View Full Version : Commandeered Vehicles

06-14-2015, 05:32 PM
So... I was thinking. You're having a battle in an imperial city, and you need to get from A to B. There aren't any APCs nearby. What do you do?

You pull out your pistol and hijack the nearest civilian vehicle. Bonus points if there's already someone in it.

So, a stat line:

Commandeered Vehicle (Dedicated transport).

BS * FA 9 SA 9 RA 9 HP 2

No pilot:
A commandeered vehicle cannot move unless it is transporting a squad. One member of this squad is designated the driver. The vehicle's BS is equal to the driver's. The driver can never shoot from the vehicle, even if there are enough firing points. If the driver is a psyker then the vehicle becomes a psyker with the same powers, level, and leadership. If a dragged into the warp result is rolled, the vehicle and all riders are lost.

A commandeered vehicle has a transport capacity of 6 models of toughness 3 or below, or half that for toughness 4. A commandeered vehicle cannot transport toughness 5 or higher models, nor bulky or very bulky models.

Firing ports:
A commandeered vehicle has 4 firing ports.

a Utility/pickup has a transport capacity of 8 and is open topped. It has side and rear armour of 8.


Mr Mystery
06-14-2015, 05:43 PM
Civvy vehicles would have far lower AV, perhaps 7 tops. I mean, Sentinels are about as light as they come, and they're still considered armoured.

And it's not just the metal. Pretty sure a lasgun round would go straight on through a windscreen or other window. Tyres are vulnerable, fuel tanks are vulnerable.

06-14-2015, 05:46 PM
Civvy vehicles would have far lower AV, perhaps 7 tops. I mean, Sentinels are about as light as they come, and they're still considered armoured.

And it's not just the metal. Pretty sure a lasgun round would go straight on through a windscreen or other window. Tyres are vulnerable, fuel tanks are vulnerable.

Fair enough. 7 sounds good to me.