View Full Version : O2 Games - Aethersteel Kickstarter: 28mm meets LCG

06-09-2015, 08:07 AM
O2 Games is pleased to announce the launch of their Kickstarter for Aethersteel. Aethersteel is a Skirmish style 28mm Tabletop Miniatures game that combines elements of a Wargame with that of a Living Card Game.


In the world of Aethersteel the gods (known as Aeons) have each created a mirror copy of the same world with which to create their own perfect race and culture. These races stray toward their respective gods aspects producing wildly different mindsets, cultures, and ways of war. When portals between these dimensions are ripped open the races go on the defensive, each arming themselves for war.

As a player you take on the role of this Aeon, not only do you command your troops but you can directly impact the tide of the game through a customizable deck of cards that each player builds and tailors to fit their fighting force. This allows you to create unpredictable strategies against your opponent or to thwart their actions, all at any time in the game play.

Aethersteel's army boxes come with high detail metal models, using a newly developed mold making technology these models are able to hold extreme detail and at Origins2015 the compliments on the models didn't stop. However if you choose to back the project you are not required to use any of O2 Games's models. The game of Aethersteel is available as the rule and card set and the races of the game have been specifically designed to be able to work with the most common of modern collectors current armies. Or if you are simply an admirer of models and wish to collect the pieces themselves this can be obtained through the $1 pledge and the addon's.

O2 Games is excited to bring this game to the public, launching two races immediately and a third should the Kickstarter be successful enough. The O2 Games team has a total of 12 races already completed however and is looking to get your help to bring all of this to life.



06-10-2015, 02:11 PM
Play Better was one of the many groups that had a chance to put Aethersteel to the test at Origins. Their podcast about the game is linked here.


You can find the original version of the entire podcast here: