View Full Version : Breaking the Space Marine Meta..

06-21-2015, 05:24 PM
So maybe this hasn't been posted or its in secret but I don't know if this is right..

So i was looking through the new space marine codex, and it dawned on me... Iron hands have it great with the new "decurion" demi battle company

Hear me out...

why not field small units of tacticals and assault squads/bike squads to hold your objectives..

and have Devastator Centurions... to be exact 5 of them with grav cannons cause you know.. reasons have shown to use them..

then bring a standard chapter master with shield eternal and artificer armor and whatever weapon you want to crush your enemies

then bring the librarian conclave.. cause you know 4 librarians are amazing..

now the fun begins.. put them all in a unit..

1 librarian goes for biomancy and tries to get endurance

1 librarian goes for divination cause everyone loves prescience

the last 2 try to go on telepathy for the all goodness of invisibility..

so lets see, a group of iron hand super friends..

if everything goes right, you can have a 3+ feel no pain, eternal warrior, group of invisible centurions firing twin linked grav cannons with toughness 5

and lets not forget the reliablity of just 2 dicing or 1 dicing for the psychic powers that need only 1 or 2 wc cause you know reasons...

you put the characters in the front and you can reliable throw wounds you dont want on to the models you dont care about, specifically the one librarian that doesnt have invisibility then onto the chapter master and then on whatever you dont care about..

don't like the wounds going through power armor ok i'll look our sir to the chapter master, oh i don't like the massive amount of wounds i get hit by, i'll throw them on the centurions..

oh Space Marines..