View Full Version : A one point model?

06-06-2015, 08:22 PM
So I've been thinking: 'Nid swarm armies are pretty much a thing of the past. It's simply not cost effective. That gave me an idea.

Giving the 'Nids a one point model, called a Swarmling.

The stat line I was considering:

WS 1, BS 0, S 2, T 2, I 1, W 1, A 1, Ld 5, Sv -

Infiltrate, Unending swarm, Fragile, Instinctive behavior (feed) (plus any other standard 'nid rules)

Squad size 20-50.

Unending swarm: When a unit of Swarmlings is completely destroyed, another unit of equal size enters ongoing reserves.

Fragile: Almost any blow that connects with a Swarmling is likely to be lethal. All failed wounds against Swarmlings must be rerolled.


06-06-2015, 08:44 PM
That's bloody genius!

06-06-2015, 09:04 PM
Basic termy model, or ripper bases?

I could see using 10 mm bases as well for something.

06-06-2015, 09:12 PM
Basic termy model, or ripper bases?

I could see using 10 mm bases as well for something.

Probably a basic model. 10 mm bases might be a good way to go too.

Of course, since this is more or less at the "do people think this is a good idea" stage there's nothing remotely set in stone about this.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
06-06-2015, 11:23 PM
Solid idea overall, plus, having lots of individually based models makes for a more satisfying hoard than swarm bases like Rippers do. One small suggestion on this rule;

Fragile: Almost any blow that connects with a Swarmling is likely to be lethal. All failed wounds against Swarmlings must be rerolled.Mandating that (usually) 1/6 of hits be re-rolled would significantly slow down play for models that would be taken in such great numbers. I'd advise tweaking it to "Fragile: Any successful Strength 4 or greater hit against this model Wounds automatically."

As for bases, going smaller than 15mm might become awkward to handle. Since they're have no Save and would need to be quick and easy to paint, I suppose the model would have no/very little carapace to paint, just flesh.

06-07-2015, 12:00 AM
Solid idea overall, plus, having lots of individually based models makes for a more satisfying hoard than swarm bases like Rippers do. One small suggestion on this rule;
Mandating that (usually) 1/6 of hits be re-rolled would significantly slow down play for models that would be taken in such great numbers. I'd advise tweaking it to "Fragile: Any successful Strength 4 or greater hit against this model Wounds automatically."

While I do like the idea of wounds automatically for S 4+, the initial reason I went with rerolls is so that IG, poisoned weapons ect could reliably mow these guys down in big, satisfying volleys. Maybe combining the two, so S 4+ weapons automatically wound and everything else rerolls?

One strength of this modified rule is that it means that small armies with guns that are, in the fluff, supposed to be devastating (EG space marine tactical squads) will tear massive, impressive-looking chunks out of the unit with every volley and feel like total badasses. Likewise, in close combat space marines will be smashing swarmlings to paste left and right but will slowly be worn down by sheer weight of numbers unless their allies can take out the synapse creatures nearby, at which point the battle will turn very quickly.

What I really like about the idea of Swarmlings is they allow for massive cinematic waves of 'Nids to run in and die to the enemy while not taking points away from the big scary monsters that every 'Nid army should have as a backbone. It also gives the other player something that they can kill en mass, always a satisfying feeling, and then the dead squads are replaced by another swarm coming in from the flanks (Infiltrate gives outflank :)) to really give the feel of an endless swarm encircling the defenders.

Given the design principle is to make a very cinematic unit that's both fun to play and fun to play against, would a rule like "Spray and Pray: Overwatch attacks against Swarmlings are made at +1 ballistic skill to standard overwatch" be too much, or would it add to the whole feel that however many you kill, there are more coming?

EDIT: altered wording on proposed "Spray and Pray" rule to avoid ambiguity. Am not simply making it "Overwatch is made at BS 2" because I want it to stack with other abilities that alter overwatch effectiveness.

Path Walker
06-08-2015, 12:10 PM
The potential for abuse is huge but I really like the idea, I'd make Fragile say: "Any successful hits automatically wound a unit with this Special Rule" to speed this up, at T2 with a reroll most things are wounding it, and the idea of them locking up units in CC when they're fearless thanks to synapse and the enemy just can't put out enough wounds is scary

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
06-08-2015, 02:09 PM
I'd argue against buffing the opponent's overwatch - considering the increasing amount of overwatch-buff abilities out there, you start to risk a unit's overwatch being superior to its normal shooting.

I'd be down for fragile just being an auto-wound, albeit with a caveat of "Any successful hit against this model which could inflict a Wound, Wounds automatically." - just to stop stuff like Markerlights killing them.

06-08-2015, 03:24 PM
"If successfully hit by a model or a weapon with a S-value of 2 or higher, a model with the Fragile rule suffers one wound without having to roll to wound, unless a roll is required for a special rule to take effect."

no re-roll required and should have a nice flow to in-game

06-08-2015, 04:11 PM
Sweet Jesus imagine the movement phases...

06-08-2015, 08:51 PM
Sweet Jesus imagine the movement phases...

Let's see. 100 points and two troops choices gets you 100 models. Plenty of cannon fodder there. Floods of little critters scurrying around the feet of the monstrous creatures feels right for the army. Granted, it'll take a while to move them all, but you've got all day right?

06-09-2015, 02:50 AM
Let's see. 100 points and two troops choices gets you 100 models. Plenty of cannon fodder there. Floods of little critters scurrying around the feet of the monstrous creatures feels right for the army. Granted, it'll take a while to move them all, but you've got all day right?

Not normally, no. Plus it defeats the main advantage of <500pt games, (speed.) It's a cool idea mind, but it'd get so very tedious so very quickly, shovelling models off the table and swarming them up. I can see it being fun now and then, but not as a regular thing.

06-09-2015, 03:04 AM
Not normally, no. Plus it defeats the main advantage of <500pt games, (speed.) It's a cool idea mind, but it'd get so very tedious so very quickly, shovelling models off the table and swarming them up. I can see it being fun now and then, but not as a regular thing.

This is a valid point, and it's also a very good point for tournaments. I still think that 'Nids should have an option like this, as it fits thematically, but I'd suggest that a gentleman's agreement not to use them in small games would quickly become necessary. (much like taking 2 squads of rangers, a bare bones autarch, and a wraithknight in a 500 point game will probably get you blacklisted).

06-09-2015, 07:49 AM
It's a good idea in theory but would be ripe with abuses in practice. Take 3x full size units and spread them all into a line in front of your army, place venomthropes behind them, gain instant cover save for your entire advancing army.

Horde nids exist, they're just terrible as you've got to run gaunts, and lots of them. I'll agree that thematically, nids are most likely one of the hardest armies to portray in a 2k game but I just can't see a unit like this being any more than a beer and pretzels thing like the old VDR or the special warlord chart that came out a while back in 6th.

06-09-2015, 10:26 AM
Eh, just sounds like it would get annoying and take up too much space.

I would rather just make termagants, hormagaunts and rippers better, it's silly to make a new unit when there are already units that are supposed to fill the role. I still take termagants and hormagaunts because I like to, but in terms of what is actually better gargoyles are superior to both almost all of the time.

06-09-2015, 02:29 PM
"If successfully hit by a model or a weapon with a S-value of 2 or higher, a model with the Fragile rule suffers one wound without having to roll to wound, unless a roll is required for a special rule to take effect."

If that is the case then what about poisoned weapons? eg. splinter rifle is S-1?

Arkhan Land
06-09-2015, 03:39 PM
this might be the time for movement trays to be used in 40k, or perhaps magentized big ovals?

06-09-2015, 06:49 PM
Isnt this just ripper swarms?

I never understood why people dont play those more....

Arkhan Land
06-10-2015, 11:17 PM
Isnt this just ripper swarms?

I never understood why people dont play those more....


14 dollars a pop or you have to mine lots and lots and lots of sprues, by the time you've built two army boxes you have enough to make a few swarms even the fancies that can shoot. I personally used to use them a great deal but then eventually cut them out to enhance gameplay speed...