View Full Version : 1500 Space Wolves Great Wolf Detachment

06-09-2015, 01:46 PM
Back to the drawing board with the Thunderwolves ... this is what i'm thinking about at 1500 points.


Wolf Lord (Thunderwolf, Runic Armor, Wolf Claw, Power Fist) - 220


Dreadnought (Multi-Melta, DCCW with Heavy Flamer, Drop Pod) - 140
Dreadnought (Multi-Melta, DCCW with Heavy Flamer, Drop Pod) - 140

Iron Priest (Thunderwolf, 3 Cyberwolves) - 150
Iron Priest (Thunderwolf, 3 Cyberwolves) - 150
Iron Priest (Thunderwolf, 3 Cyberwolves) - 150

Fast Attack:

Thunderwolf Calvary (Pack Leader with Bolt Pistol & Storm Shield, Rider with Bolt Pistol & Storm Shield, Rider with Power Fist & Storm Shield) - 190
Thunderwolf Calvary (Pack Leader with Bolt Pistol & Storm Shield, Rider with Bolt Pistol & Storm Shield, Rider with Power Fist & Storm Shield) - 190

Drop Pod - 35

Heavy Support:

Whirlwind - 65
Whirlwind - 65

= 1495

Wolf Lord joins a unit of TWC and can split charge if needed ... 5-6 CC units with 2 drop podding dreads and 2 whirlwinds sitting on my deployment objectives.


Lord Krungharr
06-09-2015, 05:23 PM
Hmmm whirlwinds, I haven't used those but for some antihordes that's not a bad idea. I think maybe one dreadnought in a pod ( I like the blizzard shield one) might be a better backfield threat. That might free up sme points for a couple las vengeance batteries for anti air. I made a wolflord just like that one though, can't wait to try him out. Since you have so many iron priests why not run one slightly augmented unit of the need wolves w all fists/ shields? That would still be a single crushing unit that could split up into five as needed.

- - - Updated - - -

I didn't see that extra pod in there. Hmmm now I kinda like the two dreads😀