View Full Version : IA:13 - The Inventors Tool Kit?

Mr Mystery
06-25-2015, 05:17 AM
How do?

Recently, I've been pondering how to best represent the myriad forces available to an Inquisitor. It's not that I consider the official Codex a bit meh, so much as it only scratches the surface, designed as it is to interact with other, official army lists.

And in no time at all, my attention was drawn to IA:13. Not for the Chaosy Goodness contained therein (though there is plenty of that) but specifically the Renegades list.

What is the Renegade list I hear you ask? Well, that's a really, really good question, with a slightly enigmatic answer - the Renegade list is pretty much whatever you want it to be. It has so many options, the only sane way to approach list writing with it is to decide what you want your army to look like. Abhumans? Got it. Citizen based uprising? Got it. Imperial Guard gone to the bad? Got it. And everything in between.

And just now, whilst outside having a smoke, it struck me.....the Renegades list is the closest thing we currently and quite possibly ever will have to a bare bones, DIY Codex writing kit. It offers a myriad of base level infantry and vehicles which you can then tailor through the upgrades. That it's primarily for Chaos is a red herring. I think we could use it to make lots and lots of other lists.

I'm already underway in my head with the plotting of an unholy marriage twixt Codex Inquisition and that list. And now I'm thinking I could do much the same with it to represent a Genestealer Cult writ large. But why stop there? Cult Imperialis could be made from it, representing Citizen Militia pressed into service.

The more I think about it, the more opportunities I see.

Now of course, at £45 it's far from being particularly cheap, but I can give it my full (admittedly largely meaningless) endorsement for anyone wanting a crack devising their own Home Brew Codex. Tinker of the points here, tweak to the options there, and most of your work is done - all that remains is to assemble your force and give it some play time. Anything absurdly out of whack will be spotted fairly quickly, allowing for further tinkering and tuning.

Anyone else had a play around with this?

angkor what?
06-25-2015, 10:27 AM
Yes that army list has become a hobby and an obsession for me! I love making fluffy lists and this just gives you the perfect framework for so many awesome lists.
If you tack on all the rest of IA13 and codex csm and daemons you really can make anything you want into an effective themed list.

Iron warriors with artillery and attrition.
Warpsmith leading a myriad of daemon engines.
Local militia, PDF or guard as chaos aligned or not.
Mutant rabble and cultists lead by a dark apostle.
Nurgle themed plague zombie list.
Traitors with actual space marine manned aircraft,drop pods and a good selection of armour.

This is what codicies should be for their 35 pound! A massive fun selection of options

06-25-2015, 10:30 AM
Curses! I only have up through IA11! That sounds like a very interesting list.

angkor what?
06-25-2015, 11:21 AM
Sell the rest and buy five of these!

Mr Mystery
06-25-2015, 11:22 AM
It's so worth getting.

Infantry choices range from 'blokes with sticks and bad language' to Stormtrooper level, and with everything in between.

It features renegade equivalents to Astra Militarum, but you don't have to use the same restrictive command structure if you don't want to.

It's really the 'blokes with sticks and bad language' that intrigue me, as it's as close to baseline human with absolutely no perks as we're likely to see. You can do a lot from that baseline!

06-25-2015, 11:54 AM
I've been using it to represent a group of human mercenaries and renegades that have hitched up with my Ork army. Fun stuff.

06-25-2015, 12:10 PM
Holy cow! It sounds like the first toolkit list sine RT! Now I've simply got to have one. :)

06-25-2015, 06:32 PM
I like this idea! shame I don't have IA13... yet.

06-29-2015, 11:14 AM
I'm using it to make a pseudo Kroot Mercenaries list. Basic Kroot as renegades due to similar guns, krootox as heavy weapon teams. Shapers as enforcers (commisars), Vultures as Veterans with Deepstrike. Some of the bigger Kroot creatures (forgotten their names) can be used as Chaos Daemons. So while we wait for the Kroot Mercinaries codex (right GW?) we have this. And this is why IA13 is great, we have made our own inventive armies using a good codex. Get on it GW!

06-29-2015, 11:51 AM
Its awesome and my renegades have graced the tables at WW for the last 2 tournaments. Genestealer cult indeed is possible...

Mr Mystery
06-29-2015, 01:17 PM
Time to grab me IA:13 and re familiarise!

06-29-2015, 01:53 PM
I was debating having a gander at it for the purpose of using it to build my Gue'vesa army as well. So many options and so much versatility in it! :)

Mr Mystery
09-07-2015, 05:40 AM
Little bit of threadomancy going on here, so apologies to the powers that be...

But...I've been thinking more about the ubiquity of this list, and how it might be used to create now extinct Xenos species from the time of the Great Crusade.

Again, all the very basic building blocks are there - baseline human statline with a 'near as nekkid' points cost is a solid foundation to begin the tweaking. Perhaps a bit of cross-pollination from the nearly as useful 'Imperialis Militia and Cults' list from HH Vol V - Tempest, so you have access to much snackier weapons on a similar scale?