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View Full Version : 40K MMO playable races and other stuff

03-06-2010, 07:52 AM
Just found out about this stuff.
”From THQ private company conference of 20th january concerning E3 presentation plan:
Playable factions:
- Imperium
- Eldar
- Orks
- Chaos
- Focus both on Melee and Long range Combat
- covering system
- 29 Zones (21 claimable, 8 invadeable)
- Open-World
- PvP around resource gathering and taking strategic points
- center zone features a conquerable stronghold
- No playable Tanks or other Warmachines at release but implemented possibility for expansion
- Tyranids as full fighting PvE-Faction
Lore (being discussed concerning certain faction-plots at the moment but here are the things we determined with Games Workshop so far):
- Game takes place in the southern border-sectors of Segmentum Tempestus
- Factions fight over a destroyed imperial forge world called Tarelis and its hive-city Cerberus X (newly added to the lore!)
- The story of the game will NOT take place in a parallel universe! Just like the Planet Kronus (made by our colleagues at relic) Tarelis will be part of the lore!
- Tyranids will be main-antagonists
- Unfortunately Vigil-games was not allowed to use Relics Gorgutz ‘Ead ‘Unter as Ork Warlord as he will make a final appearance in the second DoW2 expansion
- 49.99$
Monthly fee:
- being discussed but most likely around 13$
- targeted Teen/PEGI 16
Fully revealed at E3 2010.”

04-08-2010, 03:48 PM
"Imperium" is so vague... I so want Sisters of Battle and Imperial Guard alongside Space Marines, whom aren't properly Imperial anyway.

04-09-2010, 12:51 AM
Ditto, but yay for Eldar. I'd rather have SM kept as some kind of hero class, ala Death Knight in WoW (only better done, preferably). Work up a suitable reputation as a Guardsmen or a SoB or what have you, and you can open up a SM slot. That won't happen of course.

"Imperium" is so vague... I so want Sisters of Battle and Imperial Guard alongside Space Marines, whom aren't properly Imperial anyway.

04-09-2010, 05:53 PM
Although SoB should be there i doubt they will be, they just aren't as popular as some of the others such as well, everything really.. at my local store the favourites are either one of the chapter codex's (Ba/Da/Wolves) Orks's or Guard
As it is i dont think they should put SM in it at all since they are well.. awesome
I hope the combat was better done than warhammer online.. that game just sucked for me.
I might pick up the game but so far it aint doing much for me . . and if there's a monthly fee i mightn't bother at all

04-09-2010, 05:58 PM
I think they will be in order to provide a bit of male / female balance. Almost all developers do this, even if they do have male only or female only classes.

04-09-2010, 06:35 PM
yes but what will they be the counterparts OF?
Guard don't have power armour
SM as far as i know don't have women..
its likely that there will simply be Female guardswomen instead :P

04-09-2010, 09:10 PM
In the common conception, despite how wrong it is when you look at the actual fluff, the Sisters of Battle are the female equivalent of Space Marines.

04-11-2010, 04:51 PM
Yeah but.. its just confusing >.<
Also wondering how they scale each race.. SM are going to be better than IG in every single way so why roll guard over SM ever?
As it is im going to the closest counterpart to a warlock they have, and then after i explode my own head ill roll an iggie
(If there is ever a chance of exploding my own head, it happens >.< my brave little gobbos have rolled double ones followed by double ones 4 times so far.. and i rarely even use them!)

04-11-2010, 06:27 PM
You're assuming that they are going to be completely accurate to fluff.

04-14-2010, 03:49 PM
Yeah i know they won't . . but how would they equalise SM?
Orks can be done with guns being crap
Eldar would be weak
just interested how they deal with it..
< Also SoB are always referred to as guardsmen in power armour at my local store..>
Also i can see expansions opening up new races :P like "<fancy name> the coming of the tau, <Fancy name> The awakening of the necrons..
Any screenshots of the game yet? or concept art?

04-14-2010, 03:52 PM
< Also SoB are always referred to as guardsmen in power armour at my local store..>?

That's because your local store is full of morons :P The closest one could argue are Stormtroopers, but even then Sisters are quite dramatically different from STormtroopers even without the equipment differences.

04-14-2010, 04:23 PM
Veterans+power armour=Sisters
See we do tings different, we either talk about the game, or about fluff. not both

04-14-2010, 04:28 PM
Veterans+power armour=Sisters
No. Both in fluff, and in game.

eidt: Before you ask?

Acts of Faith.

Furthermore, you're comparing the basic, inexperienced Sisters to the most veteran units the Guard can produce. Veteran Sisters only get better from there, rivaling Marines in skill or even exceeding them in some places (Seraphim).

04-15-2010, 10:43 AM
Sisters are highly trained before they are even sent out onto the field so pretty much all of them are veterans, guardsmen are given slightly more than "Pointy end to enemy, pull trigger, die" Besides orders are almost as good as sister acts of faith,
In fluff ofc they're different..
Space marines fluff wise would eat Sisters, can't be denied, and Seraphim are only better than standard issue rank and file marines, assault marines can probably do better than them, though the AoF may swing it (but you only get like 4ish of them a game)
In game they have the same statline (mabye different LD a friend borrowed my book) with armour being the difference, and bolters of course. (It's stupid, 105 points for a squad of veterans with lasguns and a 4+ armour or 120ish points for a squad of sisters with power armour and bolters, i can see points going up to about 15-16 in the new codex)

04-15-2010, 11:06 AM
The Daughters of the Emperor held back an assault by the Black Templars BEFORE they became the Sisters of Battle, for months at the very least. It only ended when the leader of the Adeptus Custodes convinced Alicia Dominica that Goge Vandire was a traitor. These women were inexperienced in war, and though they had great martial skill they were fighting against Marines whom, even amongst Marines, have a penchant for constant warfare.

04-15-2010, 11:30 AM
So if you played Ironman and died...

as an eldar could you come back as a wraithguard? :D

04-15-2010, 11:13 PM
I don't mean to be funny, but this sounds EXACTLY like Warhammer (Fantasy) Online and that was a fail of a game.

04-15-2010, 11:44 PM
It might have failed financially, but it was still one of the best MMOs out there.

Lots of good games don't make it financially . Lost of bad games (WoW) do.

04-16-2010, 06:04 AM
It was good till Tier 4, then it became a joke, I don't know if they changed the game play from when I played it about a year ago, but it failed so miserably hard. The grind to 40 was painful, then you got to 40 and you were all like "now what". The sieges were all broken, lag was insanely bad due to mechanics and the game was always about the kits and less about the pvp/rvr.

I just kept rerolling chars after that and playing in Tier 2/Tier 3 until I got bored of that.

Maybe having more than 2 factions will help things, but it probably won't. I'll give this game a skip, pity though.

04-16-2010, 02:09 PM
I would like a hero-class and powerful SM more than a simple playable SM race that has the same combat abilities as a normal Guardsman.

Having normal humans like Guardsmen, Priest, Techpriest, Psyker, Inquisitorial Agent would be nice, with SM as a powerful hero unit.

Same applies to Sisters to a smaller degree (Power armour or the lack of it is still a very great concern.)
Perhaps Guardsmen will have powerful support abilities like calling in Artillery.

Same could be done for Chaos.

Or perhaps they will simply ignore background, with SM being warrior, IG being hunter, Sister being priest etc etc.

Or perhaps it will just be normal humans. No power armour or genetics.

04-16-2010, 02:46 PM
maybe they will take the upgrade / branching path for the races.

All imperium start as a guardsman...then at level 10 can branch off to the marine / sister / inquisitor tree.

Marine scout lvl 11-20, tactical 21-30, terminator 30 + ...something like that.

04-17-2010, 05:21 AM
It might have failed financially, but it was still one of the best MMOs out there.

Lots of good games don't make it financially . Lost of bad games (WoW) do.
WoW is worse than warhammer online how exactly? i have played both (and guild wars) and WoW may not have better graphics but it is still the most immersive game i have ever played.. with near endless amount of playtime and new patches coming roughly every three months there is always something to do.. warhammer online community sucked pretty much, was not half as easy as it was in WoW to get groups, organise guilds and so on.
Anyhow as much as you want to deny it..
Ws 3 Bs 4 str 3 t3 w1 I3 Ld 8 Sv 3+.. thats the statline of a veteran guardsmen in power armour.. and of a sister.. in game they have the same statline
And fluff wise the space marines could probably wipe them out if they felt inclined (which they never will.)
Personally i hope space marines never make it into the game cos of all the 8 year old kiddies jumping the bandwagon on *oh i am super kewll luk at me pwr armr)
Ofc that's if i even get the game >.> Thinking of WoW i might renew subscription later

04-17-2010, 10:12 AM
WoW is worse than warhammer online how exactly?Because I had less fun playing it. In fact WoW bored me out of my mind. It wasn't immersive at all. I got lost playing Warhammer Online, playing an Ork Choppa, I loved it. I only stopped because I just didn't have the money to continue.

Ws 3 Bs 4 str 3 t3 w1 I3 Ld 8 Sv 3+.. thats the statline of a veteran guardsmen in power armour.. and of a sister.. in game they have the same statline
No it isn't. Statlines are not JUST the stats of the unit, but also the rule associated with them. Guardsmen also have Orders associated with them, for example; only Guardsmen can receive Orders. Sisters of Battle have Acts of Faith associated with them, and only Sisters of Battle can use Acts of Faith. (Loyalist) Marines have ATSKNF associated with them. Orks have Mob Rule associated with them. An Ork without Mob Rule is kinda laughable, yes? And so on and so forth. And, by the way, this is ONLY for the basic Battle Sisters. Celestians and Seraphim rival Space Marines in their stats.

And fluff wise the space marines could probably wipe them out if they felt inclined (which they never will.)Back in Rogue Trader era, the Sisters of Battle hunted down any chapter that was proving to be disloyal . They destroyed entire Space Marine chapters.

Even after Rogue Trader, the Sisters of Battle can stand against Space Marines and win, as I posted before-- the Daughters of the Emperor, BEFORE they became the Sisters of Battle and thus before they as an organization obtained experience in the art of war (they were martial artists without peer, but they had not participated in a true battle before that time) fought off repeated attacks by Space Marines.

You don't know either faction very well.

04-17-2010, 07:15 PM
Just because YOU had less fun playing warhammer online than WoW doesn't mean it was any better
Space marines do not equal chapters.. chapters equal space marines..
You just proved my point even more i guess? Seraphim=assault marines and celestians i dunno cos im tired and can't think
Sisters more than likely outnumber space marines and since they're part of the eleca-thingy (I HATE spelling that damn church thing) so they were probably better supplied and armed than the space marines, who wouldn't be getting any help from imperial guard if they weren't actually against them. but if space marines ever did combine forces again with the legions reforming sisters wouldn't stand a chance. Though there may be more of them, they are finite unlike IG
And then orks win again

04-17-2010, 07:19 PM
Just because YOU had less fun playing warhammer online than WoW doesn't mean it was any betterYes it does. That's the only way for me to truly measure a game.

i dunno cos im tired and can't thinkI can tell.

but if space marines ever did combine forces]And if the Emperor came back he would eat lightning and **** out lascannons every morning, and so the entire Imperial Guard would soon be equipped with man portable lascannons. And when he belched,entire Exorcist tanks would come out, and so the Sisters would always be trying to get him to drink specially created soda. And the Dark Angels would still be emo.

04-18-2010, 01:12 AM
Just throwing my two cents in here. There's something I noticed after I played WoW and then went and played Warcraft 3, and thats that ALOT of the structure for the mmo was simply taken from the RTS and expanded to a much MUCH bigger proportion. Now for anyone who has played DoW2, you can see the equipment, leveling system, and mission selection can be placed into an mmo scale with a few tweeks here and there. Aside from that, the multiplayer option has you choose a specific unit that stands out amongst the rest. If you look at the jobs available you can kinda see that those jobs can be placed into an mmo setting, again with a few tweeks here and there. I was just thinking that they can do like wow did with warcraft and somewhat just, "copy", thier basic game structure ideas and mabe have a decent game?

Commissar Lewis
04-28-2010, 04:26 AM
Well, as long as I can work my way up to a grizzled, badass Colonel ala Straken, Kilgore, or Quaritch (only one of the examples is from 40k; I'm going with badass Colonels) I'll be good.

Guard all the way for me, to hell with them Astartes with their power armor, bolters, and flyin' machines...

04-28-2010, 09:04 AM
...the Sisters of Battle can stand against Space Marines and win, as I posted before-- the Daughters of the Emperor, BEFORE they became the Sisters of Battle...Not that I'm disagreeing, but weren't they defending the Imperial (or was it the Ecclesiarchal) Palace? It's quite a defensible place, and probably accounted for a great deal of the success against the Black Templars (and Imperial Fists, Fire Hawks, and Soul Drinkers). Further, the Daughters weren't the only ones there. The fluff is a bit imprecise (as it usually is), but judging from other sources, there would be any number of additional forces present at the Imperial Palace (including Imperial Guard, Adeptus Arbites, Frateris Militia, etc.), especially once Navarre & co. breached the outer walls.

I do agree with your initial assertion, though, that the difference in IG Vets and Sisters is vast.
Even =I= Stormtroopers and Adeptus Arbites (both also raised in Schola Progenium facilities) are different, even with Powered Armor. They each have different roles, different specialties, and different capabilities.

04-28-2010, 10:41 AM
According to the Sisters fluff, most of Vandire's forces had deserted him except for the Daughters of the Emperor. And I'm talking about months AFTER the breach, where hand to hand fighting was involved.

04-28-2010, 11:54 AM
According to the Sisters fluff, most of Vandire's forces had deserted him except for the Daughters of the Emperor. And I'm talking about months AFTER the breach, where hand to hand fighting was involved.
Ah, ok. But then, that is also the Sisters' fluff.
I guess I'm mainly thinking about the defenders of the Imperial Palace as defined elsewhere. Namely, the Adeptus Custodes (Inner Palace) and Adeptus Arbites (Outer Palace), not to mention Vandire certainly still had *some* other forces (I'm mainly thinking irregular forces, as the head of the Ecclesiarchy).

Time to go read up on the Age of Apostasy!

04-28-2010, 11:57 AM
The Sisters fluff IS the Age of Apostasy's fluff. The only other time it's mentioned is with the Black Templars, which only supports my claim. The Custodes didn't participate-- indeed, it was a surprise when the head of the Custodes actually contacted Alicia Dominica and brought her in front of the Emperor (whom gave her a vision that led to her slaying Vandire and creating the Sisters of Battle), and the Arbites had abandoned Vandire. Vandire was, in the Sisters' fluff, basically in an abandoned, empty command room because nobody but the Sisters remained, when he was cut in half by her power sword.

05-19-2010, 10:55 AM
i'll be happy as an ork pillaging your worlds/areas while you figure the SM thing out :P

"We'z da boyz, 'nd we'z gotz uss a WAAAAAGGGHHH!!!!"

05-19-2010, 11:01 AM
"Back in Rogue Trader era, the Sisters of Battle hunted down any chapter that was proving to be disloyal . They destroyed entire Space Marine chapters."

did they change the fluff around? cause through out the Space wolf books(codexs,etc..) they are always up in arms against the Ecclesiarchy, even at one time crippling a couple of their ships for getting to close to their planet. not to mention that like the dark angels (ironicly) they protect their interests with extreme prejudice (ie, deadly force)

05-19-2010, 12:35 PM
As I said, Rogue Trader era. IE, effectively first edition . We're currently in fifth edition . Hell most of the basic canon for the various factions wasn't developed in full until second or third edition.

Baron Spikey
05-19-2010, 12:41 PM
The Sisters fluff IS the Age of Apostasy's fluff. The only other time it's mentioned is with the Black Templars, which only supports my claim. The Custodes didn't participate-- indeed, it was a surprise when the head of the Custodes actually contacted Alicia Dominica and brought her in front of the Emperor (whom gave her a vision that led to her slaying Vandire and creating the Sisters of Battle), and the Arbites had abandoned Vandire. Vandire was, in the Sisters' fluff, basically in an abandoned, empty command room because nobody but the Sisters remained, when he was cut in half by her power sword.

You can't put your own theories forwards wrapped in official 40k fluff, or at least you shouldn't. The Chief Custodian took her in front of the Emperor but no one knows what occurred until Alicia slew Vandire.

05-19-2010, 12:54 PM
You can't put your own theories forwards wrapped in official 40k fluff, or at least you shouldn't. The Chief Custodian took her in front of the Emperor but no one knows what occurred until Alicia slew Vandire.

I'm not making it up. Actually, the fluff specifically says that she received visions from the Emperor Himself, and those visions are reflected in the names and iconography of the first four Major Orders; the Order of the Ebon Chalice, the Order of the Valorous Heart, the Order of the Fiery Heart, and Order of the Argent Shroud.

Baron Spikey
05-19-2010, 01:34 PM
I'm not making it up. Actually, the fluff specifically says that she received visions from the Emperor Himself, and those visions are reflected in the names and iconography of the first four Major Orders; the Order of the Ebon Chalice, the Order of the Valorous Heart, the Order of the Fiery Heart, and Order of the Argent Shroud.

Where does it say it, because I know it's not in the Codex...

05-19-2010, 01:40 PM
White Dwarf 293 I think, but it's been a long while since I actually took a long, dedicated read through the source material so they kinda blend together to me.

However, I very distinctly remember a piece of fluff using that line to explain the names of the first four Major Orders, and their iconography- especially the Ebon Chalice.

07-05-2010, 02:37 PM
Too flippin' expensive, sorry. I want my money to go towards something LASTING! (yes Valks are expensive, but do they vanish when you stop paying for them?)

02-08-2011, 12:55 PM
I think it would be awesome if you were to play as a an Imperial guard sergeant in command of a few guardsmen. As you level up you can command more or give them upgrades like special weapons and better armor and grenades and bionic implants and other cool stuff.

That way a space marine player versus a squad of guardsmen would be equal. There are so many possibilities with this scenario and it would look right having more guardsmen than marines, cause you know there will be a ton of marine players.

05-23-2011, 11:24 AM
Commisars would be equivalent to buffers. :) Also this whole "Which is better" conversation is pointless, some Sisters are better than average SM's and some SM's are better than Sisters. It's like argueing which SM chapter is best even though there are like 1,000 chapters