View Full Version : new to hordes...playing everblight...help me make a 25 and 35 point army with pThag

06-24-2015, 06:50 AM
So, Ive had the models for a while but ive been painting them. (Side note a buddy of mine says people wont know what models they are when people paint them)

So I have 5 casters I think but i want to use pThag...

I bought the original starter box back when hordes started along with an angel and 2 seraphs. 4 months ago (had a kid so i havent had time to finish painting) I bought the big everblight box and 2 more carnivian boxes...I turned my old metal carnivean into a sythean and have 1 ravagor built and think Im gonna magnetize the 2 new boxes.

SO I think I need to run warspears with him and the upgrade (which i need to buy both) but what else to people run with him?


and please treat me like a complete nub in your answers

06-25-2015, 12:59 AM
How much are you wanting to keep to his theme force?

06-25-2015, 11:18 AM
How much are you wanting to keep to his theme force?

im not worried about themes...I just have people at my game store telling me that he works better with units than war beasts than his epic model...i havent played a game yet , i have watched but havent asked a lot of questions (which i should do) so i have no idea why he would work better with models over beasts...

06-26-2015, 08:56 AM
I'm not sure that he does work better with infantry- I've played against some pretty brutal Thagrosh1 forces that used mostly beasts (and maybe had a unit of Raptors or Striders alongside).

I also played against a super extreme force where he brought two Arch-Angels and nothing else.

You definitely want at least one big thing for his feat to resurrect, but you can get away with just a Carnivean there.

So: my advice for units is to bring striders or Raptors over Warspears, but you can still get away with a mostly beast force (some scenarios are a little tougher with all beast forces, but mostly they'll still work great).

06-28-2015, 12:48 AM
You also want to take a look at your beast's animi, you want a really nice one so he can cast it as a spell