View Full Version : Advice for dealing with the new space marine librarian formation

06-21-2015, 06:43 PM
So, a friend revealed his new sm list yesterday and all I have to say is wtf. Pinning devastators, assault marines that can charge from deepstrike, but the biggest thing was 3 librarian with like 6 powers, can cast on 2+ and since he is only casting blessing I deny on 6+. If you guess can come up thing so tactics to deal with this, I'd love to hear it.

Lord Manton
06-21-2015, 09:45 PM
Play Eldar?

06-21-2015, 10:34 PM
Play Eldar?

I play Tyranids and Demons... or are you telling me just play Eldar, lol

Lord Manton
06-21-2015, 11:37 PM
Well, if you get an Eldar army with lots of D weapons you just ignore most of the shenanigans. :P

Daemons you say? Maybe go a bit nuts on the Tzeentch route. Summon a never ending tide of demonic horror and use all your DTW dice on the more important of his spells. Otherwise I dunno. Just try to kill them? Librarians never were much good in combat. And 2W means they don't last too long.
If you kill one of them, does the formation cease to be effective?

06-22-2015, 01:01 AM
Shoot them with a bunch of AP2. Marines are still just as easy to kill as they were before and I really think the biggest thing is New Dex Fear. It's the unknown aspect of the new book that gives people a difficult time and although the new codex offers marines a lot of options, most of them are able to be countered easily enough. If he's using blessings to bolster another unit, attack the librarians, if he's focusing heavily on the librarians, then go after the rest of his army. Keep in mind, ONLY the nominated Librarian can cast on the 3+ or 2+ when near other librarians and all other librarians must wait until he is done before they can cast, so make sure he is only using the powers associated to the other librarians when they are casting.

Talon of Anathrax
06-22-2015, 01:21 AM
Kill the librarians. If you're playing daemons, just charge them with something big and killy (like a Bloodthirster or an invisible flesh hound pack with Be'lakor), or if you're playing Tyranids exploit shadow in the warp and leadership shenanigans.
What kind of powers are they casting? If they're summoning daemons play tyranids (because shadow in the warp + instability = dead stuff), if they're making stuff invisible just bring be'lakor and tzeench and beat them at their own game. Or try screamers, they're good against invisible stuff.

Nefarius Drapesh
06-22-2015, 04:59 AM
How about taking a culexus. With infiltrate etc. even with come the apocalypse allies it shouldn't be a problem...

Path Walker
06-22-2015, 05:54 AM
try and take out the main Librarian he wants to cast with first, or to force them away from each other to stop them having a bonus

06-22-2015, 09:52 PM
Unless I misunderstood the formation rules, only the nominated librarian may cast, the others forfeit the ability for the turn, yes? That establishes who gets shot at first.

Arkhan Land
06-22-2015, 11:36 PM
fluff aside (not anything that cant be navigated from narrative properly though) I second the culexus partially because it will be the easiest to try out in terms of using something to sub for the model to try or just buying a metal one used for what like 15 bucks on ebay?

06-23-2015, 08:45 AM
What do you have? I know you said daemons and tyranids, but if you could be a little more specific about what you have/use, we might be able to help better.

06-26-2015, 02:46 PM
Unless I misunderstood the formation rules, only the nominated librarian may cast, the others forfeit the ability for the turn, yes? That establishes who gets shot at first.

The wording is weird on this one because it states that the other librarians cannot manifest their powers until the end of the phase. That tells me that they are still allowed to cast powers but that the big bad libby must do so first. It doesn't say that the other librarians cannot manifest their powers for the rest of this phase.
In my area, we rule it to mean that the big guy just has to go first.

06-26-2015, 03:02 PM
Exocrines with their ap2 blast make mince meat outta marines. As nids u could also stack on some warp charge units to hopefully help against the powers. Gaunts can bubble wrap important units to help tie uo the first turn assaulters. Just a few ideas off top of my head.

07-01-2015, 04:38 AM
Assault from DS relentless & pinning Dev's isn't in the main Codex or any supplement you can buy

Any copy he has of the formation is going to be a pirated JPEG scan so its up to the gaming group & individual as to weather you accept it as valid.

As for Psyker Conclave just get the anti Psyker Assassin and put him in a Rhino

07-01-2015, 09:07 AM
Assault from DS relentless & pinning Dev's isn't in the main Codex or any supplement you can buy

Any copy he has of the formation is going to be a pirated JPEG scan so its up to the gaming group & individual as to weather you accept it as valid.

As for Psyker Conclave just get the anti Psyker Assassin and put him in a Rhino

Already in my list but i picked a Drop Pod ;). Just his presence alone nullifies most of their abilities, as well as any buffs/debuffs they managed to cast before he stole all their dice and then he gets to try cause free Perils tests. Sounds fun to me.

07-01-2015, 05:17 PM
I would suggest snipers to pick out the Librarians. However, as far as I know neither Chaos nor 'Nids get anything with precision shooting :(

07-09-2015, 04:45 PM
I faced that for the first time this weekend. 8k apocalypse game. I didn't find an invisible reaver Titan too funny for 2 turns in a row. By the third turn, I managed to get a revenant over there, and killed the Libby's.

07-10-2015, 12:07 AM
Yeah, just shoot them. You might have to use a turn or two of shooting to get it done, but it's easy once you start putting 10+ wounds on them (even normal armour saves).

07-10-2015, 12:17 AM
A skyswarm tyrant might do the trick

swarm em with the gargoyles and get the tyrant into combat?

08-04-2015, 08:04 AM
As a guy who fields a librarian conclave (on bikes), I can tell you the most effective way to beat them is in hand to hand. I can't psychic shriek in hand to hand or cast any other witchfires, jink, or really support the rest of my army because they are fighting for their own lives.

One of my regular opponents tries to take strategic warlord traits to get infiltrating units and then his whole army tries to nuke the conclave first and foremost.