View Full Version : color shifting paint

03-05-2010, 09:24 AM
Has anyone used any color shifting paint on minis before? I'm wondering they would look on some Eldar I'm planning on throwing together. I've mostly seen them in the auto industry but it looks like there's brands available for RC hobbiests and I'm wondering if it's safe to use on "regular" GW plastics.

03-06-2010, 08:13 AM
do you have any old models to test it on??

03-06-2010, 10:05 AM
do you have any old models to test it on??

No, but lots of scrap plastic and sprue. (Been saving larger sprues to form the structure of a building)

03-09-2010, 02:42 PM
sounds a nice idea. makes me think of emperors children. anyones rhino fancy a apint job, tho on a seriouser note youd prob need a spray gun to get it done well and even. if you try it post pics please

03-09-2010, 04:14 PM
Most cellulose based brands are safe on plastic but very fumey, acrylic ones are fine but you do need to check them as some are described as non-colour permanent or colour fugue. These lose there colour over time and not really suitable for long term use.

03-16-2010, 07:57 PM
Update: started to paint the vehicles. Black undercoat with the color paint on top. After 3 coats it looks more black with a "sheen" of other color based on the position of the light source. I may try some photos tomorrow or (I really don't want to do this) make a youtube channel and post some footage there, but I really am not sure if how it looks will show up right.

03-16-2010, 08:48 PM
Has anyone used any color shifting paint on minis before? I'm wondering they would look on some Eldar I'm planning on throwing together. I've mostly seen them in the auto industry but it looks like there's brands available for RC hobbiests and I'm wondering if it's safe to use on "regular" GW plastics.

Yes, I have used color shift paint. I used the House of Kolor one, that is enamel. It worked beautifully once I got it on, I have daemons that look like oil slicks.

A few problems I noticed:
1. Being enamel, it was very particular to get it working properly.
2. The batch I had was strong enough to pull the black primer off the metal model.
3. Brushing it on led to more problems. If you didn't get it on the first brush, just leave it alone, because it will make it worse if you keep brushing it to fix the problem.
4. Touch-ups are a pain with this. It never seems to look right if it all doesn't get painted the first time, so make sure to matte varnish it well so it doesn't rub or chip off.
5. The base color makes a world of difference. I have a pink/green/blue/white color shift that I was dying to use on my sisters. It didn't work out too well even over white. Take care of what model you choose to do it on, as while the idea might be wonderful, the execution and final product may very well not be what you intended.
6. Airbrushing the color shift on seems to honestly be the best possible way in my opinion to put it on.

03-17-2010, 02:26 PM
Chamelion Paint should not be a problem on G.W. Plastic. It may although be a problem for your wallet!

Someone else used Nail Polish to get the same results for a far lower cost. Just don't admit it when you show off your model.

03-18-2010, 12:07 PM
Just tried to get video of it with my camera but it's not a very good video recorder :(

I'll see who I can work on to maybe get some video a finished Vyper later in the week.

Magos Explorator
03-20-2010, 10:34 AM
Please do post pictures--also, if you're pleased with how they look in real life (regardless of photos), could you give a link to the paint brand you're using?

03-23-2010, 12:22 PM
I now have 2 pictures of a falcon painted with the Spaz Spix brand paint in the gallery under "Eldar". A quick googling will give a few places that sell it. I had to pick it up from a RC model place in town. May try to get Vypers up when life settles a bit.

(edit: or I can test linking straight from the gallery to here)