View Full Version : Apocalypse Datafax question

03-06-2010, 10:33 PM
Long time lurker first time poster.

Is there a website or a link to a archive that has all the datafaxes for apocalypse not printed in the 2 rulebooks?

I have found some on GW's site before but cant get back to them.

Our group is having some arguements on the legality of some units, Custom Stompa, and I would love to compile all the rules.

any help is appreciated.


03-06-2010, 11:38 PM
The Custom Stompa Rules are in WD 351.

The other articles are here: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/article.jsp?aId=3400020
(I did a search on the site for Datasheets - I can never find it either)

But regardless of that legality isn't an issue in Apoc; so long as both sides agree to a unit anythign goes really.

03-07-2010, 01:08 AM

Herald of Nurgle
03-07-2010, 02:51 AM
Some of the Liber Apocalyptica (stuff in WD) is here too:

03-07-2010, 07:40 AM
thanks guys.

I have another n00b question. Are the Imperial Armor: apocalypse update book and other apocalypse rules found in the IA books official? or are there even official sanctioned tourneys for Apocalypse?

I had thought Apocalypse was just something everyone got together and did for fun.

so basically are any and all datafaxes 'legal' for use in apocalypse games or do some require the consent of an opponent type agreement?

03-07-2010, 07:56 AM
All GW produced are 'official' for apocalypse. The IA apoc, contains rules for standard units for 40k but since its IA u need opponents permission, and has little (apoc only) rules

03-07-2010, 08:00 AM
All GW produced are 'official' for apocalypse. The IA apoc, contains rules for standard units for 40k but since its IA u need opponents permission, and has little (apoc only) rules
So even the Imperial Armor: Apocalypse update is permission only right?

03-07-2010, 08:01 AM
So even the Imperial Armor: Apocalypse update is permission only right?
I was just reading an article on GW's site that mentioned locations for all datasheetes for SM formations can be found and they referenced some IA books.


in the SM pdf file.

03-07-2010, 08:34 AM
for 40k games yes, not for apocalypse

03-07-2010, 10:38 AM
So even the Imperial Armor: Apocalypse update is permission only right?

In Warhammer 40,000, the game only requires two books to play, and this is located early on in the rule book in the section that tells you what you need to play the game.

The two books are the main rule book and an army codex.

If the book you wish to use rules out of is not one of those two books, you must have an agreement with your opponent to use it.

The one exception would be a set of rules corrections called Erratas. These rules must be obeyed by both players as well.

03-07-2010, 10:40 AM
okay. so Apocalypse being a subset of optional rules like planetstrike, and cities of death its all technically optional right?

I just have a bunch of friends that get their panties in a wad about whats legal and what not in apocalypse. I have been out of the game since 3rd and didnt know the actual status of all these new rule books.

03-07-2010, 10:49 AM
okay. so Apocalypse being a subset of optional rules like planetstrike, and cities of death its all technically optional right?

That is exactly right. Supplemental games are a subset of 40k, and are all permission based and optional.

Think of 40k actually being a bunch of games;

The core, basic game
40k (Which only requires two books to play, the Rule Book and an Army Codex)

And all the optional supplements
Planet Strike
Cities of Death
Battle Missions
Imperial Armor
Any other supplements I am missing

I just have a bunch of friends that get their panties in a wad about whats legal and what not in apocalypse. I have been out of the game since 3rd and didnt know the actual status of all these new rule books.

In Apocalypse, anything is legal, even things you make up. But remember, to be able to use anything, you NEED to have permission from your opponent.

Apocalypse requires more maturity to play by all parties involved than 40k since 40k is pretty much iron clad in what you can do, but, Apocalypse has so much leeway for craziness :)

Basically, you and your friends need to come to an agreement before a game of Apoc to make sure everyone is on the same page.

Apoc requires a lot of planning before hand to make sure the game flows smoothly, and most importantly, is FUN FUN FUN for ALL ALL ALL players involved!