View Full Version : Paperhammer and Scratch-Builds

Lord Anubis
03-05-2010, 05:49 PM
I started a blog a month or two back about all the low-budget 40K projects I've been doing.

In The Grim Cheapness of the Future (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/)

Right now it's got the Mk.I Land Raider, a Skullhamma, a Malcador, plus some other little things.

In the weeks to come I hope to cover a fleet of Rhino-based vehicles, a Plague Tower, a Doomsday Device, Killa Kans, and a few other things. All building up to my attempt (maybe later this year) to do a Chaos Warhound Titan.

Thoughts and comments are always welcome. Constructive ones preferred...;)

Akkon Sek
03-05-2010, 07:36 PM
Loving this already.

Added to my personal blogroll, and I'll be following.

Are the Jeff Vaughan templates readily (read: freely) available for public consumption?

Lord Anubis
03-06-2010, 12:48 AM
Yup. If you go to the Golden Bolter page I linked to, they've got a bunch of files at the bottom. He's got stuff under Imperial Guard and Titans (a phenomenal Warhound Titan).

As a heads up, the link for the Ork templates is dead, but they're still available in the big batch file at the top.

03-06-2010, 04:03 AM
wow those are astounding paperhammer much better than mine!

my failed attempt was a dread but cause the arms and face failed i used spare scout parts to build the head with arms holding the sarcophugus and one hand (fromm the missle launche) doing the libby zap thing :P.
the dread arms were bases with shotgun bulets attacheche and Dp harnesses as claws!

Btw that LR is kickass

Akkon Sek
03-06-2010, 09:22 AM
Yup. If you go to the Golden Bolter page I linked to, they've got a bunch of files at the bottom. He's got stuff under Imperial Guard and Titans (a phenomenal Warhound Titan).

As a heads up, the link for the Ork templates is dead, but they're still available in the big batch file at the top.

Got it bud. My thanks. Pouring over the templates now. Impressive stuff. Definitely appreciate the head's up.

03-06-2010, 10:12 AM
I'm loving the Mk1 Land Raider. I may start making some to go with my...mk1 Land Raider.

Have you put any thought or found a repressor template anywhere? I just want to repressor parts to add to a rhino (or 3)

03-06-2010, 10:55 AM
Right now it's got the Mk.I Land Raider, a Skullhamma, a Malcador, plus some other little things.

Oh, and a note on the Land Raider: The bit on the front you thought was a grill I remember as the "transmission" for the tank. There were no front access points on the Mk1 Land Raider.

03-06-2010, 12:34 PM
+1 to the repressor, id love some of those, well, one, so i can have every vehicle available to sisters, was gonna try and do it by eye. these resources are greeat though, im already thinking about a city board, muahahahahaha

03-06-2010, 12:36 PM
hmm might do it in plasti card so GWS owner cant moan

Lord Anubis
03-06-2010, 01:49 PM
Oh, and a note on the Land Raider: The bit on the front you thought was a grill I remember as the "transmission" for the tank. There were no front access points on the Mk1 Land Raider.

Oh, excellent. Thanks very much for that. :)

I've got no plans for a Repressor since it's not an army I play, but it wouldn't surprise me if there are plans for one floating around there somewhere. It'd be very easy to make one, though, once you've got the Rhino.

Hmmmmm... I did a "how to build a Rhino hull" back at the beginning of the blog and I've been thinking of revisiting it soon with an "all the things you can do with a Rhino hull"...

03-06-2010, 02:59 PM
thatd be one loooooonnnngggg article, its the real workhorse of the imperium. you got a big job there

Lord Anubis
03-06-2010, 04:30 PM
Well, we'll have to see if I can pull it off. ;)

03-06-2010, 09:05 PM
Great job guy! Awesome stuff. Where can I find these templates?

Lord Anubis
03-11-2010, 08:54 PM
Just finished explaing the Malcador construction.

Next up is a Doomsday Device, and then what you can do with a fleet of cardboard Rhinos... ;)

03-12-2010, 12:09 AM
I have been looking for a thunderhawk template... Do you know a good one floating around? I want to Shrink the scale a lot and then use the templates for the blood Angels lander.

By the way great job so far!


03-12-2010, 04:55 PM
I love scratch/partial builds. Acquiring the right bits and a little plasticard can make some nice, functional models. How are you viewing the GBS files? I don't know who to operate an .rar file and it is asking me to manually select a program.

Lord Anubis
03-12-2010, 08:00 PM
Duke, I know there are two different sets of Thunderhawk templates in Golden Bolter files. Haven't really looked at either of them extensively, but they look fairly complete. I think there may be some other ones at the BWR Archive on Yahoo.

I may try a Thunderhawk somewhere down the line, but at the moment I've got photos/ hints for about four more projects that are completely done, plus another four or five I really want to do past that...

Rapture, RAR is just a type of compression. You should be able to uncompress/unzip them...

03-14-2010, 11:06 PM
WinRAR can unpack them. .rar is a zip archive format, as opposed to a single file/folder.

I use 7zip, but WinRAR also works.

You can download either, install and the .rar files will be automagically opened by them.

Lord Anubis
07-06-2010, 02:10 PM
thatd be one loooooonnnngggg article, its the real workhorse of the imperium. you got a big job there

So, after a bit of a break,a long, photo-filled article (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/)about some of the many things you can do with a Rhino. Or even a cardboard Rhino and some spare parts.

07-06-2010, 03:22 PM
that is frickin awsome! Good article, very informative and extremely helpful! thank you. That repressor template is better than expected, potentialy very easy to not paint lol! im thinking of using plasticard for it though, what thickness' should i look out for please? think i may add some mk1s to my force too.

07-06-2010, 04:19 PM
Awesome post man - I hadn't been on in a while, so I missed it.

Here's my paperhammer stuff - not nearly as nice as yours, but I'm still pleased. And I paid a lot less than FW :) Two titans for $15? Heh...


Lord Anubis
07-07-2010, 12:47 PM
Thanks, Kuhlbert.

I haven't even been playing with Paperhammer for a year, so I'm trying to work my way up to the big projects. If all goes according to my rough schedule I'm going to make another two dozen or so models this year, all building up to a quartet of Chaos Titans next year. And maybe finish it off by building Imperious Dictatio... like everyone does. :)

Yours look fantastic. Are they complete scratchbuilds or were you using an existing template?

07-07-2010, 05:25 PM
I got a warhound template off the internet - don't remember where. They are PDFs. I sent the PDFs to Kinko's and had them print them out on cardstock - then I cut them out with a little overlap, and assembled them like origami. It was $9 for the kinkos run, and then a few more bucks for a short length of PVC pipes (for some joints), some wooden dowels, and the glue.

The thunderhawk I did totally from scratch - didn't find a template for that one (didn't know about the Golden Bolter). It's just total eyballing from me, cut from foam board and using some plastic bits and wooden parts from a hobby lobby store.

I threw them all together for a weekend tournament two years ago, not really expecting them to last. But they still are sitting on the shelf, ready to do battle :) Although they're now red - my son repainted them to be Khornate chaos warhounds :)

Lord Anubis
07-13-2010, 06:00 PM
Decided to lean away from human-based technology for a bit and do some more stuff with Orks, namely a nice simple way to make super-cheap Killa kans. (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/).

Next week, if all goes well, some note and pics on the Fighta-Bomba I helped a friend of mine with.

Lord Anubis
08-22-2010, 09:59 PM
A couple new projects up, (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/) including a Chaos Hellblade, a very cheap Ork fuel depot that makes a fine objective, and some big Necron scenery.

08-27-2010, 09:12 AM
I know we've talked about this company before, but let me reiterate how good they are. Great models, and even a clumsy 13-fingered fellow like me can assemble the terriffic paper drop ship. In fact, my Guard will soon be landing on a planet near you in three massive drop ships. Ebbles is having a sort of sale right now, and I recommend them. (I am not related to Ebbles and was not asked by Ebbles to post this. He doesn't know me from a grox.)


Lord Anubis
10-18-2010, 12:37 AM
I spent most of September working on a pair of Defilers (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/), one dedicated to Nurgle, one to Khorne.

All in all, not a bad template. :)

Lord Anubis
01-21-2011, 08:12 PM
Back with a big tank (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/)after taking the holidays off for work and for... well, the holidays.

Lord Anubis
09-10-2011, 04:54 PM
After a break of about seven months...

(well, not so much a break as two parallel contracts with strict deadlines taking all my time)

...I've finally started work again on the Paperhammer Baneblade. Should have it done by the end of the month.


Lord Anubis
09-18-2011, 03:19 AM
Hmmmm... I'm feeling much better about the paperhammer Mark I Land Raider (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/2010/02/mk1-land-raider-part-three.html) I built last year for...

...well for about five bucks and a long weekend.

Lord Anubis
09-25-2011, 01:54 PM
The Baneblade is pretty much done (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/), and it's 100% cardboard. Well, 97% cardboard and 3% white glue.

Probably going to add some more details to it over the next week or two and then maybe try to build a Chaos bomber...

Lord Anubis
10-10-2011, 02:37 PM
And then, the Baneblade went horribly wrong... (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/)

Or, depending on your allegiences, horribly right.

Lord Anubis
10-14-2011, 06:02 PM
Final touches on the Plaguereaper (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/).

Thinking of doing something with the Dark Eldar next. Or maybe a flyer of some kind to go with the Hellblade (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/search/label/Hellblade)I built a while back...

10-15-2011, 12:00 AM

This stuff is awesome!
I made an entire 2000 point Tau fleet out of cardboard before. It was a lot of fun. I was completely broke at the time, but craved to build 40k stuff. What I learned from the experience was 1) cardboard is a lot harder to work with than it looks, 2) that you can make all sorts of cool stuff out of cardboard, if you take the time to plan and think about what you want.

10-15-2011, 11:24 AM
I've made a couple warhound titans, a thunderhawk, and a frikin' Imperitor class titan out of various materials, though I've always been too lazy to finish them to this level of detail. If you know what you're doing, cardboard is super-easy to make bulky shapes and hulls out of, much, much easier than plasticard.

Lord Anubis
10-17-2011, 06:17 PM
Yeah, it takes a bit of practice. I'm really finding cardboard to be pretty darn flexible, use-wise. I was very, very happy with the lascannons I scratch-built for the Baneblade/ Plaguereaper.

I've been thinking about titans, DarkLink, but I'm trying to build up to them and work on a lot of other things that will let me practice the techniques I'll need to make a really good-looking Warhound. And then a Reaver. And a Warlord or two if I can figure out where to store them. :)

For now, though, I've got a few random things to hold the site over (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/)until I get back from a convention this weekend, and then I was thinking of trying a Thunderbolt squadron...

Lord Anubis
11-04-2011, 11:40 PM
A couple random scenery ideas (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/)that can all be built for well under ten bucks. Roads, rivers, a big rock shaped like a skull...

Lord Anubis
11-12-2011, 06:24 PM
Some musings on cheap Dark Eldar projects (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/).

I'm debating doing either a Thunderbolt or a Doom Scythe next. The templates already exist for the Thunderbolt, but a scratch-built Doom Scythe would probably get a lot more interest these days... :)

Lord Anubis
12-09-2011, 07:35 PM
Fine... if everyone else is building Necron Scythes (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/), I will, too.

I'm such a slave to peer pressure...


Lord Anubis
01-01-2012, 01:58 PM
Ending the old/ starting the new year with an inexpensive attempt at the Silver Towers of Tzeentch (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/), because my Thousand Sons could use some heavy backup.

When I started this I thought it was going to be so unique, and since then I've found half a dozen other folks building them as well (with varying degrees of complexity).

Lord Anubis
06-11-2012, 02:19 PM
Finally finished the Silver Towers (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/), after far too many delays.

Hope to be posting more regularly for the rest of the summer. Thinking about a Paperhammer Thunderbolt. Or maybe three...

Lord Anubis
07-04-2012, 02:24 PM
Just a couple random updates (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/) with a couple cheap scratchbuild/ conversion ideas, and also how to make some very inexpensive scenery that will look pretty cool.

Next week I was going to tweak some Orks, and then start that pair of Paperhammer Thunderbolts.

Lord Anubis
07-19-2012, 07:33 PM
Very happy with how the Weirdboy (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/)turned out. And he was dirt cheap...


Lord Anubis
08-07-2012, 12:59 PM
I've started a trio of Thunderbolt Fighters over on my site (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/). They're going to be pure Paperhammer. If all goes well, they should cost under five dollars each, and most of that will be glue and paint.


Lord Anubis
09-07-2012, 02:10 AM
More updates on the ongoing Thunderbolt project. (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/) There've been some hiccups, but Aquilla squadron is progressing nicely.


Lord Anubis
10-05-2012, 07:17 PM
More ongoing projects (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/). Some Dark Vengeance conversions. A super-cheap landing pad. Some fairly cheap Grotesque conversions...



Lord Anubis
12-13-2012, 01:33 PM
I think I've come up with a clever way to use all those "flat" figures (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/2012/12/flat-scenery.html) that have been showing up on a lot of Paperhammer sites.

Oh, and one of my books was named "best sci-fi novel of the year" by Audible.com. And was in the running for best horror novel at Goodreads.

Check it out.



Lord Anubis
01-18-2013, 03:44 PM
Holidays are over. I've been playing more with that flat scenery idea, digging through the bitz bins, and putting together a cheap Necron Heavy Destroyer.

In The Grim Cheapness of the Future... (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/)


Lord Anubis
04-25-2013, 03:35 PM
I've been very bogged down with work for the past month or three and haven't had any time at all for In The Grim Cheapness of the Future... (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/)

That being said, I was going to shamelessly plug my new book over there, and I figured I might as well make it worth people's while. So there's a nice and simple conversion for plague zombies (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/2013/04/plague-zombies.html)(or regular zombies, depending on what you play) to put a little more variety in your shambling horde...

Lord Anubis
09-10-2013, 02:37 PM
After a long dry spell, I finally got to do some more hobby stuff. Did a scenery project with some friends, finally finished (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/) those Ogre/ Ogryn conversions (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/2013/01/ogres-to-ogryns.html) I started... oh, seven months ago.