View Full Version : Iron Clad Dread Rule question

03-04-2010, 08:40 PM
I've just gotten my Iron Clad, and want to build it with the Hurricane rather than DCCW. I want to make sure I'm understanding its stat line correctly.

Under Attacks, it has 2(3). It has 2 attacks, but is upped to 3 when it has the DCCW and Seismic Hammer (DCCW+), correct? That drops to 2 attacks when I put the Hurricanes on, right?

Nothing outright says this, but I wanted to make sure I was reading it correctly, based on my knowledge of the 2(3) with my Furioso.

This will mainly be for Apoc battles, so I'm thinking Hurricane Bolters, IC Assault Launchers, 2 HKs, and Seismic hammer w/ Melta.

John M>

03-04-2010, 08:57 PM
Yup just the two attacks with the hurricane bolter arm. i run mine with that configuration and use the chainfist and DCCW with dual heavy flamers for planetstrike.

03-04-2010, 09:14 PM
I'll be taking the extra arms and converting up a Black Reach into a Furioso.

03-05-2010, 11:49 AM
I have just bought myself an ironclad for my CSM army and finished undercoating it- but having just seen the BA round up with the super sexy dreadnought options (anti armour harpoon on a furioso!??!)- I am having a moment's pause before committing it to my old army rather than adding it to my revitalised BA forces... The agony!

03-05-2010, 03:08 PM
I just need to work on the 5 Furioso option. As it stands now, I only have one... BUt I've always wanted a Dreadnought army, so now's my chance.

03-09-2010, 09:55 PM
Follow up question.

The Iron Clad says "Replace DCCW AND storm bolter w/ a hurricane bolter" but the regular dread says "Replace DCCW w/: twin linked autocannon or missile launcher" with no reference to the loss of the storm bolter.

So the IC will lose the built in weapon but the regular won't. RAW is easy to see, but RAI and modelling (no built in spot for the SB on the ML) would say otherwise.


John M>

03-09-2010, 10:03 PM
Follow up question.

The Iron Clad says "Replace DCCW AND storm bolter w/ a hurricane bolter" but the regular dread says "Replace DCCW w/: twin linked autocannon or missile launcher" with no reference to the loss of the storm bolter.

So the IC will lose the built in weapon but the regular won't. RAW is easy to see, but RAI and modelling (no built in spot for the SB on the ML) would say otherwise.


John M>
The wording is inconsistent, probably due to bad copy-pasting, but the effect is the same for both types of dread. Note that the regular dreadnought says that the DCCW has a built-in storm bolter. To say the same thing in a way that is clearer for our purposes, the regular dreadnought has a storm bolter that is built into its DCCW. Hence, when you replace the regular dread's DCCW, you also replace the weapon that is built into it.

03-09-2010, 10:12 PM
That's what i figured. They also lose the built in too when "weapon destroyed" results are applied then as well right.?

03-09-2010, 10:18 PM
Yes, per the sidebar on page 73.

03-09-2010, 10:24 PM
Perfect, thanks.

I'm running 11 Dreads on Thursday in an Apoc game, so I'm making sure I have them all ready.

03-11-2010, 12:01 AM
I'm a little jealous that you have 11 dreadnoughts. I need more. Dreads are awesome.

03-11-2010, 09:33 PM
Don't be. I lost half of them in the first turn and the Furioso DC one got pwned as he dropped in within range of some 48 inch deep strike screwing power that allowed my opponents to plop him in right inbetween 4 tanks so he had no where to move....

Honestly, it was fun to plop 11 in on the table.

Having read the BA codex dreadnought entries, I am happy to have them all now.

John M>