View Full Version : Mars Miniatures - The Moria Reclamation Project, Oldhammer 1st Edition

06-23-2015, 01:15 AM
Alright, this thread WILL be my permanent posting thread here on BOLS... promise. Firstly because, I know how to post proper pics now and secondly this thread title is more worthy of constant updating.
For those who are unfamiliar with "The Moria Reclamation Project" I would like to direct you to its manifesto and first post here http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2015/04/an-expedition-to-reclaim-moria.html

Its that time again! Oldhammer dwarves in the house... or Mines of Moria, rather. We start with the Dwarves of Legend box set (from 1985), with 8 famous Dwarf Lords and fantastic retro 80s art by the inimitable John Blanche to top it off. I did not have this as a kid in the 80s, but I did have the Heroic Fighters of the Known World box set, which makes me want to re-purchase that again (but I needs must concentrate on stunties. Oh and orcses!) Also on this post, I have 20 dwarves that I purchased relatively cheaply on ebay. These are more wonderful Citadel dwarves to add to my ever growing old school collection. While I do have Ral Partha, Hasslefree, Reaper and more figures in my painting queue, the oldhammer lead will always jump to the front of the line. Lastly, you will see some new terrain, but only glimpses of it. Dont worry, you will see its full splendor in the next post. As per usual, we advance the storyline of the Moria Reclamation Project a wee bit, but I promise a proper battle report will accompany the full reveal of the new terrain perhaps next week.

Alrighty then! Onwards to pics and text...

That artwork makes me think of the Lone Wolf "choose your own adventure"-like books of my youth.

And here are the 8 Dwarf Lords of Legend in their painted glory.

Kimril the Slayer, Borax Bloodaxe, King Gorrin, and Angus

Deatheye, Lastro, Uther, and the Baron

Here is Grombrindal, the legendary White Dwarf himself and his 2-handed weapon paladins. 1d4chan has this description: "He is a mysterious dwarven warrior with an impressively long, white beard who sometimes appears when dwarves are beset by a particularly great and terrible battle, hurling himself into the fray and assuring the eventual victory of dwarfkind."

In contrast to Grombrindals heroes, here we have a unit of 10 treasure seeking (arent they all?) mercenary dwarves led by Hodor the treasure porter.

King Gorrin has been leading the expedition from the front alongside Grombrindal. Never far behind is Hodor, who is always on the lookout for treasures. Wait! what is that shiny-ness ahead? Is it gold, is it danger?

Oh, its just Gimli and Baron Hawk who are looking for clues as to the whereabouts of Balin, Lord of Moria.

Another merry meeting filled with tales (and probable lies) of daring and bravery. Gimli asks Grombrindal and King Gorrin if they have seen any signs of Balin or his colony.

King Gorrin: "Why yes, we were about to explore that mysteriously glowing room above yonder staircase."

Gimli: [looks around at the collective heroes] "Lets investigate this together, Lords of Legend! Are you all with me?"

All: "Aye"

Baron Hawk: "My wee birdy smells danger ahead!"

Grombrindal: "Is that code for something?

King Gorrin: "Cover me Porkins!"

And as the great assemblage of heroes peer into the mysterious room...

The screen fades out.

Oh, dont you just hate cliffhangers!?!?

Will our heroes survive the dangers of the mysterious room?

Tune in next week for another tale of most probable doom, or at the very least some definite woe...



For the full post with more pics and text, go here: http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2015/06/dwarves-of-legend-box-set-white-dwarf.html

06-25-2015, 11:55 AM
Taken from http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2015/06/orcs-and-battle-of-balins-tomb-part-1.html

Its been a long time coming and now finally Im happy to show off some painted Orcs on this blog. These are from Reaper, but I do have some vintage Citadel being prepped for painting. I also plan on making some purchases from RalPartha Europe for Kev Adams Orcs and Gobbos, Harlequins from Black Tree, and more... So the iron fist of the Orc will flame the fires of industry in our little Moria Project and will be sure to cause some Dwarven misery in the near future. In this post we also show some story fluff and the initial defensive setup of the Dwarves as they struggle to defend the Chamber Of Mazarbul or Balin's Tomb as it is also known (but at this point, we still dont really know if Balin is dead, do we? Perhaps he is just mostly dead?)

The leader of this band of ruthless Orcs is a Wraith with a sword of blue magickal fire.

H.Boy: What's his name?T. Manning: His name is Johann Krauss.

H.Boy: Johann Krauss? Sounds German.

T. Manning: He's the top man in...

A. Sapien: Ectoplasmic.

T. Manning: Yes, thank you. Ectoplasmic research. Comes highly recommended by our European liaison. "Liaison." I love that word, don't you? It's so hoity toity.

H.Boy: I don't like Germans.

T. Manning: No fingerprints.

A. Sapien: Here he comes.

H.Boy: Germans make me nervous.

T. Manning: No photo. Dossier says, and I translate, "He has a nice open face."

These 5 Orcs are massive brutes and the fella in the center is Gragg the Elf-Slayer.

Readers of this blog might know there are indeed some Elves in Moria who might have a problem with this monster.

More Orcs with their banners, drums, and horns. And some pointy arrows!

These Orcs look pretty hungry. Not a good thing, especially if you get caught by them.

Hungry Orc: I'm starving. We ain't had nothing but maggoty bread for three stinking days.

Grishnak: Yeah! Why can't we have some meat?! What about them? They're fresh.

Ugluk: They are not for eating.

Grishnak: What about their legs? They don't need those. They look tasty!

So those are the new additions!

Now on to more fluff and the disposition of the Dwarven forces.

When last we left you, Gimli and friends enter the mysterious glowing room...

A quiet solemnity falls over the grieving Dwarves as they enter the Chamber Of Mazarbul. It is also known as the Chamber of Records. In the center is a tomb. Somewhere high above, light shines down upon the sarcophagus which reads "Here lies Balin, Son of Fundin, Lord of Moria"

Another view of the room where you can see the northward facing doors.

One dwarf picks up a book, which seems to be a record of the colony.

"Drums in the deep. Bar the doors. They are coming..." (You know the rest!)

It is grim reading, and a terrible end. But wait...

Pickles the dwarf has found a small parchment. "Thats not the end of the story!"

Pickles: "Hmm. Says here that Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria... has been raised from the dead by Ekalim the Mad. What few dwarves survived have turned to the worship of Nergal and Khorn! They have fallen back towards a secret fortress in the Underdeeps below"

Gimli: "Balin lives! Not sure who these Nergal and Khorn are, they sound friendly enough (doh!) but at least we know some of our kin are here. We must find them! Where is this secret fortress?"

Pickles: "Ummm... sorry Gimli, the directions and map are on another page. Look, theres hundreds of pages littered all over the floors here. If it is still here, I will find it!"

At that moment, Captain Drogo, rushes in.

Drogo: "Orcs have been spotted! They are massing in the central hallways to the east! If they take the crossroads we will be cut off from the rest of the colony!"

The Dwarf commanders decide to split their forces and send half to secure the crossroads, and half to remain here in the Chamber to guard Pickles as he searches for the map of the secret fortress.

Baron Hawk, Capt Drogo and his thirty dwarves, 4 of the Dwarf Lords, and a few others head out to the crossroads. Hodor and his mercenaries are stationed between the crossroads and the Chamber and given orders to come to the rescue of whichever force needs help the most.

Gimli: What about west? We should send a few scouts to make sure we arent surrounded!

Overview of the western approach to the Chamber. There is some flooded floors on the westernmost approach (bottom of the screen). The left side of the Chamber is facing north and has some doors. The right side is facing South and has an open doorway and stairs.

For the rest of the post http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2015/06/orcs-and-battle-of-balins-tomb-part-1.html

06-29-2015, 08:04 AM
Moria Reclamation Project - The Battle Of Balin's Tomb Part 2

Taken from http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2015/06/the-battle-of-balins-tomb-part-2.html

Yeah, this is supposed to be a Warhammer Classic 1st edition blog, but I dont think those rules translate well for skirmishes in dense terrain. So for this battle at least, I used LOTR SBG. Its simple and provides dependable enough results. At some point in the future, I want to create my own mishmash of SBG LOTR & Warhammer (and any of the other dozen or so rules sets on my shelf); taking the best bits I like about them and hammering it out. Anyway, my philosophy is that complexity should be in the scenarios, not in the rules. With that in mind...

This is a defensive scenario, where the defenders must protect an objective (Pickles the Dwarf) for an unknown number of turns, I used playing cards to determine when Pickles finds the map and the Dwarves may then exit the area via the eastern board edge. The Joker card was that marker and I shuffled it in among 11 other cards. Then I took another 6 cards and placed that on top of the 12, which meant that the Joker would show up sometime on turns 7 to 18.

Victory conditions for the opposing sides are:

1) Decisive Dwarf victory = Defeat all Orcs

2) Dwarf victory = Pickles finds map and exits eastern edge

3) Orc victory = Pickles is slain without finding map (or map never leaves the board, Pickles may pass the map to another Dwarf)

4) Decisive Orc victory = Defeat all Dwarves

To add some more spice, I also ruled that certain Face cards meant a special random event had taken place, of which I made 3:

King of Hearts = Young Green Dragon with Orc handler arrives on random board edge

Ace of Hearts = Dark Elf scouting party arrives on Western edge, these are Orc "allies".

King of Diamonds = Hodor and his Dwarf mercenaries arrive on Eastern board edge

So there's the basics of the thing, lets see how it played out...

Grombrindal's scouting force in the northwest is assaulted by a wall of greenskins!

Those Reaper Orcs look massive in relation to Dwarves. Which suits me fine, I want my Dwarves facing insurmountable odds.

Is that Porkins at the very front? Fall back you brave little pork!

Henchman 1: What we gonna do now, Tony?

Tony Montana: We gonna war, thats what we gonna do. Come on, Sosa, you wanna go to war, we take you to war, okay?

They fall back to the Northern doors, where King Gorrin and 3 other Dwarf Lords form a defensive line! Lets hope it holds, because now a Wraith has joined the Orcish host. The Wraith is "sapping will" from the heroes and "draining courage".

King Gorrin raises his sword in defiance of Orcish threats!

King Gorrin: Stop! See this royal magical sword, it means I am a King and I order you to stop your Orcish aggression!

Dennis: Listen, strange women lyin' in ponds distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

Meanwhile in the southwest, Gloin sees a second front of Orcs surging towards his position.
At first, Gloin decides to keep his heavily armored Dwarves on the highground to buy time for the defenders.

But the enemy have archers and superior numbers!

Run away! Run away! Run as fast as your little fat feet will carry you!

To the Chamber lil stunties!

Sir Robin: Would it help to confuse it if we run away more?

The Dwarves position themselves in the doorway and as the Orcs pop up from the stairs they get greeted by axes to the face! Oh, now the best part, Nindalf the wizard gets some sorcerous blasts as well to smash them back down.

Those Orcs will find a hard time of it, crossing that archway!

Bridgekeeper: Stop. Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side he see.

Sir Robin: Ask me the questions, bridgekeeper. I'm not afraid.

As the battle rages all around, Pickles keeps searching for the map. Grumpy keeps close watch.

And a King of Hearts is drawn! A Green Dragon appears... where?

(By the way, its an Oldhammer dragon. 1987 Citadel Young Green Dragon)

That Dragon ends up right in the worst darn place.. north east corridor!
Guess Grombrindal and King Gorrin wont be able to hold this place while being surrounded by both Wraith spells, and now Dragons teeth.
Into the room, Dwarven lords! All Dwarves are now in the Chamber itself.

Gimli takes a suitably dramatic position to cheer up his companions with a rousing speech.

Ahem, they may take our lives, but they wont take our freedom... or some such... For Narnia?!? Boo!

Behind him, you can see Pickles and Grumpy, and behind them, the southern defense. At least Nindalf and Gloin have successfully stalemated the Orcs there. For now at any rate...

06-29-2015, 08:15 AM
Over the shoulder Gimli cam.


Thats alot of hurt coming our way, boys!

We're all in strung out shape, but stay frosty, and alert. We can't afford to let one of those *******s in here.

Whats this? A horn sounds in the deep. Its a King of Diamonds for an event! Which means Hodor and his hoarders arrive... right on the south eastern corridor catching those pesky orcs in the flank.

They're attacking from behind us!

Turn about! Look to the rear! You dogs, move!

There are too many! We cant hold them!

And as Hodor sweeps the lower corridor, Gloin and Nindalf burst out to take the upper platform.

Orcs are caught on the stairs and surrender, while the rest flee for their lives! Back into the chamber, everyone! The whole southern defense force rushes back to fight with Gimli, Grombrindal, and King Gorrin.

Overview of the action.

On the left, Gloin and Nindalf find themselves face to face with Murkillor the Wraith!

In the center, Gimli and the Dwarf Lords manage to hold the line.

And on the right, Hodor smashes through the greenskins and are about to flank the orcs below

Hodor has turned out to be a beastly Orc killer and a hero to boot!

Closeup of the center, Gimli's throwing axes find their mark on the dragon, while the dwarves below him hack at the beast dropping its wounds to 1! Also, Kimril the Slayer and Lastro face off against a big Orc brute!

The moment of truth has arrived. The Wraith strikes Gloin with his Morgul Blade attack and... instant death?! But wait, Gloin can still make a Fate roll to save... and he does!

Nindalf strikes back with a lucky sorcerous blast and the Wraith dissipates into nothingness with a terrifying wail! Of course, what is dead may never really die, but it wont cause any more trouble, at least in this game!

With their main leader defeated, the Orcs lose heart and their force begins to crumble. The Dragon also has had enough and tramples some Orcs in his haste to find a cool and slimy pool to dip its wounded aching tootsies in.

The last of the Orcish assault is driven from the Chamber Of Mazarbul!

Finally, at the very end... Pickles finds the map.

Grumpy harumphs...

Alls well that ends well, Grumpy!

Its a Decisive Dwarven Victory. Scenario probably needed more orcs, or less Dwarf heroes.

(Oh let them have some happiness for a day or two! Dwarves will find sorrow and woe eventually in the deep dark of Moria!)

So, what was it all for?

We have a map to find Balin and whatever is left of his colony.

Oh what about Baron Hawk and the Dwarves that left to secure the crossroads?

They have successfully done so, but more Orcs are on the way, and Dark Elves have also been sighted. They are closing in on our own colony at the East Gate of Moria. The Dwarves decide they must put off finding Balin for another day and return to warn their comrades of the gathering storm. They must begin bolstering their defenses for the impending attack.

So theres my first proper battle report. Hope you readers enjoyed that. I think the pics turned out pretty good, considering I didnt put too much effort into it. Oh and I forgot to mention, the Chamber of Mazarbul terrain piece is Ziterdes all the way from Germany! Took a little time for it to arrive, but they kept in contact with me and let me know. When it did show up it was so well packaged and had no damage from its long trip. Bravo Ziterdes, thumbs up from me.

So, whats coming up next? Im not slowing down the pace one bit.

Well, a nice big terrain piece is! And some warmachines to defend it! Ah, now Ive said too much...

Until next post, keep on "keeping on",


06-30-2015, 08:00 AM
In Moria: The Mother Of Dragons (& Hydras, & Basilisks Too!)

Taken from : http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2015/06/the-mother-of-dragons-and-hydras-and.html

This post today is about dragons... and some Dark Elves too! Not just any dragons, mind you, but baby dragons! Err, I think the proper D&D term is young dragons, somewhere between hatchlings and adults. Also, we add a little more fluff to our storylines, particularly for our Drow/Dark Elves/Night Elves, who havent been active since their debut. I have been wanting to give more screentime to their main characters... so here's their chance.

Here's a nice little monster its a Citadel C29 Chaos Hydra. Ive named her Slithers and painted her purple to match her mistress - the Countess Alyza.

Alyza cares for her hydra very much, as you can see she is scratching one of Slithers seven heads.

Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons

These are Reaper dragons which are not new to this blog. I used them as full grown dragons for my 10mm Warmaster project which Ive moved on from. Well, the dragons have been rebased and now live on in 28mm Moria!

This fiesty lil fella is Custard. While he has been hatched underground, his ancestors were once mighty forest dragons.

This red dragon is Ember, he's got some breath on him!

Mama mia! Thats a spicy meatball!

And here is Oona the basilisk, her uncle (on her mothers side twice removed) became a famous star a few years ago because of some silly little movie about under aged "wizards".

Nimbus is the youngest of Countess Alyza's wards. He is a bratty blue dragon who can spit out lightning when he has a tantrum.

And here is Slithers and Oona, hiding behind their mom.

They have security issues because the other hatchlings teased them for not being "proper" dragons.

Schoolyard Dragon Bully: Why dont you have wings? Why do you have too many heads? 8 feet? Thats gross!

06-30-2015, 08:15 AM
Alrighty, enough with the new minis!

Time for the fluff...

When last we left you, a certain battle took place in a scary room full of angry little Dwarves who carried cruel weapons... (from the point of view of this story's protagonist)

Vermithrax wandered long in the damp dark caverns. He remembered being prodded by Orc spears and goaded into a battle. All he remembered was running towards a glowing room full of Dwarves. Vermithrax yelled for them to help him, save him from his cruel Orc masters, but Dwarves dont understand Dragon speech. Instead, they slashed at his neck with axes. They bashed his toes with heavy hammers. And stabbed his wings with spear and sword. The Orcs lost the fight, and he escaped, trampled over his Orc prodders and outran the whips of his taskmaster. Now here he was, hungry, tired, and alone. Vermithrax collapsed and began to doze off into the sweet numbness of draconic dreams.

Wandering on paths that other men have not seen. Behind the sky. On the other side of the rain.

Until he hears a soothing voice who promises him safety. To lead him to a cool pool of healing water (somewhat slimy, but who's judging)

Just a little further, little dragon...

She speaks Dragonese, thinks Vermithrax, but maybe I shouldnt be so trusting!

But what does he have to lose, he lets her guide him onwards.

Vermithrax reaches a pool of water and gingerly dips his toes in the slightly nippy waters and lets out a sigh of relief.

Countess Alyza calls for the High Alchemist Grigori, to concoct some of his healing potions. Grigori is also called the Master of Poisons. Ok normally he makes deadly poisons, but reverse a poison and its a potion, right? Vermithrax gives in and swallows a vial or two and feels much better immediately!

There is no pain, you are receding A distant ship smoke on the horizon You are only coming through in waves Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying

Alyza asks Vermithrax his name.

Time to decide if he trusts her, for a dragons true name is power. Vermithrax thinks about the bloodlust he detects in Alyza. Blood... disease? sickness. Blood drinker! But she has been sooo nice! Vermithrax relents and decides to throw caution to the winds of fate.

Alyza says: "I shall call you Vermy! Vermy meet my other children!"

They swarm around Vermy and snort and sniff at him, welcoming him to the tribe. Success!

While the dragonlings begin to play with their newfound friend, Lord Commander Alric the Cursed enters the watery cavern and takes Alyza aside.

Lord Alric: The Orcs are preparing to attack the East Gate. The Dwarf forces who were victorious at the Chamber are moving back to join their main army, if they do the Orc attack will fail.

Alyza: You want to help the Orcs? Thats new!

Lord Alric: True, Orcs are not our friends but the Dwarves are even worse. We must not allow the Dwarves to regroup.

Alyza: What do you want of me?

Lord Alric: Use your dragons to harass and delay the Dwarves!

Alyza: Risk my dragons?

Lord Alric: I will send Magister Ludi and his Shadowfire cultists to help with these hit and run attacks. We will have them running in circles, then when they are tired and demoralized, we will strike and defeat them! After that, we will move on the East Gate and slaughter everyone remaining there, be they Orc or Dwarf! While there are countless more Orcs in the Underdeeps of Moria, at least here we shall be the masters! The Drow will rule the upper halls of Moria again!

Alyza: So be it! But afterwards, I want first choice of the Dwarven captives. Three quarters of the captives will do. I need fresh blood for my baths... and my baby dragons are hungry for fresh meat, they grow tired of foul orc kabobs. I will bake those meddling Dwarves! Dwarf pot pie will make my babies grow to be big and strong.

Lord Alric: Half of the captives, Countess. You get first choice, fine. But only half. Your dragons arent the only ones that need to feed.

*Lord Alric's cursed sword begins to howl*

Alyza: (to her dragons) Children... pay attention please! Custard! Let go of Oona's tail! The real playtime is coming, children. Here is what I want you to do...

~ ~ ~

So there is our fine little treat of a post! Hope you enjoyed it, as much as I did in making it. Until next post...



07-05-2015, 04:35 PM
Oldhammer in Moria July 4th Weekend Part 1 - Dwarven Fortress

Taken from: http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2015/07/july-4th-weekend-part-1-dwarven-fortress.html ("http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2015/07/july-4th-weekend-part-1-dwarven-fortress.html)

Happy July 4th weekend, dear readers. Big update to the blog today, so big I feel I have to chop it into 3 parts. I will post all 3 today at some point. Earlier, I just happened to count how many newly painted minis I have for today's "photoshoot" and noticed something incredible. Since my last post, I have painted 76 new figures, which alone is pretty good, quantity-wise, but then realized... wait, its a fortuitous number! 76 as in 1776, the reason we celebrate the 4th.

The Dwarves that are defending the East Gate region of Moria also have something to celebrate. A brand new fortress terrain piece! The Eastern Gate is also known as the Dimril Gate, which looks out on Dimrill Dale a small valley, out of which the Dwarves hope that the caravans of trade and commerce will once again flow. And here on this Independence Day, the Dwarven cause reaches a milestone in their burgeoning colony's history with the best symbol of Dwarven strength - A stone fortress.

Im calling this fortress Easthold and it is within bowshot of the Eastern Gate itself, on the eastern side of Durin's Bridge. This part of Moria is a vast cavern where the ceiling is so high it disappears in darkness. And what looks like stars above, are actually mineral deposits shining in the torchlight. The Dwarven colony has been hard at work to repair Easthold. It has a vast hallway underneath it that houses living quarters, food stores, weapon caches, enough to supply a small garrison for a long time. As it overlooks both the Gate and the Bridge, Easthold is an important and imposing position that controls the area especially if defended by ranged weapons. So, Im pleased to show off some Dwarven crossbowmen and a catapult as well. Now that the Dwarves have a stable base of operations in Moria, their commanders feel confident they can launch more numerous expeditions into the depths of Khazad-Dum. There are many dark powers in Moria that do not like this news... but the Dwarf Lords are ready to fight and survive!

Perhaps it’s fate that today is the Fourth of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom… Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution… but from annihilation. We are fighting for our right to live. To exist. And should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day the world declared in one voice: “We will not go quietly into the night!” We’re going to live on! We’re going to survive! Today we celebrate our Independence Day!”

(Ugghhh, douche-chills! That scene is so terrible. But still, like the late great Patrice Oneal said, its the greatest first half of a movie. On a sidenote, if you dont know Patrice, or Opie & Anthony and their discussion of Independence Day... Youtube it! Its hilarious! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEGW2jBzLgI)

Here is Easthold in all its glory! Its roughly 2 feet in diameter with walls 6 inches high and 10 inches at its highest point. The base of its walls are littered with the skulls of forgotten warriors from some battle long ago.

The Dwarves have repaired the gates and are ready to defend their new home.

The gate is removeable.

The inner courtyard.

The Great Doors of Easthold lead to a deep underground Keep, where the women and children are housed. Also, non-combat personnel have their areas here: Blacksmithies, Armorers, Bakers, Pubs and Bars, etc...

A stonethrower. The catapult is definitely a Dwarfy weapon because rocks are a Dwarfs best friend.

We will we will rock you!

We will we will rock you!

Buddy you're a boy make a big noise

Playin' in the street gonna be a big man some day

You got mud on yo' face

You big disgrace

Kickin' your can all over the place


We will we will rock you!

We will we will rock you!

I dont think these are the crew that comes with this catapult, but its what I got. I am pretty sure they are vintage models though. Except maybe that guy on the left, he might be a 2000s model, but hey, doesnt make him a bad person.

And the crossbow gents are here! These dapper gentlemen, (errr, dwarves) are well dressed and ready to perforate any enemies foolish enough to try venturing too close to Easthold.

Boy do these fellas like smoking their pipes.

The dwarf on the right is a Bugmans brewery champion. Oh, and yes he does have a crossbow slung on his back. He just likes holding his axe when there are no targets around, makes him feel all comfy.


To see the rest of the post: http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2015/07/july-4th-weekend-part-1-dwarven-fortress.html

The next two parts are up and can be viewed at my blog: http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/ ("http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/)

Part 2: Shadow and Flame http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2015/07/july-4th-weekend-part-2-darkhold-shadow.html ("http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2015/07/july-4th-weekend-part-2-darkhold-shadow.html)

Part 3: Army of Darkness http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2015/07/july-4th-weekend-part-3-army-of-darkness.html ("http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2015/07/july-4th-weekend-part-3-army-of-darkness.html)

07-08-2015, 06:03 PM
Taken from http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2015/07/chicken-itza-in-court-of-lizard-king.html

Oldhammer - In The Court Of The Lizard King

Small post today, just a peek into some new terrain Ive been working on. I wanted the next post to be a battle report, but I just had to share my new terrain. The battle report is still on schedule for Friday-ish.

Cardboard, clay, glue, and paint a'plenty went into making this new terrain set. As you can see they match well with my Dwarven Forge. Now, you might be asking, what is a Meso-American step pyramid doing in Moria? To justify having some oldhammer lizardmen on the blog, of course! Unfortunately, I dont have any painted up yet, so a D&D Bullywug King will have to step up to the plate for awhile until such time as suitable lizardmen are painted up. The turqoise trees are plastic, which Ive painted in a suitable otherworldly jurassic color. The purple trees are Woodland scenics FineLeaf Foliage. I suppose its a plant thats been treated with a preservative of some sort. Once I painted them purple, they really popped out visually.

Welcome dear readers to the Court of the Lizard King, also called Chicken-Itza!

Somewhere deep in the Savage Lands, stands the Temple.

Once it was the center of an ancient civilization that brought order and prosperity to the Underworld -

a reptilian race created by the Gods of Order. They worked hand in hand with the Dwarves: Lizard magic for Dwarven stonework, but that was millennia ago. The wars of Chaos divided the races, until both the Lizardmen of Chicken-Itza and the Dwarves of Khazad-Dum were overthrown by evil powers. The Dwarves abandoned Moria, but the Lizardmen stayed behind, were slaughtered, until only one remained...

The Bullywug King stirred from his reverie, for the first time in hundreds of years. Events were happening in the real world, that were also coloring his dream world. The Dwarves have returned to Moria, in greater numbers this time! But there was something else... The Ghost King has also returned... to the Savage Lands. He has awoken the sleeping dead. The Bullywug was not afraid of him or the vast armies he now commanded. The Temple was imbued with an ancient spell that hid it from outsiders with a labyrinthine maze of jungle paths and cavern walls. No one could find the Temple unless permitted to do so.

Here is an ancient Spawning Pool, where new born lizardmen were hatched. But they have been still and quiet for many ages.

The grey flooring of the pools are made of clay, which I spread out and smeared to look like rock. And the pools themselves are various green paints and inks with some blues as well, then sealed with a varnish top coat.

"There's danger on the edge of town Ride the King's highway, baby Weird scenes inside the gold mine Ride the highway west, baby Ride the snake, ride the snake To the lake, the ancient lake, baby The snake is long, seven miles Ride the snake...he's old, and his skin is cold"

Magic is infused in the water, the trees, the stone of this land. An ancient magic, deep and slumbering. But now it is stirring again... the Land is awakening... and it is hungry!

The Bullywug stares out over the land and with his staff, he traces magical runes into the air. Until a vision comes to him, of events near and far. He sees the threads of the future and its major players. The ancient enemy, the Balrog. The Ghost King. The Dwarf Lords. The cruel Drow and their Dragon Queen. And the Fallen Dwarf... Balin.

The Bullywug King considers all possible futures and realizes he has a big decision to make that will determine the future of all his reptile kindred. Sure there were feral reptiles out in the jungles, but they were savage and not intelligent. If he chooses correctly, he will see the reemergence of the great Lizard race.

He stares down at the two Spawning pools in front of him, that have stood empty for a thousand years.

"I am the Lizard KingI can do anything"

Who should he side with...? The alliance of Dwarves and Lizardkind was long ago, would the stunties even remember it? It seemed like the right choice.

But what if the right choice leads to extinction?

The Bullywug King makes his decision...

He raises his staff again and magical energy is summoned.

But to what purpose?

Soon, the Bullywug King will receive visitors. They will be the first guests to see Chicken-Itza in such a very long time...

Thats the post!

I will have to drop another hint again for the battle report coming up next post...

"Next to a battle lost, the saddest thing is a battle won."

07-09-2015, 10:00 AM
So much Oldhammery goodness!

07-09-2015, 12:32 PM
Thanks budday!
Nice conversions on your blog there.
I really like the Jugger Helbrute, its really cute and fierce at the same time.
I want to scratch it under its chin and say "who's a good Helbrute? You are!"

07-11-2015, 04:06 AM
The Battle Of Waterdoom.
An Oldhammer (Warhammer 1st Edition) Battle Report.
All 3 parts are up on my blog. So read the full story there!

Taken from: http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2015/07/battle-of-waterdoom-part-1-setup.html]http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2015/07/battle-of-waterdoom-part-1-setup.html

Since this blog's fluff is surely a blight on Tolkien purist's radars, and probably Warhammer purists as well, I will now offend another type of purist. Perhaps, the most rarefied purist of them all - the Napoleonic wargamer, or as I call it... Nappy gaming! (Yuck even I hate the term, but I am embracing it with all my newfound shockjock wargaming blog vitriol.)

I wanted to do this parody of the Battle of Waterloo a month ago for the bicentennial anniversary, but the progress of this blog's fluff and the status of painted figures were not at a sufficient level to do so. But here it is at last! As fashionably late as Marshal Grouchy to the sound of the guns. Im guessing this is going to be a pic heavy affair, so I will chop it into parts. No new painted figures, this is purely a fluff/AAR post (after action report). I will be using Warhammer 1st Edition, so this is a proper Oldhammer battle!

When last we left you, Gimli and company had decided to put off the search for Balin (they found a map to his location though). Scouts were reporting that orcs were massing for an attack against the fledgling Eastgate colony, Gimli gave orders for an immediate return to help in its defense.

But they were ambushed in tight tunnels and caverns by Dragons of various colors spitting fire and acid and lightning. Also, black hooded Drow were hampering their advance. Little did the dwarves know that they were being corralled towards a large cavernous expanse known as Waterdoom. It was roughly square in its shape with a chamber hewn from the living rock on one end and a rise of rock on the other. (the cave of Caerbannog, wherein, carved in mystic runes, upon the very living rock, the last words of Olfin Bedwere of Rheged ... ) In the center was a mossy vegetation and a small marshy pit. This was ground of the Dark Elf general's choosing... a plan long thought out. Plans within plans. (I will not fear, fear is the mind killer!)

So Victory Points, or VP is the object of this battle. If at any point, Dwarves control 3 VPs they win a sudden death victory! The game ends when this happens or if the Dwarves are all defeated. Sound easy? Not so fast! Orcs will arrive on the Eastern edge at the start of Turn 6 on a d6 roll of 5+. If they dont arrive then, roll at the start of each turn. 4+ on Turn 7, 3+ on Turn 8, 2+ on Turn 9, automatic arrival on Turn 10.

Also, the Dwarves setup first without knowing where or how many enemies they will be facing! Ooo, scary... deploy smartly, lil stunties!

PS. House rule: No Hatred rules for my Dwarves. I want control over them, no mindless moving towards enemy.

PS ps. Remember, this isnt just a battle report, the outcome will affect the whole fluff of the blog! Actually that isnt saying much, since Im making up all this stuff on the spot. I take pics and hope my brain will weave it all into a somewhat cohesive storyline. And now, there sure are alot of characters and storylines going on... I hope I can keep all of it straight. Im optimistic but no promises of consistency! (Oh God, how is evil Balin going to fit into this whole mess? Or that darned new Lizard king fella?) But at any rate, if the Dwarves win this battle, they make it back to Easthold long before it is sieged, which in game terms, means they help the entrenchment level of the fortress; more food stores, ammunition, higher defenses of the walls and gates, and also better scout information on the enemy advance. However, if they lose, Gimli and company are cutoff from Easthold and must decide on going west, upwards towards Mazarbul and the higher levels, or downwards to the more difficult levels where even more enemies live. Or perhaps that secret map that Pickles found in the last battle?

View from the Western edge of the table. Nearest to the edge we see the Chamber of Hougoumont.

Pickles: It sure looks like Balins Tomb!

Hodor: But its not.

Pickles: How many chambers are there in Moria that have a tomb smack dab in its center and a blue light glowing down on it? What are the odds?

Hodor: Just go with the bit, dude!

And the view from the Eastern edge of the table. Closest to us is the rise of rock known as Papelotte.

Pickles: I think thats the hill where Prince Uther and Helfast defended the Beer Cart from the Beholder! But that cant be! That hill is outside Moria miles away from here! There's some inconsistencies in this fluff I object to!

Hodor: You know what, you got something there. Sometimes I think we are all just pawns in some big cosmic game.

And here is the central "valley" of Waterdoom Cavern. With the mossy vegetation known as La Haye Sainte. and slightly north east of it is the Sandpit, errr I mean the Swamp Pit. And to the north of both is the northern exit of the Cavern.

Pickles: You know La Haye Sainte means Holy Hedge? Or maybe even Holy Wood... its Hollywood, man! In the future, thats where the humans make movies about us! They think we arent real, Hodor! But they are the ones that dont even exist yet!

Hodor: Dude, my mind is blown...

(Disembodied voice of Jesse Ventura): Miiiinnnnd Controooolll. HAARP, chemtrails, its all a conspiracy little Dwarf people!

Victory Point 1 is next to the well in the Chamber of Hougoumont.

VP 2 is in Holywood, err La Haye Sainte.

VP 3 is the north exit tunnel out of Waterdoom

VP 4 is in the Swamp Pit

And VP 5 is on top of Papelotte "hill"

4 Hours earlier...

Lord Commander Alric: We still dont have enough forces to crush these Dwarves. We underestimated their stubbornness. We are not powerful enough to stand against Gimli and his Dwarf Lords.

Alyssa: But our dark elf soldiers... They are the salt of the Blackroot Vale!

Lord Commander Alric: Scum! Nothing but beggars and scoundrels. Mushroom Ale is the limit of their patriotism.

Alyssa: Yet you expect them to die for you?

Lord Commander Alric: mm hmm

(enter Orc Ambassador Muffling)

Alyssa: That Orc will spoil the dancing!

Lord Commander Alric: Muffling! Where is General Gragg and his army?

Orc Ambassador Muffling: Gimli beat us at the Chamber of Mazarbul but he did not send any force to pursue us.

Lord Commander Alric: If General Gragg will fight the Dwarves, I promise to hold them here in Waterdoom. Tell him, I know Drow and Orcs have never been the best of friends, but together we can rid Moria of the Dwarven menace!

Orc Ambassador Muffling: On that promise, General Gragg would barbeque his favorite squig!

Lord Commander Alric: I need you to tell Gragg, to march to us here in Waterdoom and outflank the Dwarves!

View of the Dwarven left flank. Commanders Hodor, Pickles, and Grombrindal face the Chamber of Hougoumont.

07-11-2015, 05:04 AM
Hodor leads a chant to boost the morale of his mercenaries.

Silver, Gold, Mithril... Trinkets! Loot! Loot! Loot!
Pickles has been given a field promotion and now commands a small tunnel fighting outfit.

Grombrindal, the White Dwarf stands ready to battle!

Porkins: I hope no Dragons show up this time!

Grombrindal: Be a good fellow and settle down Mr Porkins... you will upset the lads.

The Dwarven main force in the center. Gimli and his advisors decide the main strategy is to break and control the center. There are 3 VPs there, enough to win the game. The side VPs are just a distraction. (Hmm, the Dwarves line of thought seems oddly similar to a certain French fella's strategy as well. Come to think of it, Mr Bonaparte might have been a stuntie due to his smallish stature)

Dwarven high command: Nindalf the wizard, Gimli, and Baron Hawk.

Here are Nindalf's spells and info:

Constitution is generated thus: 2d4 x mastery level +4

Nindalf is a Level 2 wizard and ends up rolling a measly 4 on 2d4 (I dont think I ever rolled d4s in a miniature wargame before!) So his constitution is 12. Which means in the whole battle he can cast 12 points worth of spells. Each spell has energy cost, which is basically constitution cost.

Here are his randomly generated spells:

Level 1 Spells

- Cure Light Injury: 3 energy, cures 1 wound

- Far Sight: extends line of sight, pretty much useless in this game

- Fireball: 2 energy per fireball, can cast 2 per turn, 24" range str 2

- Bless: 4 energy, lasts d4+1 turns, gives target an additional 3+ save

Level 2 Spells

- Smash Door: useless here

- Turn to Frog: Sounds great! Then you realize it only targets the caster. Hmm... for escaping?

- Mystic Mist: 4 energy, 12 diameter cloud blocks line of sight, but also forces anyone in it to randomly move only 1" in their move phase. This could be very useful!

King Gorrin and his Dwarf Lords are THE Old Guard!

Ive made each one of them a minor hero!

Gloin and his veterans.

Grumpy: Harrumph...

The main unit of the Reaper Clan stands ready!

On the Dwarven right, facing Papelotte.

Captain Drogo, Baron Hawk's second in command, leads another unit of the Reaper Clan

07-11-2015, 05:18 AM
Finally, we have Wallace and his Irregulars. They are a motley assembly of miners, scouts and ne'er do wells.

Hamish: There's somebody coming.

Campbell: MacGregors from the next clan.

MacGregor: We heard about what was happenin' and don't want you "Amadans" thinkin' you can have your fun without us.

Wallace: Go home. Some of us are in this; can't help that, now. But you can help yourselves. Go home.

MacGregor: We'll have no homes left when the Orcs come through and burn us out. And they will!

[Wallace motions for the MacGregors to join them]

Hodor marches into the room! Dwarves in oldhammer move a measly 3 and a half inches.

I must remember the Turn sequence, which is:

1 Movement

2 Shooting

3 Combat

4 Second Movement - as long as you didnt Combat, also no closer than 4" of enemy

5 Magic

6 Routing

So there is no running. You can charge in the first move phase though, but not the second. Also, countercharges are available, which helps in the "To Hit" chart as a modifier.

Pickles is going to back up Hodor.

Grombrindal and Gimli decide to act as reserves and hold their ground. When the Dark Elf positions are revealed they can then decide where best to lend a hand.

The center moves forwards with Gloin, Baron Hawk, and Captain Drogo. Nindalf thinks about casting a Bless spell, but decides to wait, afterall energy points are so precious. So precioussssss....

And finally, Wallace decides its probably best to go right up that hill instead of to the left and around. Lucky for him, his troops are excellent at climbing the "high" ground. Get it? Coz they are "high"landers? Ba dum psh..... (Crickets)

Next post: The Battle Begins!

Parts 2 & 3 are available exclusively on my blog, so go there to see the rest of the battle!

For part 2 go to http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2015/07/battle-of-waterdoom-part-2-battle-begins.html]http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2015/07/battle-of-waterdoom-part-2-battle-begins.html

For part 3 go to http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2015/07/battle-of-waterdoom-part-3-battle-ends.html]http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2015/07/battle-of-waterdoom-part-3-battle-ends.html

07-16-2015, 08:06 AM
Dungeon Chef: Quest For Meat, An Oldhammer AAR
Warhammer 1st Edition Battle Report

Taken from: http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2015/07/dungeon-chef-quest-for-meat-part-1.html

Units of Orcs and rumors of the Undead approach! Princes Ulther and Helfast are ordered to harass and delay the enemy. King Kazador is fortifying the defenses of the fortress outpost known as Easthold. Even the civilians are doing their part to help the war effort. Twelve Dwarves are tasked with gathering food supplies for the upcoming siege of Easthold. This is their story...

Hello, dear readers to yet another 3-part Battle report! Im still using Warhammer 1st Edition for this. This time its a bit smaller in scope, and gives us the perfect scenario to help introduce some secondary characters in Easthold. Im using a card deck to determine this scenario's enemy appearances - they will arrive randomly after turn 4, in groups of 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8. A Dwarven reinforcement card is also in the deck. On top of that, six tokens are placed on the board for the Objective locations. These tokens are numbered and represent a dungeon denizen that the Dwarves are hunting for food supplies. Each of these have their own stats and abilities, but also have their own temperament rating. Some are aggressive and charge the Dwarves, some are indifferent and remain stationary, and others will bolt and run from the hunters. The tokens are revealed by rolling a die when a Dwarf is within range of it. Some dwarves have modifiers that help them when rolling on their temperament monster rating check. Once a monster has lost all its wounds, it is considered to be "Bonked" - a good thumping to its noggin will tame the beast and it will move at the speed of any Dwarf that leads it. Each monster has a dungeon meat rating, which are worth victory points.

Victory table is:

Dwarf Major victory - Bring back 7 or 8 points worth of dungeon meat and have no Dwarven losses.

Dwarf Minor victory - Bring back 5 or more points worth of dungeon meat and have no more than 3 Dwarven casualties.

Draw - Above conditions not met.

Enemy victory - Dwarves have 5 or more casualties

These victory conditions will affect the Siege of Easthold scenario.

And now we bring you to the action....

From left to right: Mochi the Dwarf Ninja, Ratcatcher, Chumley, and Dudley the woodcutter

"Be vewwey vewwy quiet, Im hunting wabbit!"

Mochi, being a ninja sneaks forward towards the first counter! Chumley in his armor makes a racket and decides to hang back while the more stealthy Dwarves move into position ahead.

Getting closer, the stunties should be able to identify the target any second!

Penny, a female Dwarf from the Reaper Clan also comes forward, using her crossbow to cover Mochi and Ratcatcher.

Penny: (whispers) What is it, Mochi?

Mochi: OMG! Its... its...

I turn over the counter and its revealed to be monster meat number 2... Myconid. Myconids are a race of sentient fungoids. Some of them can release dangerous spores when attacked. Luckily, this is a "garden variety" Myconid. It is worth 1 Dungeon meat.

Its indifferent to the Dwarves and just stands there stupidly.

Mochi: Cowabunga!

Ratcatcher: (slaps forehead)

Penny: Cut him some slack. Yeah, maybe he isnt teenage or a mutant, but he is a ninja.

Mochi jump kicks the creature, excited to add mushroom cuisine to the larders of Easthold!

Ratcatcher has his hands full, holding back his frisky rodent companion.

And the Dwarves have their first success, as the Myconid is quickly Bonked into submission.

Bertha, the cook wrangles it and has it follow her to the main tunnel entrance.

Sleepy Dwarf is elected to watch over the captured creatures.

Bertha: Dont let them get away, Sleepy! Or else!

Overview of the game board. The southern tunnel at the bottom is where Sleepy is.

The center bridge is where the first token was revealed.

There are five more: southwest, northwest, north, northeast, and south east.

The corners are where possible advancing enemies may appear.

All captured creatures and Dwarves must exit from the southern tunnel only.

A Dwarf that stands sentry at the corners provide a modifier when enemies appear there. This represents the early warning a sentry provides. A drunk dwarf will only provide a +1, but a more vigilant Dwarf provides a +2

The Dwarves know that enemies are approaching quickly and must decide to spread their forces thin and explore as many locations as possible or play safe and move slowly and surely. They decide to risk it and spread out! Good luck little stunties!

To see what happens next visit my blog for posts 2 and 3 of this battle report.


07-24-2015, 02:18 AM
I know its a shameless plug, but please help support the Moria Reclamation Project.

Dwarves need your help to retake their homeland.
Remember a happy Dwarf is a well provisioned Dwarf!
If you need miniatures painted, look no further...

Cheap, but good painting service from yours truly here in the USA.
$2 per rank and file, $6 per character
Fantasy, Sci-Fi, even Historicals! I can paint them. Read more below...

Full story here: http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2015/07/a-reminder-about-mars-miniatures.html]http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2015/07/a-reminder-about-mars-miniatures.htm


Now for some pics of fantasy, sci-fi, and historical minis that Ive painted recently and from long ago...

Recently painted fantasy mini.
Oh and look at that barbarian…
why is he skulking around Moria?
Those dirty pesky humans are making a move into the neighborhood!

Some custom Rogue Trader conversions I made. These are part of 10 space explorers that are going up on eBay soon.

Some Nappy cavalry, photo taken back before I had a good camera. But Ive painted French nappies, Austrians, Prussians, Russians. For colonials, I painted Zulus, Sudanese and Brits. Ive painted Vietnam for moderns as well. I have a full Osprey library, so I can do any period really.

07-29-2015, 05:04 PM
Oldhammer Slann, Chaos Dwarves, and Metal Magic Orcs Too!
Pre-Game interviews:
You got Bullywugs in my Ziggurat!
or Guard my sacred spawning pool!

From full post:

Im going to have a Warhammer 1st edition battle tomorrow based on the "Ziggurat of Doom" scenario.
Thought I would show off the figures today and introduce the forces that will be involved in the upcoming conflict.

Here are some Slann guarding one of their sacred spawning pools.
Slann come in many colors, I chose to stick with the Kremlo lore, and paint them as the "BlueSpine" tribe.
Left to Right: Musician, Slavemaster, Kremlo, Warrior, Herald, Palace Guard Officer.
These are C-32 Slann from 1987.
Kremlo actually has a scenario in Citadel Compendium #1 "The Legend of Kremlo the Slann".
I think this might be the only scenario written for 1st edition, outside of the White Box and Forces of Fantasy.
Apparently, he was raised by humans and took up arms against his own species. Here in Moria, he has been forgiven of his past misdeeds and cant wait to show his loyalty to the Slann cause.

As an aside… Here's a look at it. The scenario itself isnt anything great, fluffwise or mechanically as a game. But it does have great artwork! Look at that old school charm!
Than again, the "Ziggurat of Doom" scenario isnt that great either. But I will spruce it up, with more victory conditions, more forces, more objectives and random event cards.

For full story:

07-31-2015, 01:41 AM
A Warhammer 1st Edition Battle Report.
Lots of Dwarven bravery in the face of impending doom!
Plus Slann-nation... who doesnt love Kermit the Frog's people?

From full post here:

Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria was surrounded by a flash of magical light. When his eyes adjusted, he found himself and his companions transported to a ziggurat in a humid jungle that could only be The Temple of Chicken-Itza in the Savage Lands, far below Moria. His 2nd in Command, Mad Furrikson gave a low growl, how he hated magic, that mad one.

To read what happens next:

All 3 parts of the battle report are up, now!

08-01-2015, 01:52 AM
Tyrion Lannister has been transported out of Westeros by some unknown power. He has been teleported not just through time and space, but also out of dimension, out of fictional canon... into the Moria Reclamation Project! He doesnt come alone, he has companions from other surprising and unlikely places. What fantastic adventures are bound to happen with the coming of these latest arrivals.

Narrator: You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead - your next stop, the Twilight Zone!

Onwards to pics, fluff, and a skirmish! I wont be using Warhammer 1st edition here. Will you be able to guess which rules Im using, just from the descriptions?

Tyrion and Podrick

Tyrion - Lived in some squabbly gossipy land far to the west. In this land, he was pretty much the only Dwarf around. He is also called the Imp, Halfman, and his favorite - the Demon Monkey. For reasons unknown, he has been magically teleported to Moria. He has also acquired the services of some really savage looking barbarians. He once told someone that a mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone. You know nothing, Jon Snow!

Podrick - A simple and loyal boy who squires for Tyrion. Apparently, he is a big hit with the ladies.

See the full post here:

08-01-2015, 02:55 AM
some very cool stuff you have there, great job

08-02-2015, 04:41 AM

Thanks very much for reading!


08-02-2015, 05:06 AM
no problem. I don't have the attraction to old models that a lot of people do. I will take new any time, but they look fantastic with that paint job.

08-06-2015, 06:03 PM
Greetings, dear readers, in this post we return to Easthold in Moria and show off the new Dwarven arrivals / reinforcements.

Left to Right: Banner bearer for Prince Ulther's Imperial Dwarves, High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer, and Runelord Kragg.

Thorgrim is the descendant of the most ancient and noble of all Dwarf lords. The very blood of Grungni flows in his veins and the wisdom of Valaya sits upon his brow. The High Kings have kept the Great Book of Grudges, the oldest and most important of the many Books of Grudges that exist throughout the Dwarf realms . This book, known as Dammaz Kron, recounts all the ancient wrongs and deeds of treachery perpetrated against the Dwarf race.

Full post here:

Parts 1 & 2 are both up on the blog now~!

08-08-2015, 06:29 AM
A Warhammer 1st Edition Battle Report, inspired by Steve Jackson's Ogre. All 3 parts are up on the blog now! Can you guess who or what the Ogre is?

Full post here:


And now for something completely different! This is an Oldhammer battle report that is inspired by Steve Jackson's Ogre boardgame. For those who dont know Ogre, its about a giant cybernetic tank (the Ogre) that is trying to destroy an enemy HQ defended by a horde of infantry, tanks, missile tanks, artillery, and hovercraft. I played the heck out of the mini pocket game when I was a kid. The basic game was pretty much just a single scenario that my pals and I played over and over again. Everyone had their own strategy and theory of how best to play as or against the Ogre and many a lunch break was occupied with heated discussion over tactics. Playing as the Ogre tank, felt like the 4th of July, in that you had all these weapons and you got to decide which one to light and fire off next. As the defenders, you had all these cannon fodder units, and if you actually damaged the Ogre you had to decide whether you targeted its weapons (to lessen the deathtoll to your troops) or its treads (and slow the Ogre down so it didnt get in firing range of your HQ).

In tribute to this great little game, I present this battle report inspired by Ogre. Obviously, no... there is no giant tank in Moria. But what will represent the Ogre? An Ogre? A Dragon? Balrog? Something else?

Can you guess what it will be? I will try to drop a hint or two below. Place your bets here folks...

The Orcs show up, they are LOOKING for a good rumble.

Full post here:

08-10-2015, 09:58 AM
Basic D&D: Tyrion Vs The Cult Of Cthulhu Part 1 - Alliance
I wanted to do an Oldhammer battle report in the Savage Lands, but certain things I needed for the scenario are still in transit via the postal service. So in the meantime, I figured I would post another Basic D&D session report with Tyrion and friends. Enjoy...

Tyrion Lannister and his adventuring companions had been lost for hours in a labyrinth of tunnels and rooms, fighting all kinds of dungeon vermin. In one room, Giant Centipedes had repeatedly bit the backside of Shagga, son of Dolf, making the hill barbarian even more moody than usual. In a dark tunnel, Green Slime had dropped on the back of the neck of Thundarr. Even though Crom had the best of intentions trying to scrape it off with a dagger, it just didnt work. Varys who knew better, used a torch it burn it off. So, Thundarr had dagger cuts on his neck and burnt hairs on the back of his head. He might have been a bit sniffly and a bit weepy as they walked awkwardly through the dark tunnels. Temujin lost one of his favorite swords after smacking a Rust Monster with it. Tyrion could hear the eastern barbarian mumbling something about "wind in his hair and falcons at his wrist".

A giant magical spider called a Tarantella bit Varys on his toe and while Beowulf eventually killed the spider, many of the barbarians laughed as the poison made the plump Varys suddenly spasm and start dancing like a wildman around a bonfire. But the laughter was cut short, as those who watched the pirouetting fatman were magically compelled to also start dancing in the same way. After 5 turns, the dancers ended up collapsing from fatigue. Luckily, they were not in combat at the time. All these minor encounters and misfortunes pushed the burly barbarians to their limit and they began to growl at each other. After finding a room to rest in, what began as a joke about a dancing queen turned into melee. The whole room was full of brawling wounded barbarians with Tyrion trying to pry the brutes apart.

At that moment, the door opened...

Five adventurers enter the room.
Left to Right: Abdul Alhazred the Mad Arab, Radagast the Brown, Halbarad Dunedain the Ranger, Lady Eowyn of Rohan, and her brother Eomer the Marshal of the Riddermark.

See full post:

08-17-2015, 02:59 AM
Welcome To The Jungle Part 1 – Chaos Dwarf Crossbows, Ral Partha Dwarves

Full post:

So on this post we have some newly painted Chaos Dwarf Crossbows and some old school Ral Partha Dwarves.

My growing Chaos Dwarf contingent just got some ranged firepower.

These Ral Partha Dwarves are a bit on the tiny side being true 25mm old school.

For full post see:

08-21-2015, 07:08 PM
Welcome To The Jungle Pt2 - Valley Of The Mon-Keigh

Full Post:

Intruders have entered the sacred valley of the Mon-Keigh.

These beasts are Dire Apes and they will not tolerate any trespassers into their territory.

They tend to attack in waves of 34.
Why 34? Because thats how many of these guys I bought!
Found a good deal and got them for 50 cents a piece.
I didnt paint anything on them, this is how they already are.
Eerie arent they? The red eyes and inscrutable expressions...
Are they friendly... or hungry? Who knows.

Caesar: [to Maurice in sign language and breaking and bundling sticks] Ape alone... weak. Apes together... strong.

For rest of story:

Both parts 2 & 3 are up now.

Parts 4 & 5 are now up on the blog to finish the battle report.

09-11-2015, 08:17 AM
Full post:

At Long Last, Some Actual Mines In Moria!
If you are a reader of this blog, you might have noticed posts for the Moria Reclamation Project have been slow lately. This is not due to disinterest on my part. Rather, my painting commission business has taken off with spectacular success. Alas, the negative effect is that Moria posts are at a trickle...

But chin up, my little Dwarves!

Because in between painting hordes of Medievals, battalions of Napoleonics, and armies of Romans, I have managed to sneak in some "me" time and I have completed my Yakkum Mines from Ainsty Castings. I just realized I didnt take a good overhead pic of how many Mine Tiles I have, but I have enough to cover a 3 foot square area. Its a good start.

Now to paint up some Dwarf Miners and start mining those precious metals and gems!

So in case you have forgotten, Gimli and company have been searching for Balin by following a map...

Left to Right (Gloin, Pickles, and Gimli)

Gimli: Are you reading that map right?
Pickles: (turning map upside down) Umm I think so? Then again, these mine tunnels are a pretty confusing maze.
Gloin: Where there are mines... there must be miners!
Gimli: Well, Pickles... keep leading the way.
Gloin: (whispering) I heard he got lost in his own museum once...

Left to Right (Nindalf, Pickles, and Grumpy)

Grumpy: Watch your step! Someone needs to patch up those floorboards there. (grumbles) When we drive out all the monsters from Moria, theres going to be alot of renovations needed around here...
Nindalf: I think its molecular acid that melted through the floor! Look, I can see at least 10 levels down. Dont lean too far, you'll fall in!
Pickles: I think theres a junction ahead...



10-13-2015, 07:57 AM
Taken from full post with AAR here:

Moria 40,000 - Squat Trek Episode 1

Left to Right: Engineer Scotty (with a Conversion Beamer!), Capt Khyrk, Paulie Atreides

"Stardate 43018
My name is Captain Khyrk, commander of the U.S.S. Entenmanns. While on routine patrol of the Squat Homeworld Defense Perimeter, we were attacked by an unknown and hostile alien fleet that can only be described as... "tentacle-y".

In the center: Science Officer Spokk (with a trusty Tri-corder)

" Reverse calculating their trajectory, our science officer Mister Spokk had determined the invaders are not from our galaxy, that they had come from the deep darkness of intergalactic space."

In the center: Yoga Master Kenobi

"The vastness of their fleet is beyond comprehension and had destroyed our own without effort. The four greatest and mightiest of Squat ships were hastily assembled to combat against these aliens which the humans call "Tyranids". We had decided to call this particular alien incursion as "Hive Fleet Om Nom Nom"."

In the center: Judge Dreddlock (with Hot-Shot Lasgun)

"The USS Pork Cracklins, the USS Mojito and the USS Heineken were all destroyed in the first minutes of the fight. Only my ship was able to get away, but damaged reactors/failing life supports/hull breaches forced all survivors to abandon ship in the shuttles. "

In the center: Korben Dallas (with a Multipass!)

"The closest planet was a primitive feral planet that was not on any of our starmaps and had no humanoid lifeforms. This planet was on the DMZ between Squat and Eldar space. It was probably one of the Forgotten and Forbidden Planets."

Survivors of the USS Entenmanns make planetfall and emerge from the wreckage.

Korben Dallas: Did anyone think about bringing some of those delish Crumb Cakes from our lost USS Entenmanns? Im hungry!

Yoga Master Kenobi: Or at least some Romulan Ale!

Korben Dallas: I thought Romulan Ale was against the law?
Judge Dreddlock: AYYYyy UMMMmm DAAAAaa LAWWWWww....

Korben Dallas: (pats Dredd on his helmet) Yeah, we know buddy.

Capt Khyrk: There... they are! Its... those... psychotic... Genestealers again! They... must... have... followed us to this planet!

For full post see:

12-23-2015, 12:46 PM
Seasons Greetings From The Dwarves Of Moria

Taken from post here at

Contrary to popular belief, Moria is not yet dead. (Not even mostly dead...)

Distant stirrings and rumors of longbeards and their fat stuntie feet abound in that dark dank undermountain kingdom. The faint sounds of beer steins clinking and forks on plates laden with mutton chop can be heard. And soon, the tide of good ole Dwarven industry will once again populate this once forgotten city.

This blog has been quiet, it is true, but not for lack of trying. In the absence of new posts, this Dwarf loving heart has dreamt of all the good plans that will unfold in due time. In fact, the doors are set to burst with new arrivals and battle reports in the new year.

I couldnt let the year end without at least one more new Moria related post to send off 2015.

Luckily, I have had these fellas below painted from a good month or two ago. They had not been able to get on camera until now. They have been good lads waiting patiently for their patron to take them out of their storage case. Well the lights are on, the camera is charged, and I am on my feet again... at last.

May your axe be ever sharp and your mug never empty!

Happy Holidays from Moria,



The Dwarven miners are determined to have some holiday cheer in the face of adversity and certain Orcish invasion. They are debating which tree would make a good yule totem. Im not sure Treebeard and the Ents of Fangorn forest would approve. But then again, it is the the season to be cheerful! But before axe could be laid to bark, a high shrill whistle resounds and the perfect tree uproots itself and begins walking into the warm and cozy Dwarven hall. What few Dwarven children remain in Moria are surprised to see a yule totem plant itself right in the middle of the Great Feasting Chamber.

High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer: Hmm, Im guessing a certain Grey wizard was able to put in a good word in our behalf to the tree folk.

Runelord Kragg: Yes, Sire. Which means Gandalf could me nearby. I sure hope he drops into Moria sooner than later. I could use some lessons in his Fire Magicks. Could come in handy against that juggernaut of an Orc siege that is about to crush us.


Here are some old school Citadel miners from the 80s.

In the center is Foreman Brisket.

He is the bossman (bossdwarf?) of Union Local Number 674 of the Miners Fellowship.

Foreman Brisket: Big *** Mug Holder 674, reporting in...

All the Dwarven Miners: Hooo Ahhh!


On the left is a Hasslefree Dwarf(?) with new fangled eye tech for night vision. No greenskin is gonna be surprising this well prepared miner.

And on the right is a fella with a bucket. Handy for lugging precious ore around. Gold nuggets, mithril nuggets, diamonds and rubies. Hey there fella, what you got in your bucket today? Oh, well Bugmans Beer will do in a pinch too, I suppose...


And finally we have these 6 miners from the 90s era. Here at the Moria Reclamation Project we dont discriminate. All Dwarves of any era and manufacture have a place at our table. Long as they're willing and able to put an axe into a goblin, they are most definitely welcome.


So there you have it, some fine new additions to the roster here in Moria. And if you recall from a previous post, these guys really do need to find their way to wherever Gimli is at. You might recall Gimli and his commanders had just discovered some lovely Mines that need... err... mining.

Until next post!

Oh I leave you with this little ditty written by a fine old bloke some time ago...

"O! wandering folk, the summons heed!
Come haste! Come haste! across the waste!
The king of friend and kin has need.
Now call we over mountains cold,
'Come back unto the caverns old'!

Here at the Gates the king awaits,
His hands are rich with gems and gold.
The king is come unto his hall
Under the Mountain dark and tall."

- Song for The King Under The Mountain

05-19-2016, 09:07 PM
Oldhammer Halflings, Hasslefree Dwarves, and New Terrain

Full post here:

Hail fellows and well met!

This blog will be getting some love and updates again. Huzzah!

Ive been rebasing all my figures from 25mm round to 20mm squares. That can only mean one thing… Im moving from skirmish gaming to mass combat fantasy.

This blog started with:

– 28mm LOTR/Song of Blades/basic D&D dungeon skirmish, then became
– an Oldhammer 1st edition game blog, with larger and larger units

As my retro lead miniatures collection has grown, my gaming table will now also expand in scope.
Ive got alot of new terrain for battles above ground. Time to take the battle out of the dungeons, my little stunties. Similar to how Expert D&D to Basic, its about the Overland Wilderness adventure.

The time has also come for my rules set to be upgraded as well. From now on, the story of the Dwarves of Moria will be told through the lens of…
7th edition Warhammer Fantasy Battle, with the 6th Edition Ravening Hordes booklet for army lists.

Onwards to some pics…

An idyllic farmland on the southern borders of the Shire. A motley force of Hobbits approaches a group of Dwarves marching to Moria. They trade news of happenings in the wide world.

Lobelia Sackville Baggins has taken command of the Shire Militia.

Despite the fact that most of them are eating, drinking, or smoking pipeweed, the Hobbit Militia can be a dangerous foe. Especially when motivated by the ever present threat of Lobelia's broom.

For the rest of the post see:

05-31-2016, 04:58 PM
Full post here:

Old School Lead: Dwarfs From Iron Claw, Essex
Sculpted by the great Bob Olley.
Are these fellas really Chaos Dwarfs? Lets examine them...

Even more Dwarf reinforcements are on their way to Moria. First up are 24 Dwarfs made up from a mix of old school lead from Iron Claw and also from Essex Miniatures. While they are from 2 different companies, they are both sculpted by Bob Olley and are virtually indistinguishable from one another. In fact, after putting them together as a unit, I have forgotten which are Iron Claw and which are from Essex.

The Iron Claw Dwarfs are sold as "Gothic Dwarfs". But Essex sells them as "Chaos Dwarfs". At first, I didnt think of these fellas as Chaos looking. In my blog's fluff, at this point at least, Chaos Dwarves have not yet been ostracized from the rest of Dwarf society. Which is fortunate for Balin, Lord of Moria who has been resurrected by the Fell Gods of Chaos. I myself wonder how Balin will be treated by the Dwarf Kings Thorgrim, Kazador, Gorrin, and others. Also I believe Prince Ulther has a special rule about Chaos Dwarves, something about a tradition handed down to him to hunt them. Oh, its the Frenzy special rules that apply to Prince Ulther's Imperial Dwarves when fighting Chaos Dwarves.

At any rate, lets investigate these Iron Claw/Essex Dwarfs further before judgement…

Ok, let me discuss these guys from left to right.
1) Skeletor helmet dwarf does look Chaos-y, I will admit.
2) The Dwarf wizard Peter the Hermit is holding an upside down imp and thats pretty cool. Is he about to sacrifice it or just scold the lil fella?
3) Next we have the Grandmaster Jacques De Solay with his fancy "Order of the Golden Sun" Helmet which means he is the Grand Poobah of this Lodge.
4) Our banner bearer here does look a bit ominous looking. Perhaps a Nurglish banner, but the head at the top reminds me of a D&D Oni Mage, so perhaps its a Tzeentchian banner. Ooh, btw the new Warhammer Quest has a Oni trollish looking monster.
5) Drummer here has a skull drum and bone drumsticks. Mahabone, brothers!
6) This fella has an eyepatch. One eye. Osiris reference, anyone? There is a definite and peculiar symbolism in this unit which an Inquisitor needs to look into. (Perhaps with an Ordo Hereticus team and a couple of Virus bombs in orbit, just in case…)

Bane: "Theatricality and deception are powerful agents to the uninitiated… but we are initiated, aren't we Bruce? Members of the League of Shadows"

Jack the Ripper: "These symbols, the mitre, the pentacle star, even someone as ignorant and degenerate as you can sense that they course with energy and meaning. I am that meaning. I am that energy"

For the rest of the post:

06-02-2016, 05:03 PM
Taken from full post here:

Dwarf Valkyries & Drunk Rangers
A Dwarf Lady Warhammer unit, my version of Bugmans Rangers, and some good ol' fashioned Dwarven warmachines in this post!

Greetings, dear readers!

On this post, we show off some Dwarven womenfolk, some good ol' fashioned warmachines, some Bugmans Brewery Rangers, and finally an update on Balin, Lord of Moria.

The great rebasing project continues. Soon enough, all of my Dwarves will be on square bases. Then we need to move on to the Orcs, Dark Elves, Undead, Dragons, etc. Not to mention, there are loads of new painted and unpainted forces to bolster the enemies of Moria! In time, all these will be revealed. Then we can do some battle reports and move forward with the story fluff. So patience, young padawans. Good things are on the way.

Onwards to pics…

At last, Dwarven Womenfolk are here. This unit is called the Valkyries of Valaya. Valaya is the Dwarf goddess of healing and protection.

Astute readers of this blog may recognize that Bertha and Penny from the Dungeon Chef adventure are now in this unit. The Dwarf barmaid from the Party of Special Magnificence, as well as 3 of the Hasslefree girls have also joined and become founding members of the Valkyries.

On the far left is a Stonehaven Dwarf paladin-dress, paladrina, or perhaps a she-paladin?

Next is Chef Bertha with her famous and feared Cleaver of +1 Mutton Chopping,

Next is Brienne of PopTart the High Priestess of Valaya, (not to be confused with Brienne of Tarth, which is understandable since both of them are exceptionally tall and imposing women of their respective races)

and finally on the far right, we have Penny the Sharpshooter with her trusty crosbow.

Gimli: "It's true you don't see many Dwarf-women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for Dwarf-men."

Aragorn: [whispering to Eowyn] "It's the beards."

Gimli: "And this in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no Dwarf-women, and that Dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground!"
[Eowyn laughs]

Gimli: "Which is, of course, ridiculous"

Bugmans Rangers. Rangers lead the way!

Alright, they arent the Bugmans Rangers Box set of which I believe there are 3 versions (Pre Slotta, Oldhammer, & 90s). But, Im using the 6th edition army book to create a Bugmans Rangers unit that doesnt have crossbows, or 2 handed weapons, nor shields. Hmm, they are more brewers and drunks than Rangers, actually. But, hey! They are still excellent at moving through woods and forests. And they have the excellent Beer Cart in its new green basing scheme to accompany them. But dont fear, I have a list. And on that "list of stuff to acquire" is a proper Bugmans Rangers box set, among other things. A Gob Lobber box, Dwarf Renegades, Dwarf Kings Court, and 80s Fellowship of the Ring, are also on that list. In fact the Fellowship is going to come in mighty handy with the fluff I have planned. Middle Earth, you are doomed! Doomed, I say!

And what Ranger unit is complete unless it has cooks.
This army marches on its stomach… with beer and beer basted ribs.

Now for an updated look at Balin and his boys.
Balin's forces are not only rebased, but they are also growing in numbers!

For the rest of the post:

Darren Richardson
06-06-2016, 09:44 AM
And what Ranger unit is complete unless it has cooks.
This army marches on its stomach… with beer and beer basted ribs.

Always loved this little set, from one of the Stone Thrower sets wasn't it?

06-07-2016, 07:43 AM

The 2 center figures (roasting spit and chef) are from the MD-7 Gob-Lobber Dwarf Onager box set.
The 2 dwarfs on the far ends are not.
I think the far left figure is from a Dwarf villagers set, and the far right is a artillery crew from something.

06-09-2016, 01:11 PM
Taken from full post here:

The Rest Of The Rebased

Whew, rebasing is hard work.
But here are the last of the Dwarfs who needed switching from round to square.
I do need to make or buy some movement trays.

Overview of alot of stunties.

The Dwarf battle lines in depth.

High King Kazador on his Throne of Power.
He is talking strategy with his 4 trusted counselors:
Kragg the Grim, Runelord (back left),
Burlok Damminson, Guildmaster Engineer (front left),
Ungrim Ironfist, the Slayer King (back right),
Joseph Bugman, Brew Master (front right)

For the rest of the post:

Darren Richardson
06-10-2016, 04:26 PM

The 2 center figures (roasting spit and chef) are from the MD-7 Gob-Lobber Dwarf Onager box set.
The 2 dwarfs on the far ends are not.
I think the far left figure is from a Dwarf villagers set, and the far right is a artillery crew from something.

I thought so regarding the chef, I remember looking at the adverts in WD years ago and drooling at it, but I never could afford it (still can't LOL)

06-10-2016, 07:29 PM
I thought so regarding the chef, I remember looking at the adverts in WD years ago and drooling at it, but I never could afford it (still can't LOL)

I was lucky in getting the chef and the roasting meat for $10 USA. Then again, the time I spend in scouring for old figures is considerable. Its either a money-sink, a time-sink, or most often both. :p

Darren Richardson
06-20-2016, 12:22 PM
the time I spend in scouring for old figures is considerable. Its either a money-sink, a time-sink, or most often both. :p

Amen to that, I'm currently scouring around for 2nd Ed Space Marine Lead, my Credit Card is crying :o

07-06-2016, 11:24 PM
Taken from full post here:

I have got my hands on an Oldhammer Citadel set from the 80s.
Its the Prince Ulther Imperial Dwarves!
I have had 18 of them for awhile now, but didnt have the box itself. So I jumped at the chance to get another 18 of them but this time with the box.



Here are the 2 figures I had been missing. A musician and Prince Ulther himself.
All this time I thought I had Prince Ulther, but actually I had the unit champion, Borri Forkbeard.

So, here is a pic of all 36 Imperial Dwarves I now have.
As you can see, Runelord Kragg has joined this unit.
Front rank from left to right: 2 troopers, musician, banner, Prince Ulther, Runelord Kragg, Borri Forkbeard, 2 troopers.

Here is another newly painted Dwarf. Boren the Hunter with his trusty feline companion.
He might be a druid, or a ranger, but he is definitely a rat trapper.

So Boren joins the ranks of the Rangers alongside Josef Bugman himself.
Front rank left to right: The Beercart, 2 drunk dwarves, Pickles the Mapmaster, Josef Bugman, Stonewall Jarlson, Finlay the Bagpiper.

For the rest of the post, see here:

07-12-2016, 11:22 PM
Taken from:

Short update today, but this time with a video!
I took out all the painted Dwarves I have on my shelves and the current muster is at 453.
Its just been a lil over a year since I began my retro delving into Oldhammer goodness and I still feel like there is just so much more to do and stunties yet to purchase and paint. Gotta catch em all!


And here is the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbgmZpDjcOE

Which could be a lot better, I admit.
But the music is inspiring!
The Dwarven Empire will reach the limits of glory.
I do need to find a Dwarven Napoleon figure, I think I remember seeing one sometime ago.

In the next post I will show off all the enemies of our stuntie heroes... the Axis of Evil! Orcs, Undead and Dark Elves.

07-13-2016, 08:51 AM
Balrog's Army Of Darkness

Taken from:

So another quick update with another video.

This time its the armies of darkness which have vowed to destroy the heroic Dwarves...
its Balrog and his Axis of Evil!

An overview of the Army of Darkness

Mr B.
Mighty Overlord of Evil.
I hear he cooks a mean barbecue though...

Video is here:

For the rest of the post and pics see:

08-03-2016, 05:57 AM
Oldhammer Orc on Tusker & 80s LOTR Uruk-Hai

Taken from full post here:

In this post, another 32 painted Oldhammer Greenskins joins the Horde.
Plus we show off some surprising non-Orc allies/slaves?
So lets start with a painted gallery of figures, and in the second half... some fluff for the impending battle report!

Left to Right: General Remulak on Orc Tusker, General Snarktail on Wolf.

Remulak comes from a rare Orc species known as the Conehead Orcs. They are more intelligent than the average Orc greenskin. Their unusual head shape unfortunately also makes Conehead children the target for lots of Orc bullying. However, the survivors that make it to adulthood end up being the most cunning and cruel of greenskins. Remulak rides an Orc Tusker, a creature from a forgotten time, the Pre Slotta age. This figure comes from the legendary Fiend Factory line from Citadel's Pre Slotta era.

80s LOTR Uruk-Hai.
From left to right: Uruk Hai guard, Captain Gorgo, Uruk Hai guard.

These 3 Uruk Hai are vintage Citadel ME-44 Uruk Hai Guards. They are the leaders of a unit known as The Uruk Fireballs. Captain Gorgo is related to the Gor Brothers. They come from Fireball Island, a volcanic rock in the middle of Lake Nurnen in Mordor.

Somewhere on the southern border of the Shire. An Orc General on his Tusker and his Uruk Hai underlings have just found out that their Elephant beastman is missing.

"What do you mean you lost the Mumak? Its a bloody giant beastie!" the Orc General Remulak screams at his soldiers from atop his Tusker.

"We last saw him grazing near the Shire - you know, that green flowery happy place that makes us Orcs sick to our gullets." says one Uruk.

"Yeah we hate happy places!" says another Uruk.

"Assemble the Horde!" says Remulak.

The hills are surrounded with more orcs than you can shake an axe at!


For the rest of the post:


08-04-2016, 03:38 PM
Taken from full post here:

Battle Of Longbottom, Part1 - Defenders Of The Shire

Ok, so I wanted some rangers for this battle, but I dont have any suitable Oldhammer lead. So forgive me if I must substitute some plastics in their stead. They are a mix of heroclix/horrorclix/mageknight/D&D minis, that I have repainted to my more grimy aesthetic. I really need to start branching out my old lead purchases to other races beside Dwarfs & Orcs.

Arya and her Dire Wolf Nymeria have been on the run from vicious Greenskin monsters. They were part of a unit of Rangers that were guarding Sarn Ford to the South. They were easily smashed aside by a large force of Orcs and Goblins. Gandalf the Grey had asked for the Rangers to guard the Shire. He never really mentioned why, and he hasnt been seen since. Radagast the Brown and Halbarad the Ranger were on a mission to Moria and havent been heard from either.

"We probably should resupply at Bree and wait for reinforcements from Ranger HQ," says Arya. "There isnt much we can do against that Horde. I did send a raven to Bear Island for some reinforcements, since they are closer than Fornost. Lets hope they answer the call."

The Rangers nod in agreement.

Melisandre looks into the distance. "There is no time! If we dont stop the Orcs here, they will burn the Shire, Bree, and eventually Rivendell itself. The Grey Wizard knew this and tasked us to stop this from happening. But how can we 5 stop them?"

"Well, perhaps we arent alone in this fight, afterall. Look!" says Arya, pointing towards a gathering crowd.

A trumpet sounds! But its not a trumpet, its a friendly Mumak! The Hobbits have come! And many Stunties from the Blue Mountains.

The Dwarves are on their way to Moria to help defend their fledgling colony there. The road to Moria is blocked with Greenskins so they grudgingly unite against a common foe.
While they have no love for Elves, they will fight alongside them, just for the sake of the Hobbits. The Beer for Pipeweed trade agreement between the races is well known, but more than that, the Dwarves have actually grown fond of the hairy footed halflings of the Shire.

And here are the defenders of the Shire. They may be outnumbered, but they are valiant!

For the rest of the post:

Darren Richardson
08-07-2016, 03:01 AM
Wow, you really do have some old mini's in your collection!

08-13-2016, 10:20 AM
Battle Of Longbottom parts 2, 3, & 4 are up now on my blog.

Warhammer AAR.

Its that Oldhammer essence with 7th edition smoothness.

Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:

On the Western edge of Longbottom is the Ironshoe Mercantile. It is a Hobbit-owned merchant Outpost that many freefolk use to trade goods and merchandise. Mostly, its Dwarf Beer for Shire Pipeweed, although the Elves try to export their salad and environment friendly hair products too.

The Elves have deployed here on the furthest flank and beside them are the resilient and grim Grenadier Dwarves. Luckily for the alliance there is a common enemy approaching. Still, some glances are exchanged between the pointy-ears and the stunties. The Dwarves are resolved to outdo the Elves in killing more Greenskins.

Here is the center, the main road that leads North to the center of the Shire.

Night Goblin fanatics launch out of Skarsnik's unit! Two of them hit the Band of the Hawk!
Dice are rolled and.... 6 hits... for 6 wounds. No armor saves allowed... devastating. The Hawks make a successful roll for panic and stand their ground, but a whole rank is lost.

For the whole battle report, see links above.


08-15-2016, 10:22 AM
Shelob & Stranger Things

Arachnophobic? Cmon... Shelob is adorable!
And she wants you... yes YOU... to click on in!
Look at the wittle Forest Gobbos piggy back riding on the spider!

Taken from full post here:

Hey buddies, Im happy to announce the arrival of the Spider Queen herself...

In the Old Forest... an ancient evil has come. All the way from the pass of Cirith Ungol, in the Dark Lands of Mordor, a many legged Goddess of Darkness has come to find creatures to feed upon. But the Old Forest is not her final destination. Where is she heading to?

Shelob is on the search for new food. Mordor is a nice place and all, but alot of the best restaurants in Middle Earth dont deliver there and the local dives are kinda samey. But Shelob has heard of the Shire and its inhabitants... the plump and scrumptious Hobbits. Plus Sauron has been putting out a reward for some Hobbit called Baggins. So if the Shire doesnt provide food delivery, Shelob is coming to feast! And get some rewards from the Dark Lord too!

Once a long time ago, when Shelob was a young and rebellious teenager, she did visit the Misty Mountains and all the Frost Giants came out and gave her a hard time. They thought she might be a tasty treat herself. She showed them that their bad neighborhood is nothing compared to The Dark Lands and proceeded to hand out ***-whoopins - Mordor style! Then proceeded to give the Hill Giants gang... and the Fire Giant gang a beatdown too!

The Giants never forgot her and the Fire Giant King, Snurre Ironbelly, wanted to make her an honorary member of their gang - the Spider Queen of the Barrio. Instead, she went looking for some gang of Northern Dragons to bully. Some say, those Giants want to make a comeback. But who will fight.... G-1-2-3 "Against The Giants"?


For the rest of the post:

08-16-2016, 06:11 AM
Taken from full post here:

Converted Wraith on horse, an undead beastman, and a sentient plant critter...
Presenting Gravelord, Wraith Raccoon, & Swamp Groot.

Even more characters to fight for Mordor. The Dwarves are doomed!

Pics and character fluff below...

This is Gravelord Nito.
He is a Wraith that I've converted/cobbled together from many parts. An unidentified skull was glued unto a shield and then I sculpted some ghostly flames around it. The lance arm is from an Empire General, the horse is from a Napoleonic Cuirassier. The head is an Elf head (I think) whose face got scrapped off. The cape is from a mounted Engineer? No idea about the torso. Its all spare parts found in my bits box. I think its appropriate for this Overlord of Undeath to arise from dead bits.

Honda Civic, I've a horse outside
Subaru, I have a horse outside
Mitsubishi, I've a horse outside
If you're lookin for a ride I've a horse outside

Wraith Raccoon and Swamp Groot are ready to start some trouble in Middle Earth!

Wraith Raccoon: For over a thousand generations, the Deadeye Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times, before the Empire.

Wraith Raccoon might be the last of his Order... the Order of the Deadeye Knights!
Hunted relentlessly, millennia ago by the God Emperor Sigmar and his twisted evil and human-centric Empire, the Deadeye Knights were a coalition of Beastmen creatures who are able to harness the power of the Force (err.. I mean Chaos, or the Warp, depending on which century Warhammer game it is!)

While Sigmar is long dead, the Empire still lives and Wraith Raccoon is fully dedicated to destroying it as soon as possible.

But if a few garbage cans happen to show up... What the hey... the Force can wait!
Raccoons have an instinctual love for all things trash can related!

For the rest of the post:

08-17-2016, 09:00 AM
Taken from full post:

Little Lady Mormont & the Bear Island Berserkers

Lady Mormont speaks harshly... but truly.
Enemies of the North beware!

Bear Island has received a summons for help from the Rangers of the North.
Lady Mormont is the leader of House Mormont - the rulers of Bear Island.

Will she answer the call to war?

Left to Right: Tyrus Forel, Lady Mormont, House Mormont warrior

Lady Mormont: House Mormont has kept faith with House Isildur for a thousand years. We will not break faith today. We are not a large house, but we are a proud one... Everyone from Bear Island fights with the strength of ten mainlanders.

Close up of the Bear Island Standard

The motto of House Mormont is "Here We Stand"

House Mormont is a minor House that is a vassal to House Stark of Winterfell and/or the House of Isildur. While the Starks lay claim to being the King of the North, the House of Isildur lays claim to the King of the Northern Kingdom, Arnor. Starks help the Rangers at the Wall, but the House of Isildur ARE Rangers themselves. The Starks might have a Valyrian Steel sword, but the House of Isildur has Narsil, the blade that cut the One Ring from the hand of Sauron the Dark Lord.

For the rest of the post:

08-18-2016, 11:10 AM
Taken from full post:

A Company Of Wolves - Goblin Wolf Riders

A pack of Wolf Riders appear!
Who doesnt love Gobbos on Doggies!

So, you must be wondering why Goblin General Snarktail was not present during the Battle of Longbottom.

Well, he was away gathering the wolves.

Its time to cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war!


The Psychedelic Furs are a unit of Goblin Wolf Riders with bows. They are cruel Gobbos who definitely dont think pink is a pretty color.

The Pet Shop Wolves are another unit of bow wielding Riders who are out to make a name for themselves in the wide world of Middle Earth. But they do remember where they came from; in a west end town in a dead end world.

Thats right, you heard me... the Beastie Wolf Boyz.

They drink Brass Monkey and they rock well
They got a Castle in Brooklyn that's where they dwell

For the rest of the post:

08-19-2016, 04:55 AM
Taken from full post here:

The Shire Campaign continues with some pre-battle background fluff.
Warhammer has never been so wacky!

Wraith Raccoon: You underestimate the power of the Dark Side. If you will not fight, then you will meet your destiny!

Snarktail: I am now one of the Dark Overlords of the Universe.

Gravelord Nito: Ever danced with the Devil by the pale moonlight?

Swamp Groot: There was no alien. The flash of light you saw in the sky was not a UFO. Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus.

Everyone: ... (turning to look at Swamp Groot)

Swamp Groot: errr.... I am Swamp Groot?

Shelob: (dropping down from out of nowhere) Hey guys!

Everyone: Hey Shelob!

Shelob: Movie quote game? I sure do like playing games!

Snarktail: Yeah, Sauron is always saying that you play with your food alot.

Shelob: I heard about this Shire place you guys are going to. Can I come with?

Snarktail: Of course you can!

Shelob: Thanks little buddy! Im sorry I ate your cousin. Good food is hard to come by in Cirith Ungol.

Snarktail: No problem. And, ummm, you ate 7 of my cousins actually...

Shelob: Awkward...

Wraith Raccoon: Eat your heart out, Gravelord Nito! My ride is extra wide! And tall! I can see forever from up here! All right you villains, lets get this party started! Those Hobbits arent going to eat themselves. Scouts, patrol up ahead! The rest of you line up behind the Big Spider.


For the rest of the post:

08-29-2016, 06:17 AM
Tales From The Beer Cart, Part 1 - (L)ost in Edhil

Taken from full post here:

An expedition into the hostile lands of Middle Earth for the most important quest of all....
A Quest for Beer!

Mars Miniatures presents... Tales from the Beer Cart!

This is a mini-campaign adventure that involves a Dwarven caravan travelling through the hostile lands of Middle Earth. I have decided not to take the standard AAR style of reporting, but instead focus on a narrative approach to the events. Because starting and stopping for pics during games are a pain. Im content to jot down notes during the game about key events, and then afterwards put some figures on the table for a photoshoot recreation. Im hoping it reads better, and looks better to boot.

So lets get this tale going...

The Dwarves of Moria have been under siege by the forces of evil Orcs, Dark Elves, and Undead. With neither side able to gain an advantage to destroy the other. The Dwarven defenses hold up time and time again.

Gimli and his expedition have returned to Easthold fortress to unite the Dwarves with Balins forces. But the war is still a deadly stalemate. But now their stocks of beer and food, but most importantly beer, are running low.

High King Thorgrim has commanded Bugman and his Beer Cart to head to the Blue Mountains for supplies and request more reinforcements from the Dwarves there. Bugman and his Rangers accept the mission, to the respect of all the Dwarves witnessing. It will be a dangerous trek, Bugman!

Pickles: (looking at his map) These are, or were, the ruins of an ancient elf city called Ost in Edhil. Hmm, they say the Rings of Power were forged there!

Bugman: Elves! Be on your guard then, boys.

Pickles: Not to worry there boss, the Elves of this city died long ago in the 2nd Age when Sauron led his armies through this area.

Left to Right: Bugman, Baron Hawk, Kyra the Banshee

Bugman and Baron Hawk summon up the courage to approach it

Baron Hawk: Let us pass please? Miss....

Kyra the Banshee: I am Kyra, sister of the great Elf Celebrimbor, one of the Gwaith-i-Mírdain, who crafted the Rings of Power. While everyone knows of the Rings of Power, not everyone knows about the multitude of minor Rings that were made in Ost-In-Edhil. One of those Rings has been stolen from my grave and you Dwarves will help me recover it from the thieves.

Bugman: (squinting his eyes at the banshee) And what if we say no?

Kyra: You will... because we are allies, are we not? The great Dwarf Narvi was a friend to my brother and together they made the Doors of Durin in Moria. Also, because the way ahead is blocked by those villains who took my Ring. You will need my help to defeat them.

Baron Hawk: No offense, Miss Lady Kyra, but we now live in the 3rd Age. Elves and Dwarves in our age are... not allies, to put it mildly. Let me discuss this with the rest of the commanders first.

Ahead, the way is indeed blocked! By a multitude of Apes.
So many, you might even call them a host, assemblage, legion, or even a plenitude!
Dare I say... a Planet of the Apes!

Their leader is the legendary white ape called Barsoom.
Some say that isnt his name, but where he comes from.
He is intelligent and has Kyra's ring.
Why he has it, no on knows. It also gives him level 2 Amber Wizard powers in battle.

But he is chanting something near that Crystal Stonehenge.

Barsoom: Hear me army of Warhoon! Hear me army of Tharks! Fight for apes. Crush the stunties.

Kyra: He must be stopped before he opens a gate to another world!

Barsoom: No more Caesar, no more Koba. only Barsoom now and Barsoom is coming!

For the full post:

09-04-2016, 04:52 PM
Old School 80s Citadel Boromir & Perry Gondor Minis

Taken from full post:

Boromir: One does not simply walk out of Tharbad. Its roads are guarded by more than just Orcs. There is evil here that does not sleep, and the Night Hag is ever watchful.

Pickles: Hmm... on the map this Tharbad place is actually also known as Carcosa?

See the full post:

09-05-2016, 12:14 PM
Taken from full post:

Just in time for a Labor Day brew!
Its another Tales from the Beer Cart Part 4 - The Battle of Tharbad!

The Oddfellows get stuck in. Howling mad and frothing at the mouth, they smash into the defended wall.

Oddgit: Bring me their heads and shroom beer is on me, boys!

Death created time to grow the things that it would kill.

The Night Hag cackles and prods the Shoggoth on.
The Shoggoth decides to try taking a bite out of the Dwarven lines.
The Dwarves do a quick head count.
Wasnt there another monster with the Night Hag?

For the rest of the post:

09-09-2016, 07:36 PM
Taken from full post here:

Food Cart and Picnic Table, Dwarven party feast!

Yummy Dwarf party feast!
Food carts and picnic table from Scotia Grendel.
Also, the Beer Cart adventures continue...

These are resin cast pieces from Scotia Grendel.

Look at all the scrumptious foods in the food cart!

Ok party people, the party is over, lets get moving!
Sarn Ford is near. Shire... here we come!

For the rest of the post:

09-10-2016, 08:12 PM
Another Goblin spear unit – Giblet and the Doomstickers.
Also, parts 6 and 7 of the Battle for Sarn Ford.


09-12-2016, 10:39 AM
Taken from full post:

80's Citadel Lord of the Rings Hobbits - Frodo Lives!

Here is the sleepy little village of Crickhollow in Buckland.

So as not to appear suspicious when he left Hobbiton, Frodo bought this house in Crickhollow.
Then he told everyone he was moving to Buckland.

Back left to right: Pippin, Merry
Front left to right: Sam, Frodo

And here are our halfling Hobbit heroes!
They are proper 80s Citadel figures.
As you can see, Frodo isnt messing around. He is wearing his Mithril shirt and is carrying the magic sword Sting.
In our version of Middle Earth, Bilbo had the foresight to give Frodo his shirt and sword right away.
I like how big Pippin is. He really is a bully of a Took.
Merry is a fancy Hobbit.
Sam is carrying all sorts of pots, pans, and sundry supplies.

They are anxious because night has fallen and there is fear among the townsfolk of Crickhollow.
There are reports of enemies nearby. The townsfolk have locked themselves in the cellars of their homes and Crickhollow is silent and dark.
They see dark figures, in the distance... is it Goblins?


For the rest of the post:

09-16-2016, 10:58 AM
Taken from full post here:

80's Citadel Lord of the Rings - Aragorn and Gandalf

Before we get to the big battle of Willowbottom to decide the fate of the Shire, let us travel far to the north to find the ranger known as Strider...

This particular Aragorn figure is from the box set known as BME3 Balrog, Encounter at Khazad–Dum. I dont have the box set, nor any other figures from it besides this Aragorn.

So fluffwise in our campaign, Aragorn, the heir of Isildur, is busy defending the Wall at Castle Black against the Night King, the heir of Slitherine. Despite being outnumbered a thousand to one, the Rangers of the North put up a valiant defense. Attackers are repelled from the Wall itself every hour of every day. The Castle is also constantly being breached and the battle is fought corridor by corridor, room by room.

Mord the jailor of Isengard checks on Gandalf in his "sky cell".

Everyday, Mord tortures Gandalf and threatens to throw him out the Moon Door... a hole in the floor that is a long drop from the very high tower of Isengard. Everyday, Gandalf wonders if Radagast has forgotten the task he was given to send an Eagle to Isengard. Did Radagast know about Saruman turning evil? Or is Radagast just a forgetful nincumpoop? The Grey Wizard regrets that his life is now dependent on the Brown Wizard's reliability. He worries about Frodo and wonders if the little Hobbit is still safe. And the Ring... is it secret, is it safe?

Gandalf: (To Mord) Tell your master that the more he tightens his grip, the more star systems will slip through his fingers.


For the rest of the post:

09-21-2016, 08:56 PM
Taken from full post here:

Oldhammer Elves: How Night Elves became Dark Elves

A small look at Oldhammer Night Elves: Pre-slotta and Slotta, Dark Elf vs Night Elf, D&D and Warhammer.

The Drow/Dark Elf forces on my blog are getting some reinforcements... of the Oldhammer kind.
I just painted up a dozen Citadel C09 Dark Elves.
OK, some of them are Marauder.

After a little bit of internet research, it seems that the pre-slotta Night Elves, were replaced by the slotta Dark Elves.
I believe the pre slotta figures are sculpted by the Perry Twins and are some of their earliest work.
But the slotta figures are done by Bob Naismith.
I love both, but this post is about the Naismith ones I just painted...

Lets bring out the ladies...


For the rest of the post:

10-21-2016, 09:00 PM
From: http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2016/10/contemplation-time-switching-to-15mm.html

Contemplation Time: Switching To 15mm Fantasy Skirmish

I love 28mm Oldhammer, but my aching body cant tolerate playing on big tables anymore.
Im not saying Im getting rid of my 28mm collection.
They are just (possibly) going into hibernation for a bit.

In the meantime, I have painted up some test figures for 15mm skirmish!
The idea of 3 foot gameboards that are comfortably in reach from any table edge is appealing to me.
And I want to scratchbuild some really nice terrain boards for this.

Rules? Im thinking... Mordheim, Frostgrave, Dungeon Scum, Havoc, Goalsystem Delves, Otherworld Skirmish, and of course LOTR SBG. I will try a game or 3 of each and see what sticks.

My campaign setting?
I dont know if I will stick with my Middle Earth mashup, but if I do, maybe I will call it Mordorheim!

Yeah its Mordheim in Mordor.
But also it moves forward in time to the 4th Age of Middle Earth.
The War of the Ring is old history, its 200 years after the Fall of Sauron.
King Aragorn has died at the ripe old age of 210. The rest of the Fellowship have either died or sailed west to heaven. But rumors of a shadowy evil Cult are everywhere!
Small bands of magic users and their henchmen are crossing over into Mordor to find ancient relics to further their own arcane business ventures.

Even if I end up not using Mordheim, and use Frostgrave, I might stick with the name of Mordorheim.

Anyway, here are 4 trial figures and their backstory...

Left to Right: Tom Dominick Cruise, Sean Connor McGregor

Sean Connor McGregor is a wizard serving in Her Majesty's secret service as agent 00Grey. On his off time he competes in the Ultimate Pit Fighting Championship, the UPFC. He is also known to have a tattoo on his chest of a gorilla wearing a crown and eating a heart.

Tom Dominick Cruise is a short fellow who likes to jump on couches but is also a champ in the Tinyweight division of the UPFC.

Left to Right: Bela Bartok Lugosi, Jesse James Gandolfini

Bela Bartok Lugosi is either a Priest of Morr or a Mordor Death Cultist, perhaps they are the same organization. He is also known as the composer of the eerie horror movie soundtrack to Redrum Hotel Axe Murderer. After his death, his followers known as the cult of Bauhaus decided to proclaim in song that he, Bela Bartok Lugosi is indeed dead.

Jesse James Gandolfini is the most rootin’ tootin’ two gun shootin’ wild west buccaneer outlaw and bushwhacker of the the post Moria Civil War era. But dont call him an outlaw to his face, he prefers the title Waste Management Consultant. He spent many years "managing" the Moria Department of Sewer Safety and Sanitation. This stuntie has a lot of "buffers".


I will try to finish up the Shire Campaign and the Big Moria Battle in 28mm before moving on to smaller scale pastures.

But yeah, Im thinking 15mm is my future.


11-02-2016, 07:06 PM
Taken from full post here:

Basic Dungeons & Dragons - The Kids Are Alright, Part 1

How about a good ol' fashioned Basic D&D adventure report!

This one was an especially frightening Halloween session for six little adventurers.
To help make sure our kid heroes had a fighting chance, they all started at Level 2.
While this was a Basic D&D game, a couple of our intrepid heroes had classes from the (in)famous AD&D 1e Unearthed Arcana.
I like to play my D&D like I play my Warhammer - a hodge podge mix of editions.

This adventure session still takes place in my alternate Middle Earthian fluff.

But enough with the real life details, lets get straight to the action, with the backstory...


The Breeland orphanage has been burned down by the evil goblin invaders!
But the goblins found that the place had been deserted, "The humans must have run off."
The goblin leader was determined to find the human children at all costs.
Afterall, what is better than "children pot pie' to a goblin?
"Find the human matriarch and her runtlings! Slay her and put the little ones into the pot!"

Rather than go east back to Breetown, which was under attack, Sister Beatrice knew the kids would be better off escaping into the Old Forest. The rest of the sisterhood had gone off to fight with the Breelander Army. The Sisters of Sigmar, were not only a charitable institution but also a warrior order of battle nuns. But they did not count on raiding parties coming out of the north as well as the east.

Suddenly, an evil goblin arrow hissed through the air and struck Sister Beatrice in her side.
She called to the six orphans under her care, "Run to the Old Forest, my children and look for Tom Bombadil. He will take care of you now. Remember stay out of the hills, run straight to the forest..."

Left to Right: Max, Billy, Katie, Tommy, Liam, and Agnes

The kids hop over the walls and evade the goblin wolf rider patrol. Being as tiny as a hobbit helps from being seen by unfriendly eyes.

The tearful children flee for their lives, looking back to see their caretaker fend off a dozen goblins. Perhaps she will survive and make her way to the Old Forest and reunite with the kids, but more likely this will be her last stand. Max the Barbarian has to be dragged away, so determined is he to fight for Sister Beatrice. Tommy reminds Max that he has to protect the little kids now. Seeing Billy and Agnes, brings him to his senses.

Katie: We cant take the road! Its too dangerous, they will spot us for sure!

Tommy: Right! C'mon you guys, we are going into the wild, just like that ranger Strider who used to visit us.

Billy: I wish Strider was here! He could have saved Sister Beatrice.

Agnes: ... (begins to sniffle)


For the rest of the post:

11-03-2016, 07:10 AM
Parts 2 & 3 of the Halloween D&D extravaganza are up now at:



Trouble In The Barrow Downs AAR
The adventures of our kid heroes continues...

Mr Fox continues to whimper.

Billy: I hear ya, Mr Fox, I dont like this place either.

The rock door slams shut behind them.

The kids continue to sleepwalk right to the edge of a foul looking pool.


For the rest of the posts:



11-17-2016, 08:40 AM
Taken from full post here:

Little Heroes - Into The Old Forest
The adventure continues with our little heroes.

"There is unrest in the forest..."

The orphan adventurers resume their quest to find Tom Bombadil.
Hot on their trail, are Orcs and Goblins, who are determined to capture the kids.
The kids are forced to travel without rest for hours, lest the Greenskins catch up to them.

In marching order: Mr Fox, Katie the Ranger, Tommy the Warrior, Mr Toonces the Cat, Agnes the Witch, Billy the Cleric, Max the Barbarian, Liam the Paladin

They leave behind the haunted hills of the Barrow Downs and enter the Old Forest.
They trudge through the woods, tired and thirsty.

There is an eerie silence in the woods and the kids feel like someone is watching them.

They find a tiny pond next to a willow tree.
The thirsty kids are glad to find some water.
The willow tree sways from side to side. Strangely, there is no wind...

Tommy: I never thought I would be so happy to find a pond.

Katie: Wait! Remember that strange man that travelled around with Aragorn? What was his name? He carried around something he called a "boom stick"

Liam: Oh his name was Ash! He is the Chosen One of the Prophecy! His destiny is to battle the Deadites and their Night King. Winter may be coming... but Sigmar has a Hammer of Fire to melt it!

Katie: Ok... um... anyway, remember what Ash told us about trees? He said sometimes they were alive and that we should be careful around them.

Tommy: Better safe than sorry, then... There's got to be another pond somewhere ahead.


For the rest of the post:

11-17-2016, 11:08 AM
Taken from full post here:

Little Heroes Part 2 – Battle Of Goldberry's Pond
The Red Hoods are coming!

The kids were about to be tested with a proper battle.
The boys were excited to see a bigger battle on the table.
The girls were anxious… not for themselves, but for their new animal friends.
Agnes, in particular, was already personally invested in the welfare of the Jackalopes.
Why did I have to say they were an endangered species?


A band of Night Goblins have entered the Old Forest.

The call themselves the Red Rum Hooligans.
They are a raucous band of villainous gobbos that like to torture and eat small animals, and human children is a special treat for these evil Gobbos!

For the rest of the post:

11-18-2016, 09:18 AM
Taken from full post here:

Little Heroes, Part3 - The Ellcrys Weirwood Tree and Orc Ravagers

My Weirwood Tree.
Dont just hug any tree, sculpt a face in one too.

The Weirwood Tree of the Old Forest is a white tree with red foliage.
It might be related to the White Tree of Gondor.
It is definitely related to the Weirwoods of Northern Westeros.

Some say that it was Tom Bombadil who got Ellcrys Tree acorns in Shannara and planted one in each forest of Middle Earth and Westeros.
Tom planted them, but it was Goldberry that cared and watered them to full growth.
Back in Shannara, those pansy Shannaran Elves had to try to make their Tree even more fancy by melding the souls of Elven Princesses to them.
As if hugging trees werent bad enough!
Luckily, for Arwen Undomiel, the daughter of Elrond, the Middle Earth Elves didnt feel the need to keep up with the latest Shannaran fashions.

Warlord Hulku's Ravagers

For the rest of the post:

11-18-2016, 12:20 PM
Taken from full post here:

Little Heroes, Part4 - Hey Kids, Save That Tree!

The final battle of the D&D Halloween Weekender...

Those evil Orcs are about to burn the Weirwood Tree!
It is up to our heroic kids and their animal friends to save the Tree, and Middle Earth!
To get to the Tree as fast as possible, the forest defenders have divided up into 4 forces based upon their movement speed.

The fast response team arrives on the scene!

Bluebell: Stop those Greenskins!


For the rest of the post:

11-18-2016, 02:38 PM
Taken from full post here:

OK, last one is up! The conclusion to the Basic D&D Halloween weekender…

Little Heroes, Part5 – Conclusion Of Basic D&D Night


11-19-2016, 01:10 PM
Taken from full post here:

Misty Mountain Terrain Board For Oldhammer Skirmish

I just finished my 3 foot square Misty Mountain terrain board.
Its just a test piece, but I think it turned out pretty good.

I know the Shire campaign isnt over yet, but I thought I would show off the start of the terrain boards for the next theater of operations of my Imagi-Nations Middle Earth.

Terrain materials: dense styrofoam, cork bark, talus of varying grades.
The lands to the west of the Misty Mountains (Shire, Eriador, Bree, etc) are green, lush and pretty well tended.
In contrast I want the lands to the east (Rhovanion, Mirkwood, Gladden Fields) to be more rocky, grey, and wild.

Sparse foliage and reeds.
I wanted the rocks to have a blue tinge to keep an otherworldy look to it.


For the rest of the post:

11-24-2016, 09:55 AM
Taken from full post here:

Bear-y Happy Thanksgiving – Oldhammer Owlbear

Oldhammer Owlbear… and more bear madness!

Happy Thanksgiving and welcome to a bear filled post.
Why bears?
Because thats what I got painted, no connection between bears and this holiday.
I couldnt even think of a proper "pun"ny title… alas.

Onwards to some yummy pics and some light fluff (and maybe some hints at future developments here on the blog!)

High above in the pass of the Misty Mountain…
There lived an Owlbear!

This is an ADD81 – Owlbear.
From back in the day, when Citadel made minis for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons.

Bugbears have been sighted!
These hairy hill goblins have thick fur and padded feet.
Perfect for sneaking up on enemies!


For the rest of the post:

11-27-2016, 04:42 PM
Taken from full post here:

Rafm vs Ral Partha - Chimera, Shambling Mound
Fantastic Beasts and how to enslave them to do your bidding!

No big battle for the Shire this weekend. Maybe next one…
But the victory conditions, forces and scenery are all ready to go.
In the meantime, how about some more old-timey minis from back in the days of olde!

Here we have a AD&D Ral Partha 11-493 Shambling Mound!
I love this miniature. Look how friendly he is!
He wants to shake your hand like a little gentleman.
Of course, he might just be luring you in, so he can strangle and suffocate you with his mulchy mass.
Still, its the thought that counts!

I dont know if he is available via modern Ral Partha Europe.
I know they have most of the old generic fantasy codes, but the specific AD&D ones?
I dont think they do, which is a shame. Someone, correct me if Im wrong.

And here we have the other mini company that starts with "R"…

This fine fellow is a RAFM 3718 Grave Lich & Throne

In my world, he is Zed the Lich King.
This Lich travels in style, aboard his flying throne of doom.
The throne is run by the same powers that allow that silly flying stone head, Zardoz, to zip around in the skies.
He waits for his entourage to appear in painted form, before he wages a battle to control whatever portion of Middle Earth he can take!
Some say he has his empty eye sockets on Isengard Tower.
In the meantime, he is studying up on his spellbooks – particularly the chapters about Binding Monsters To Your Will.

Finally, the next painted mini is a Ral Partha 11-414 Chimera.
There are many Chimeras out there in the miniature world.
But this one might be my favorite.
Yeah, rose colored glasses… I did have him as a kid.
Luckily I have him again, and this time, I can paint him a little better than my 6th grade self.


For the rest of the post:

11-29-2016, 06:23 PM
Taken from full post here:

AD&D Ral Partha 3 Stage Clerics & Oldhammer C02 Wizard

Bring out your dead...

Another post with old lead.
This time we got a Ral Partha Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 3 Stage Player Character: Clerics.
While these figures are designed for rpgs to show a player character's development, Im just going to use them as 3 clerics who belong to the order of R'hllor warrior priests.

For the night is dark and full of terrors...

Left to Right: Brother Maynard, Paul the Hermit, Sir Randolph Carter

These fellows were on their way to support the defense of Bree.
They crossed over the Brandywine Bridge and came across a burning abbey and orphanage.
They are searching for survivors...
Damn these Greenskins!

Amon Doom is an Oldhammer Citadel C02 Pre Slotta Wizard

Amon Doom is a cult leader who scours the lands to understand the Riddle of Steel.
He also happens to have a sister, Amon Joy, who is a famous confectioner and has a shop on Diagon Alley.


For the rest of the post:

12-01-2016, 10:49 AM
Left to Right: Max, Billy, Katie, Tommy, Liam, and Agnes

Where are these models from?

12-01-2016, 01:25 PM

They are from Hasslefree Miniatures

12-06-2016, 11:27 PM
Taken from full post here:

Battle of Willowbottom

A lot of toys on the table...
First 4 parts are up now on the blog.




12-07-2016, 07:09 AM
Part 5 is now up:


12-13-2016, 05:18 AM
Taken from full post here:

Cabin In The Woods – Making A Balsa Wood House

Building… a building!
Scratch build your own balsa wood house, at your own peril.

For a change of pace, I wanted to put my hobby time towards something else, other than painting…
Its arts and crafts time here on the blog!
I broke out a steel ruler, a new sharp x-acto blade and some balsa wood.
Here is my attempt at scratch building a medieval style house.
I only had one balsa wood panel though!
Which means I didnt have enough wood to build a 2 storey Tudor house like I wanted.
So, its a ranch style house then…

Here is my humble little house with the roof off.
Next time I think I will use bass wood instead, balsa is just too soft.
So turns out, maybe Im lucky that I only had one balsa wood panel.

The window sill is great for putting pies on.
Or maybe its a drive thru window!

Im thinking this house is going to be used for Bree.
Breeland campaign here we come!
Painting assets are being relocated to some vintage Citadel humans.
The ones I have predate the Empire/Bretonnia distinction, I think.
Raise the army of Breeland!

Which means, the "Return to Moria" campaign will have to wait a bit…


For the rest of the post:

12-31-2016, 10:11 PM
Taken from full post here:

Happy New Years, my buddies!
Here is my last post of 2016... The Trial of Balin, Lord of Moria(?)

Another year draws to a close here at the Moria Reclamation Project, with its ups and downs.
2015 saw its launch and the initial Moria Campaign.
2016 branched out to a wildly outrageous Shire Campaign.
And with 2017, we should see alot of smaller campaigns in Bree, the Misty Mountains, and then a return to action for what could be the close of the Moria Reclamation Project.
Whether it ends in Eternal Dwarven Glory or Ignominous Defeat will depend (as always) on the coming battles and the luck of the dice!

Back in Khazad Dum, Balin promises to make Moria great again!
But is he a pawn of the Chaos Gods that brought him back to (un)life?
Or will he become the greatest Dwarven Hero ever?

We now take you to the action in a secure location deep under Moria, in the barricaded underground fortress known as Easthold...

Left to Right: Balin, De Solay of the Iron Claw Clan, King Arombolosch of the Ral Partha Clan

Balin: My fellow Dwarf Lords, I have just returned from the Mirrormere and received Roac, our faithful Raven, King of Ravens. Yes, it was Roac that spoke to Thorin and company at Erebor long ago. His news is from our human allies, the Beornings. They have been ambushed and their caravan of supplies are lost. There is no word from Bugman, or the Iron Hills, or Erebor. Everywhere in Middle Earth, the Free Peoples are under attack. We are alone, with no supplies. If we continue to stay here in Easthold, we will grow weak from hunger and worse... from Beer thirst! While we still have the strength, I say, we march out of Moria into the Valley of Azanulbizar where we fought and defeated the Greenskins before!

Jacques De Solay: I speak for the Iron Claw Dwarves! We have just arrived from the Iron Claw Hills (not to be confused with the Iron Hills) and we are prepared to fight for Balin, Lord of Moria!

King Arombolosch: We Ral Partha Dwarves were saved by Balin in the Savage Lands deep below Moria and owe him a blood debt. We stand with Balin. Thats right! #StandWithBalin

Left to Right: King Ulther of Karak-Ungor, Priestess Brienne

King Ulther: Balin, son of Fundin, one of the companions of Thorin Oakenshield is a Dwarf to be respected, but he died. This Balin before us now, was raised from undeath by the powers of Chaos. As King of Karak-Ungor, I swore an oath to fight against Chaos Dwarves! The only reason I have not yet declared war on Balin and his allies, is the respect I have for Thorgrim the High King and the other Dwarven Kings assembled here. We are besieged by enemies without... and within. I move and vote that Balin is guilty of the taint of Chaos and demand judgement is passed on him!

Brienne: I am the High Priestess of Valaya, our Goddess of healing and protection. How long will She continue protecting us, if we ally with the Ruinous Powers of Chaos and their minions? I also vote guilty!

Left to Right: Gimli, Nindalf, King Gorrin

Gimli: My Lords! When did this war council turn into a trial? It was I who searched for Balin in the depths of Moria and brought him back to you. I have fought beside him and know in my heart that he is no slave to Chaos! I might not be a King, but I vote innocent.

Nindalf: As one of the few Dwarven Wizards, I will now use my Magic 8-Ball... (in wizardly voice) Oh mighty 8 Ball, is Balin tainted by Chaos? (reading the answer) without... a... doubt... Oh, this silly thing must be malfunctioning again! At any rate, I vote innocent!

King Gorrin: As a Dwarf King and a Dwarf Lord of Legend, I vote that Balin is innocent of charges! In fact, Im pretty sure the other 7 Lords of Legend agree with me. Do they get votes too?


For the rest of the post:

01-04-2017, 12:58 PM
Taken from full post here:

Scotia Grendel Terrain & More Balin Fluff

Weaponsmithy, Bookcase of Grudges, Fountain & Fluff!

Just painted up some Scotia Grendel terrain.
These resin pieces definitely have that oldschool charm.
I dont know how far they go back, but I know Ive had some since the late 90s at least.
So this is the 3rd time Ive owned and painted some of these pieces.

If ever, I get tempted to sell my personal collection again, someone punch me in the face.

Also, for fun, we have a little more fluff regarding Balin and company...

Here we have the Weaponsmithy.
Stunties need to constantly sharpen their axes, so this area always has a line around the block.

And here we have a Bookcase filled with some Books of Grudges.
So many pages filled with promises of vengeance versus the enemies of Dwarfkind.
Funny how even in the library, empty beer bottles and Dunland Whiskey flasks lie strewn about...

And here is a nice Fountain!
Nindalf has cast a spell of Eternal Refreshing Springwater on it.
Of course, as wonderfully sparkling as it looks, the Dwarves never seem to drink from it.
Why, drink water.... when you can drink beer!

And now for a little bit of fluff...


For the rest of the post:

01-06-2017, 04:43 PM
Taken from full post:

Pub Snug, Altar Of Evil & More (Also ID these walls!)

Try saying Pub Snug ten times really fast...

Im on a roll, painting Scotia Grendel resin terrain.
So here's a bunch of them...

I love the words Pub Snug.
There is something comfortable about the sound of it.
This is going to be used for The Prancing Pony in Bree.
I dont want to say more, best not spoil the fun.

And here are some walls I got in a trade long ago.
I have no idea who made them.
They are plastic, and looks to be futuristic gothic, because of the bullet marks.
I dont think they are GW or Pegasus.
How many companies made plastic terrain? Im totally stumped.
I trust that one of you TMP, or LAF folks might know...



For rest of the post:

01-07-2017, 06:59 AM
Taken from full post here:

Where'd the cheese go? I dont know...

Skarsnik and The Skaven & Mystery Of Bree

Hobbiton, on the hill of Bag End, the Greenskins have set up a Command HQ.
They've torn up Bagshot Row! The Gaffer will not be pleased!
If he is even alive that is... Oh poor Sam.
With their troops scouring and looting the Shire, the Orc and Goblin commanders are lounging in the spoils of their recent victory.

Left to Right: Goblin Warlord Skarsnik of Eight Peaks, Captain Gorgo of the Mordor Uruks

Skarsnik: General Remulak has given us orders to march to Bree.

Gorgo: Bree? I would rather pursue the Stunties heading to Moria!

Skarsnik: General Snarktail and his Wolf Riders have been tasked with that mission. Shelob too. We will catch up with them later after we crush the human resistance. Then... its skull thump time for those Stunties. Like Remulak says, its best to save the best bits for last.

Gorgo: I thought the Night King was handling the Breeland Campaign? Arent his forces and the Vampire Counts of Sylvania enough to handle a few peasants?

Skarsnik: Undead Humies are just as inept as living ones... (sigh) But I hear, that they burned out all the towns in Breeland, and yet... a human resistance leader has risen from the ashes. One man, has rallied all of them. No one knows his real name, but some have started to call him...

At that moment, The Gor Brothers - Gorgut and Gorfang drop in to tell Skarsnik he has visitors.

Oh, rats!

Its some dirty Skaven!
They've come all the way from Skavenblight.


For the rest of the post:

01-12-2017, 02:58 PM
Taken from full post here:

More Ral Partha AD&D Monsters: Catoblepas, Ormyrr

♪♫ ♪ He did the Mash, he did the Monster Mash
The Monster Mash, and it's a graveyard smash
He did the Mash, they caught on in a flash
He did the Mash, they did the Monster Mash ♪♫ ♪

Here are some more wonderful Ral Partha Advanced Dungeons & Dragons monsters, which I will be porting over to my Oldhammer Monster Hunting Skirmish Campaign.
While we have so many editions of Warhammer and can pull stats for the most common and iconic monsters in fantasy, these fellas below are a bit more... rare and fantastic.
So they are going to need some rules and stats made for them, which I dont think will be too difficult.

Onwards to these strange lovable creatures...

Ral Partha AD&D 11-532 Ormyrr

According to the 3rd edition Monster Manual II:
"Ormyrrs are intelligent, semi-nomadic creatures that live in small settlements along muddy river banks and lake shores.
An Ormyrr has an enormous, grublike body that can measure as much as 25 feet long.
At the top of the body is a froglike head that appears impossibly large and heavy.
Below the head, four short but powerful arms extend out from the body.
Ormyrrs have no magical ability, but magic fascinates them.
They covet magic items."

Ral Partha AD&D 11-422 Catoblepas

According to AD&D 1e Monster Manual:
"This nightmare creature is loathsome beyond description and has no redeeming features.
Its body resembles that of a huge, bloated buffalo and gives off an offensive odor.
The Catoblepas' neck is long and thin, and perched atop it is a big head uglier than that of a wart hog.
Perhaps its habitat - fetid swamps and miasmal marches - caused the bizarre combination of genetic characteristics.
Or perhaps it was due to some ghastly tinkering with life by a demented godling."

Interesting... what god would make such a creature? Going to have to look at the list of "demented" gods for a suspect.

Hmm. I dunno, I dont think he is loathsome at all.
Look at that face!
I shall call him Angus...


For the rest of the post:

01-14-2017, 12:00 PM
Taken from full post here:

Oldhammer Monster Manual

Just for fun, here are all my currently painted Oldhammer-ish Monsters.
Citadel, Marauder, & Ral Partha only need apply.
All my other new fangled critters will have to sit this one out.

The stats for the monsters I pulled from all versions of Warhammer 1st edition to 8th.
Storm of Magic was pretty handy, and the 6th edition Chronicles titles too.

For the weirder monsters, I did take into account their AD&D stats from 1e Monster Manual.
And tried to model them by using mostly Chaos Attributes/Gifts/Spells and other Special Rules to Warhammer-ify them.
I dont play in pick up games or tournaments, so I didnt bother about point values.

"At my challenge, by the ancient laws of combat, we are met at this chosen ground, to settle for good and all who holds sway over the five points."

Now onto the Monster Manual (in alphabetical order too!)


For the rest of the post:

01-14-2017, 07:00 PM
I love this thread. Keep the pics coming!

01-14-2017, 11:11 PM

Thanks buddy!

02-10-2017, 08:30 PM
Taken from full post here:

Oldhammer LOTR: The Muster of Bree

Ravens have brought news that the Shire and Breeland have been burnt and ravaged.
The defenders of the Shire have retreated south.
But in Breeland, a Resistance Leader has risen to forge the survivors of humanity from the ashes!
More armies of the Undead are heading to Bree again and in even greater numbers.

Aragorn the Ranger has decided to head south to Breeland, to help this mysterious Leader of the Resistance and rally Bree from certain doom.
Aragorn has left command of the defenses to Lord Commander Jeor Mormont and Jon Snow.
He cannot bring an army of Rangers with him, but he has sent a handful across the lands to inspire other nations to send contingents to Bree...
To Kislev and its Icy Queen, Rohan and the Horse Lords, Dale and King Brand, Deepwood Motte and House Glover, White Harbor and House Manderley, and to the mercenary Houses of Estalia and Tilea - the famous Dogs of War.

In the meantime, a lone Aragorn has fought his way to the northernmost part of Breeland, the forested village of Archet.

We now take you to the action...

Left to Right: Aragorn, Aeron Thistlewood, the "Rip Raffs"

Aeron Thistlewood is bandit chief of these parts.

This mini is an 80s Pre-Slotta Oldhammer Citadel figure from the Fantasy Adventurers Cavalry line (FAC)
His code is: FAC4 Mounted Sneak Thief with Dagger
Sneak Thief is pretty awesome descriptor!

Aragorn: Excuse me, I am Aragorn, also known as Strider the Ranger. Are you the Leader of the Resistance?

Aeron Thistlewood: Hail and well met. I am not the Resistance Leader you are looking for. I am a simple bandit chief trying to make my way in the world. However, I am on my way to Bree to look for this Leader and see if we can join forces with him? Shall we share the road?

Aragorn: Sure! (moves his wallet to his front pocket)


For the rest of the post:

02-10-2017, 10:37 PM
The Muster continues….

From full post here:

Farmers At Arms, Village of Combe

Further south, Aragorn and the Archet Bandits arrive in the farming community of Combe.
Considering that farmers and bandits have never gotten along, Aragorn decides to go meet them first – to smooth things out.

Left to Right: Aragorn, Gavin Appledore, the "Penny Crop Mob"

This mini's code is FAC5 Mounted Druid with Sickle

Aragorn: Excuse me, I am Aragorn, also known as Strider the Ranger. Are you the Leader of the Resistance?

Gavin Appledore: No, sir, I am not. I am a humble Druid and protector of these farmlands. I do know you! You are the Heir of Slitherine! Ummm… no… Isildur! Yes! The Heir of Isildur, and rightful King of the North. I am at your service, Majesty!

Farmer 1: I didnt know we had a king.

Aragorn: Then who is your Lord?

Farmer 2: We dont have a Lord, we're an anarcho-syndicalist commune. We take turns to act as sort of an executive officer for the week. But all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special biweekly meeting by a simple majority in the case of internal affairs.

Aragorn: (sigh) Farmers…


For the rest of the post:

02-11-2017, 01:52 PM
From full post here: http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/02/trade-union-of-staddle.html

Union workers join the fight!

Onwards to the industrial town of Staddle...

Aragorn and company have reached the great East Road and the town of Staddle, known for its Blacksmithies.

Left to Right: Aragorn, Howland the Hammer, the "Bellow Boys"

Aragorn: Excuse me, I am Aragorn, also known as Strider the Ranger. Are you the Leader of the Resistance?

Howland the Hammer: No, Im not the great leader of the Resistance, but my sources tell me, he can be found in Bree tomorrow. If he promises to fight for fair wages for workers everywhere, I will promise him my Hammer! What about you, Ranger? How do you feel about the 99%?

Aragorn: Strangely, I know nothing about politics, really... but I do know how to fight with a sword and a bow.

On the left is Howland the Hammer of Staddle.
He is the Master Craftsman, and all the Trade Union toughs recognize his authority.
With a word, he can shut down industry across Eriador with an event that is the most dreaded thing among the bourgeouis elite... Labor Dispute!


For the rest of the post: http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/02/trade-union-of-staddle.html

02-11-2017, 03:26 PM
Taken from full post here:

Radagast & His Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Quest

On the road to Bree, Aragorn and company run into.... Radagast the Brown and a company of foot Knights in full armor!

Finally, this blog confronts the issue of Radagast and how he is at the center of all the bad events that are ruining Middle Earth!

Left to Right: Aragorn, Radagast the Brown, the "Lost Knights of Arthedain"

Aragorn: Radagast! Dont tell me that YOU are the Resistance Leader!?!?!

Radagast: (looking sad) Um, no... actually Im not. Im not even a hero, really. I have soooo much to make up for.

Aragorn: (puts arm around the wizards shoulder) Oh? Whats wrong there, buddy? You can tell your old pal Aragorn...

Radagast: Where to start? Umm.. so I was leading Arwen, Haldir, Glorfindel, a Dwarf from Westeros, and alot of Barbarians through Moria... (see last years posts of basic D&D in Moria, EDIT: Ohhh, yeah, the very last ending adventure was not recorded on the blog. Its all for the best, really! Lets just let Radagast explain... But at least you can read how well they started off!)

Aragorn: Ooh, did you run into Halbarad? He was on a mission there with Eomer and Eowyn! I hope they are ok?

Radagast: Oh they are fine, Im sure, they took a different route than us. But... (sighs) I lost Arwen and all the other Elves in the Tombs of Terror! Haldir was impaled, Glorfindel is trapped in a rock prison, and Arwen stepped through a doorway that looked like a mouth! It might have been a sphere of annihilation, but Im certain it was actually a portkey! (I claim DM's discretion in saving Arwen for a future adventure hook!) In fact, as she disappeared, I noticed the faint odor of brimstone... The dwarf Tyrion and his barbarians lasted a bit longer, they...

Aragorn: You let my beloved Arwen fall into... HELL!?!? Arwen Evenstar, daughter of Elrond, grand-daughter of Galadriel, High Elven Princess of both Rivendell and Loth-Lorien...

Radagast: Noooo... not that bad! It was the odor of noxious fumes that could only be from the Dark Plains of Mordor... So, shes fine... as long as she keeps herself hidden in the shrubbery... and avoids the Orc patrols. And the toxic pools. And the Nazgul on winged beasts. Oh and the Eye of Sauron thats like a searchlight of doom... Look, Aragorn, we can go find her later. Right now we have to save Bree. Then we can save Arwen. OH wait. We have to save Gandalf from the top of Isengard Tower after Bree. Thats why Im here, we save Bree, then get all the northern humans together to assault that traitorous Saruman...

Aragorn: (facepalm) Gandalf too?

Radagast: Well, I was supposed to send Eagles to Isengard, but then... you know the Tomb of Terrors thing happened, and Galadriel banished me from Loth Lorien... and I forgot. So by the time I got to the Misty Mountains, something terrible happened to the Eagles! Terrible, Aragorn... its Tzeentch, he must have planned this for a long time...

Aragorn: Arwen, Gandalf, Eagles... Im afraid to ask about the most important news of all... Frodo.

Radagast: Wait, who is Frodo?

Aragorn: (facepalm)

Radagast: I hope its not too important...

Aragorn: (facepalm)

This mini's actually code is Citadel C02 - Gustavus Ravenmage.
Of course, in my campaign... he is Radagast the Brown!

The "Lost Knights of Arthedain" claim they are descended from ancient nobility from the fall of the Northern Kingdoms.


For the rest of the post:

02-12-2017, 08:48 PM
Taken from full post here:

Aragorn & Radagast in Bree at last... Plus protesters! Make Bree Great Again!

The Prancing Pony Militia

Aragorn and company finally get to Bree.
All his life, Aragorn has trained in the art of war.
But nothing prepared him for politics.
His dealings with the commoners has sparked an interest in him to at least try to understand them.
But, its hard work trying to get the communist farmers from preaching louder than the union worker activists.

Guy who has had enough: Hey... hey... (crowd quiets down) This is library....

All this politics is giving Aragorn a big headache.
Strangely, the bandits seem to be the least troublesome.
They just tease the farmers, and try to steal from the union workers.
Bandits at least are just lovable bullies.

Aragorn: These protesters and anti-protesters are getting out of hand, Radagast. Hopefully some Undead show up soon!

Radagast: Dont worry there buddy, they are being painted as fast as possible by our invisible blog chronicler! BTW, you should hire that "This is Library" guy when you become King. And not just because you need to have an Easterling quota in your cabinet, but Im pretty sure that he will be an internet meme someday.

Aragorn: Whats an internet?

Aragorn and Radagast lead a motley band of rogues into town.

Oh, I forgot to mention my new game mat from Deep Cut Studios, all the way from Lithuania!
I splurged and got the mouse pad material. It folds out totally flat and the colors are great.
It just matches Oldhammer colors, like 80's gamebook art.
I got this one with cobblestones and another stony/mountain one for the Return to Moria campaign.

I highly recommend! Thats a 10 out of 10 axes review rating from me.


For the rest of the post:

02-13-2017, 04:05 PM
Taken from full post here:

The Midnight Rider & the Peaky Breelanders
A horseman rides into town, at the head of a large group of ruffians.
Is it the Midnight Rider?

♫ Go and tell the Midnight Rider
Tell the rambler,
The gambler,
The back biter
That you can run on for a long time
Run on for a long time ♫

Indeed, it is him!
The Leader of the Resistance!

And he has brought a lot of proper Oldhammer friends to boot!

Left to Right: Aragorn, The Leader of the Resistance, the Peaky Breelanders

Yummy old school 80s goodness!

This mini is coded as C33 Mounted Adventurer, Rogue with Dagger

I love everything about this model - the rider, the rearing horse pose.
Look at that horse's face! And his 80's flowing mane!

And the rider himself is the epitome of rogueish-ness.
So who is he?
Who is the Midnight Rider?


For the rest of the post:

02-27-2017, 06:40 PM
Taken from full post here:

Just finished up painting these Armorcast resin terrain pieces.
And... more than 200 Undead troops as well, lots of bones coming up in the next post!

So, lets examine the Ruins of Bree...

So I got 5 ruined structures here.

But life goes on, in the ruins of Bree!
Here is the portable Prancing Pony snug pub!

Radagast sets up a little wizards study to prepare his Vancian spells for the upcoming battle.


For the rest of the post:

03-15-2017, 02:50 PM
Taken from full post here: http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/03/undead-invaders-of-bree-pt-1-zombies.html

Here is the first of 2 Undead armies converging on Bree.
We have some old school Black Riders from Citadel and Grenadier.
Along with a nice new Necromancer from Reaper.
The zombies are Mantic plastics.
But I will be adding auxilliary metal regiments from Rafm & Harlequin.
I already have a decent chunk of Citadel metal skellies, so my painted Undead army is coming along quite nicely.

The moaning battle cry of Brrraaaiiiinnnnsss can be heard along the eastern roads of Bree.
Zombies are on the march!

This Mounted Wraith is vintage 80s Citadel Lord of the Rings.
His code is: ME-64 Black Rider - Ringwraith
Its nice to have some respectable old metal figures to lead these new fangled plastics.

This fellow is Domus the Necromancer.
He is part of the 25th Anniversary of Reaper that is taking place this year.
Lovely, lovely figure that just oozes old school charm!
He reminds me of vintage Grenadier D&D wizards.


For the rest of the post: http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/03/undead-invaders-of-bree-pt-1-zombies.html

03-16-2017, 02:04 PM
Taken from full post here: http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/03/undead-invaders-of-bree-pt-2-lich-queen.html

Oldhammer LOTR - The Lich Queen of Carn Dum

Here is the 2nd Undead invasion force coming from the North.

Again, the bulk of it is Mantic Skeletons.
They are being led by various Lich lords... and a lady!

She is a fancy one, the Queen.
She likes to sit on her throne, reading her favorite novel, while waving a gold plated scepter around.
The Queen is dead. Long live the Queen!

Pass the pub that wrecks your body
And the church, all they want is your money
The Queen is dead, boys
And it's so lonely on a limb
Life is very long, when you're lonely

This tall fellow is Vordekai the Cyclops Lich.
He is the sworn servant of Lucrella, who took pity on the giant cyclops and showed him kindness after he was abandoned by his father for being a Chaosy freak of nature.
It was Lucrella who gave him his name - Vordekai.
Hmm... I wonder who his father is?
All that is known is that the original name on Vordekai's birth certificate is Magnus...
Vordekai does have vague memories of his brother primarchs teasing him and poking him in his eye.
Oh those imperial bullies!


For the rest of the post: http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/03/undead-invaders-of-bree-pt-2-lich-queen.html

04-11-2017, 07:09 PM
Taken from full post here: http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/04/blogs-2-year-anniversary-oldhammer-box.html

Citadel Box Set BC7: Heroic Fighters of Known World

Blog's 2 Year Anniversary & Oldhammer Box Set: Heroic Fighters

Hiya buddies!
I just realized that as of yesterday this blog has reached its 2 year anniversary!

Happy Anniversary Moria Reclamation Project!
May your axes be ever sharp, and your Bugmans Brew always cold!

So, better late than never, we shall celebrate with this post of freshly painted minis from the lovely 80s box set known as...
BC7: Heroic Fighters of Known World
Sculpted by the legendary Jes Goodwin.

This was the very first Citadel box set I ever bought (errrr bought for me, thanks dad!)
I spent too many years using these figures in both Warhammer and D&D.
Sometimes afterwards they were supplemented with the early Empire plastic halberdiers and the Men at Arms from Advanced Heroquest.
But they were at the forefront of all my gaming as a kid.
Well, they are back again, this time to save Middle Earth...

We are the champions - my friends
And we'll keep on fighting
Till the end

Box cover
Oh 80s art... how I love thee.
Im guessing this is John Blanche?
The colors and style sure feel like it.

Left to Right: Ulrik Ulrikson, Sir Brut, Vlad Krakhed, The Moon Duke, Lord Aquila, Gladius, Harry the Hammer, Manfred

Lord Aquila

I remember in my 80s campaigns, he was the scourge of the Micronauts! (action figures & comic book)
Sure, he was smaller than them, but he had the power of Golden Armor.
Oh, and he was always on the quest for the "Golden Axe" (video game)
Huh... I realized my game campaigns were already zany back then too!
Can it be possible that Ive been playing the same campaign since the 80s!?!?!
But more importantly... will the Micronauts save Minas Tirith? ;p

Harry the Hammer.

This mini is the 80s remake of the original Pre-Slotta Harry the Hammer, who is the poster boy of Warhammer and was on the cover of the 1st edition White Box.
See my post here: http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2015/04/oldhammer-first-edition-box-set-has.html

I do prefer the Pre-Slotta version, and if I can get one without selling a kidney, I would.

Ulrik Ulrikson

I just finished binge watching the UK TV show Utopia and this made me think of Wilson Wilson.
(Spoiler ahead for those who havent watched that lovely lovely show)
Ulrik is so dedicated to saving the Old World that he has carved the Nippon symbol for Rabbit into his stomach.

Where is Jessica Hyde?


For the rest of the post and a 2 year blog celebration: http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/04/blogs-2-year-anniversary-oldhammer-box.html

05-30-2017, 07:44 PM
Taken from full post here: http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/05/age-of-sig-marienburg-league-of.html

The League of Augsburg enters the War for Middle Earth!

The Town Crier can be heard with the latest news in the war torn lands of Eriador...

Marienburg has entered the War for Bree!
Floppy Hats sighted crossing the borders of Eriador!
Sauron says Floppy Hats are for sissies!
Social media calls for ban of all Mordor products until the Dark Lord apologizes for bullying!

Now that Ive got your attention (and possible prepared ire)...

Am I switching from Oldhammer to Age of Sigmar?
No. (You can put down the rocks now you grognards!)
Im here to announce that Marienburg is joining the war effort in Bree...
complete with new outfits and floppy hats!

Here comes the vanguard of the Marienburg forces.
They feel a bit vulnerable right now without the protection of their pikemen, cavalry and cannon.
But dont fret, reinforcements are following right behind this post!

Churchyll, Duke of Marlboro... errr... I mean Marienborough.

Churchyll is the sworn foe of the High Elven Cirque du Soleil King, Ludovic XIV
The Sun King, I mean Soleil King employs a troupe of Eldar mime/assassin/performance artistes whose wave of terror has spread across the Empire. These self-styled Harlequin assasins were making snide insults about Elector Counts the Old World over, simply because they just didnt have that "je ne sais quoi". Even the already flamboyant Marienburgers werent exempt from the taunting of the Soleil King and his snobby Elven insulteurs. Many a thin-skinned noble stepped out of public office and deleted their twitter accounts from the deadly Eldar ridicule. At first there was the War of the Estalian Succession, then the War of the Hochland Succession, then the War of the... you get the picture. It was a dark time for the Empire, until the Marienburg General Churchyll beat those dastardly pointy ears at the Battle of Bad-Plaquet. The Soleil King has accepted the terms of the "No more bullying" Treaty and so far the haughty Elves have refrained from their deadly derision and settled for narrow eyed looks and upturned chins. But the Eldar, being such a duplicitous species (dishonorable according to the stunties!), no one knows how long the peace will last. The success of the campaign has brought much glory, wealth and technological prowess for Marienburg. While the rest of the Empire has languished in the (yawn!) Renaissance era, Marienburg has leveled up to the Age of Reason, complete with floppy hats!

OK, this new and entirely silly background fluff allows me to now field the wonderful minis from Warfare Miniatures who have just opened up a US site! Cheaper prices and free shipping! For years Ive wanted to join the Imagi-Nations craze. Now I will, but it will happen in the context of my Oldhammer Middle Earth campaign world. And I really think its just an evolution that was bound to take place in the Oldhammer mythos. Bretonnia is just an excuse to use medieval minis, the Empire for 30 Years War, Kislev for Polish Lancers, etc...
I think there was even a Roman Centurion looking mini at some point in the past. (Yup, it was a Dogs of War General, Lorenzo Lupo - Prince of Lucinni)

The men in blue coats with red sleeves are from Oldenburg.

They are the most grizzled veterans of the lot and like to grumble about all manner of affairs; usually about new fangled editions of wargame rules.


For the rest of the post: http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/05/age-of-sig-marienburg-league-of.html

06-12-2017, 10:48 PM
Taken from full post: http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/06/warfare-minis-more-marienburg-infantry.html

Warfare Minis – More Marienburg Infantry Arrive In Bree

Oldhammer LOTR – More Floppy Hats in Bree

Buddies… welcome to another post.

More Marienburgers have crossed over the Misty Mountains Pass and are headed to the defense of Bree.

This time we got a block of pikes, some grenadiers, a general on horse, and a cannon.

Brushing up on my Pike rules from the Dogs of War armybook, I (re)learned that Pike can strike with all 4 ranks in any combat where the Pikemen have not moved (they have been charged, or in a second or subsequent turn of combat).
4 Ranks of attacks!
In the first turn that the Pikemen have charged they still get to attack with 2 ranks.
Pikes also get to strike first in any combat, despite being charged or Initiative.
Oh, and also, each Pikeman gets an extra attack against enemy cavalry on the first turn!


For the rest of the post: http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/06/warfare-minis-more-marienburg-infantry.html

07-17-2017, 08:58 AM
Taken from full post here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/07/oldhammer-2nd-edition-box-scenario-books.html

Minty fresh copy of Oldhammer 2E came with a surprise!

Sometimes eBay amazes me.
Not all the time, but when it does, it makes me cry manly tears of joy.

Here is the 2nd Edition Box set of Warhammer Fantasy Battles.
You might remember my White Box 1st edition post here: http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2015/04/oldhammer-first-edition-box-set-has.html

There is similarity in both of these purchases.
Not only did I get each of these boxes at about $50 a pop, but they both had all the extra material of their edition packed in the box!
In the 1st Edition box, I got the Forces of Fantasy supplements and the Book of Battalions.
Now in this 2nd Edition box, I got all 3 scenario books for 2E with all their miscellany.

How am I so lucky?
Sigmar must be watching over my hobby purchases.
Either him or Sauron, Im not sure which.

Im also a very patient eBayer and I always wait til I can get a good deal, so Im prepared to get a "not so great" copy.
But surprise again, once more!
I got a sharp undented box and crispy clean booklets.
So later, I might have to sacrifice some fatty Hobbits in the name of Sauron (although isnt that what pretty much happened in the Shire campaign of last year?)

Now I have had this edition before, but I never had the scenarios supplements of McDeath or Lichemaster back then.
Hence, my surprise of new nostalgia waiting for me.

Look on, dear reader, and witness the beauty of Oldhammer 2E

Overview shot of everything that came in the box.
Thats right, I got all the scenario books with the rulebooks!
And all the cardboard buildings and miniature standup counters.
Plus some addendum, catalog pages, and various ads.

Look how nice and crisp this box set is!
John Blanche does the box cover art (as if you didnt already know!)

This drawing looks to be a Wraith or Wight coming out of some pottery like a Djinni from a lamp.

Dammit, who knocked over the Urn?
(everyone points at the sinewy barbarian)
Conan! You're too big to be a thief!

The third core rulebook is the "Monster Manual".

And the 1st scenario book is Bloodbath at Orc's Drift, which is written and illustrated by...
Gary Chalk, Ian Page, and Joe Dever!
For those who dont know them, they are all of Lone Wolf gamebook fame.

Joe Dever, was not only the writer of Lone Wolf books, but also the video game Killzone.
Which is why Helghast is in both works.

Gary Chalk did the artwork for Lone Wolf, various Oldhammer and also the board games Talisman and Cry Havoc!

Both of those board games I spent much of my formative years playing.

Ian Page was an unfamiliar name, so I googled him to find out: not only did he help write some Lone Wolf books, but he was also the lead singer of the Mod Revival band "Secret Affair".
An obscure band, but since I do have a fascination with the "mod/power pop/punk" bands of the 70s, this was quite a surprise for me.
Listen to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XonDLg3e5wU

Hey they even provide a nice map of the area
I swear this looks like it belongs somewhere in Sommerlund!
Now I will have to figure out where in Middle Earth this is for my own campaign.
Oh, spoilers!
Yup, Orcs Drift might certainly happen on this blog.
If I had to guess, I would say this map is a small area in Dimrill Dale!

Oh look its the Loch Ness... err I mean Loch Larm Monster.
Nessie it turns out, is just a Dragon Turtle!
Oh, and I do have a Dragon Turtle just waiting to get a nice paint job.


For the rest of the post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/07/oldhammer-2nd-edition-box-scenario-books.html

07-19-2017, 11:01 PM
Taken from full post here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/07/the-cavalry-arrives.html

The clatter of hooves echoes over the wartorn lands of Bree...
Is it the mighty Eoreds of Rohan we hear?
No, it is not.
Rohan has not yet entered the War of the Ring (at least not in our campaign).

It is a mighty host of cavalry from Marienburg!

Here is the last portion of the Marienburg army.
3 units of finely dressed warriors, come to battle for Bree and the freedom of Middle Earth.

Here are the best cavalry of Marienburg, the Gardes du Corps.

Musician and trooper.
The Gardes du Corps are also known as the Marienburg Life Guard.

Here are some Brandenburg cavalry.

The musician and commander.
The commander uses the olde style lobster pot helmet.

We have some Saarlander cavalry.


For the rest of the post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/07/the-cavalry-arrives.html

07-21-2017, 01:29 PM
Taken from full post here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/07/tom-meiers-zombie-dragon-more-pets-for.html

Tom Meier's Zombie Dragon & More Pets For The Lichemaster

An ancient box of awe...
And also a bunch of dead pets for the Lichemaster!

A Zombie Dragon appears on the blog.

The Lichemaster, Heinrich Kemmler, also makes his debut.
It is by his undead hand that he commands the Zombie Dragon.
As if the Dragon isnt enough to handle, the Lichemaster brings even more pets to maul his foes for the upcoming battles for Bree.

Look upon this 80s box artwork and despair from its pure awesomeness.

This is coded as DG6 Tom Meier's Zombie Dragon.
Go visit the internet archive Stuff of Legends for more info on Citadel dragons and anything else vintage Oldhammer: http://www.solegends.com/citadel/

A great worm from an ancient time, brought back by fell magicks.
Whatever his name was of old has been forgotten.

Lichemaster Kemmler has given him a new name... Drakkar Noir.
Feel the power!
In the far future, those silly humans will bottle the essence from the pools of his homeland and use it as "eau de toilet".

Here is Heinrich Kemmler, the Lichemaster himself!
Sure , he's a 90s sculpt, but that dont make you a bad person.
(And yes, there is an 80s version of him that was made for the "module" Terror of the Lichemaster.
Which I would like to get at some point. But this one will do for now...
That module also had minis of the skeletal warlords Krell, Ranlac, and... Mikael Jacsen and his Zombie troup!
Oh, 80's Oldhammer and its wacky humor!)

This is another of the Lichemaster's pets.
He is a three-headed canine which I am calling Kibbles.
Thats right... the dreaded creature known as Kibbles of Ered Mithrin!
Ered Mithrin is a mountain range far to the north of Erebor, the Lonely Mountain.
And it is home to many strange arctic fantasy creatures, like for example...

...the Frost Hounds of Ered Mithrin.
I somehow got a box of these GW Chaos hounds, which I didnt care for at first.
They have grown on me though.


For the rest of the post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/07/tom-meiers-zombie-dragon-more-pets-for.html

07-24-2017, 03:47 AM
Taken from full post here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/07/kiss-knights-in-saurons-service.html

KISS - Knights in Saurons Service

The Oldhammer Mystery of Uthmog Elvenblade/Harry the Hammer

Over the next two posts, I have some Oldhammer White Boxes, also known as "Speciality Sets".

First up we have KISS.
The Knights in Sauron's Service!
Actually its the Box Set coded as SS1-2 Warriors of Chaos.

These Chaos Knights are the elite warriors of Mordor's strike forces.
Beneath their helmets they have black and white face paint.
I wonder which one of them has the unfortunate cat face makeup.

The front of all the Speciality Sets were the same cover art.

Look at this artwork...
Look at the figure below...
The first and greatest mystery of Warhammer history follows...

Uthmog Elvenblade

The boxed set for the rules of 1st edition Warhammer Fantasy has this miniature as its cover.
Its the same artwork as these White Box miniatures sets.
The artwork features this fellow with a... Warhammer!
This figure has a name... Uthmog Elvenblade.
Yet strangely he doesnt carry a blade, he carries a hammer.

There is an untold story here, of how his magical Elven blade was shattered and he replaced it with a trusty Dwarven Warhammer instead.
Moral of the story?
Elf made weapons stink.
At least thats how the Dwarven version of the story goes...

OK, I made that up that last paragraph.
There was little to no fluff in the early Oldhammer era.
Someone needs to ask Rick Priestly about this.
Its probably the most important thing about Warhammer and now I need to know the origin story of Uthmog Elvenblade/Harry The Hammer!

Closeup of Uthmog's shield

In later editions, he will become known as Harry the Hammer.
But I will always call him Uthmog!
His name is Uthmog Elvenblade...

I understand. In death, a member of Project Mayhem has a name. His name is Robert Paulson...

Kardos Bloodhelm

This guy is obviously a worshipper of Khorne the Blood God.
Before he became chosen by the Chaos Gods, he was a famous gladiator.

Athgul Evilhand

Im guessing this guy is a worshipper of Tzeentch because of his bird helmet, so I gave him the colors of the Lord of Change.


For the rest of the post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/07/kiss-knights-in-saurons-service.html

08-07-2017, 08:53 AM
Taken from full post here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/07/the-east-is-red-hobgoblin-red.html

The East is Red... Hobgoblin Red
Vintage 80's Citadel White Box Hob-Gobbos

Old General: We won again! This is good, but what is best in life?

Young Prince: The open steppe, a fleet horse, falcons at your wrist, wind in your hair.

Old General: Wrong! Conan! What is best in life?

Conan: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.

Old General: That is good! That is good.


I know that this post's title "East is Red" is a Chinese thing, and the minis featured below have Japanese armor...
And also the quote from Conan is actually Mongolian (Jenghis KHAAAAAANNNNN!).
But what balances out all this misappropriation is that... not all Warhammer Goblins have green skin!
And now we have proof.
Finally, on this blog we have some fine examples of some red-skinned Hobgoblins.

Hobgoblin special rules to note: Frenzy, Scouts, Poisonous Attacks.
So basically they have a high output of poisonous attacks and at start of game they can deploy ahead of the battle lines.
Be afraid, be very afraid.

A unit of 20 vintage Hobgoblins ready for battle
12 came from the box set shown below, and the other 8 are from the C36 line, all sculpted by Aly Morrison.

Another White Box set here and it is coded as DL2 Aly Morrison's Hobgoblin Warriors.
The front of the box is the same as all the other White Boxes, but the backs were different.

The back of the white boxes have this text:
The miniatures in this set are suitable for use with role-playing, tabletop and other games. They may be painted and collected or made into miniatures scenes (dioramas).

Thats interesting, besides rpgs & tabletop games ... what other types of games are there?

These guys dont have names, so I named some of them with suitably eastern sounding ones...

Left to Right: Ogadai the Champion, Sorgan Shiro the Shaman, Banner Bearer, Warrior with Spear

Ogadai is the enforcer of the Clan and carries out the will of the Chief.
Sorgan Shiro carries a magic skull. He is the witch doctor; Oh little sicky, seems to be the pain?

Left to Right: Taklo Makan the Chieftain, Snooter the HobHound, Jamuga the Hound Master, and Hob-Ninja.

Taklo Makan is the Big Kahuna of this Clan.
Snooter the HobHound is just a pup, but he is already a good tracker (and he sure is a cute little feller!)
Jamuga the Hound Master makes sure Snooter doesnt get rabies from any wild Wolves.


For the rest of the post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/07/the-east-is-red-hobgoblin-red.html

08-08-2017, 05:01 PM
Taken from full post here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/08/the-mouth-of-sauron.html

The Mouth Of Sauron - Oldhammer LOTR
In The Mouth of Madness!
Do you read Sutter Cane?
It's a mad house! A mad house!

The Mouth of Sauron has come to Bree!

This figure has the Citadel code: ME-55 Mouth of Sauron, Evil Warrior Mage
Apparently, he has great knowledge of the Dark Arts.
Considering his master is the Dark Lord Sauron, I would say he is the envy of Dark Lord groupies the whole (Middle)Earth over.

Especially those precious snowflakes - the Death Eaters!

Even their Lord Voldemort is a fake wannabee Dark Lord.
The Mouth of Sauron is the real deal, who serves the true Dark Lord.
There is only one Dark Lord, and he is a giant Lidless Eye in Mordor that does not sleep!

Eddard Stark: The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with ten thousand men could you do this. It is folly!

The ambassador for the Black Lands of Mordor is here and he has been given the authority to deal with the humans of Eriador.
The deal is... submit to the Dark Lord of Mordor or die!

The Mouth is also the Lieutenant of Barad-Dur.
Barad-Dur of course is the Dark Tower, where Sauron resides in Mordor.
The Mouth might or might not be a few thousand years old.
Also, he is a Black Numenorian, which means he is kinda like Aragorn, but evil.
Think Elf and Dark Elf.
OK bad example, as I am pro-Dwarf and inclined to say that all Elves are indeed evil.

The fact that the Mouth of Sauron is accompanied by the Warriors of Chaos and an elite Hobgoblin unit shows the level of trust placed upon him by the Mordor High Command.


For the rest of the post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/08/the-mouth-of-sauron.html

10-04-2017, 07:31 PM
Taken from full post here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/10/the-good-bad-ugly.html

The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

Update to my Imagi-Nations Oldhammer Middle Earth mashup campaign

Looks like our Oldhammer Middle Earth gaming campaign has stalled a bit and will continue to experience a slow down for a while longer.
The Bree campaign will resume at some point when the stars are right (and Cthulhu wakes!)
Im going to tentatively rename November as Bree-vember as that is when I hope to get the current campaign up and running.
Which is perfect timing as I hope the new game mats will arrive around that time!
Yes, I have some lovely plush mats from Cigar Box Battle coming, via their Kickstarter.

In the meantime, Ive put a couple of figures together for this post.
These minis were to be used for a future campaign.
But I hate having long droughts on the blog, so here they are for a little show and tell.
So lets spoil the Misty Mountains campaign with this little teaser...

Oh! Also I have an "internet garage sale" going on, so hop on over to my commission blog to see what Im selling.
Support the Moria Reclamation Project and buy something why dont ya?
Go here for more details: http://mars-miniatures-commissions.blogspot.com/2017/10/mars-internet-garage-sale.html

And finally, I have a backlog on commissions and am not taking new clients until I can clear up the painting queue.
If you are currently a client and on the queue, please accept my apologies for the long delay.

Thank you for your patience my good fellows.

Now, onwards to pics and fluff...

Left to Right: Fishspeaker Siona, Hag Queen Morathi, Belladonna Lestrange

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

Also note my new terrain piece... Amon Sul... Weathertop!
I will show it off properly when the Bree campaign resumes.

Fishspeaker Siona, much like one of her distant ancestors, is a blind prophet/mentat who also has Fire powered spells at her command.
She belongs to the Sisters of Manaan, also known as the Fish Speakers of Numenor...

The Sisters of Sigmar arent the only female order in the Empire.
Manaan is the god of the sea and is known the Drowned God in the Iron Islands, Poseidon in Themyscira, and Ulmo in Middle Earth.
Since Marienburg is a maritime city, Manaan is its most worshipped deity.
But the headquarters of the Sisters of Manaan is on Numenor, to the West of Eriador.
The warrior order of the Sisters are known as the Fish Speakers - the protectors of the God Emperor, caretakers of the Great Sea Wyrms of Shai-Hulud.

"Bless the Maker and His water
Bless the coming and going of Him
May His passage cleanse the world..."

These warrior/mage women have been trained to be fanatically loyal and believe in the destiny of mankinds rule over Middle Earth through the mysterious Golden Path.
They are taller than even most men and their beauty makes most think they are descended from the gods and goddesses themselves.
Some of the girls have white hair which might come from a Targaryen heritage.
There are whispers that they are bred from the finest stock of Amazons from both Lustria and Themyscira, Bretonnian Damsels, Empire Aristocracy, Numenorean Lords, Atreides Sea Captains from Caladan, Ironborn raiders from Pyke and legend has it - from Manaan himself!

"Let your servant be born again from the sea, as you were. Bless him with salt, bless him with stone, bless him with steel."

"What is dead may never die!"

Morathi is the ancient mother of the Witch King.
Oh... not that Witch King!
The Dark Elf one.
She is the first of the Hag Queens and a great and powerful sorceress.
It is whispered that the great Cauldron was given to her by the Elf War God Khaine himself 5,000 years ago, and each year she bathes in its warm blood to restore her beauty.
Not only can she take Dark Elf spells, but Chaos Slaaneshi ones too.
She is quite the naughty elf lady!

If you thought Alyssa the Queen of Dragons had alot of pets, wait til you see Morathi's menagerie of mad monstrosities!
Yes, Morathi will be leading the vanguard with a veritable army of monsters.
The very ground of Middle Earth will shake with the trampling of their varied and numerous hooves.
The Dark Elf hosts are coming and this blog will soon fill with the full machinery of pointy eared malice.
The end is coming, humies and stunties (mainly because I was consumed for a bit with collecting Dark Elves and EvilCute monsters.)

"And you tell me over and over and over and over again my friend,
You don't believe we're on the eve of destruction."

"Nimrod Bodfish have you any wool
Get me another body bag the body bag’s full
My face was scorched, scorched
I miss my home I miss my porch, porch
Left, right, left"

Belladonna Lestrange is quite mad you see.
But one cannot master the magic of Mordor without first travelling to the other side!
Belladonna is a member of a Mordor Death Cult.
She belongs to the most twisted one... The Order of the Black Rock.

Mordor Death Cultists are covens of evil humans who worship Sauron.

Three of the largest of these cults are:

1) The Druids of the Astral Sea. These animal worshipping barbaric cultists are from the Easterling lands of Rhun. In their shamanic visions, these cultists believe that Sauron is the prophesied Lizard King. Because his Ring Wraiths ride atop ancient winged reptiles, just further strengthens their beliefs. They foresee a world where "Man becomes one with Beast" in a green environmentally safe hippie commune love-fest.

2) The Order of the Black Rock. The toxic air of Mordor has twisted these humans into grotesque nightmares. They mostly come from the southern area of Mordor known as Nurn. It is their belief that only the strongest can survive in Mordor and it is through mutation that a new breed of human will emerge and inherit Middle Earth.

3) The Golden Mumak Society. These Southrons are from Haradwaith and have seen the birth of a yellow-gold colored Mumakil as the sign that the King in Yellow has returned. They believe Sauron will become this King after unifying the lands of Middle Earth and will usher in a Golden Age of Magic.

"She wore a gown the color of storms, shadows, and rain and a necklace of broken promises and regrets."

I will have 3 Mordor Cultist units, of 12 cultists each.

In addition to having the stats of chaos marauders, a Death Cultist unit is considered to be a Wizard and can cast spells in the same way as Pink Horrors of Tzeentch.
A unit of 12 Cultists will cast spells as a Lvl 2 Wizard
Choose spells as normal Wizards do, but as casualties occur, the unit will lose magic levels and spells.
Once the unit is reduced to 8, it becomes a Lvl 1 Wizard.
The unit loses Magic ability once it is reduced to 4.


Lots of background fluff to fill in the lack of painted minis/battle reports for now.

I have a couple more painted teasers to show off til Bree-vember comes.
I dont have full units, as my painting hand has been injured the last few months.
And while I normally wait to show off whole painted units, we will have to settle for more posts like this one.

Oh, I have terrain pieces that I was saving for the future.
But I suppose I can show them ahead of time.

I suppose I can even give some fluff for minis already shown on the blog.
Aragorn and Radagast conversations?
Or Mouth of Sauron and Shelob just shooting the breeze?
Hope some of you like fluff, because its going to get fluffy around here!


10-06-2017, 12:39 PM
More fluffy silliness up on the blog here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/10/pulp-fictional-slice-of-middle-earthian.html

A fluff-tastic post for your consideration!
Lets go straight to the action!

Somewhere in Middle Earth, a Giant Spider is having a heated conversation with a mysterious figure on a horse...

Shelob: ...like I said, I did not open the Chamber of Secrets.

Mouth of Sauron: But the clue we got was "Follow the spider!"

Shelob: Look, Im not the only Acromantula running about, am I?

Mouth of Sauron: Acro.. what?

Shelob: Spiders of unusual size!

Mouth of Sauron: Well, I do know of "Rodents of unusual size"... They are one of the 3 terrors of the Fire Swamp. The first being the...

Shelob: We are talking about spiders... there's my cousin Aragog over in the Dark Forest. You know the one living near that Wizarding School.

Mouth of Sauron: Shelob, its nothing personal, its cutbacks being what they are.

Shelob: Why am I being fired and not Gollum? Is this reverse discrimination? Are there disability quotas Mordor has to fill?

Mouth of Sauron: I dont know what you mean.

Shelob: Are you keeping Gollum on, just because he is disabled?

Mouth of Sauron: He isnt disabled.

Shelob: He is a midget.

Mouth of Sauron: Yeah, but he isnt disabled because he's a midget. Thats not a disability, thats just small. Grima Wormtongue doesnt get special treatment now, does he?

Shelob: Wormtongue is five foot. Gollum is 3 foot 4.

Mouth of Sauron: So are some children. Children dont get special favors. Children arent disabled are they?

Shelob: Children dont work in Cirith Ungol.

Mouth of Sauron: Look whether or not Gollum is a midget or dwarf...

Shelob: No, he is a midget!

Mouth of Sauron: ... whats the difference?

Shelob: Well... a dwarf is someone who has disproportionately short arms and legs, caused by a hormone deficiency. And a midget is still a dwarf, but their arms and legs are in proportion.

Mouth of Sauron: So whats an elf...?


AAaaaaaaannnnd... Scene!

OK, this is pretty much a scene from The Office.
Or as we call it here in the colonies - The Office UK.

So... who knew that Hobbits were just midgets?
And I totally forgot how Rowling totally stole everything from Tolkien.
Google "similarities between Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings"
Both have Dark Lords.
Gollum is Dobby?!?@?!
Ron is Sam?!

Onwards to Scene 2...

Elsewhere in Middle Earth, a ranger and a wizard walk into a bar...

Radagast: ...and thats the reason Sigmar has elemental weather powers.

Aragorn: Ok. So your saying that Mr Wednesday... Odin, the All-Father of Valhalla, father of both Thor and Loki had another son, older than those two?

Radagast: Yes.

Aragorn: And that this first born son is Sigmar... and this Sigmar had a son with a dwarf shieldmaiden named Thora Birch?

Radagast: Actually... wrong wood.

Aragorn: Wood?

Radagast: Not birch, oak. Oakenshield, really.

Aragorn: So.... are you saying that Thorin Oakenshield is the legitimate heir of Valhalla, the Empire, and the Dwarven Kingdom of Moria!

Radagast: Yup.

Aragorn: Thats heresy! Dont let the Grand Theogonist and his inquisitors hear this. And anyway, Thorin is dead, buried deep under the Lonely Mountain with the Arkenstone on his chest.

Radagast: The Arkenstone is a stasis device made by the Adeptus Mechanicus and sent here by order of somebody called Roboute Guilleman.

Aragorn: Robooty Girlyman? Thats a strange name. Are you sure this isnt the wrong game system? This all sounds like it belongs in the latest fluff of the 40k version of Warhammer. So Thorin isnt dead... just mostly dead?

Radagast: Oh, Im sure! In fact, the Dwarves of Erebor have just recently found out, when they put him in a diamond sarcophagus. They say he is visibly breathing and that his wounds are healing at a very slow rate. Someday, it is prophesied that he will be fully healed and return to lead the stunties in a grand crusade to reclaim not only Moria...but all of Middle Earth.

Aragorn: Well, there goes the Age of Man and the 4th Age of Middle Earth...

Radagast: Yeah, it wont be the Age of Man, or the Age of Sigmar... its the Age of Moria!


AAaaaaaaannnnd... Scene!

Even Aragorn and Radagast know the world belongs to sons of Durin the Deathless!

Also, Age of Moria sounds like a better descriptor for this blog, rather than the wordier Moria Reclamation Project.

So... this post is ripping how many IPs? Harry Potter, Princess Bride, The Office UK, American Gods, 40k, Warhammer Fantasy, and LOTR of course.

All kidding aside, Im not kidding here.
Balrog beware!
Thorin Oakenshield really is on the mend...
The Age of Moria is indeed coming!


10-23-2017, 08:21 AM
Taken from full post here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/10/hobbits-in-moria.html

Oldhammer LOTR - Hobbits In Moria & Cigar Box Plushy Mats!

Cigar Box Plush Mats arrive for Middle Earthian Oldhammery goodness!

Well, my Cigar Box plush game mats came and I thought this would be the opportunity to show them off with a couple of "show and tell" posts with some terrain and figures.
Enjoy some pics and fluff!

So after the fall of the Shire, the allied defenders were able to escape with most of the civilian population. (And while I have figures for all the combat ready Hobbits, I leave it to your imagination that thousands of civilian halflings are shuffling along behind the front lines).
Most importantly, Bugman's quest for supplies was accomplished; food, pipeweed, and beer!
Dwarves from the Reaper & Grenadier Clans, as well as the Thunderers were tasked with the tactical retreat at the back of the allied columns.
The Highlander Dwarves scouted far ahead of the main column and were able to identify an Orcish ambush at the West entrance in Hollin.
Saruman's Orcs from Isengard were waiting for them!
So Bugman and the other commanders held counsel and decided to take the Redhorn Pass east over the mountains and from there they could approach Dimrill Dale and the Eastern Entrance to Moria.
And were the skies ready to blast them with snow?
No. Something must be distracting Saruman and his weather control spells. I wonder...

Now we take you to the action at the main allied column with Bugman and his allies!

The allies are just about to exit the Redhorn Pass.
Moria is close!

Here we see Bugman leading the front, the Beer Cart behind him, the Shire Hobbit Militia, and finally Commander Guts and his Blue Mountain Dwarves.

There is a hushed awe as the stunties behold the Eastern Entrance to Moria.
For the Hobbits, its both awe and a nervousness about their (hopefully) new home.

Lobelia and Frumpy Bolger lead the Shire Militia.
Despite the important historical moment, some Hobbits can still be seen munching on drumsticks.
Chicken... good.


For the rest of the post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/10/hobbits-in-moria.html

10-26-2017, 11:22 AM
Taken from full post here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/10/thorin-and-citadels-norse-dwarves.html

Thorin And Citadel's Norse Dwarves

Buddies, here's another post showing off my new Cigar Box plush mats.
This time its one of the European Field ones, of which there are 4 different ones in the series.
They give off a distinct fantasy world vibe, to me at least.
Not exactly the same as old Bakshi Lord of the Rings 80s movie, but somewhere along those lines.
Which is a great fit for this Oldhammer Middle Earth Imagi-Nations Campaign!

Now on to the latest fluff!

When last we left, the Shire defenders reached Moria.
But they arent the only ones heading to Khazad-Dum.
Several days journey north of Moria, another force of Dwarves are marching towards the call of battle...

Thorin Oakenshield has awoken from his slumber beneath the Lonely Mountain!
The Runesmiths of Erebor with guidance from their Adeptus Mechanicus allies have combined archeotechnology with Runesmith-ery to keep Thorin Oakenshield alive from his much publicized (false news!) death during the Battle of the Five Armies.
For more info on this and Thorin's true lineage, see this previous post: http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/10/pulp-fictional-slice-of-middle-earthian.html

So the truth has come out at last - The Arkenstone is a stasis healing device that can create a medically induced healing coma, which is good for Primarchs and Sons of Durin alike who need recovery from ouchies received in battle.
Apparently its quite useful for a galaxy spanning grimdark Empire Imperium full of grim and dark war, and an "only war" future that is dark, war grim... grim... did I mention the dark?
Back to the present... (or is it the past? Im so confused!)

But Thorin and his Runesmith posse are not the only Stunties looking for a fight!
Queen Helgar of the Norse Dwarves have come to escort Thorin to Moria.
Some say she might have the hots for the bearer of the Oakenshield, if ya know what I mean...
Thats right, she must be after Thorin's family recipe for "The King's Spicy Rhinoxen Hasenpfeffer in Athelas Leaf Stew" (Oh, what did you think I meant?)
That recipe's name has references to Warhammer, Lord of the Rings... and Bugs Bunny too!

Reinforcements from Erebor the Lonely Mountain, and also from the Dwarven Holds in Norsca.

Here is the Argonath Du Nord.
This smaller version of the Argonath is just north of Moria on a small stream feeding into the Anduin river.
While the Big Argonath, south of Lothlorien, are massive statues of the 2 Kings Isildur and Anarion, this one is just one king from the northern kingdom.
No one remembers which king's or chieftain's likeness it is.
Either Arvedui, Araval, or maybe even Arveleg.
Its some distant ancestor of Aragorn's, at any rate.

Here are the Dwarven infantry.
In the center is Thorin himself.

Thorin II Oakenshield, son of Thráin, son of Thrór, King under the Mountain.

Im sure everyone is anxious to see if his views on Elves and Humies have changed any...
At least Halflings are on his good side, thanks to that Hobbit thief extraordinaire Bilbo Baggins.

Never trust an elf.
Be wary of humies too!
They are just short lived, round eared Elves after all.

Thorin in the center and Queen Helgar on the right.

Thorin is a proper 80s Oldhammer metal mini.
His code is ME-82 The Hobbit Personalities, Thorin Oakenshield

Queen Helgar comes from 5th Edition and the Grudge of Drong campaign.
She is a hefty and stout Dwarf Lady!

More Norse Dwarves. And a female Dwarf warrior.
These Norse Dwarves are vintage Oldhammer and are coded as C06 Northern Dwarves.

Here we have an Anvil of Doom!

Riding upon the Anvil is Runelord Vulkanor of Erebor.
Vulkanor is the senior Runesmith in Erebor who supervised the powering of the Arkenstone.
He has served Thorin Oakenshield well and has been honored with riding the Anvil of Doom wherever Thorin goes.
He learned from the greatest Runesmith of the era - Kragg The Grim, who is currently serving High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer in Moria.
Vulkanor hopes to impress his teacher with tales of the Arkenstone and also to show off his new fancy free-wheeling Anvil of Doom!


For the rest of the post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/10/thorin-and-citadels-norse-dwarves.html

11-08-2017, 08:35 PM
Taken from full post here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/11/citadel-c07-rangers.html

Citadel C07 Rangers

Rangers lead the way!

The Rangers of the North have arrived as last minute reinforcements in Bree.
Aragorn is sure to be happy that he now has a personal bodyguard of his fellow Dunedain at his side.
Also the plush mat below is the New Europe design from Cigar Box.

These miniatures are coded as Citadel C07 Rangers
I have the entire range of them too!
I need to start checking my collection and see which ranges I am close to completion.

Left to Right: Strong Arm, Bounty Hunter, Far Sight

I am using the names from the 1985 Compendium.
The Bounty Hunter is obviously a famous Italian Western celebrity.
Far Sight, I believe is re-coded from the LOTR 80's Citadel catalog as a Dunedain Ranger.

Left to Right: Trapper, Poacher, Hunter

If you look carefully, Poacher has a lil rabbit peeking out from the bag at his shoulder.
Love em or hate em, only old school Citadel minis have such charming characters.
I really think its that quirky humor (humour?) that differentiates the quirkiness of British Oldhammer companies.
And yes, Im including the associated companies with Citadel: Bob Olley's Iron Claw, Nick Lund's Chronicle, and Aly and Trish Morrisson's Marauder of course.


For the rest of the post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/11/citadel-c07-rangers.html

12-11-2017, 03:53 PM
Taken from full post here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/12/c13-dark-elf-general-on-dragon-horse.html

C13 Dark Elf General on Dragon Horse

So what exactly is a Dragon Horse?
Im not sure, but I do know that this Dark Elf General is riding one!
Must be one of those top secret Drow gene manipulation projects.
Is it just a spiny tailed pony?
Or can it breathe fire?
I hope the DM allows the latter...

These 2 figures are coded as C13 Heroic Adventurers, On Foot and Mounted

The mounted version is also noted as Dark Elf General on Dragon Steed.
Citadel C13 is a range of mounted and unmounted figures much like the C33 Mounted Adventurers range.
The other 5 figure sets in this range are just as amazing.
I sure would love to get my hands on a Kaleb Daark.
Or those Chaos Brothers...
As always you can get info on all things Oldhammer from http://solegends.com/citc/c013heroicadv/index.htm

That Dragon Steed sure is a strange (but cool) spiny tailed creature.



For the rest of the post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/12/c13-dark-elf-general-on-dragon-horse.html

12-12-2017, 08:19 PM
Taken from full post here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/12/c25-minotaurs-thunder-of-hooves.html

Morathi has a bunch of new pets.
Dont have a cow... or call bull...
Its Battle Cattle!

Morathi, the Hag Queen of Ghrond, introduces her new pets...

Citadel C25 Minotaurs have arrived in Middle Earth!
They are anxious and frothing at the mouth to get some trampling done.

Morathi and a Minotaur Lord - Doombellow the Warped

Clubhorn Runesmasher and Ox-Roar Chaos Champion Of Ultimate Slaughter

Bloodcry the Beast and Abovus Snarlsteam


For the rest of the post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2017/12/c25-minotaurs-thunder-of-hooves.html

01-17-2018, 06:20 PM
Taken from full post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/01/dwarf-quest-upon-wreckage-of-beleriand.html

Dwarf Quest: Oldhammer Skirmishing - Pre-Game Setup


Happy belated New Year.
Here comes a trio of Warhammer Skirmish games that are now finally getting a full photoshoot and write-up.
This first post is the setup.

Also, there are some changes going on in my wargame life.
I will be switching my 28mm mass combat to 15mm mass combat BUT...

Narrative skirmish in 28mm will continue here.
So fear not!
Oldhammer still lives here!

For 15mm fantasy I will be using Kings of War & With Sword & Shield.
Also been ramping up to do proper historical 15mm wargaming with L'Art De La Guerre (ADLG) & Might of Arms.
At some point I will start a separate blog for these 15mm mass combat ventures.

Finally, since I am moving away from 28mm mass combat, I will be selling my non-Citadel figures.
I just wont need so many anymore.
I will be keeping IronClaw, Marauder, and all the other vintage lines.
And will continue to focus primarily on completing my Citadel and pre-slotta collections.

So help fund the Moria Reclamation Project and check out my internet garage sales going on:

For Undead: http://mars-miniatures-commissions.blogspot.com/2018/01/painted-minis-for-sale-part-1-undead.html

For Monsters: http://mars-miniatures-commissions.blogspot.com/2018/01/painted-minis-for-sale-part-2-monsters.html

For Humans & Dwarves: http://mars-miniatures-commissions.blogspot.com/2018/01/painted-minis-for-sale-part-3-humans.html

For Orcs & Goblins: http://mars-miniatures-commissions.blogspot.com/2018/01/painted-minis-for-sale-part-4.html

Now, onwards to the Dwarf Quests!

When last we left you, Bugman and his Beer Cart Defenders, the Dwarves of the Blue Mountains, & the remnants of the Shire's Hobbits approached the eastern entrance to Moria when the sounds of a vast army came echoing out of the tunnels.

It turns out, it is the Dwarves, fleeing Moria (though others say it is a tactical withdrawal, but the truth would be beer withdrawal!)
The main commanders and heroes have gathered together, while the rank and file army move out to the valley of Dimril Dale.
There are Hobbit refugees, Slaan ambassadors, Gondorian Wizards, and even an Elf!

But firstly and most importantly, Thorin Oakenshield has arrived from Erebor.

High King Thorgrim: With your coming, Thorin - King Under the Mountain, the morale of the Dwarves are at an all time high, and they would stand here and fight the army of Balrog if you and I give the word. They are just right behind us! What do you wish to do?

Thorin: I have made many mistakes in the past because of Gold fever, Dragon sickness, but also mainly because of my Dwarven hubris. Ive died and been reborn. Ive been humbled and will not charge headlong into another mistake without consulting with our wisest counselors and our fellow Dwarf Kings. I have never seen so many Kings of the Dwarves gathered together as I have today. My friends, we all have stories to tell, and advice to give, let us speak together about how best to achieve complete Dwarven victory! (louds cheers erupt from the crowds)

High King Thorgrim: You have indeed changed, Thorin. I will relinquish my title of High King to you, if you ask it!

Thorin: Keep it for now, my friend. I swear that I shall not sit on the High King's throne until Moria belongs to the Dwarves and all threats to Dwarfkind are eliminated. So let us hear news from everyone and decide how to deal with the coming of the Balrog and his minions.

A collective gasp from the Dwarves gathered around fills the air.
Oaths are a sacred thing to stunties!
Also, thats an oath of a very tall order!
Some would say its too tall for a Dwarf, but we are talking about Thorin, of the House of Durin the Deathless.
To the Humans, Slaan, and Hobbits this oath may sound poetic or impulsive, but to all the Dwarves this is a serious venture and means very epic times are indeed approaching!

Lobelia, Frodo and the cocky banner of the Shire

The Hobbit refugees come forward to seek asylum with the Dwarves.
They pledge undying loyalty and oaths of cooking and pipeweed in return for safety.
It is granted, and everyone celebrates this fine alliance.

Kremlo the Slaan, and Legolas the Elf

Kremlo brings greetings from the Slaan high council and pledges their ancient alliance to be remembered and renewed.
Long ago, before the coming of Chaos and Orc, the Dwarves ruled the upper depths of Moria, and the Slaan ruled the lower depths beneath Moria - the fabled Hollow Earth.

Legolas Greenleaf, son of Thranduil of Mirkwood Forest, brings a nervous greeting and a request for alliance between Dwarves and Elves.
With a frown upon his face, Thorin nods in agreement. (He still remembers his prison time beneath Thranduil's Halls)
But these are new days, days of change and progress!
Even the grumpiest Dwarf will ally with the snooty point ears, it seems!

Hieronymous, Otto, Gimli, and Nindalf

Finally, two wizards from Gondor approach the High King's throne.
Hieronymous is a Fire Wizard from Altdorf, and Otto is an Amber Wizard of House Slytherin.
These 2 Oldhammer minis are coded as Citadel C02 Wizards.

They speak to the High King about a quest to not only save Moria but also Gondor. Maybe even all of Middle Earth!
The Dwarves are fighting the Balrog and Gondor is fighting Sauron, but their master is Melkor aka Morgoth who is coming back!
Morgoth, the Great Enemy is coming back from the void, the Dwarves ask?
Yes, at least thats what all the signs point to.
The prophecy of the Dagor Dagorath (The Last Battle): "until the Dagor Dagorath, and the Coming of the End, when Melkor returns”

To prevent/combat this, they must find ancient relics located in the isles to the west.
According to the librarian/seers of the White Tower, they have narrowed their search to 3 particular isles which might have these powerful relics.
The names of these isles are: Tol Morwen, Tol Fuin, and Mirdorog-naht
They can sense the glow of these magical energies through the Astronomy Engines atop Minas Tirith.
Weapons and artifacts powerful enough to slay Morgoth, Sauron, and the Balrog?
What manner of magic must fuel them?

But the Dwarves are in need of help now and this quest would take a long time?
The Wizards have new spell devices that can send them to the isles - Tele-Port-Keys!
Or TPK's for short. (The Dwarves grunt at that, afterall TPK is also short for Total Party Kill)
They are two-way use and burn out afterwards.
They cost too much and take ages to make, but they can carry 8 people and only a wizard can control them.
Unfortunately, the Gondor Wizards were hoping Gandalf would be found, but alas, they are one Wizard short. (Merlin went looking for the White Towers somewhere near the Shire, Saruman has turned into a Sith-Lord, and Radagast is gods only knows where)

Luckily, Nindalf the dwarf wizard is here to control the 3rd device.

So the Dwarven council decides to take the 3 Quests and send 3 "Away Teams" to go planetside (erm Isle-side)

These Quests must hurry, since the Balrog and his armies are just about to descend upon the Dwarves!
The rest of the Dwarves and their allies will begin to fortify the Valley of Dimril Dale against the coming Balrog.

But who to send?
The new Hobbit allies are good at thievin' (good for getting into small spaces).
The Slaan are wise and ancient, they might know something about these isles.


For the rest of the post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/01/dwarf-quest-upon-wreckage-of-beleriand.html

01-19-2018, 11:21 PM
Taken from full post here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/01/quest-1-aar-dark-isle-of-tol-fuin.html

Oldhammer LOTR - Quest 1 AAR - Dark Isle of Tol Fuin

Oldhammer Skirmish Battle Report

Off the coasts of Forlindon are several islands, they are all that remains of the ancient lands of Beleriand.
Great cities of Men and Elves here sank 'neath the waves at the end of the War of Wrath.
And now only the highest mountains of that realm remain as islands.
Magical relics and treasures of a bygone age are there to be found, but no one has been foolish enough to disturb the creatures that dwell there... until now!

The heroes see a Weirwood tree ahead and further north a henge of large standing crystals.
Looking around they see a hill to the west, ruins to the east and several woods scattered around.
There are no enemies to be seen, and the only sounds to be heard are the unsettling creaking of tree branches in the wind.
Gimli says if relics are to be found in this place then its the ruins or the crystal henge that are the most likely places.
Nindalf says to avoid the trees even the Weirwood.
There is something unnatural about these forests...
Gimli says to split up and check both places.
Frodo asks if its smart to split the party?
Of course, no one hears the halfing...

Legolas heads the troop setting out for the ruins.
Frodo, Uther, and Foreman Brisket follow behind.

Gimli leads the others setting out for the crystal henge.
Nindalf, Maggie, and Kimril follow him.

There is something here, but they dont know what or how to find it.
But a palpable static energy crawls over their skins and frizzles their hair.

Kimril: I think maybe its the chemistry between us, Maggie!

Maggie: (rolls eyes) #MeToo

The other team find nothing but crumbling ruins.

Brisket: I feel like we are being watched!

Uther: Not to worry, I am a Dwarf Lord of Legend, I can sense things even behind me, as if I had eyes on the back of my head. I was once trapped in a tunnel with 100 Skaven gutter runners when my torch blew out and...

Frodo: Wow, I must be tired, those trees look like they are moving...


For the rest of the post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/01/quest-1-aar-dark-isle-of-tol-fuin.html

01-23-2018, 05:05 PM
Taken from full post here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/01/quest-2-aar-cursed-isle-of-morwen.html

Part 2 of Dwarf Quest, wherein Samwise Gamgee meets a hero(?) from the Silmarillion

Here is the 2nd part of Dwarf Quest, wherein our heroes are looking to acquire magical relics to combat the coming of Morgoth.

The wizard Heironymous and his companions appear in a bright flash and find themselves teleported to a misty swamp.
The wizard puts the Tele-Port-Key back into his pocket.

The White Dwarf: Hmm... what is this huge skull marker doing here? Dont worry little Hobbit, I will protect you.

Samwise Gamgee: (to the Wizard Hieronymous) That Tele-Port-Key only has 1 charge left?

Hieronymous: Yes.

Samwise Gamgee: And you are the only one who can power it?

Hieronymous: Yes.

Samwise Gamgee: So... if you die, we are all stranded here?

Hieronymous: Yes.

Samwise Gamgee: (to the White Dwarf) Protect the wizard...


For the rest of the post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/01/quest-2-aar-cursed-isle-of-morwen.html

04-17-2018, 09:58 PM
Taken from full post here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/04/full-mithril-jacket-hobbit-bunker-pub.html

Full Mithril Jacket & Hobbit Bunker Pub


Oldhammering in Middle Earth has returned from the realm of Nagash.
Had some health troubles that prevented painting and gaming.
But my prayers to Sigmar have been answered and we are back in business!

We got some new pre-slotta Dwarves, some terrain, and some nice fluff.
There is one more Dwarf Quest that needs to be posted, but we will hold off on it just for now.

Instead, we take you now to our story, in Dimrill Dale, a nice fertile valley outside of Moria's eastern entrance...

New recruits have come to join the cause for freedom and beer-dom.

Its a rag-tag line of Dwarves who have come far and wide across the lands to help Moria in its hour of greatest need.
But have they come too late?

They are vintage pre-slotta Citadel Dwarves.
Some of them are coded from the old "Fantasy Tribes" line.
But some are collected and coded into the line known as: C06 Dwarf Fighters /Dwarf Adventurers (solid base)

As they enter Dimrill Dale they see a strange sight... a Hobbit hill home.
What in Durin's beard is going on here?
Wasnt this supposed to be a Dwarven colony?
This looks more like an idyllic halfling vacation resort!

They see a Dwarven Engineer scolding some rascally looking Hobbits.

Burlock Damminson: Hobbits! You were tasked to build a bunker. That looks nothing like a fortification!

Pippin: Yeah... but its cozy and there's crumpets and tea inside...

Burlock Damminson: Crumpets are not a military feature!

Merry: They can eradicate hunger though!

Burlock Damminson: But will it repel an Uruk-Hai assault?!

Pippin: It might... did I tell you about the beer celler? There is an ice cold tap that Nindalf magically enchanted to be at near perfect temperature for a nice tall Bugmans draught.

Burlock Damminson: (wipes his sweaty brow, looks up at the high noon sun, licks his lips) Hmm... no. But I am willing to inspect it... for military soundness, of course. Lead on, lil' Hobbits.


For the rest of the post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/04/full-mithril-jacket-hobbit-bunker-pub.html

04-22-2018, 06:28 AM
All these minis have so much character! It's so much fun to see what you paint up next. While I truly appreciate all the fancy stuff they do with sculpts currently, I've always felt that old miniatures have just as much to offer with their approach and artistry. I also love how Sam Gamgee kind of looks like Picasso's portrait of Gertrude Stein (am I the only one seeing that?).

04-22-2018, 10:42 AM

Thanks buddy!
And yes, I do regard Oldhammer sculpts as art.
Modern minis may be sculpted better technically... but they lack the quirky character of ye Olde Hammer of the 80s.
And I will never unsee Gertrude Gamgee... thanks? :p

- - - Updated - - -

Taken from: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/04/citadel-ad-umber-hulk-and-oldhammer.html

Citadel AD&D Umber Hulk And Oldhammer Evil Princess

This post we got some old school 80's Citadel minis.
An Umber Hulk from Citadel's AD&D line.
And a pre-slotta Fantasy Adventurers - Evil Princess.

Because this blog loves Citadel Codes, here are the mandatory Citadel Codes:
ADD77 Umber Hulk & FAC23 Mounted Evil Princess

On this blog's LOTR campaign this figure is now known as Karla, Night Elf Princess of Lodoss.

Princess Karla is the last survivor of Lodoss - an ancient Drow Kingdom of Sorcery.
Many millennia ago, the Kingdom of Lodoss was facing annihilation because of the Great Wars between Chaos, Dwarves, Humans, and Elves.
The Seers of Lodoss saw the destruction coming for all civilizations and a long period of darkness.
Princess Karla was placed in stasis-sleep in the hope that one day she would wake in a better world.
Her pet Umber Hulk named Skitters was also chosen to accompany her.
Skitters was content to dream for ages next to his beloved master.
And so the ancient world fell, and darkness reigned for ages.
More time passed, and Lodoss became a myth and Karla's chamber was buried deep and forgotten by time.
Numerous empires rose to glory and fell to obscurity, and still mistress and pet slept on.
Until just recently, thousands of years later, the Night Elf Patrol have found the ancient stasis chamber of Karla and awoken her from her long slumber.
The Night Elf Patrol realized that the ancient myths of Lodoss were indeed true and have embraced Karla as royalty.
Karla has reciprocated and declared that the Night Elf Patrol would be her personal entourage and royal bodyguard.
Would the Dark Elves of today accept her ancient claim to rule?

Umber Hulks are subterranean creatures and are excellent at digging tunnels.
They have 4 eyes and can create Confusion among its foes.
In Warhammer terms, I made these stats and special rules for the Umber Hulk...

Movement: 6
Weapon Skill: 3
Ballistic Skill: 1
Strength: 6
Toughness: 5
Wounds: 3
Initiative: 1
Attacks: 4
Leadership: 8

Special Rules:
1) Confusion: All enemies in melee with Umber Hulk suffer a -1 To Hit modifier in Close Combat

2) Tunnel: Umber Hulk may Deep Strike instead of deploying normally at start of game.

3) Umber Hulk Causes Fear.


So there's the latest post and I am glad to finally include these minis in the campaign.
Lets see how well Queen Morathi receives news of this ancient Drow Princess being awoken.
Will they get along... or will it be a Dark Elf Cat Fight!

Also at the top of this blog's banner, in the left pic, to the right of George the Giant you will see Princess Karla.
I consider those black and white illustrations and their respective minis as icons of Oldhammer.
Many more of those figures will be showing up in the next few posts.
Such as the Night Elf Patrol mentioned in the above fluff.
In fact, we have a trio of Citadel "White Boxes" coming up.
Keep on Oldhammering!

Next Post: Citadel White Box SS3 - Night Elf Patrol


04-23-2018, 12:09 PM
Taken from full post here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/04/night-elf-patrol-citadel-white-box-ss3.html

Night Elf Patrol, Citadel White Box SS3

We got 3 Citadel White Boxes in the next couple of posts.
This first one has Night Elves.

Here is the Citadel White Box known as Night Elf Patrol SS3 - Speciality Set 3.

Group shot of the Drow

Priestess Lillith Child-Impaler & Vard Demonslayer, Night Elf Champion

Skitters and Commanderess Zelosa

Commanderess Zelosa: Whoa, Garthim! Back off! What did I tell you about getting too close to me! Your Confusion Aura affects both friend and foe!

Skitters: (coos for affection)

Commanderess Zelosa: Ahh... poor beastie. To be so unsettling to others, even to your loved ones... I suppose we must bear your vertigo nature (scritches the Umber Hulks neck) Your creators - the Skeksis were immune to your bewildering aura. I wonder if any of those demonic vulture creatures still exist in Middle Earth? I hear they were masters of the Chaotic magicks of Tzeentch.

Skitters: (makes strange clicking sounds)


Who would have guessed that Skeksis were Tzeentchian, or that Umber Hulks were Garthim?
What really happened in Lodoss long ago?
Did the Gelflings rise up and overthrow the Skeksis, taking their magic and their servants - the Garthim?
But most important of all... what happened to Aughra's Observatory... that wondrous mechanical astronomical machine?
Guess I better get myself that Age Of Sigmar - Numinous Occulum afterall... sigh.


For the rest of the post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/04/night-elf-patrol-citadel-white-box-ss3.html

04-24-2018, 07:34 AM
Taken from full post here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/04/dwarf-kings-court-citadel-white-box-ss2.html

Citadel White Box - Dwarf King's Court

Circus in town? No, its the Dwarf King's Court!


Another Dwarf King and his entourage arrive on the blog.

I believe that takes us to 10 Dwarf Kings about to be fed to the Balrog!

This time its the box set known as Dwarf King's Court - Speciality Set 2.

Group shot of the stunties

King Dumin Ironbeard & Queen Asabelle Dragonsmiter

I wonder if the Queen secretly wears the pants in this marriage.
Her smirk can definitely smite a dragon.

Corbit Shortstuff, Gnome Jester & Cyril the Bear, the Royal Mascot

I love the Jester, and the bear is like "huh? what? me?"


For the rest of the post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/04/dwarf-kings-court-citadel-white-box-ss2.html

04-26-2018, 06:40 AM
80s Citadel Saruman & Goblin Raiding Party White Box

Taken from full post here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/04/goblin-raiding-party-saruman.html

This time we got Citadel White Box SS4 - Goblin Raiding Party

and Saruman with his personal bodyguard of Citadel 80s LOTR Half-Orcs.

The White Wizard approaches.

"Do not let him speak. He will put a spell on us!"

Citadel White Box SS4 - Goblin Raiding Party

Warlord Ubar Earbiter, Goblin Chieftain & Urag Legeater

Shaman Pogo Wildchant & Gigblad Childsplatter

His Half Orc bodyguards always keep a watchful "eye" (of Sauron?!).
OK, how about they are always close on "hand" (of Saruman... much better!)


For the rest of the post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/04/goblin-raiding-party-saruman.html

05-29-2018, 03:17 AM
Taken from full post here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/05/springtime-for-sauron-plus-classic.html

Springtime For Sauron! Plus Classic-Hammer Ogres & Trolls

All your base belongs to Sauron!
Where'd the cheese go? I dont know.

This post has reached a milestone.
Sauron himself has finally made it to the blog!
Lets hear it for the Dark Lord folks...

♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ Springtime for Sauron and Ered Lithui
Barad-Dur is happy and gay
We're marching to a faster pace
Look out, here comes the Orc-ish race!

Springtime for Sauron and Ered Lithui
The Dark Lands are a fine land once more!
Springtime for Sauron and Ered Lithui
Watch out, Gondor... we're going on tour! ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬

Rolf: I was born in Goblindorf and that is why they call me Rolf

Mel: Dont be stupid, be a smarty, come and join the Nazgul Party!

Here is the Dark Lord of Mordor!
He sits upon his throne and broods in the Tower of Barad Dur - the Dark Tower.
That throne reminds me of Harry Potter (I forget which one) where a bas-relief sculpture shows the oppressed muggles suffering under the glory of the wizarding elite.
Look, every Dark Lord needs suffering souls for orthopedic support.

Sauron calls for his trusted lieutenants.
Mounted Ring Wraith and the Mouth of Sauron.

Sauron: Raise some elite troops of Mordor to serve as my personal travelling Household Guard!

Mouth of Sauron: Which troops are those, Mi'lord?

Sauron: Surprise me!

Mouth of Sauron: And where are you planning to go exactly?

Sauron: I think I will go stretch my legs... up north.

Mouth of Sauron: This isnt Sparta and you dont need to go to war yourself, Mi'lord. You got plenty of generals out there right now!

Sauron: Oh dont be a spoil-sport! Whats the use of being the Dark Lord if I cant have any fun? Now go!

So off the lieutenants go to find some elite troops worthy of being a bodyguard for the Dark Lord...

While I do love C Series Trolls, I love the 90s ones just as much.
That Troll on the right is in deep thought.
Should I throw rock? Or eat it?


For the rest of the post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/05/springtime-for-sauron-plus-classic.html

05-30-2018, 08:07 AM
Taken from full post here: http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/05/the-nightmare-before-sigmar-pre-slotta.html

Klaatu Barada N… necktie… nectar… nickel…

The Nightmare Before Sigmar – Pre Slotta Undead

Another post of Pre Slotta classic minis!
This time we have some Fantasy Tribes Skeletons here for your perusal, Citadel Code C17.
And Wraiths, also from the olde Fantasy Tribes line and are Citadel Coded C18.

Shiver me bones! Here they are in all their skull and bones glory.

<i>Boys and girls of every age
Wouldn't you like to see something strange?
Come with us and you will see
This, our town of Halloween</i>

The Wraith in the middle is called "The Lord of Darkness"
I really like the wraith on the right with the embossed shield.
There are a bunch more of these solid based Wraiths that Im missing.
But as with all things Oldhammer, if you dont have them already they are either too hard to find or too expensively priced.
Which makes me cherish these three Wraiths that I do have.

<i>This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Pumpkins scream in the dead of night
This is Halloween, everybody make a scene
Trick or treat till the neighbors die of fright
It's our town, everybody scream
In this town of Halloween</i>

The fella 2nd from the left is an Undead King, hence the rusty crown on his skull.
I like his "scary hands" pose.
I can almost hear his ghostly boo.

<i>I am the one hiding under your bed
Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red
I am the one hiding under your stairs
Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair</i>


For the rest of the post: http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/05/the-nightmare-before-sigmar-pre-slotta.html

06-04-2018, 02:47 PM
Taken from full post here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/06/kislev-and-averland-share-road-to.html

Kislev and Averland Share The Road To Eriador

In this post, we got the Ice Queen of Kislev and the Count of Averland along with their retinues.

The Kislevites have come from the far north and are coming down on the eastern side of the Misty Mountains.
With all the trouble around Angband (massive armies of Undead and Orcs), they had to take the long way around.
The Averlanders, on the other hand, are coming up from the south following the Anduin River.
They meet on the road and eye each other suspiciously.
Its the old Northerner and Southerner rivalry.
Will they parley or draw weapons?

The Kislevites are searching for Bree.

The North has come... and with it the power of Ice and Snow.
Winter is coming... oh, its already here.

Its the Ice Queen of Kislev, Queen Katarina!
Not to be confused with the other Ice Queen, Freya who was the other fairest of them all.
Or the other, other Ice Queen, the White Witch, Jadis of Narnia.
Or the Snow Queen, Elsa, Bard of Clan Dis-Ney.
What is with all these "cold weather" broads anyway?

The Averlanders have come to fight for Bree!

Do you hear the voices too?
No its not the Chaos Gods, its just plain old schizophrenia!


For the rest of the post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/06/kislev-and-averland-share-road-to.html

06-12-2018, 08:07 PM
Taken from full post here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/06/armaments-chapter-2-verses-nine-to.html

Armaments Chapter 2, verses nine to twenty one

And the people did feast upon the lambs, and the sloths, and carp...

Today we have for your viewing pleasure... some monks.
And a nun.

Half of them come from the Citadel Clerics line.
Clerics, monks, priests, men of the cloth, what have you...
and dont forget the battle sister!

And Saint Antila raised the hand grenade up on high saying, "Oh Lord, bless this thy hand grenade, that with it though mayest blow thine enemies to tiny bits in thy mercy."

Here they are, ready and willing to cast some Purify Food & Drink, Protection from Evil, or maybe a Silence 15' Radius?

Left to Right: Brother Maynard, Saint Ogg

Brother Maynard is a monk from Citadel Code TL1.
Thats right! Talisman - The Magical Quest Game.
Remember, he cant use an axe in combat, but he can use it to build a raft!

Saint Ogg is from the Citadel C03 Clerics line.

I like how they both are in the act of blessing someone or something.
They also remind me of japanese girls taking pictures with their V for victory hands.


For the rest of the post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/06/armaments-chapter-2-verses-nine-to.html

06-13-2018, 02:52 PM
Taken from full post here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/06/armoured-orcs-of-barad-dur.html

Armoured Orcs Of Barad-Dur

Crush your enemies and see them driven before you!

We got some hard hittin' minis here.
Uruks of Mordor AKA Black Orcs are now on the blog...

Its proper old school minis from Citadel Code: C15 Armoured Orcs.
They previously existed as FTO - Fantasy Tribes Orcs.
I believe they were sculpted by the Perry Twins, but I cant find any confirmation about that.

Here they are, ready to rumble.
Looks like "Lord of Darkness" Wraith has come up with them from Barad-Dur.

That one on the left has a cool helmet that makes me think of the Orcs in the old 70's Lord of the Rings animation (Bakshi with his rotoscoping).

They look savage and beautiful!
Its something about the posing too.
Again, these fellas look like they would have no qualms about taking a bite or two out of their enemies (even) during the combat.
They'd just call it appetizers!


For the rest of the post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/06/armoured-orcs-of-barad-dur.html

06-14-2018, 12:49 PM
Taken from full post here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/06/radagasts-moving-castle-oldhammer.html

Radagast's Moving Castle, An Oldhammer Children's Adventure Tale

Trigger Warning! Like Jimi Hendrix said "'Scuse me while I scream at the sky..."

Buddies, this next post is not in response to the latest GW Warhammer children's Adventure books announcement.
OK, you got me, maybe it is...

You know how we love to "weave in" current world events into our Frankenstein-ian patchwork narrative.
Next thing you know, President Turin Turambar will meet with North Cathay to declare that the wargames are over!
Then famed BloodBowl Dark Elf player of the Drowland Pistons - Dennis Rod-Elf ends up crying manly (or elfy?) tears of joy on Sigmar TV...
Ah what a wacky world! (I meant ours, not my fiction! Did ya hear? GW is making PC children's books...?)

OK, on to our lovely little story!
(Somewhere Mr Rogers and Miss Molly are watching in horror!)


(all kids chant together) Yay! Story time is here!

Narrator: Gather round kids, and I will tell you a tale of Oldhammery times. This one is called.... anyone?

(all kids chant together) Radagast's Moving Castle!

Narrator: Thats right, kids! And who is Radagast?

(all kids chant together) Worst wizard in Middle Earth!

Narrator: He really is a terrible person isnt he? Next time we see him, we will throw rocks at his face!

(all kids chant together) Yay!

Narrator: So... Count Marius and his Averlanders, the Ice Queen and her Kislevites arrived in Rhosghobel - the home of Radagast the Brown...

At the same time that Marius and the Ice Queen arrived, so did a monk, a cleric, a priest, two cultists, and a hammer-nun.

Rhosghobel was a blue and yellow and stone grey colored Wizard's home - with an attached high tower and ivy growing 'round its windows and three green doors.

Behind it was a great thick forest - Mirkwood, full of giant spiders and mischievous elves.
To the left of the house was a red-leafed Weirwood Tree with a creepy bleeding face on its tree trunk.
And to the right was a Willow Tree with its swaying branches though there was no wind, and a small pond where no animals dared to drink.

'Radagast, come out!' they said.
But no one came out, nor peeked out a window.

Marius was mad. Emotionally, I mean. Because he was also cat-lady crazy insane as well.
And the Ice Queen was icy. Temperature-aly, I mean. Because well... she did have an icy demeanor. Everyone backed away as the area around her suddenly got really chilly. Her poor horse even had icicles hanging down from its nose.

'Radagast! We are here for the Annual North-South Potato-Sack Race Tournament! Surely you havent forgotten that?!' they demanded.
But no reply came out and not a head peeked out an ivy ringed window.

So they were mad.

'We are mad!' they said.

Poindexter, Lieutenant of Averland, spotted some people coming up the road to Rhosghobel.

'Stop! What are you homeless people doing here? There are important things happening here and you filthy beggars arent allowed to participate!' Poindexter pointed his accusing finger at their faces.

'But Sir, we are not beggars or homeless, we are here for the Annual Whip Your Back With A Flail For The Orphans Benefit!' they tried to reason.

'If you arent homeless then why do you wears rags and have no shoes?' Poindexter pointed his accusing finger at their suddenly self-conscious dirty toes wriggling on the grass.

'But Sir, we are a Mendicant Order. It is our duty to wear sack cloth and not wear shoes.' they explained.

'What is this Mendicant?' Poindexter asked.

'It comes from the root word mendicus, meaning to beg, begging, beggar... Umm... I guess we are beggars then." the monks shrugged and weakly nodded their heads in surrender.


For the rest of the story: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/06/radagasts-moving-castle-oldhammer.html

07-24-2018, 07:23 PM
Taken from full post here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/07/citadels-fiend-factory-george-giant.html

Citadel's Fiend Factory - George The Giant

Get in mah belly!
Dont make me hangry!

Fe Fi Fo Fum...
Game of Thrones has Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun...
the Greeks have their Titans,
the Irish - their Fomorians,
the Norse - their Jotun
But Citadel's Fiend Factory has George the Giant!

Now this blog has a painted Giant too!

Here is George the Giant in all his grody-ness.

Regular readers of this blog are used to the mandatory C Series Citadel Code in my posts.
But this time I will also provide the Fiend Factory Code!

George started with the Fiend Factory code: FF64-2
And later re-released in the C Series under C28 Giants

All those monsters were collated into a book - The Fiend Folio!
My copy of Fiend Folio is still in pretty good condition.

So, yes, for those that werent aware, Citadel and Games Workshop's genesis was tied into the early history of D&D.
In fact, in the back of the Fiend Folio there is a list of the monsters and who created them.
Early Games Workshop owners - Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson are listed there for a good number of the monsters.
Ian Livingstone notably had the Grell and the Hook Horror.

Here is the entry for Mountain Giant alongside George the Giant.

So George is a Mountain Giant.
And in my Middle Earth campaign, lets just say George calls the Misty Mountains his home.

Many years ago, long before the War of the Ring began, a band of brave Gondorians had an encounter with George!

Yes, that is Hieronymous - Fire Wizard of Altdorf, Boromir - Steward Prince of Gondor, and Gladius - Heroic Fighter of the Known World.

I wonder what quest it was that brought together that brave band of heroes?


For the rest of the post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/07/citadels-fiend-factory-george-giant.html

11-03-2018, 10:50 PM
Taken from full post here: http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/11/galadriel-lothlorien-wood-elves.html

Oldhammer LOTR - Galadriel & Skarloc's Lothlorien Wood Elves
Elves... heroes or villains?


At last, those pointy eared elves have mobilized their forces.

Here are the Wood Elves of Lothlorien.
Rumors that the Dark Lord Sauron has moved his headquarters to Dol Goldur across the river from Lorien has reached Galadriel Evenstar - Queen of the Elves.
And while the Elf Queen has great hidden powers of perception... she seems more concerned with events happening in Moria.
Does she know that Frodo the Hobbit has the One Ring and is under the care of the Dwarven Kings?
Does she fear that the Ring will fall into their stuntied fingers?
But the Dark Lord of Mordor is close and she must shield her mind lest Sauron glimpse her thoughts.
While the idea of the Ring falling to the Dwarves is terrible, Sauron regaining his Ring is still infinitely worse.

Onwards to the Golden Wood of Lothlorien...

Also, if anyone wants some nicely painted minis, please check out my eBay listings:

And if you need some of your minis painted, check my Paint Commissions Blog:

The Elven army emerges silently from the woods.

They will battle the enemy... in dance!

And here are Skarloc's Wood Elf Archers, a regiment of reknown.

In the center is Skarloc, the hooded One, his sword has Runes of Swiftness, Armor, & Protection.
On the left is Kaia Stormwitch who is both a hero AND the standard bearer!
Kaia carries the group's standard, which incorporates a heart-shaped casket holding the ashes of a legendary Elven Hero, Kern son of the goddess Torothal. It adds 2 points to the unit's Ld, rather than the usual 1. Her magical dagger can cast up to three Lightning Bolt spells per day.

Finally, here we have Galadriel and her Dryad Guards!

If she gets ahold of the One Ring...
"In place of the Dark Lord you will set up a Queen. And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night! Fair as the Sea and the Sun and the Snow upon the Mountain! Dreadful as the Storm and the Lightning! Stronger than the foundations of the earth. All shall love me and despair!"

Galadriel: Minions! Are you ready for war?

Ren McCormack: Milady, my Wardancers are ready to march and breakdance too!

Skarloc: Clouds of arrows will block out the light of the sun at your command!

Quickbeam: My leafy canopy is a bit bare, does anyone have some Miracle-Gro?


Will the forces of Lothlorien march against the ruined fortress of Dol Goldur, fortify the Golden Wood, or march to Moria?
And if they do march to Moria, will it be to help or hinder the Dwarves?
As a wise Dwarf once said... Never trust an Elf!!!


For the rest of the post: http://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/11/galadriel-lothlorien-wood-elves.html

11-05-2018, 11:48 PM
Taken from full post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/11/war-beasts-of-lothlorien-forest.html

Oldhammer LOTR - Jabberwocks & Basilisks & Chimeras... oh my!

War Beasts of Lothlorien Forest

Who doesnt love forest dwelling beasts?

Here is a bedlam of beasties...
a menagerie of monsters...
a trampling herd of hoofs...

Step this way folks and let us visit the natural habitat of the war beasts of Lothlorien...

Reminder to myself, I really should update my Oldhammer Monster Manual!

These are all Citadel minis of course!
Which means they are all 'eavy metal.

The Elven beast master of Lothlorien with a Jabberwock.
That's Citadel Code C29 Jabberwock to you!
The beast masters job is to make sure no Vorpal Swords go snicker-snackering around his favorite pet.

Look at that lil mug!
What a cutie-patootie!

Warhammer 1st Edition has this for Jabberwocks:

The Jabberwock attacks on sight with a ferocity tempered only by a full stomach.
A hungry Jabberwock exhibits a luminescent quality which illuminates an area up to 6" radius around the creature, making Jabberwocks easy to see.
Unfortunately the mere sight of Jabberwock causes victims to freeze with fear...
Throw a d6 whenever a Jabberwock is visible within 15"
1-2 May not move this turn. Must Save vs Poison or die!
3-4 May not move this turn.
5-6 May move... but only away from the Jabberwock.

So how does anyone get in close combat with it? Only if it charges you, I guess!
On top of this, the beastie has 8 wounds, 8 attacks, can Regenerate, has a Weapon Skill of 8, and a Toughness of E (thats toughness 5 for you non old-schoolers!)

This sly beastie over here is a Basilisk.
Citadel Code C22 Creatures - Basilisk.

He has that glint in his eye.
He is planning some mischievous deed and will surely snicker when he accomplishes it!

This figure was supplied with a random assortment of heads and body.
There were 10 different heads and 4 different bodies.

Arent lions dangerous enough?
Some rogue god had to give it wings and a giant scorpion tail stinger just to mess with folks.


For the rest of the post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/11/war-beasts-of-lothlorien-forest.html

11-14-2018, 10:36 PM
Taken from full post here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/11/dwarf-quest-3-island-of-mirdorog-naht.html

Oldhammer LOTR - Dwarf Quest 3 Battle Report Part 1

Oldhammer Skirmish Battle Report Part 1

Welcome to the long belated Dwarf Quest 3, an Oldhammer skirmish battle report.
When last we left you, 3 teams of Dwarf adventurers teamed up with Gondorian Wizards to teleport to 3 islands located to the west of Middle Earth.
This is the tale of team 3 led by Balin and Bugman, mighty heroes of Dwarvenkind.
We take you now to the action as our doughty adventurers materialize in a bright flash of light to find themselves on a somber rocky island...

Left to Right: Foaming Mad Furrikson, Balin, Napper, the Wizard Otto, Lobelia the Hobbit, Pickles the Master Mapper, Master Brewer Joseph Bugman, and Guts the Adventurer

Left to Right: Pickles, Master Brewer Joseph Bugman, and Guts the Adventurer

Bugman: My psychiatrist tells me I should have a more positive outlook on life! This place must be important! I can feel it.

Pickles: (squints at his map) I think.... this might be Valinor! The Blessed Isle! OR... it could also be the... errr... the Valley of Ultimate Darkness? Now it says... we are in Hobb's End!

Bugman: What is wrong with your map?

Pickles: Ever since those Wizards came to Moria my map has been acting wierd. Then again there must be spotty reception out here in the middle of nowhere. My map is only showing 1 bar!

Guts: I dont think this is the Blessed Isle, where are the Valar - powerful majestic angelic beings? And all the haughty hoity-toity Elves? I got a baaaad feeling about this...

Bugman: Did George Lucas write your dialogue?

Left to Right: Wizard Otto, Lobelia the Hobbit

Lobelia: So let me get this straight... you are the only one with the gizmo that can send us back to Moria?

Otto: Yes, this Portkey is our only escape, and Im the only one who can use it.

Lobelia: Guard the wizard at all costs!

Left to Right: Foaming Mad Furrikson, Balin, Napper

Balin: Something whispers to me... there are fell voices in the air. Be on guard...

Chaos Dwarves: Yes, milord...

A tall slender woman appears before our heroes

Bugman: Ahh, hello Lady of this lovely land!

The Pale Lady: Welcome adventurers, you have journeyed far and are weary. Follow me to your destiny...

Bugman: (to his fellow Dwarves) See, what did I tell you negative nellies!

Pickles: (scratches his chin and whispers) ...the Isle of Mirdorog-Naht. Thats where we are! I dont like the sound of this place at all...

Bugman: Nonsense, look we have a guide to escort us to our destiny!


For the rest of the post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/11/dwarf-quest-3-island-of-mirdorog-naht.html

11-15-2018, 06:50 PM
Taken from full post here: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/11/dwarf-quest-3-island-of-mirdorog-naht_15.html

Battle for the Door Of Night AAR

The thrilling conclusion to this Oldhammer Skirmish Battle Report

Combat begins with the fate of Middle Earth at stake.
The forces of Evil have set in motion their plans within plans to get Morgoth out of prison!
They must defeat Balin and use him to open the Door Of Night.

We take you now to the action...

With a bestial roar, the minotaur known as Ox-Roar the Chaos Champion of Ultimate Slaughter charges into the Dwarves.
In savage melee, the Dwarves prove their mettle.

Bugman has 3 wounds, 3 attacks and an Axe of Cleaving +1 Str and Fury +1A
His Beer Tankard regains a lost wound per turn to either Bugman or a friend in contact.
The Dwarves wisely decide to keep him in the center to tank those enemy attacks!

Balin also has 3 wounds, but has 4 attacks.

Mad Furrikson has Frenzy which gives him an extra attack but also means he has no choice but to charge enemies within charge range.

Napper Grundin has extra point of Toughness.

Guts has 2 wounds and 2 attacks.

The fight with the Minotaur is a back and forth, with the Minotaur wounding a Dwarf, and Bugmans Beer Tankard healing the wound!

In one exchange the Minotaur causes 2 wounds! So 1 wound breaks through the Beer Aura and hurts Balin.
As the fight progresses, the Minotaur is slowly bled to death.
But at the last, the Minotaur causes 3 wounds before it collapses in a bloody furry heap.
Bugman is wounded, and the Minotaurs last attack... slays poor Napper Grundin!
Balin, grits his teeth as one of his companions from the 1st expedition to Moria falls.
Oh pot bellied Napper, we shall avenge you!

Meanwhile, King Al-Pharazon and the Melniboneans charge into the Chaos Thugs.
Al-Pharazon is a beast! A savage whirlwind of death.

The Chaos Thugs are unfazed and run screaming and leaping over rocks and try to attack the Numenorean King from the flanks.
The Melniboneans rush in to defend Al-Pharazon!

Finally, Al-Pharazon has pushed his way towards the Nurgle Champion of Nurgle!
Nurgle's blessing has made the Champion an extra tough nut to crack.

The Dwarves begin their ascent!
Climbing is an initiative test +2 where ladders are present, so of course they use the ladders!
Falling is d3 hits at Str equal to height of all in inches. So lets avoid any unnecessary scrapes and ouchies, shall we?

Lobelia must suppress an urge to use her broom and dust off the ladders!

Lobelia: I dont think anyone has tidied up this place in centuries!

Pickles: Im getting readings from in front and behind! Look im telling you, there's things moving and it aint us! Tracker is off the scale, Theyre all around us!

Bugman: Well you aint reading it right! How long until we can expect a rescue?

Guts: 17 days? I dont want to rain on your parade, but we aint gonna last 17 hours! Why dont you put her in charge!

Lobelia: Why dont we build a campfire and sing a couple of songs, huh? Why don't we try that?

Guts: In space, no one can hear you scream!

Bugman: Alright, marines! I know we are all in strung out shape but... stay frosty! We cant afford to let one of those *******s in here!

Dwarves: Hoo Ahh!


For the rest of the post: https://mars-miniatures.blogspot.com/2018/11/dwarf-quest-3-island-of-mirdorog-naht_15.html