by my side we'd sing, sing, sing!

I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay, I sleep all night and I work all day!
(You guys know the rest. The end result is *BLAM* Heresy!)

06-28-2015, 06:07 AM
As a human, I'd be conscripted into the Astra Militarum, spend eight months "training" on an impossibly vast spaceship, then probably get shot in the head by, like, a grot in my first 20 minutes of combat.

That's at least better than the poor *******s who die in the landing crafts on the way the the planets surface. Or the guy who opens the transport door and gets shot before he even gets his foot across the threshold.

Arkhan Land
06-28-2015, 08:27 PM
eldar corsairs by choice but I'm kind of noise marine in real life, a life of excess and its just the sonic blaster I own isn't as powerful, or handheld.

That's at least better than the poor *******s who die in the landing crafts on the way the the planets surface. Or the guy who opens the transport door and gets shot before he even gets his foot across the threshold.

I suspect if youre very out of shape the commisar shoots you halfway through training : p

Blood Pact TBag
06-29-2015, 07:17 AM
As I am now,I would join the Tau and get a kick *** Battlesuit.

06-29-2015, 11:03 AM
Part of the Dark Mecanicaum, a human robot abomination with the power to sacrifice millions... And a personal Harbringer would be nice :3

06-29-2015, 03:01 PM
Tau. They seem to have the closest standard of living to us. Provided your not a firecaste, and in the core worlds. Not to mention I can actually go there and invent things for them instead of just being shot on site in the Imperium or anywhere else.

Michael Bobchin
06-29-2015, 03:34 PM
Dark Eldar Homonculus, that is the pinnacle of do whatever the heck you want. Chill in your pocket dimension with your minions, occasionally gobbling up some humans for their souls, but their not important and breed like vermin so whatever.

06-29-2015, 07:25 PM
I'd like to Join the Dark Eldar as an Incubi honestly. Despite how treacherous their world is, and how often treachery lies around the corner, they hold onto some semblance of honor and are powerful warriors.

06-29-2015, 07:27 PM
Honestly I'd like to join the Dark Eldar as an Incubi. Despite the treacherous world they live in, and how often treachery and betrayal comes to them, the Incubi hold onto some ideals of honor, and are extremely powerful warriors.

06-29-2015, 10:35 PM
Black Templar Chaplain.

06-30-2015, 05:16 AM
Cleaning Staff at an Inquisitor's laboratory.

06-30-2015, 06:33 AM
I don't think being conscripted into the AM is sooo bad... I mean, there is like a 1 in a million chance you will retire as a General or some such and live to the age of over 200 with rejuvenat treatments. the other 999,999 died horrible deaths and the odd one form old age oc...

Personally, at the very least I would like to be a medic of somekind, something like this guy: http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Tolin_Dorden
Or maybe an Apothecary. Most of all I would like to be a Magos Biologis though.

Biotic Khajiit
07-04-2015, 03:19 PM
Im pretty unfit (Im not fat but skinny and weak) so I would probably sign up for the IG as a generic meatshield, or I could hopefully out my skills to use as an inquisitor.

07-05-2015, 10:52 AM
I feel like Tau Ethereal would be a good choice. Just so long as I don't have to inspire the troops from the battlefield I'm pretty set. Maybe if I sucked up to Aun'Va enough he'd let me get a sweet hover chair too!

07-11-2015, 10:42 PM
I loveeeee my Khorne Daemonkin and Space wolves but Id probably go eldar, read the books for all and seems like their lives aren't to horrible. But Being Thunder Cav would rock!

07-22-2015, 07:23 AM
Harlequins, living on the edge and having fun doing it.

07-23-2015, 04:05 AM
It's easy, Imperial Guard :) Or Astra whatever :)