View Full Version : Crazy idea based on Battlescribe

Hendrik Booraem VI
06-01-2015, 09:04 AM
So Battlescribe has, I think, an aspect of the tactical marines wrong. If so, please disregard the entire rest of this post. Under the Tactical Marine squad, Battlescribe offers the option for any number of models to replace their bolter with a chainsword, free.

I looked at this and thought "Hmm. I could have a tactical squad divided into assault AND devastators. For combat patrol..."

So I came up with this list:

- Librarian, force sword, bolter.

- 5x scouts, 4 with sniper rifles, 1 sergeant with bolter.

- 10x tactical marines, 5 with chainswords and bolt pistols, plasma gun, multi-melta, sergeant with plasma pistol and meltabombs. Drop pod.

Fast Attack
- Land Speeder with two heavy bolters mounted.

My basic idea was to combat squad the tac squad into a 5-man "assault" squad and attach the librarian to them. The other five (with the plasma pistol, multi-melta, and plasma gun) go in the drop pod as reserves with the land speeder. At deployment, the scouts, the assault squad and the librarian are the only things that have to be put on the table. The scouts go near any static objective that has cover they can hide in. The assault squad goes relatively close by the scouts. The plasma squad drops near the heaviest enemy vehicle/unit when it's available, and the land speeder drops in where it can hose down any swarm unit. When the enemy starts getting close to the scouts, the assault squad charges, or if that doesn't become an issue, the assault squad moves to capture whatever objective is in the middle area, while the plasma squad or the land speeder goes for Linebreaker.

I was so excited about the possibility of doing this that I'm planning on making magnetized assault marines (magnetized backpacks, so I can swap from jump packs to standard packs).