View Full Version : Lady Malys (DE Archon with Djinn-Blade)

06-08-2015, 03:41 AM
I still love the Dark Eldar-characters from the 5th Ed. Codex and way back I made a Duke Sliscus-mini out of surplous Kabalite Warrior-bits ... now I got some time on my hand while I am waiting from the Greenstuff on my Wraithknight to dry (remodeling parts of the shoulder to fit the Sword-arm after the Sun Cannon arm could not be removed gently - if I can't play it in games that don't allow LoW, I might just as well go for a weapon with that limited use), I figured I could take a go building another DE Archon

- Legs are from a Dire Avengers-spure I had laying around since ... forever (used their helmets from my Trueborn and canabalized them further for my Iyanden Guardian Defenders);
- Torso is from a Wytch-crew;
- Arms are both from the Wytches, as is the "cape";
- Helmet-plume is from the DA Exarch;
- Helmet itself from the Kabalite Warriors
- The Lady's Blade/Djinn-Blade is from a 3rd party-kit (I'm using parts of it to build the Spiritseer-character from Iyanden, her names escapes me right now)
- the Fan was made from Wytch-knives.

There might still be some Greenstuff-work to be done.

The pose was intended to make her look like she is a fight, ready to recieve an enemy attack and then to counter it with her blade.

I apologize ahead of time for the quality of the pictures .... my digital camera got lost while I was moving recently, so only smartphone pics for now...

http://i1020.photobucket.com/albums/af321/0rph3u5/My%20Tabletop-Models/th_Malys3_zpswfhaesfc.jpg (http://s1020.photobucket.com/user/0rph3u5/media/My%20Tabletop-Models/Malys3_zpswfhaesfc.jpg.html)
http://i1020.photobucket.com/albums/af321/0rph3u5/My%20Tabletop-Models/th_Malys2_zpszwqarztu.jpg (http://s1020.photobucket.com/user/0rph3u5/media/My%20Tabletop-Models/Malys2_zpszwqarztu.jpg.html)
http://i1020.photobucket.com/albums/af321/0rph3u5/My%20Tabletop-Models/th_Malys1_zpslmqsawgf.jpg (http://s1020.photobucket.com/user/0rph3u5/media/My%20Tabletop-Models/Malys1_zpslmqsawgf.jpg.html)

So BoLS-community, what do you think?

06-09-2015, 04:15 PM
Not a fan of the helmet... But the cape is an amazingly clever idea. Nice one. :)

06-09-2015, 04:27 PM
definitely an interesting idea, some cool bits used.

06-13-2015, 12:59 AM
No one anywhere seems to like the Helmet ... okay I will try something else there...

08-15-2015, 06:49 AM
I do like the helmet, but maybe it does not feel very Lady Malys. Great conversion.

The Madman
08-15-2015, 04:50 PM
I think the problem is that the helmet is more craftwordly then Dark especially the helmet plume compared to the rest of the model. other wise I like the pose and using the net as a cloak was a good idea.