View Full Version : Chaos Tau

06-08-2015, 08:49 PM
I've been thinking about some possible conversion projects lately, and I started tossing around the idea of Chaos tainted Tau. I've read several other posts on this subject on a few other sites, and it seems the general objections are...

1) The Tau barely register in the warp: As I understand it, so do humans, at least that is what the Eldar claim. Either way, I never knew the chaos gods to be too picky. Besides, they're not really interested in your souls. Khorne relishes in slaughter, he doesn't care if his followers are killing or dying, so long as there is bloodshed. So why wouldn't he accept any bloodshed offered by Tau? Nurgle only cares for testing new decay and corruption. So why wouldn't he be interested to see how his various plagues on the Tau? Slaanesh only seeks new pleasures, so why not seek to please his/herself with the delights of the Tau? And Tzeentch is the Changer and corruptor of all, so why not play with the Tau?

2) It's never happened before: same could be said of the Space Marines until Erbus fell and took half the legions with him.

3) The Tau have no psykers: Neither does Khorne, then again Erbus wasn't a psyker either, and let's not forget that the Death Guard didn't as well. In fact not even Tzeentch needs a psyker to worm his way in. How many stories are there about Tzeentch found a way to corrupt through technology.


06-08-2015, 08:59 PM
Who would you have them follow?

She Who Thirsts is all about hedonism and lust, two things somewhat lost on the Tau with their breeding programs and focus on the group over the individual.

The Blood God is a poor choice, as the Tau are poorly suited for the kind of rip and tear warfare he favors.

The Changer of Ways might work, but the rational Tau are unlikely to be easily brought in by the promise of sorcery.

That leaves The Plaguefather, and I think he's a rather good fit. Like the Tau Uncle Nurgle is very big on connection to those around him and he loves all his children. Corrupting the greater good to be more in line with his own views? Probably not difficult. He's the god I'd suggest most likely to show an interest in corrupting the Tau.

06-08-2015, 09:29 PM
Nurgle does sound like a good choice. I think Tzeetnch could work as well if you play off the conniving political manipulation of the whole greater good angle vs the sorcery side of things. A single corrupted Etheral would be enough to build the warband. Tzeentch is really good at getting things to happen where the participants don't fully realize who or what they are supporting.

06-08-2015, 09:44 PM
Tau are blue and have bird-like feet, they could be a result of a Tzeentch experiment with Eldar.

My personal Tau army have tan-white skin their backstory is that they are from the future. They saw the universe burn and have done everything in their power to try and stop it. Harnessed every ounce of Tau psyker energy (past present and future) to get one more chance to stop the apocalypse. They came back, set the Ethereals up with all the sweet tech and then left. They're so messed up, none of the other tau want anything to do with them.

Mr Mystery
06-08-2015, 10:47 PM
Trouble is, Taundont exactly have a handle on belief in Gods....

06-08-2015, 10:49 PM
1) The Tau barely register in the warp: As I understand it, so do humans, at least that is what the Eldar claim. Either way, I never knew the chaos gods to be too picky. Besides, they're not really interested in your souls. Khorne relishes in slaughter, he doesn't care if his followers are killing or dying, so long as there is bloodshed. So why wouldn't he accept any bloodshed offered by Tau? Nurgle only cares for testing new decay and corruption. So why wouldn't he be interested to see how his various plagues on the Tau? Slaanesh only seeks new pleasures, so why not seek to please his/herself with the delights of the Tau? And Tzeentch is the Changer and corruptor of all, so why not play with the Tau?

Humans barely register in the Warp compared to Eldar, who are HUGE in the Warp. Tau barely register in the Warp compared to the average Human (not even a Psyker).

That having been said, there is a story about a stone that was Marked by Khorne and possessed to roll around crush people, so...

Tau are blue and have bird-like feet, they could be a result of a Tzeentch experiment with Eldar.

Hooves are bird-like?

06-09-2015, 10:08 AM
Who would you have them follow?

She Who Thirsts is all about hedonism and lust, two things somewhat lost on the Tau with their breeding programs and focus on the group over the individual.

Slaanesh could make inroads with the Tau the same as with the Emperors Children (not like Space Marines are known for macking on the ladies), through martial pride. There's also the issue of the rouge element, every group, culture, or society has those rouge elements that refuse to conform to group norms. A society as repressed as the Tau, are the perfect place for a pleasure cult to rise up, to feed those repressions.

The Blood God is a poor choice, as the Tau are poorly suited for the kind of rip and tear warfare he favors.

Khorne doesn't care if you kill with a chain axe or a gun, he's about violence and bloodshed. However, if the Tau were to be engulfed in a long protracted war, the possibility of blood lust consuming them rises. And even though the Tau are not close combat oriented, that does not mean their enemies will respect that. Survivors from a particulary bloody assault could easily become swayed to Khorne. If the Blood Ravens can fall because Khorne swayed a Librarian, so could the Tau.

The Changer of Ways might work, but the rational Tau are unlikely to be easily brought in by the promise of sorcery.

True, but Tzeentch likes to worm his way into machinery corrupting the AI, something which Tau could rely heavily on. There is also the possibility of an Etheral, so desperate to fight the psykers of other races, he/she delves into dark areas without knowing it.

That leaves The Plaguefather, and I think he's a rather good fit. Like the Tau Uncle Nurgle is very big on connection to those around him and he loves all his children. Corrupting the greater good to be more in line with his own views? Probably not difficult. He's the god I'd suggest most likely to show an interest in corrupting the Tau.

Then there is the likelyhood that corruption comes from an external source adopted into the Tau Empire. The Tau seem to have an open door policy, and anyone of these races could bring in the initial influence that corrupts others.

Trouble is, Taundont exactly have a handle on belief in Gods....

Neither did the Human Empire before the fall of Horus, in fact (much like the Tau) they were spreading an Athestic message.

Humans barely register in the Warp compared to Eldar, who are HUGE in the Warp. Tau barely register in the Warp compared to the average Human (not even a Psyker).

That having been said, there is a story about a stone that was Marked by Khorne and possessed to roll around crush people, so...

Hooves are bird-like?

Exactly my point, if a Rhino or a sword could become daemon possessed, then why not a Riptide AI that slowly wispers to it's pilot?

06-09-2015, 04:21 PM
I have allied Tau with my Chaos Marines, but I did not use any Tau miniatures. Instead, the Tau rules were used to provide rules for weird Dark Mechanicus conversions. Since Tau and Necrons provide more shooty-oriented Allies for CSM, and Chaos has no access to Skitarii or the proper Mechanicus, it seemed to me to be the best way to field some shooty Daemon Engine conversions.

06-09-2015, 04:42 PM
The thing with Tau is that their souls are tiny blips, crumbs to the Dark Gods. Why would Daemons snuffle for crumbs when bounties of grapes cluster around Imperial worlds, not to mention the fine, rich fruit that Eldar souls are like? The Gods only watch the material world for the most important of deeds, and these are few and far between.

The entirety of the Tau defecting to a God would probably be less noticeable to them than an Imperial world. Their resonance with the Warp is so low that it'd be like trying to light a football stadium with a load of LEDs. That said, you could use the Farsight Enclaves as a beginning for them. IMO, the Ethereals are what repress Tau emotions through subtle control methods, as well as stringent secret police and an utter lack of personal privacy. There would be no clandestine meetings because that would require them to find a space to collect where no-one is watching, and with Drones watching the streets and a camera at every corner...

Perhaps the Farsight Enclaves would be the beginning of it. It's possible that Warp travel is what inflates a species' presence in the Warp and feeds their souls. Mankind didn't really start to have a large Psyker problem until several millennia after it had made Warp travel commonplace, after all.

06-09-2015, 05:42 PM
You're assuming that all they are interested in is their souls. Souls are one thing, tools are another. The Imperium has weapons that can lay waste to an entire planet, so why build Las-Pistols and knives? Because every tool has a use. I could come up with dozens of scenerios as to why each f the gods would want to use the Tau.

06-09-2015, 08:36 PM
You're assuming that all they are interested in is their souls. Souls are one thing, tools are another. The Imperium has weapons that can lay waste to an entire planet, so why build Las-Pistols and knives? Because every tool has a use. I could come up with dozens of scenerios as to why each f the gods would want to use the Tau.

True, but Humans are far more plentiful, easier to use, and can access the Warp (and I don't just mean as Psykers, I mean for Travel).

Not saying Chaos Tau is an impossibility or undesirable, just having more reasons NOT to use them than TO use them in most cases.

06-10-2015, 03:50 AM
You're assuming that all they are interested in is their souls. Souls are one thing, tools are another. The Imperium has weapons that can lay waste to an entire planet, so why build Las-Pistols and knives? Because every tool has a use. I could come up with dozens of scenerios as to why each f the gods would want to use the Tau.

Because despite the stereotype, the Imperium considers the loss of a planet to be a grievous wound - there are a finite number of habitable planets in the Imperium, but an inifinite number of men that can be thrown at the enemy to reclaim them. If the cost is a billion soldiers to reclaim a Forge World, the Imperium will pay it gladly.

You also don't understand the nature of the Warp. Khorne Berzerkers, when they fight, are filled with nothing but rage and bloodlust. Their souls burn with it, and this empowers Khorne. Desire and sensation empower Slaanesh, decay and stagnation Nurgle, and shifting change empowers Tzeentch. This is proportionate to the souls being used.

The effort to corrupt the Tau for the meager gains it would give wouldn't be worth a God's time. They don't enter the Warp, don't have Psykers and don't have souls worth noticing.

06-10-2015, 09:54 AM
This is easy to counter through the fluff – as the fluff says ‘there has never been any corrupted tau’. To counter the counter you can say ‘it’s a big universe’ or ‘these are the first’ or ‘it’s a tzeentch plan’ or almost anything ranging from the mildly plausible (if you ignore the fluff) to the raging bollocks.

But why should people object? You can paint your minis how you like and the rule of cool applies. The only thing people have an objection with using one list for another race, is not taking the rough with the smooth.

‘I think space wolves more accurately represent 40k World Eaters’ or ‘I use GK to be Thousand Sons’. This winds people up. So, other than rule of cool why would you do this? ‘Ah, for gameplay, I like my overcharged ion thingy and my support fire in overwatch – markerlights are the bomb. But I don’t want to play goody two-shoes tau commie fish people, I want the awesomeness of Chaos’.

Personally I think do what you like, don’t even bother with a mad backstory though ‘cos it aint fluffy in the slightest, you just crack on and stick some skulls on your manga suits.

06-10-2015, 10:24 AM
This is easy to counter through the fluff – as the fluff says ‘there has never been any corrupted tau’. To counter the counter you can say ‘it’s a big universe’ or ‘these are the first’ or ‘it’s a tzeentch plan’ or almost anything ranging from the mildly plausible (if you ignore the fluff) to the raging bollocks.

But why should people object? You can paint your minis how you like and the rule of cool applies. The only thing people have an objection with using one list for another race, is not taking the rough with the smooth.

‘I think space wolves more accurately represent 40k World Eaters’ or ‘I use GK to be Thousand Sons’. This winds people up. So, other than rule of cool why would you do this? ‘Ah, for gameplay, I like my overcharged ion thingy and my support fire in overwatch – markerlights are the bomb. But I don’t want to play goody two-shoes tau commie fish people, I want the awesomeness of Chaos’.

Personally I think do what you like, don’t even bother with a mad backstory though ‘cos it aint fluffy in the slightest, you just crack on and stick some skulls on your manga suits.

I like my armies to have a good back story that works with the overall fluff, even if I cross genra's. I end up putting a lot of research into my armies and their back stories. I've got lengthy backgrounds for my 'Halloween themed Eldar' army, my 'Star Wars Ork' army, Imperial 'Knights of the Round Table', or my 'Thousand Sons abusing captive Space Wolves' army.

06-10-2015, 10:33 AM
I remember when one of the Grey Knights/Daemonhunters books came out they did an article on why would Grey Knights fight each race. They had a Daemon Possessed Battlesuit Commander modeled up for the Tau. I took it to be that if a Tau leader is corrupted others will follow like lemmings. The whole Greater Good thing doesn't exactly encourage independent thought or initiative, and the Tau don't display the same selfish traits as humans. I suspect Tzeentch would like the challenge... plus the big T plays the long game. Who knows what strand of fate a corrupted Tau cadre may be used for in the future.

06-11-2015, 09:03 AM
3) The Tau have no psykers: Neither does Khorne, then again Erbus wasn't a psyker either, and let's not forget that the Death Guard didn't as well.

Typhus was always a psyker but was forced to hide his gifts because of Mortarion’s feelings about them. Still, Nurgle would be the easiest fit as though the Tau don’t relish in slaughter or excess; anyone can catch a plague. Especially a fleet from the 3rd expansion/outer fringes of “Tau space”.

MacKinley Johnston
06-11-2015, 10:31 AM
It does sort of go against the Tau theme, at least until hell freezes over and GW advances the 40k universe's plotline, however I have a couple ideas how it might work.

I agree with the reasoning that there is no reason for chaos gods to directly take an interest in the Tau as a race however that doesn't mean there aren't other chaotic entities who might be desperate enough to manipulate a few dissidents. Maybe a cadre leader, with or without the knowledge of his firewarriors, rebel or go rogue, and end up allying with some chaos marine warband or make a pact with a stranded daemon they happen upon out of necessity for survival and this begins their slow descent to a more chaosy lifestyle? Unwitting pawns drawn in and influenced by an alliance of necessity.

And maybe the reason why no tau have ever been corrupted is because that what the etherials want you to think! I mean, there's probably been a few renegades, some of which survived the inevitable purge, and without the numbers, resources and cunning of the Farsight enclaves, it would only be a matter of time before one is subjected to this specific kind of bad influence. Galaxy is full of em.

Evan Philip Taylor
06-11-2015, 10:32 AM
The Eldar have huge signatures in the warp. They a beacons that can be found very easily. Humans have a very small signature. Barely noticeable but because of how many humans exist, entire populations can be easily seen in the warp. The Tau do not and I repeat do not have any signature in the warp. The Tau literally have zero connection to the warp. The chaos gods can not corrupt them because the can communicate with them or contact them ordo anything. They are like anti-force creatures from star wars. Now I think that Tau machines can be possessed by chaos but possession of a weapon or a machine requires great rituals and sacrifice. I don't think the Tau would do that to one of their machines. But the possibility of corrupted Tau battlesuits is possible in the fluff.

06-11-2015, 11:17 AM
The problem with this scenario is that it is too much investment for next to no gain for the big gods. It is not affordable for the lesser ones.
You guys keep thinking that Chaos need an army. But they do not need an army. They already have an unlimited amount of warriors.
What they do need is fuel. Fuel to keep daemons in reality, fuel to feed on and fuel to make posessed work. This fuel is the spark of energy which is called soul. Tau do not have them or it is so insignificant that they enjoy near immunity from attacks of warp predators.
The Tau are basically a better alien version of the emperors vision. Atheistic and next to soulless. No food for you chaos gods.
If Tau would rule the galaxy Chaos would start to wither and die as there is nothing to feed on. They have to be eradicated as there is no failsafe to keep them in line (pacts).

Just because they can scheme, rage, rot, be sadistic or can be manipulated this does not mean they are of any use to the gods as they do not provide anything to them they could possibly need. They are a danger to them... and the Ethereals are probably gene engineered by the Eldar *cough*

06-11-2015, 12:10 PM
Indeed, Charon is right. It'd be like invading a heavily fortified planet just to grab a barrel of oil. The Dark Gods are vast and intelligent, and they aim for the biggest immediate reward for their efforts. After all, every moment spent glancing at reality is a moment away from the Great Game.

06-11-2015, 12:56 PM
Indeed, Charon is right. It'd be like invading a heavily fortified planet just to grab a barrel of oil. The Dark Gods are vast and intelligent, and they aim for the biggest immediate reward for their efforts. After all, every moment spent glancing at reality is a moment away from the Great Game.

exactly, they are vast and intelligent and understand a lot more then most. Everyone dismisses the Tau's potential for usefulness to Chaos, but some them play the long game. But the truth is, we don't know the long game, we don't know the value the Tau will have. Though the Tau offer little in the way of valuable souls, they do offer a huge stratigic advantage. Right now, its generally accepted that the Tau have little chance of turning to Chaos, so it would be regarded so that way from a military stand point. So from that perspective, its the prime place to start a daemon world. Turn Tau to Chaos worship, build a big enough daemon force, and one of two things happen. 1: It draws in those who are more desirable (the inquisition or even the Eldar) in an attempt to stamp out this new threat. 2: The rise of these forces goes unnoticed, and allows for a massive surprise daemonic excursion from an unprepared flank.

Not only that, but how many times has GW said that the Chaos gods are fickle, and sometimes they do things just because they find it amusing.

06-11-2015, 01:17 PM
The gods do not "think military" or give a **** about "stategic advantage". It is of no strategic use to throw a hundred Berzerkers against a fortified Base with no hope for them to ever get inside. Still Khorne likes it as it makes him stronger. Performing the same stunt with a suicidal tau commander does not grant him anything (and that is exactly the only one thing Khorne can do. The Gods are absolutely bound by their prime aspects and can't leave this track even if their existence depends on it) as there is nothing at all to feed off.
Tau Chaos Worship is pointless. While the worship of nearly any sentient species in the galaxy grants power to the gods, Chaos worship by Tau grants them nothing. Not even a tiny bit. They have no souls. No energy. No mojo.
You can't even turn the Tau homeworld into a Daemonworld as there is nothing to sustain the Daemonworld. You would need a "natural occuring Warpstorm" to do this. Even if every single Tau would ritually slaughter themself and offer his bloodie remains to Khorne it would simply do nothing but leaving a slimy bloodtrail everywhere. They can't summon daemons. No fuel.
On the other side Choas has nothing to offer. Immortality and limitless power as a Daemonprince (which is the prime reason every powerhungry idiot is turning to Chaos)? Not possible for the poor soulless buggers. Warp induced powers? Nope. Not gonna happen, there is no connection to the source.
The Chaos gods are so single minded that they can't stop playing their game. If the game ever had a winner (say, Khorne slaughters all his brothers because that is what he wants to do) Chaos would die.
If they could stick to a reality wide plan and do everything they want to and all of them were strategic prodigies, they would have won a long time ago as their powers are limitless and their armies unending. there is not "then they attack from an unexpected flank" not gonna happen. It is Chaos.

Don't get me wrong, Choas can influence Tau and make them more agressive, hedonistic,.. but this would not be a "corrupted Tau force" but rather a "misguided" Tau force. Think farsight enclave... thats about as "warpy" as it gets for Tau.

06-11-2015, 02:37 PM
What if the Ethereals are actually the prophets of Malal?

Marcus Calgar
06-11-2015, 02:46 PM
Is everyone forgetting that Tau are actually immune to chaos? there second codex stated that chaos can not corrupt them. which is why the theory is that the tau are actually the thirteenth dynasty of the Necrontyr who were also immune to chaos, hence the Star Gods chose them to wage there war against them. or am i the only one who remembers that?

06-11-2015, 02:52 PM
Malal was retconned out of existence due to copyright problems so this is higly unlikely and even then he is a warp god and even if he wants to kill all others really really really bad the tau are not helping. No daemon slaying warp power for you little Tau because I can't even ****ing see you... your soul is about as bright as a carbon atom hiding in a blackhole. Sorry no Daemon slaying daemon axe of daemon slaying for you either as the weapon can not eat your soul as you have none to eat.

Malal is currently as much canon as a homebrew race of space Lizardmen residing in the hollow holy terra and decorate the corpse of the emperor for a mysterious reason with baubles each year for a heretic festivity called Krismess.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
06-11-2015, 03:27 PM
Malal was retconned out of existenceThere exists a Chaos warband known as the Sons of Malice (referenced in the 4th ed. codex, and I believe they were in the Warband gallery for the 6th ed. 'dex?) who wear the colours of Malal, an unusual degree of their time is spent fighting other Chaos forces and they recently unleashed a powerful warp 'entity' named Malice, whose sacred number is 11 (the latter event taking place in the 2009 Heroes of the Space Marines anthology, short story, Labyrinth).

It seems the only thing lost to copyright was the name.

Asymmetrical Xeno
06-11-2015, 03:38 PM
Yeah, Malice is basicly Malal MKII - rather like the idea that Charistoph suggested!

06-11-2015, 04:15 PM
This might be off topic, but if the Tau are totally immune to chaos, do you think the Inquisitors would profit from using them? Heck not even hiring them or being allies with them (that might be possible, but let's not go there), but even manipulate the taus to go off fight where chaos are lingering? They aren't corruptible, and they fight pretty well, so they'd be able to kill off the chaos pretty well if possible, no?
And it might be possible for there to be a sole lingering tau warrior that an inquisitor might be able to pick up, and force or manipulate or persuade to be one of his/her retinue. that'd be helpful against chaos.

06-11-2015, 04:26 PM
Do you guys even read black library books?

Shadowsun and Farsight have BOTH been tempted by Khorne.
Farsight is arguably "handled" it. Shadow sun was freaking thinking and hearing kill maim burn in her head.

To sum up: Khorne tried to lure farsight and backfired. Shadowsun is heading headfirst into his open arms.

06-11-2015, 04:34 PM
Do you guys even read black library books?

Shadowsun and Farsight have BOTH been tempted by Khorne.
Farsight is arguably "handled" it. Shadow sun was freaking thinking and hearing kill maim burn in her head.

To sum up: Khorne tried to lure farsight and backfired. Shadowsun is heading headfirst into his open arms.

Which book, and who by?

Not saying you're wrong, it's just that while everything black library is canon, some things are more canon than others *CoughFUC.S.Gotocough*

06-11-2015, 08:38 PM
The tau have no presence in the warp whatsoever, for humans it was simply no human soul was powerful enough to make a influence in the warp but for tau they actually negate the warp. All of their ships travel through the use of FTL (Faster Than Light) and their communications use a similar method.

06-11-2015, 09:09 PM
Malal was retconned out of existence due to copyright problems so this is higly unlikely and even then he is a warp god and even if he wants to kill all others really really really bad the tau are not helping. No daemon slaying warp power for you little Tau because I can't even ****ing see you... your soul is about as bright as a carbon atom hiding in a blackhole. Sorry no Daemon slaying daemon axe of daemon slaying for you either as the weapon can not eat your soul as you have none to eat.

Malal is currently as much canon as a homebrew race of space Lizardmen residing in the hollow holy terra and decorate the corpse of the emperor for a mysterious reason with baubles each year for a heretic festivity called Krismess.

Using the Malal name was a joke, but the concept wasn't. As the Rev referenced, Malal's name was pretty much changed to Malice.

And while Tau are not very psychically present, what better way to kill off Chaos by filling the galaxy with Tau? (besides Tyranids and Necrons)

Chaos feeds off of the pychic emanations of sentients. While the Old Gods were around and the Eldar were running high, it was a veritable smorgasbord for the entities of the Warp, one reason why the Enslaver plague happened.

Now, translate it to where the Tau are in the position of where Humanity is in 40K, the Eldar are relegated to Legend like the Old Ones for Humanity, and Humanity is not but small (but otherwise powerful) remnants after having self-destructed and waned. The Warp is now looking at a rice cake buffet now, instead.

Oddly enough, the Chaos Warband I built way back actually was built on a similar presence, but their patron was Tzeentchian who had the desire to change the Warp to be poisonous to the Daemons by changing the psychic presence of humanity (it started with this warband). They actually liked working with Tau due some side effects of this change (psychic presences, even of normal humans, irritated them).

06-12-2015, 12:27 AM
Using the Malal name was a joke, but the concept wasn't. As the Rev referenced, Malal's name was pretty much changed to Malice.

And has not been mentioned ever again because the concept got ditched again.

And while Tau are not very psychically present, what better way to kill off Chaos by filling the galaxy with Tau? (besides Tyranids and Necrons)

Malal still wants only to kill the other gods. Not himself.

Chaos feeds off of the pychic emanations of sentients.

Which Tau do not have at all.

Now, translate it to where the Tau are in the position of where Humanity is in 40K, the Eldar are relegated to Legend like the Old Ones for Humanity, and Humanity is not but small (but otherwise powerful) remnants after having self-destructed and waned. The Warp is now looking at a rice cake buffet now, instead.

If you mean with rice cake "an completely empty buffet with only a few morsels (humans) still lying around" then you are right. Tau ain't no rice cake. They are NOTHING.

Oddly enough, the Chaos Warband I built way back actually was built on a similar presence, but their patron was Tzeentchian who had the desire to change the Warp to be poisonous to the Daemons by changing the psychic presence of humanity (it started with this warband). They actually liked working with Tau due some side effects of this change (psychic presences, even of normal humans, irritated them).

Whatever floats your boat... Eisenhorn had an Inquisitor trying to eradicate the Warp entirely. So why not. Still does not change the topic that Tau can't be corrupted as they have no soul to corrupt.
That still does not mean that they can't be used.
They just can't be pacted or eaten which makes them worthless as all warp power and all corruption comes with the mark on your soul... which tau do not have.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
06-12-2015, 02:20 AM
And has not been mentioned ever again because the concept got ditched again.:/ Plenty of minor parts of 40k lore go unmentioned for years, doesn't mean they've been ditched. If it isn't a significant part of the primary Codex armies, it probably won't get much fiction. Otherwise such concepts as Kroot Vultures or Exodite Knights would also be considered 'ditched'. Seeing as Malice was last mentioned in 2009, I'd say he's very much on the table.

Concepts in 40k don't really have a shelf-life, especially when, like Malice, they're included in fiction that's still sold by Games-workshop to this day.

Edit: On the topic of Chaos Tau - if exposure to the warp can grant swords, vehicles and rocks tentacles, eyes and gibbering maws, I'd imagine that even the Tau whose souls barely register in the Warp would still be susceptible to Chaos corruption. It'd take a lot more than humans, who fall to Chaos if you look at 'em funny (seriously, there was briefly a 40k-era Nurgle cult on Terra), but toss 'em in a warp storm or whatever and boom.

Path Walker
06-12-2015, 04:05 AM
Tau have a very dull souls that don't burn bright in the Warp, some burn stronger than others though, and remember, Farsight used a sword that draws life from its victim and adds it to the wielder and killed a Bloodthirster with it. He's been tainted enough that were he Imperial, he'd have a bolt round in his head.

The Gods want souls, they claim the sould of thier worshippers but also those that are killed in their name, Slannesh could pervert the Tau into killing Eldar and destorying soul stones to feed on them, Khone could use them to slaughter thousands of souls in His name.

Its possible, its a big Galaxy and everything that could possibly go wrong is going wrong. Saying "no" is the death of a good story.

06-12-2015, 04:29 AM
Its possible, its a big Galaxy and everything that could possibly go wrong is going wrong. Saying "no" is the death of a good story.

I dunno, someone saying, "no," to CS Goto would have been the death of a few bad ones, too.

06-12-2015, 06:15 AM
I like the idea of Chaos affecting the Tau. Let all four of the gods have a go at them and if that fails, develop a new god. I think there are some really good ideas for mutating the Tau to fit the needs of the gods. Take what you know of your favorite god and mutate a Tau soldier and see what you get. 😁

06-12-2015, 09:19 AM
Malal still wants only to kill the other gods. Not himself.

Malal/Malice represents the self-destructive tendencies of Chaos. So, yeah, it would off itself if it would off the others.

Which Tau do not have at all.

If you mean with rice cake "an completely empty buffet with only a few morsels (humans) still lying around" then you are right. Tau ain't no rice cake. They are NOTHING.

Now you are starting to get the concept. You are a little off on how much the Tau bring to the Warp, but not by much. If the Tau were the dominant species of the galaxy in numbers, it would be famine time for Chaos. It would be the same as if there was only one field operated by one farmer with 1940s technology that grew food for the entire world, or everyone had a a one liter pot to grow all their food with. It could work for some, but most the world would die of starvation.

I dunno, someone saying, "no," to CS Goto would have been the death of a few bad ones, too.

True. But not everyone is C.S. Goto.