View Full Version : White Scars Paint Scheme

06-09-2015, 04:10 AM
I need some help finding a good paint scheme for white scar space marines. I've been debating on whether to buy the 'how to paint space marines' book but it's a lot of money for just one paint scheme. I was wondering if any of you guys know of a really good way to paint white scars or if you have the GW book to help me out. All your help will be greatly appreciated, thanks.

06-09-2015, 07:44 PM
Hi there,
Having painted a reasonable White Scars army my self the first thing I'd say is don't be scared of white.

There are 2 ways to do white, you can start from a light grey and slowly work your way back to pure white in successive very thinned down coats. This I feel is the best way to paint white as you can build in more depth, however this is a very slow process that takes a bit of skill to master, but is what I wish I had done when I painted my Scars, but I only had 3 weeks to paint the army before a tournament so it wasn't an option.

The other way, which is what i did in the end, is to prime the models white then paint them all over using a large brush to speed it up with a thinned down white of your choice (don't leave the under coat as the visible white surface it doesn't look as nice). From there it's a matter of just "black lining" joints in the armor plates to artificially add depth to the white then painting in the colors. You'll find the yellows and reds come up real good going straight over the white base coat. The metals however probably need to be painted over in a gray or black first, metallic doesn't come up very good over a white base.

I've attached a photo of one of my veteran sergeants14514

Hopefully that's of some help:)

PS. I didn't go with metallics, for the metals. I went for more of a cartoon style which metallics don't suite in my opinion. My metals are all just grays with highlights and washes to represent silver or brown/yellows to represent bronze/golds. Again this was faster as well as it removed the need to prime the metal areas black before painting them metallic. And I did just manage to finish 1500pts of Scars in three weeks while still holding down a full time job, but it did nearly kill me!

06-09-2015, 10:06 PM
Hey I have the WD where they painted up a white scars army when the stormtalon came out, if you want I can post the paint guide from it, very easy to follow and in the GW style you already are accustomed too.

The White dwarf was only 10 or so down the pile, here you go...
All the fluff, hope my camera work isn't too bad...

And the candy. If you need clearer pics just reply and I can do a better job, this was last moment at dusk...

06-11-2015, 02:42 PM
This is why I love this website! Both methods are really useful and pics from the white dwarf are awesome, thanks for the help 😃

06-11-2015, 09:11 PM
There are a lot of ways of doing white, and while most of them are a bit of a pain they're not bad. Airbrushes are particularly useful, since you can get extremely clean white in one fell swoop. In fact, probably the easiest way to do white is to base dark grey, airbrush on light grey on all but deep shadows, then airbrush white on the high edges of every surface so you get a subtle transition with grey shadows on white armor. Something like this: http://www.belloflostsouls.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/white-scars-james-wappel.jpg

06-11-2015, 10:42 PM
Thank you BOLS now I have a reason to never throw out all those old White Dwarfs...