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View Full Version : 2000pts Competetive IG List - Please Comment!

03-03-2010, 06:00 PM
Pretty Straightforward:

Company Command Squad w/ 3 x Plasmagun, Plasma Pistol, Officer of the Fleet, Astropath, Vox-Caster
Chimera w/ Heavy Flamer, Multilaser

Platoon Command Squad w/ 3 x Flamer, Vox-Caster
Chimera w/ Heavy Flamer, Multilaser
Squad 1 w/ Autocannon
Squad 2 w/ Autocannon
Squad 3 w/ Autocannon, Comissar w/ Power Weapon, Vox-Caster

Platoon Command Squad w/ 3 x Flamer, Vox-Caster
Chimera w/ Heavy Flamer, Multilaser
Squad 1 w/ Lascannon
Squad 2 w/ Lascannon
Squad 3 w/ Lascannon, Comissar w/ Power Weapon, Vox-Caster

Veterans w/ 3 x Meltagun, Demolitions

Veterans w/ 3 x Meltagun, Demolitions

Fast Attack
Valkyrie w/ Rocket Pods

Fast Attack
Valkyrie w/ Rocket Pods

Heavy Support
Leman Russ Demolisher w/ Hull Heavy Flamer

Heavy Support
Leman Russ Executioner w/Plasma Cannon Sponsons, Hull Heavy Flamer

Heavy Support
2 x Hydra w/ Hull Heavy Flamer

Lord Azaghul
03-04-2010, 07:28 AM
Like you said: pretty straight forward.
While you're at it you might as well change the valks to vendettas, just like everybody else!:p

03-04-2010, 11:56 AM
I am just curious - why has there been the sudden shift to Vendettas? Seems like it would be tougher to destroy hordes etc.

Lord Azaghul
03-04-2010, 01:09 PM
I peronally am a purponet of valks. But since the model (either variant) doesn't see to have a long life once it hits the table, I think the vendetta is a bit more 'bang for your buck'. With the new rise in MC's TL LC seems more effective vs MC and Mech.

Horde: I think mortar teams and flamers are actually more effective then the valk. Not to mention things like the demolisher and executioner seem better for handling horse

03-05-2010, 06:00 PM
I'm also conflicted about Demolishers vs. Standard Leman Russ. It's becoming increasingly my opinion that the range is more useful than the higher strength.