View Full Version : 1500 Archangels Sanguine Wing

06-10-2015, 10:35 PM
This list was inspired a desire to field the Arch Angel Sanguine Wing as well as ‘Fueldrop’s Tactical Doctrine’. http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?56352-Winning-in-the-movement-phase-the-Fueldrop-tactical-doctrine

The Sternguard can upgrade combi weapons for free and the Vanguard can take a power weapon or one lightning claw for free. Not sure what exactly to set them with. 10 melta guns? 6 power swords, 2 Power axes, 2 lightning claws?

Distraction Carnifex
Sanguinary priest on Bike with Melta bomb, Auspex [95pts]
5 scout bikers [105pts]
with melta bomb, 1 astartes launcher, locator beacon

Death Company Tycho [145pts]
5 Death Company with bolters [100pts]
Razorback with dozerblade, stormbolter [75pts]

5 scouts with bolters [55pts]
5 scouts with combat shotgun, combi-flamer [65pts]

Archangel Sanguine Wing (860pts)
10 Sternguard [220 pts]
Stormraven with Lascannon multi-melta [200pts]
10 Vanguard [220pts]
10 Vanguard [220pts]

06-12-2015, 04:56 PM
Looks pretty good from here.

Death company is hard to kill and demands immediate attention. Scout bikes with priest are going to be deceptively difficult to kill, particularly if their first turn is moving flat out and jinking while they get the locator beacon into position. The bolter scout squad can sit in cover on an objective and take pot shots at people until someone comes over to deal with them, only to be counter charged by a bunch of shotguns and a combi-flamer.

Given the fact that you're not getting to charge when you drop in :( I'm thinking that either melta or plasma are good options for your veterans. walkers and MCs are the main threat to them in CC, so killing them on the turn you arrive can make a huge difference.
If you're likely to be seeing a Wraith Knight on the field then give your Sternguard combi-grav weapons if possible (not sure if that's an option for angels). Killing knights or GMCs in the turn you arrive so they can't stomp all over your expensive deep strikers is the way to go.

06-14-2015, 10:03 PM

Combi-Grav is totally an option for Blood Angel Sternguard.

Waiting a turn to assault with deep striking Vanguard Vets is a pain. Maybe 10 Power Axes in each squad would deter any opponent from assaulting them.